Katie B Frisby - Racing, Rehabilitation And Salt Therapy

About Katie B Frisby - Racing, Rehabilitation And Salt Therapy

Point to Point Racing, Hunter Chasing,
Box Rest, Rehabilitation, Rest and Recuperation Livery. Salt Therapy



Lovely review for Salt Therapy, thank you Janina and Tina. www.katiebfrisby.co.uk/salt-therapy


The yard celebrates it's first birthday in April. HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY Tarquinius


Paddy has that Friday feeling. www.katiebfrisby.co.uk


These two left us last week. Red was here for Salt Therapy Livery and Zippy came for a weeks holidays. Red responded well to the Salt sessions, updates from his owner are that he is doing well back home and his breathing has improved and asthma symptoms have decreased. Red and Zippy's owner is currently classed as a key worker, a lorry driver who transports anything that the region needs. A big thank you to her and all other key workers and emergency services keeping the country going during this horrible time. Don't forget to #clapforcarers at 8pm tonight. www.katiebfrisby.co.uk/salt-therapy


Carumba's leg is healing well. He is still in a small pen as he is not allowed to canter just yet. I have given all the Stars and Diamonds Racing Club first dibs to sit on him when he comes back into training. They have all nicely declined.... I wonder why?.... Video is real time.. #feelingwell www.katiebfrisby.co.uk/stars-diamonds


A lovely review from Tracy, having given Troy Salt Therapy sessions. Thank you. www.katiebfrisby.co.uk/salt-therapy


With both The Stars and Diamonds Racing Club boys on their holidays at the moment, it's a great time for me to get some stables jet washed and disinfected. What jobs have you all been catching up on? Or how are you spending you time?
Let's have a little game...... Who's stable is this?


Sometimes you need to enjoy the little things in life. The sun is shinning and today is the second day the boys have been able to all go out together for 3months. We saw the wettest winter ever, so turn out was very limited to them going out individually on the sand or in one of the small paddocks. They were restricted for the last 3 months and now come out the other side with the sun shining on a beautiful day.... And so shall we... 3 weeks, 12 weeks or 6months the sun will be shining at the end of it! Stay safe everyone. www.katiebfrisby.co.uk
Carumba left, Tarquin (grey) middle and Lewis is under the big tree


School is out for these two. Carumba and Culverwell are now on their holidays and will be brought back into work in the summer. www.katiebfrisby.co.uk/stars-diamonds


Carumba has chronic hayfever and can be seen at his worst itching his face and clearing his nose every few minutes. He started showing signs yesterday so he had a session on the salt machine. www.katiebfrisby.co.uk/salt-therapy This winter he has never been bothered about the machine - eating away at his hay. But today his first spring /hayfever season on the machine he was glued to it, putting his nose as close to the machine to inhale as much of the salt as he could, he know its was helping his sinus and hayfever symptoms, by clearing his air ways with the anti inflammatory and anti bacterial properties. If your horse has a cough or has started to show signs of hayfever or sweet itch, I am still taking bookings for yard visits, while keeping to and following government guidelines. www.katiebfrisby.co.uk/salt-therapy


Troy had his first session of Salt therapy today. www.katiebfrisby.co.uk/salt-therapy


2/2 With racing finished for the season. Carumba and Culverwell have started their holidays early. Racing Club members will know that I have struggled to keep Lewis (Culverwell) sound since he ran at Chaddesley in February (photos of what happened in previous post). He was xrayed last week, no fracture was found in his foot, so just soft tissue damage in shoulder and foot, so an early holiday will definitely help him rest and recover. But not if he does a Lewis special... He is obviously feeling well, he isnt called 'The Mad One' by the racing club for no reason! Lol 🙈 www.katiebfrisby.co.uk/stars-diamonds


1/2 With racing finished for the season. Carumba and Culverwell have started their holidays early. Racing Club members will know that I have struggled to keep Lewis (Culverwell) sound since he ran at Chaddesley in February (photos of what happened). He was xrayed last week, no fracture was found in his foot, so just soft tissue damage in shoulder and foot, so an early holiday will definitely help him rest and recover. But not if he does a Lewis special.....(check out the next post). He is obviously feeling well, he isnt called 'The Mad One' by the racing club for no reason! Lol 🙈 www.katiebfrisby.co.uk/stars-diamonds


I am currently still taking bookings for salt therapy livery and yard visits. However will be continuing to follow government guidelines for infection control including regular hand washing and gel use , clean clothes for each yard visit. If you are socially distancing or isolating I will happily rearrange at no extra cost.
Today I visited Stanley this morning for the first of his 3 visits, Stanley has asthma and he took the treatment well. Then back to yard to give Red and Zippy their 3rd treatments. It has taken a few days but Red is responding really well and clearing his airways during treatment (video). Lewis has been getting a bit jealous when others are receiving treatment so he has also had a session before lunch. www.katiebfrisby.co.uk/salt-therapy


Red really relaxed into his second session of salt therapy at the yard today. Horses seem to enjoy it once they realise it is helping them, especially Red with his breathing issues. Zippy isn't too bothered, but has come with Red because he would of really miss him. Best friends can't be seperated. www.katiebfrisby.co.uk/salt-therapy


We welcomed two new faces to the yard for Salt Therapy Livery. I think they have the best names by far, from any liveries we have ever had. May I introduce Red Diesel (Red) and Zippity Doodah (Zippy). www.katiebfrisby.co.uk/salt-therapy


The new stable hand is getting familiar with the shavings folk and brush. More practice is needed before he will be allowed to muck out. www.katiebfrisby.co.uk


Has your horse developed a cough, runny nose, breathing problems having been stuck in due to wet weather or limited turnout? I now offer Salt Therapy Livery, Walk-ins and yard visits. Click on website for more details. http://katiebfrisby.co.uk/salt-therapy/

More about Katie B Frisby - Racing, Rehabilitation And Salt Therapy
