Kat Loves Yoga

About Kat Loves Yoga

Are you open to more natural methods of healing yourself?

This is a space for creative wellness events and experiences

Please like this page to hear about upcoming yoga, healing, nutrition events and massage offers

Kat Loves Yoga Description

Welcome, I’m Kat a 500hr qualified mixed style yoga teacher, I have been practising since 14yrs.

The energy of the practise I teach is joyful and creative and tailored to the appropriate needs of whatever group I am teaching to. As a practicing massage therapist, I have a deep awareness of the mind / body connection, and how to heal and nuture both.

I trained in India where I taught, as well as teaching in several luxury European locations, before coming back to U. K. to share this priceless and effective wisdom. I am passionate about health and vitality, and the empowerment and enlightenment of the planet.

I love to collaborate and create inclusive events with like minded people.



What is love❓- How do you define it❓- Some words that come up for me are: Integrity / Connection / Generousity / Eternal / Service / Compassion / Truth / God / Energy / Shakti / Life - Would love to hear your descriptions❓💞#love #service #enlightenment #connection #integrity #truth #eternal #generousity #compassion #god #energy #shakti #life


Thank you sister for your beautiful moving note - I’m so lucky to have a sister like you to be there to remind me of who I really am - we all tend to forget from time to time don’t we❓🦋💛🌈 #sisters #moonsisters #witch #hope #friends #gratitude @ Brimpton


Feeling Zen in LA LA Land #zen #losangeles #megasuccess #zeninthecity


How to change your emotional state❓- Dance Dance Dance 💃 #Tantra #transformationofenergy #transformation #mastery #dance #kundalinidance #megasuccessjtfoxx #anaheim #coachingdevelopment


3rd Day in LA for #megasuccess 🎉🎉🎉🎉 #alaughaminute #joy #adventure #entrepreneurship #travel #california


🌈Katherine says . . . . ‘RELAX’ - it’s Friday 💛💫💛 #fridayvibes #relax


‘Be like the lotus. Let the beauty of your heart speak. Be grateful to the mud, water, air and the light.’ - Amit Ray 🌸6 lotus flowers are starting to bloom tonight at my 6 week beginners Kundalini yoga course @wasingwellbeing - will you join us❓💛🕉🌸 #lotus #bloom #yoga #kundalini #dance #manifest #joy #community #selflove


Kundallini beginners course starting tomorrow - I’m wetting my pants with excitement for what will unfold for us all - you are still not too late to join us tomorrow from 18:30 at the Garden Room @wasingwellbeing Would you love to start your Halloween with some self love❓💞👻 🎃 🧙🏻‍♀️ #joy #yoga #kundalini #faithinyourself #transformation #live #laugh #love #selflove


Only 2 days until the ultimate Kundalini course starts @wasingwellbeing will you join us for 6 weeks of a life altering adventure together❓💞 #togetherwearestronger #together #empathy #womenscirles #womenscircle #letstalk #yoga #spirituality #nuture #community #belong #love #selflove #kundallini #kundalinidance #livelaughlove


Come and be inspired by my upcoming 6 week Kundallini Beginners Course @wasingwellbeing this coming Wednesday #Empowermemt #spirituality #spiritualawakening #kundalini #kundaliniawakening #kundalinidance #radicalselflove #radicalhonesty #radicalacceptance


I’ve lived with many zen masters, all of them cats - Ekhart Tole #zen #enlightenment #cats #yoga #spirituality


Give peace a chance ☮️ - come to my fantastic 6 week journey of Kundallini transformation in a beautiful countryside setting; https://www.facebook.com/events/213770117 6494058/?ti=icl


Thanks @clairemissingham for a beautiful sacred Sadhana today and sharing this sacred and powerful mantra 🙏


On Friendship 🙏 #friendship #friendships #iloveyousister


Today’s just rewards at Hessian cafe Leeds - a well earned Vegan delight after my first jog of the trillenium - is trillenium a word? . . . . Answers appreciated pls, I’m dyslexic 💛 #vegan #leedsrestaurants #yum #firstjoginmonths #beetroothummus @ HESSIAN


‘I have lived with several zen masters - all of them cats’ 🐈 - Eckhart Tolle . . . . #zen #cats #zencat #spirituality #meditation #enlightenment #prrrrr #ilovecats #zensunday


Dear ladies / goddess’s - everyday let’s remind ourselves of who we really are! This is one of the ways I do that with my travel shrine, where I give prayer and devotion- to / for what? It doesn’t really matter, our friends our neighbours our dog, the planet, Krishna, Allah, Jesus, Mary. Isn’t the most important thing that we take time to contemplate, give gratitude and create space in our lives, for our highest self to shine?💫 Have a wonderful Saturday all 💛 #devotional #spirituality #prayer #selflove #conciousness #oneness #gratitude

More about Kat Loves Yoga

Kat Loves Yoga is located at Flat 9, Karen House, N16 9DX London, United Kingdom