Katherine Bellchambers Medical Herbalist

About Katherine Bellchambers Medical Herbalist

Medical Herbalist Specialising in hormonal health for all.
I work with people of all genders and specialise in menstrual and menopausal problems.

Katherine Bellchambers Medical Herbalist Description

This page is a resource for people who are interested in herbal medicine, herbs and the local environment of Nottingham. Katherine Bellchambers the Medical Herbalist is qualified to BSc level and fully insured to practice. Information on this page is not a subsitute for advice from a qualified medical practitioner and should not be regarded as such. In case of shortness of breath or chest pain call 999 for emergency services.



Beautiful camomile. First aid for eyes but also for your gut! Easy to find and a safe yet powerful remedy.


https://www.facebook.com/705469832/posts/ 10156349847659833/ If you cherish medical herbalism and the right to use traditional remedies please think about supporting this.


When i joined the National Institute of Medical Herbalists 9 years ago, a year after i qualified, along with 23 others I took this oath. It is a form of the hypocratic oath and ultimately it boils down to "1st do no harm" it is couched in old fashioned language but is very precise. The word holy is used in its secular form to mean sacred and pure. It was an emotional moment for me as a newly qualified herbalist and taking my oath before hundreds of professional herbalists wh...o already lived by it gave me a tremendous sense of continuity. I thought I'd share this with you.
I solemnly promise that I will keep this affirmation and this stipulation – to follow the profession of herbal medicine according to my ability and judgment for the benefit of my patients – and to abstain from all that is deleterious and mischievous. I will give no deadly medicine to anyone if asked, nor suggest such counsel. With purity and holiness will I pass my life and practise my art. Into whatever houses I enter, I will go into them for the benefit of the sick – and will abstain from any voluntary act of mischief or corruption. Whatever in connection with my professional practice or not in connection with it, I see or hear in the life of any person which ought not to be spoken of abroad – I will not divulge, as reckoning all such should be kept secret. While I continue to keep this affirmation inviolate, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and the practice of herbal medicine, respected by all persons in all times.
The herb in the picture is bistort. But more of her another day.
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Do something radical in 2019 and take responsibility for your health! https://www.facebook.com/705469832/posts/ 10156321212974833/


Happy New Year However you celebrate. Wishing you peace, love and good health.


If you are feeling a need for something more than chocolate and made for TV movies you may be in need of nature. Medicine for the soul.


When invited to a Harry Potter themed party what else would a herbalist go as? Professor Sprout Herbology Tutor at your service! I think Professor McGonagal has views on this...


Had a lovely day at Minor Oak CoWorking with friends old and new


The words of the herbalist who mentored me through my final exams.


Hi folks. This is a silly goose announcement. I fell down some stairs two weeks ago (not paying attention) and cracked a couple of ribs. The pain and the haze from the pain meds mean I've been quite unwell. If I have missed your message or forgotten to do something I proised please let me know. I'm just catching up but may miss a few things. Kindest regards Katherine xx


Lest we forget


Record keeping is an essential part of herbal practice. I have to know exactly what's in your medicine so today i'm booking in a new order of herbs.


My first facebook live!!! Hello.


Results like this, make me a VERY happy Lady! Pregnant at last! #Fertility #Hormones #IUI #IVF #Pregnancy #Pregnant #Conceiving #FertilityTreatment #HerbalMedicine #Herbs # NaturalRemedies https://buff.ly/2zUExBO


#Cortisol is the main #stress hormone but is also essential for every day functioning. Its normal upswing in the morning makes you feel awake and alert and reduces discomfort and pain. However over time if this builds up it leads to wakefulness at the wrong time of day and inability to sleep well as well as other issues like palpitations and #anxiety. #HerbalMedicine #NaturalRemedies #Herbs #NottinghamHerbalist https://buff.ly/2yjGfe9


Name that herb and what is it good for? https://buff.ly/2pFFmIQ #HerbalMedicine #NaturalRemedies #Medicine #NottinghamHerbalist


It's question time! Fire away, ask me anything about Herbal Medicine. https://buff.ly/2RvAl2c #HerbalMedicine #NaturalMedicine #Medicine #Herbs #NottinghamHerbalist


#Elderflower has been used for centuries as a flavoursome drink but has many traditional medicinal uses. #CommonCold #Colds #Flu #HerbalMedicine #Medicine #NaturalRemedies https://buff.ly/2RvAl2c


Datura stramonium, thorn apple, jimson weed, devils trumpet and moon flower. Jimson weed is a contraction of Jamestown weed. Datura appears to come from hindi but is not found before 1700s so where its name comes from appears to be unclear.
A member of the belladonna tribe and as such poisonous in too great a dose, controlled under schedule 20 of the human medicines regulation 2012 like henbane and atropa belladonna, it contains tropane alkaloids.and can be psycho active. Tro...pane alkaloids have many effects.
They are effective midriatics (ie they cause dilatation of the pupils) cause dry mouth and reduce digestive secretions. They also inhibit muscle spasm and can be effective in treatmemt of night sweats in menopause though belladonna is a better choice for this (And should only be prescribed by a medical herbalist).
Datura is useful in low doses, 1ml per day or less, to treat bronchospasm in acute asthma and to release bladder spasm in MS. I have prevented the need for hospital admissions in acute asthma by using drop doses of datura but you have to be very careful and other herbs are a better first line in all cases.
This specimen was growing on a heap of building waste round the corner from my home. Its now in the pot by my front door!!!
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Wonderful lady.. menopause support spot on.. �Xx


This woman is a genius - don't hesitate to get in touch with her for help she is amazing :)


Thank you Katherine Bellchambers-Wilson for your help. You are a very knowledgeable herbalist, and I would recommended you to anybody.


Katherine’s advice has been invaluable this last 24 hours. My son has had an awful tummy bug. After following Katherine’s advice he is in less discomfort for which I’m so grateful. I’ve learnt so much! Including how to make my own diarolyte! Thank you Katherine. I will be sure to recommend you to others too xx


Katherine told me she would get me Pregnancy in 3 months! And she did! 3 months!!! After the long hard struggle we had been through ourselves, this was quick! Must quicker than IUI, IVF or any other option given to me and a fraction of the cost too. Not just in price but in emotions and no nasty chemicals in my body.

I wanted to take the natural choice as much as possible and this suited what I believe in. Herbs/plants heal the body therefore my body did then what it was meant too do!

I cannot thank Katherine enough. She is extremely knowledgable and compassionate and can advice on all sorts of other things too! She a super wise women of the world. And her talents needs sharing far and wide. Thank you Katherine xxx


Katherine is so approachable and full of wisdom that will help you feel better in so many ways. She is caring and passionate and it shows in all her work. I highly recommend her.


Katherine is incredibly knowledgeable and friendly. Impeccable customer service and help with even the most intimate of issues! I'd 100% recommend to everyone.


Katherine is brilliant! She is SO knowledgeable and I trust her implicitly. Plus she is a wonderfully warm and kind person! For years and years I'd been experiencing a nonspecific unwellness whenever I'd been through a period of stress and anxiety. Blood tests and GP consultations didn't unearth anything so I thought I'd give something different a try and I'm so glad I did! After a course of treatment with Katherine I haven't had a recurrence of the unwellness in over a year (and I've definitely had some pretty stressful times in that period!) I really can't recommend Katherine enough ��


Katherine is an incredibly skilled and compassionate practitioner, with a deep and scientific knowledge of medical herbalism. She's thorough when diagnosing and advising, importantly, never tries to persuade anyone against using pharmaceutical medicine, but works with them to find a treatment.


Katherine has helped me massively to manage the pain and inflammation associated with my long term injury.


Katherine Bellchambers Wilson spent so much time with me listening to me pour out my heart, referring people to me to help with various life struggles, she knows everyone and is really professional and helpful sorting me out my own personal blend of herbal medicine. She is so caring and understand and I wanted to say thank you for all you help and kind listening ear


I met Katherine at a party and overheard her conversation with someone, in which she mentioned that she can make a herbal remedy for hay fever. My partner suffers from hay fever, and we are about to get married (in peak hay fever season, so this is a concern!...) - and I thought, great, I'll order whatever it is and see if it does anything for him. I thought, it's surely got to be better than those antihistamines that make you drowsy and say they increase your risk of getting Alzheimer's.

So I approached her and got her to make me 200ml of her herbal medicine. My partner was initially skeptical (along the lines of, what even is a herbalist, and - that doesn't sound like it will work) - until he met Katherine and she discussed with him how her medicines work (and then he was like 'Your herbalist knows what she's talking about!') :) I didn't know if he went on to actually take the medicine regularly, but I left him to it.

So the other day I went to my optician for a contact lens check. He mentioned to me that my eyelids have been slightly swollen, and uttered the dreaded words: 'YOU HAVE HAY FEVER'. Now, I have never, ever been affected by silly things like pollen and flowers. I pride myself on not being defeated by such things. But apparently, the pollen is so bad that EVEN I am having symptoms. (And I do NOT want to be swollen-eyelids-bride!...) Optician said to get myself some antihistamines and take them over the next few days. I immediately thought - hang on, I may have something better at home...

That evening, I told my partner what the optician had said about the pollen count being awful this year. He said 'I'm actually feeling great today and haven't noticed!... But then, I've been taking my medicine from Katherine' :)

So here I am, have taken my 5ml of herbal hay fever remedy (am sharing partner's stash for now) and I would just like to tell you all that Katherine is amazing and I recommend her wholeheartedly.

If you have been having symptoms, I would not wait much longer before you book yourself a consultation!... Here's to not sneezing! ...


I approached Katherine because I wanted a natural and beneficial way of dealing with stress and the way poor sleep was leaving me feeling. I'd never used herbal tinctures before but Katherine's in depth knowledge and friendly approach meant that I felt very safe. Katherine is now my first port of call for all sorts of things emotional and physical. A wonderful lady I would highly recommend seeing.


Had a dry, hoarse cough, with loss of voice. Headed downstairs at 2.30am this morning. Took two tsps of Katherine's magic Thyme Liquorice Syrup. Instant relief and throat feels great today. Thanks Katherine. Kevin Booth The Nottingham Physiotherapist


Wonderful lady.. menopause support spot on.. �Xx


This woman is a genius - don't hesitate to get in touch with her for help she is amazing :)


Thank you Katherine Bellchambers-Wilson for your help. You are a very knowledgeable herbalist, and I would recommended you to anybody.


Katherine’s advice has been invaluable this last 24 hours. My son has had an awful tummy bug. After following Katherine’s advice he is in less discomfort for which I’m so grateful. I’ve learnt so much! Including how to make my own diarolyte! Thank you Katherine. I will be sure to recommend you to others too xx


Katherine told me she would get me Pregnancy in 3 months! And she did! 3 months!!! After the long hard struggle we had been through ourselves, this was quick! Must quicker than IUI, IVF or any other option given to me and a fraction of the cost too. Not just in price but in emotions and no nasty chemicals in my body.

I wanted to take the natural choice as much as possible and this suited what I believe in. Herbs/plants heal the body therefore my body did then what it was meant too do!

I cannot thank Katherine enough. She is extremely knowledgable and compassionate and can advice on all sorts of other things too! She a super wise women of the world. And her talents needs sharing far and wide. Thank you Katherine xxx


Katherine is so approachable and full of wisdom that will help you feel better in so many ways. She is caring and passionate and it shows in all her work. I highly recommend her.


Katherine is incredibly knowledgeable and friendly. Impeccable customer service and help with even the most intimate of issues! I'd 100% recommend to everyone.


Katherine is brilliant! She is SO knowledgeable and I trust her implicitly. Plus she is a wonderfully warm and kind person! For years and years I'd been experiencing a nonspecific unwellness whenever I'd been through a period of stress and anxiety. Blood tests and GP consultations didn't unearth anything so I thought I'd give something different a try and I'm so glad I did! After a course of treatment with Katherine I haven't had a recurrence of the unwellness in over a year (and I've definitely had some pretty stressful times in that period!) I really can't recommend Katherine enough ��


Katherine is an incredibly skilled and compassionate practitioner, with a deep and scientific knowledge of medical herbalism. She's thorough when diagnosing and advising, importantly, never tries to persuade anyone against using pharmaceutical medicine, but works with them to find a treatment.


Katherine has helped me massively to manage the pain and inflammation associated with my long term injury.


Katherine Bellchambers Wilson spent so much time with me listening to me pour out my heart, referring people to me to help with various life struggles, she knows everyone and is really professional and helpful sorting me out my own personal blend of herbal medicine. She is so caring and understand and I wanted to say thank you for all you help and kind listening ear


I met Katherine at a party and overheard her conversation with someone, in which she mentioned that she can make a herbal remedy for hay fever. My partner suffers from hay fever, and we are about to get married (in peak hay fever season, so this is a concern!...) - and I thought, great, I'll order whatever it is and see if it does anything for him. I thought, it's surely got to be better than those antihistamines that make you drowsy and say they increase your risk of getting Alzheimer's.

So I approached her and got her to make me 200ml of her herbal medicine. My partner was initially skeptical (along the lines of, what even is a herbalist, and - that doesn't sound like it will work) - until he met Katherine and she discussed with him how her medicines work (and then he was like 'Your herbalist knows what she's talking about!') :) I didn't know if he went on to actually take the medicine regularly, but I left him to it.

So the other day I went to my optician for a contact lens check. He mentioned to me that my eyelids have been slightly swollen, and uttered the dreaded words: 'YOU HAVE HAY FEVER'. Now, I have never, ever been affected by silly things like pollen and flowers. I pride myself on not being defeated by such things. But apparently, the pollen is so bad that EVEN I am having symptoms. (And I do NOT want to be swollen-eyelids-bride!...) Optician said to get myself some antihistamines and take them over the next few days. I immediately thought - hang on, I may have something better at home...

That evening, I told my partner what the optician had said about the pollen count being awful this year. He said 'I'm actually feeling great today and haven't noticed!... But then, I've been taking my medicine from Katherine' :)

So here I am, have taken my 5ml of herbal hay fever remedy (am sharing partner's stash for now) and I would just like to tell you all that Katherine is amazing and I recommend her wholeheartedly.

If you have been having symptoms, I would not wait much longer before you book yourself a consultation!... Here's to not sneezing! ...


I approached Katherine because I wanted a natural and beneficial way of dealing with stress and the way poor sleep was leaving me feeling. I'd never used herbal tinctures before but Katherine's in depth knowledge and friendly approach meant that I felt very safe. Katherine is now my first port of call for all sorts of things emotional and physical. A wonderful lady I would highly recommend seeing.


Had a dry, hoarse cough, with loss of voice. Headed downstairs at 2.30am this morning. Took two tsps of Katherine's magic Thyme Liquorice Syrup. Instant relief and throat feels great today. Thanks Katherine. Kevin Booth The Nottingham Physiotherapist

More about Katherine Bellchambers Medical Herbalist
