Katy Garner The Stress-Less Specialist

About Katy Garner The Stress-Less Specialist

Katy Garner is a holistic mindset coach who helps SOULopreneurs navigate their self-doubt & embrace their unique voice

Katy Garner The Stress-Less Specialist Description

I can help you and yours stress less and achieve more!



Thank you Teresa Barron for my annual opportunity to open the minds of our future Dr’s & surgeons to the wonder of hypnotherapy & the mind body connection 😄


Is there life outside the laptop?
Read my blog to find out...


Is there life outside the laptop?
Read my blog to find out...


Where did this idea come from that money - or even the love of money - is evil?
Was it from previous generations saying these things to help us to feel o.k. about not having enough?
Was it from corruption amongst the 'rich' in society?
... Who was it that decided anything bad that has happened in the world was money's fault?!
Some people are greedy,
Some people hurt people,
Money just gets used in the process.
Riddle me this...
In the past, stones were used to stone people to death - how come stones have never developed a reputation for being murderers?
Isn't it about time the emotional meaning we place on this inanimate object- money - is questioned?
Isn't it time we shift this the societal paradigm?
Money is a means of energy exchange - nothing more.
Yes it is used to exchange energy which creates unhappiness and enables horrible things in the world, but equally it is used to exchange energy which creates huge amounts of good, safety, happiness, freedom, experiences... in the world.
If we must insist on placing meaning on it - how about we shift that meaning to something positive...
After all - where focus goes energy flows!
How about we shift to a new belief - that money is a force for good, for freedom, for choices.
Money is the root of all good in the world!
When thinking about it from this positive perspective, how can loving money possibly be evil?
#lovemoney #moneyisevil #moneyisking #moneymndset #finacialoverwhelm #forceforgood #freedom #opportunity #fortheloveofmoney #stressless
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Where did this idea come from that money - or even the love of money - is evil?
Was it from previous generations saying these things to help us to feel o.k. about not having enough?
Was it from corruption amongst the 'rich' in society?
... Who was it that decided anything bad that has happened in the world was money's fault?!
Some people are greedy,
Some people hurt people,
Money just gets used in the process.
Riddle me this...
In the past, stones were used to stone people to death - how come stones have never developed a reputation for being murderers?
Isn't it about time the emotional meaning we place on this inanimate object- money - is questioned?
Isn't it time we shift this the societal paradigm?
Money is a means of energy exchange - nothing more.
Yes it is used to exchange energy which creates unhappiness and enables horrible things in the world, but equally it is used to exchange energy which creates huge amounts of good, safety, happiness, freedom, experiences... in the world.
If we must insist on placing meaning on it - how about we shift that meaning to something positive...
After all - where focus goes energy flows!
How about we shift to a new belief - that money is a force for good, for freedom, for choices.
Money is the root of all good in the world!
When thinking about it from this positive perspective, how can loving money possibly be evil?
#lovemoney #moneyisevil #moneyisking #moneymndset #finacialoverwhelm #forceforgood #freedom #opportunity #fortheloveofmoney #stressless
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They say money can’t buy happiness. But it does buy experiences, safety, homes, things, food, warmth, clothing & all manner of necessary & wonderful things. What are your favourite things that money has enabled you to do, have or buy?
#money #stress #moneyworries #moneyisking #moneyisevil #moneyisneutral #stresslesslife


My polls have been revealing that money is most people main stressor. What is it about money that makes you feel stressed?
#money #financialoverwhelm #burnout #StressLESSLife #StressLESSSpecialist #life #moneyworries #stress


My polls have been revealing that money is most people main stressor. What is it about money that makes you feel stressed?
#money #financialoverwhelm #burnout #StressLESSLife #StressLESSSpecialist #life #moneyworries #stress


💕Remember & seek the light of peace🙏🏼


Today is national stress awareness day.
Are you aware of the effects of stress in your body?
Did you know that your headaches, short temper, difficulty sleeping, high blood pressure, low energy, digestive problems, aches & pains or frequent colds could be due to stress?
... Even if you don't feel that you are stressed, the society we live in induces the stress response in our bodies repeatedly all day, every day.
That stress response (the fight or flight response) is designed to equip our bodies to take action - to fight or flee - but we don't have opportunity in day to day life to utilise that response appropriately.
Therefore those hormones / that energy remains stuck in the body causing the symptoms shown above, if this continues repeatedly (as is common) these symptoms can develop into something more serious.
The good news is that it only takes 15 minutes a day to switch off the stress response by switching on the relaxation response in the body.
To switch on the relaxation takes a meditative activity which involves repetition & a disregard for every day thought. Meditation & prayer are the best for this (whatever your religious belief - this works in the same way for us all 🙂) Yoga, tai chi, chi gong etc. are all also brilliant for switching off stress as they also allow the energy to move in the body to find an exit point.
... & as I always say, if all else fails - don't forget to breathe!
Taking gentle, long, slow, deep breaths brings oxygen into the body, slows the heart rate, & brings blood back from the peripheries to the internal organs so they can function well again.
Be aware today of what is going on in your body. 😊
#stressawarenessday #stressawareness #stress #burnout #overwhelmed #burnouttobalance #stress #feelbetter
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Today is national stress awareness day.
Are you aware of the effects of stress in your body?
Did you know that your headaches, short temper, difficulty sleeping, high blood pressure, low energy, digestive problems, aches & pains or frequent colds could be due to stress?
... Even if you don't feel that you are stressed, the society we live in induces the stress response in our bodies repeatedly all day, every day.
That stress response (the fight or flight response) is designed to equip our bodies to take action - to fight or flee - but we don't have opportunity in day to day life to utilise that response appropriately.
Therefore those hormones / that energy remains stuck in the body causing the symptoms shown above, if this continues repeatedly (as is common) these symptoms can develop into something more serious.
The good news is that it only takes 15 minutes a day to switch off the stress response by switching on the relaxation response in the body.
To switch on the relaxation takes a meditative activity which involves repetition & a disregard for every day thought. Meditation & prayer are the best for this (whatever your religious belief - this works in the same way for us all 🙂) Yoga, tai chi, chi gong etc. are all also brilliant for switching off stress as they also allow the energy to move in the body to find an exit point.
... & as I always say, if all else fails - don't forget to breathe!
Taking gentle, long, slow, deep breaths brings oxygen into the body, slows the heart rate, & brings blood back from the peripheries to the internal organs so they can function well again.
Be aware today of what is going on in your body. 😊
#stressawarenessday #stressawareness #stress #burnout #overwhelm
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Isn't it interesting how varied life is!
Much as we would all love it to be easy - it is no bed of roses.
Situations arise and people come into our lives which make us feel a whole plethera of emotions.
... But useful things can emerge from even the most difficult of challenges.
All these people & situations - whether we feel good or bad about them, can serve to reflect something back or to help us grow in some way.
So have a look at the people around you today & the situations you face, and ask yourself what is this person or situation here to reflect back to me or to teach me?
What qualities are they helping me to develop within myself?
When you dig a little deeper than your initial reaction, you might be surprised at the answer!
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*Warning - all about me post 😆*
When people ask me why I do what I do,
why I work so hard on my dreams & don’t just get a ‘normal’ job,
... why I step out of my comfort zone often, to push myself to grow into the person I know I can be,
why when the going gets tough I pick myself up, dust myself off & start again , rather than just giving up.
It’s because 6 years ago I began to awaken & to realise I had the choice:
- to live a life of default
- or to discover a life of my choosing,
I realised I had the choice to change. So I did.
& 5 years ago I resolved to do this... (*Refer to quote 😉)
Am I exactly where I want to be yet?
No, but I’m getting there, day by day, by error & learning, by celebrating every little win,
I resolve now to help as many people as I can through their ‘valley of desolation’ too because I understand that the fun is all in the adventure,
& I know how hard that is to remember when stuck in the stresses that come with following your dreams.
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>> http://katygarner.co.uk/2018/10/31/whats- with-the-overwhelm/ <<
... Have you ever noticed that one day you can feel totally overwhelmed and the next you can feel like you can achieve anything?
... Why is that?
Your list of tasks has not changed - in fact because of the day of paralysing overwhelm you are now a day behind!
The difference is only in your perspective. The situation remains the same but your mindset has changed.
Isn't that great to know!!
You have the power to make yourself feel better WITHOUT changing your circumstances or current situation, and when you make yourself feel better THEN you are in the wonderful position to be able to change your situation.
So what can you do to step out of the overwhelm and breathe? Well, anything that makes you feel good. Take a walk in nature, take a day by the sea, just do anything that takes you out of the situation you find overwhelming for an hour or even a whole day - making yourself do that is lesson in itself that nothing will have changed when you get back - except you.
It's like the quote says 'Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.
Just changing your perspective on the whole thing helps you to feel happier and when you feel happier,, energised and refreshed, you can take on the world. :)
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>> http://katygarner.co.uk/2018/10/31/whats- with-the-overwhelm/ <<
... Have you ever noticed that one day you can feel totally overwhelmed and the next you can feel like you can achieve anything?
... Why is that?
Your list of tasks has not changed - in fact because of the day of paralysing overwhelm you are now a day behind!
The difference is only in your perspective. The situation remains the same but your mindset has changed.
Isn't that great to know!!
You have the power to make yourself feel better WITHOUT changing your circumstances or current situation, and when you make yourself feel better THEN you are in the wonderful position to be able to change your situation.
So what can you do to step out of the overwhelm and breathe? Well, anything that makes you feel good. Take a walk in nature, take a day by the sea, just do anything that takes you out of the situation you find overwhelming for an hour or even a whole day - making yourself do that is lesson in itself that nothing will have changed when you get back - except you.
It's like the quote says 'Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.
Just changing your perspective on the whole thing helps you to feel happier and when you feel happier,, energised and refreshed, you can take on the world. :)
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Wow! Can you hear the sound of these leaves falling?!
Trees have so much to teach us throughout their life cycles, but autumn is a particularly interesting time.
... They show us it is ok to let go, to shed what no longer serves us, to take time out of the glory of full bloom & to create space for the new.
If ever you feel like you are failing, like you are loosing your leaves, take comfort. Know that this is just a necessary part of the rhythm of your life, good things are coming, be patient, stay strong, take the time you need.
All is well. X
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Wow! Can you hear the sound of these leaves falling?!
Trees have so much to teach us throughout their life cycles, but autumn is a particularly interesting time.
... They show us it is ok to let go, to shed what no longer serves us, to take time out of the glory of full bloom & to create space for the new.
If ever you feel like you are failing, like you are loosing your leaves, take comfort. Know that this is just a necessary part of the rhythm of your life, good things are coming, be patient, stay strong, take the time you need.
All is well. X
See More


Tried Katy's "15 Minute Reset" audio... it's amazing. Tried it out of curiosity and here I am thinking it'll now be an integral part of my life going forward. I felt relaxed, less stressed, more focussed and rested. Have already recommended it to friends and clients. So glad to have discovered this wonderful audio.


This is amazing and wonderful. The first time I used it, I felt fantastic and immediately got up and did something I had been avoiding for a while. The next morning I listened again and the difference in how I feel is tangible. I have loads more energy and have been tackling that never-ending to do list.

I have now purchased it for a friend and recommended it to a couple of others.

Thank you Katy.


There's never too many positive, inspirational in your life and Katy is a gem! Iv had a few of her cds and hypnosis sessions and I'm looking forward for more to come - to help me through my journey in life, (all the way in Australia I might add) to feel my best self.


The first time I met katy was when she was speaking at a personal development event. Within in just a few minutes of listening to her, I was intrigued. As she carried on the talk we carried out some exercises which really helped me to destress from the day. All in all katy carried out a really fun and lively talk that kept me interested to the end. And as a bonus I even won a guided meditation cd.


Thank you Katy! Had a great yoga session this morning. Katy was very attentive and I'm feeling great!! X


Thank you Katy for the 15 minute fix. Great tool that I will use for a long time to come. First time of listening to it I felt so calm and relaxed. Would highly recommend


Katy is brilliant, empathic and gifted.


Katy is a fantastic hypnotherapist. She put me right at ease immediately and I was able to work comfortably with her on issues I've had for years. Hypnotherapy has had a huge positive impact on my life.

Thanks Katy x


Katy has worked with me on a number of issues, both emotional and physical.

Her warm and caring nature made it easy for me to open up and trust her, and once in hypnosis she gently guided me to make the changes that I needed to make in my life.

I would recommend Katy's services to anyone needing help and wanting to make positive changes in their life.


I've had 2 hypnotherapy treatments with Katy at Purple Aura i found them very relaxing and i am noticing great progress with the work she has done for me, would definitely recommend her☺


I only purchased Katie's 15 minutes reset audio a few days ago and I already cant do without it. The main reason for buying it was the fact I've been burning the candle at both ends for some time now which effects sleep. I listen to it before I go to bed, always sleep amazingly and wake up refreshed and ready to take on the day, every time.

You need this in your life.


I highly recommend Katy Garner. She has a wonderfully calming energy and will put you at peace right away! I also recommend the 15 minute Fix! It is a wonderful way to re-energize and be productive, especially if you don't always get enough rest! Thank you, Katy!


I had the privilege of meeting Katy last year. I was at a very low ebb, life was getting me down I felt fat, unloveable and had many things going on in my life that I was struggling to deal with. I joined a small group of ladies and was very hesitant about the course including "yoga with hypnotherapy" thinking that I would not be in control with the hypnotherapy. How wrong could I have been! Katy has given/ taught me so many tools to turn my life around. I am feeling the best I have ever felt and when I do have down days, which we all do, I go back over Katy's words of advice or do some energy for life or meditation (something which I had never done before and thought a bit "new age") and immediately I am back in a good positive place.

Katy has always been there through good and bad times, ready to give her words of wisdom. I don't know how I would have got through the last few months without her. She is inspirational, kind, caring and a lady I now consider to be a great friend. Anyone that has the pleasure of meeting and working with Katy, like I did, will have a life changing experience on that I am sure :-)


Having worked with Katy on a professional 1-2-1 basis she is one of the most determined congruent coaches I have met in her field. An expert of her craft who is always looking to learn and develop her skills.


Firstly I feel that I should say that I am Katy's aunt but I promise to give an honest review. Actually family can be your worst critics! Right?!

Katy is a kind and gentle people with a great sense of humour. She is a very good and encouraging coach who gives instructions and information that is easy to understand and apply.

I have taken Yoga for the unbendy both in the class and at home using her tapes. Even though I don't find them demanding I have really benefitted in balance strength and flexibility. In the classroom setting I saw everyone improve from week to week.

I recently started Katy's weight loss meditation tapes. In three weeks I have lost 8lbs. It's hard to say how this has worked because I have not felt deprived or hungry or experienced dips in my blood sugar, all of which I have experienced in the past when I tried to lose weight. I've definitely been more mindful about what I eat and just find it easier to say no to things that I don't really want.

Thank you Katy I'm really enjoying learning from you �


Brilliant katy helped my daughter to stop sucking her thumb would recommend her to everyone xx

Thank you katy


August 2014

Dear Katy

I want to thank you for the treatment I received from you last week.

My back gave up on me with shooting pains from my lower back into my legs.

After just one appointment with you the pain eased, and got better over the week, in fact I drove 400 miles in 6 hours without so much as a twinge.

The very best of luck in your new venture and I can assure any future clients, that the service I received was professional, caring and extremely helpful.

I recommend them not putting off an appointment with you if they are suffering from pain.

Best wishes

Barry Thomas


Tried Katy's "15 Minute Reset" audio... it's amazing. Tried it out of curiosity and here I am thinking it'll now be an integral part of my life going forward. I felt relaxed, less stressed, more focussed and rested. Have already recommended it to friends and clients. So glad to have discovered this wonderful audio.


This is amazing and wonderful. The first time I used it, I felt fantastic and immediately got up and did something I had been avoiding for a while. The next morning I listened again and the difference in how I feel is tangible. I have loads more energy and have been tackling that never-ending to do list.

I have now purchased it for a friend and recommended it to a couple of others.

Thank you Katy.


There's never too many positive, inspirational in your life and Katy is a gem! Iv had a few of her cds and hypnosis sessions and I'm looking forward for more to come - to help me through my journey in life, (all the way in Australia I might add) to feel my best self.


The first time I met katy was when she was speaking at a personal development event. Within in just a few minutes of listening to her, I was intrigued. As she carried on the talk we carried out some exercises which really helped me to destress from the day. All in all katy carried out a really fun and lively talk that kept me interested to the end. And as a bonus I even won a guided meditation cd.


Thank you Katy! Had a great yoga session this morning. Katy was very attentive and I'm feeling great!! X


Thank you Katy for the 15 minute fix. Great tool that I will use for a long time to come. First time of listening to it I felt so calm and relaxed. Would highly recommend


Katy is brilliant, empathic and gifted.


Katy is a fantastic hypnotherapist. She put me right at ease immediately and I was able to work comfortably with her on issues I've had for years. Hypnotherapy has had a huge positive impact on my life.

Thanks Katy x


Katy has worked with me on a number of issues, both emotional and physical.

Her warm and caring nature made it easy for me to open up and trust her, and once in hypnosis she gently guided me to make the changes that I needed to make in my life.

I would recommend Katy's services to anyone needing help and wanting to make positive changes in their life.


I've had 2 hypnotherapy treatments with Katy at Purple Aura i found them very relaxing and i am noticing great progress with the work she has done for me, would definitely recommend her☺


I only purchased Katie's 15 minutes reset audio a few days ago and I already cant do without it. The main reason for buying it was the fact I've been burning the candle at both ends for some time now which effects sleep. I listen to it before I go to bed, always sleep amazingly and wake up refreshed and ready to take on the day, every time.

You need this in your life.


I highly recommend Katy Garner. She has a wonderfully calming energy and will put you at peace right away! I also recommend the 15 minute Fix! It is a wonderful way to re-energize and be productive, especially if you don't always get enough rest! Thank you, Katy!


I had the privilege of meeting Katy last year. I was at a very low ebb, life was getting me down I felt fat, unloveable and had many things going on in my life that I was struggling to deal with. I joined a small group of ladies and was very hesitant about the course including "yoga with hypnotherapy" thinking that I would not be in control with the hypnotherapy. How wrong could I have been! Katy has given/ taught me so many tools to turn my life around. I am feeling the best I have ever felt and when I do have down days, which we all do, I go back over Katy's words of advice or do some energy for life or meditation (something which I had never done before and thought a bit "new age") and immediately I am back in a good positive place.

Katy has always been there through good and bad times, ready to give her words of wisdom. I don't know how I would have got through the last few months without her. She is inspirational, kind, caring and a lady I now consider to be a great friend. Anyone that has the pleasure of meeting and working with Katy, like I did, will have a life changing experience on that I am sure :-)


Having worked with Katy on a professional 1-2-1 basis she is one of the most determined congruent coaches I have met in her field. An expert of her craft who is always looking to learn and develop her skills.


Firstly I feel that I should say that I am Katy's aunt but I promise to give an honest review. Actually family can be your worst critics! Right?!

Katy is a kind and gentle people with a great sense of humour. She is a very good and encouraging coach who gives instructions and information that is easy to understand and apply.

I have taken Yoga for the unbendy both in the class and at home using her tapes. Even though I don't find them demanding I have really benefitted in balance strength and flexibility. In the classroom setting I saw everyone improve from week to week.

I recently started Katy's weight loss meditation tapes. In three weeks I have lost 8lbs. It's hard to say how this has worked because I have not felt deprived or hungry or experienced dips in my blood sugar, all of which I have experienced in the past when I tried to lose weight. I've definitely been more mindful about what I eat and just find it easier to say no to things that I don't really want.

Thank you Katy I'm really enjoying learning from you �


Brilliant katy helped my daughter to stop sucking her thumb would recommend her to everyone xx

Thank you katy


August 2014

Dear Katy

I want to thank you for the treatment I received from you last week.

My back gave up on me with shooting pains from my lower back into my legs.

After just one appointment with you the pain eased, and got better over the week, in fact I drove 400 miles in 6 hours without so much as a twinge.

The very best of luck in your new venture and I can assure any future clients, that the service I received was professional, caring and extremely helpful.

I recommend them not putting off an appointment with you if they are suffering from pain.

Best wishes

Barry Thomas

More about Katy Garner The Stress-Less Specialist
