Kelly Martin Speaks

About Kelly Martin Speaks

Author of 'When Everyone Shines But You'
Freelance self-help writer and self-worth blogger, manager of copy-writing and transcription service
=> http://www. kellymartin. co. uk
=> http://www. kellymartinspeaks. co. uk
Shares inspirational & wisdom quotes.

Kelly Martin Speaks Description

Hi there, I'm Kelly Martin the author of 'When Everyone Shines But You', book 1 in a series of books I wrote for people who feel like a failure in life, who want to know how to love themselves when it feels impossible.

After many years of depression and anxiety I wanted answers and so I used writing to heal. My main mission in life is to help people feel good enough exactly as they are. Too many of us feel less than, feel anxious or depressed and can't see a way forward.

I want to connect with you properly, human to human. Social media is often so distant and disconnected; I hope my page enables you to feel more connected and more accepting of your humanity. As my page grows, I may not always be able to reply personally, but please know that I see you; I hear you and embrace you in my own way.


As a long time blogger (10 + years) and guest blogger on sites like Tiny Buddha, I offer my services as a copy-writer. Furthermore, my blog kellymartinspeaks. co. uk has great traffic, reach and domain authority so I offer space for guest blogs, advertising and companies wishing to be more visible on the internet (contact me for more information and a price-list).


As a touch-typist, I freelance for companies and businesses wanting hand-written documents typed up into a word file. I also transcribe audio for interviews, podcasts, webinars and lectures (contact me for more information and a price-list).

I tried transcribing the interviews myself, however, it was difficult and time consuming. Kelly did a great job. The interviews were accurately transcribed, presented professionally and completed within the expected timeframe. I would recommend Kelly to other people.
~ Catherine, Bristol


With a passion for non-fiction I manage a small editorial business where I work alongside an excellent editor called Michael Doherty, we both like to help writers who feel passionate about helping others through self-help books and books in the mind-body-spirit genre prepare for publication. We specialise mainly in non-fiction.

The services we provide include:
- Editing
- Proofreading
- Manuscript checking
- Book formatting
- Cover design

"Kelly's editorial services took this novice writer's words and was able to make them into a beautiful book. I honestly never thought anyone could make a book out of my writing. . . " - Lorna Hedges, Author 'From Housewife to Psychic' and teacher at Ray of Light Teachings

Visit http://www. kellymartin. co. uk for further information or to purchase a service.



Inside you is a pure, wild, free spirit and whatever happens in life it is in the heart where we can manoeuvre and manage those challenges that come our way. It is amazing how strong we are, we don't realise it at the time of challenge, but looking back we can see we truly are.


It has been brought to my attention that some will disapprove of the occasional swear word or post on my page.
Firstly, if you hate swearing you may not like this page, you will see it from time to time.
Secondly, I swear, not all of the time but I love to free my voice and energy in any way that feels good to me, I don’t need anyone’s approval about this and any judgements pointed my way will be deflected back because it’s none of my business what you think of me, I’m here t...o inspire, empower and trigger change.
And thirdly, most fear or disgust of swearing comes from parental, societal or religious programming. If you are programmed maybe open your mind to see it as simply a form of self expression.
In Scotland, not far from where I was born, there is a city called Glasgow. Swearing can actually be a language for the people of Glasgow, so it’s as natural as saying ‘I love you’.
The discomfort comes when we judge language and words as wrong.
It has been also scientifically proven that swearing is
- A pain reliever - A stress reliever
And it also brings a sense of
- Personal empowerment - Can Be used in Humour - and is a Natural language to some - Social bonding
It can also make us more lively and interesting.
These are only a few of the many benefits.
So I please ask that you remain open-minded or if it offends you too much you leave my page.
Thank you
It improves psychological and physical health.
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On every level I love this and agree completely. Everything we feel, experience, don't experience, open to, close to, resist, fear, anger about, love about... everything is welcome!
Thanks to Jeff Foster ( for sharing his beautiful open honesty and free expression.


It's not always easy to do, but sometimes we need to take a step back and realise we need to let go of those who are not good for us and simply remain open and love from afar.


Social media can be breeding grounds for narcissism. People trying to put the most picture perfect photo out into the world. It is great to be proud and share what you love, but when the picture shows something other than what is really going on, it is then that the picture becomes empty and devoid of truth.
We have all seen the perfect photos in magazines and cookery books, those images where items are strategically placed to look perfect and we know most people's kitchens do not look like that and most people's lives do not look like that too.
If the picture does not match our real life, what is the point?


Some time ago I used to say sorry when I behaved poorly, when I blamed others or projected on people. At the time I said sorry but I did not mean it. It was a 'Sorry, I feel guilty, please let's be nice with one another again' but I did not change my activity or the way I behaved. I learned that sorry means action and I now know how important it is to take responsibility for that action. Part of SORRY begins with recognising the part we played and looking to see if we are ready to change. Say sorry when you truly mean it and when you plan to change your behaviour, not as a 'get out of jail free card'


Blessings everyone and welcome to 2019!
I won't be doing a LIVE video today as I planned, I did one on Sunday, but also because I did a blog post instead.
I awoke this morning hearing the birds sing and realised they do not know 2018 or 2019, they simply know here-now. And I then heard a plane fly over the house, that same air-plane flying over many different human time-zones and so numerically... time is such an illusion. So today... we continue on.
... We continue growing. We continue expanding. We continue loving. We continue....
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We can fill our planners with goals and intentions, but sometimes we simply need to consider, what type of person do we want to be this year? What are we lacking or needing to change? Do we need to let go and trust more? Do we need to be more active and less sedentary? Is it time the world saw our true face? Are we taking more than giving? Do we need to nurture and nourish those people in our life more and drop the 'doing' 'achieving' ...mode for a while? Ponder this year and the value you want to share with the world.
SENDING ALL MY LOVE AND LIGHT YOUR WAY so that whatever 2019 bring to you helps you grow, heal and feel your reason for being.
Kelly <3
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Tonight is the eve of the new year, in 2019 we have many other events that come up, but what is best for you may differ to another. In 2019 follow your own path, join in with traditional events or disregard altogether, start new trends, walk new paths. Be the rainbow sheep, the square peg, the trailblazer whatever you need to be, be!


Hey everyone, thank you so much for following my page in 2018. I would really love to know all about how 2018 was for you. It does not matter if it was easy or not, let's close the curtain on 2018. In my ladies group I asked the following questions (feel free to answer them or simply say how it was for you).
- What did you achieve? - What did you have to let go of? - What did you wish you had done but didn't?... - How do you feel about the year coming to an end? ......................................
I'll make a start...
2018 for me was a bit of a wild roller-coaster. I started with a bang flying into a new area in radio and facing my intense fear of speaking by doing my first Facebook LIVE on this very page.
I helped start a station and really threw all my passion into it, BUT alas my wings were not able to spread and my desire to help those with mental health issues was unable to happen in that form so I let that go.
So I started a station - started Facebook LIVES - started a Podcast - Campaigned for PEACE WITHIN RADIO - Met the fundraising goal - Changed my perspective on a lot of things including my body, relationships and so much more.
- The first station that was not feasible for me. - Trying to get going when life was challenging - Fear of speaking - Writing book 3 - Keeping quiet when I need to speak
- wrote more blogs - organised time better - done more on Peace Within Radio, but life was not allowing this - set clearer boundaries with some people early on
Normally I am excited, I feel a bit mixed this year.
I have the great new year vision for Peace Within Radio, BUT a possible tough year for me and my family as mum starts chemotherapy.
2019 feels very uncertain and YES this is exactly what life is meant to be
So over to you now!
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An unplanned talk. All about 2018 and how to travel into the new year with GRACE. <3


Yes! What do you think?
Thanks for the inspiration TobyMac


Denial is fruitless, often when we are able to accept the journey, accept the challenges, accept whatever is taking place in our life inside and outside, it is then that we fully own our life, own our power and life naturally evolves and changes.


We can never know the journey another walks. How they shout for help may be withdrawing and going quiet or screaming from the rooftops. Others long for love and support and may do so by talking about health issues all of the time, this is their crying call. Others may become uncharacteristically angry. So it pays to open eyes, to look and really see. What may look like someone being dramatic may be a long ongoing cry for something seriously lacking in their life, kindness, nurturing, intimacy. Many people have never felt truly seen or heard so they may play up by going overboard, yes some really use this as a way to get what they want, but the key is to really keep eyes open and see, is it a drama-thon or is it an honest true cry for help that has never been heard so it is simply getting louder?


Hey everyone I 'hope' you all had the most authentically you Christmas you were able. I'm having a few hours to myself, away from caring for mum and enjoying the new Byron Katie book 'A Mind At Home With Itself' love this extract. What are your thoughts?


The straight path may be known, but it's not what life is about. Follow the path of others without checking in with your own life-force and soul desires and you will feel like life is empty, bland... to take a step onto the unknown path... to bask in the ocean of the uncertain road? That's life. Life is ALIVE so think about this before going into 2019, what will make you feel more ALIVE?


As 2019 draws close, is it time to let go of anyone or anything that may be polluting your inner temple? Consider what belongs and what does not now and get ready to let go.


Just a short hello in between making dinner and the festivities. If you need some comfort a little short message for you.


Blessings today!
MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY HOLIDAYS Blessed Yule... Joyeux Noël Feliz Navidad Vrolijk kerstfeest Sheng Dan Kuai Le (圣诞快乐) Sretan Božić shubho bôṛodin (শুভ বড়দিন) Śubh krisamas (शुभ क्रिसमस) Nollaig Shona Dhuit Meri Kurisumasu

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Love her thinking, eloquent writer. Chooses subjects that are not often approached. Always interesting!


I love her writing and the way she thinks. Many of her articles have helped me so much. Great page!


I have worked with Kelly on many occasions, primarily with regard to editing and publishing. I am a writer of non-fiction with four published books to my name. I am in the process of writing two more. I was introduced to Kelly by a writer friend, who recommended her to me for her precision and attention to detail. I am fortunate enough to live fairly close and so have taken part in some small-group private workshops. From these intense classes I have learned mountains of new skills, as expected, mostly on editing, but also about subjects such as 'isolating' and why we do it; self-help skills'; editing yourself, I suppose. Kelly is inspirational, read her books and blog; kind to people, brutal to bad grammar. To finish, do me a favour and read this over. I have checked grammar, punctuation and content. Makes sense if your writing 'about' writing skills to check your content but the main thing I have learned is that when you're in love with your finished piece you lose focus on the rest. Grammar and gratitude go out the window. Then, whether it's in workshops or with our editor, we fight for every dot and dash. Out comes our 'inner-child' and the dummy hits the floor. Interesting change of 'focus' here. I started with first person and altered that to second when the content became sensitive. Thanks for that insight Kelly.


Great writer. Amazing blogs. Inspiring quotes, What else can I say?


Just a short hello in between making dinner and the festivities. If you need some comfort a little short message for you.


Blessings today!
MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY HOLIDAYS Blessed Yule... Joyeux Noël Feliz Navidad Vrolijk kerstfeest Sheng Dan Kuai Le (圣诞快乐) Sretan Božić shubho bôṛodin (শুভ বড়দিন) Śubh krisamas (शुभ क्रिसमस) Nollaig Shona Dhuit Meri Kurisumasu

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Love her thinking, eloquent writer. Chooses subjects that are not often approached. Always interesting!


I love her writing and the way she thinks. Many of her articles have helped me so much. Great page!


I have worked with Kelly on many occasions, primarily with regard to editing and publishing. I am a writer of non-fiction with four published books to my name. I am in the process of writing two more. I was introduced to Kelly by a writer friend, who recommended her to me for her precision and attention to detail. I am fortunate enough to live fairly close and so have taken part in some small-group private workshops. From these intense classes I have learned mountains of new skills, as expected, mostly on editing, but also about subjects such as 'isolating' and why we do it; self-help skills'; editing yourself, I suppose. Kelly is inspirational, read her books and blog; kind to people, brutal to bad grammar. To finish, do me a favour and read this over. I have checked grammar, punctuation and content. Makes sense if your writing 'about' writing skills to check your content but the main thing I have learned is that when you're in love with your finished piece you lose focus on the rest. Grammar and gratitude go out the window. Then, whether it's in workshops or with our editor, we fight for every dot and dash. Out comes our 'inner-child' and the dummy hits the floor. Interesting change of 'focus' here. I started with first person and altered that to second when the content became sensitive. Thanks for that insight Kelly.


Great writer. Amazing blogs. Inspiring quotes, What else can I say?


Just a short hello in between making dinner and the festivities. If you need some comfort a little short message for you.


Blessings today!
MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY HOLIDAYS Blessed Yule... Joyeux Noël Feliz Navidad Vrolijk kerstfeest Sheng Dan Kuai Le (圣诞快乐) Sretan Božić shubho bôṛodin (শুভ বড়দিন) Śubh krisamas (शुभ क्रिसमस) Nollaig Shona Dhuit Meri Kurisumasu

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Love her thinking, eloquent writer. Chooses subjects that are not often approached. Always interesting!


I love her writing and the way she thinks. Many of her articles have helped me so much. Great page!


I have worked with Kelly on many occasions, primarily with regard to editing and publishing. I am a writer of non-fiction with four published books to my name. I am in the process of writing two more. I was introduced to Kelly by a writer friend, who recommended her to me for her precision and attention to detail. I am fortunate enough to live fairly close and so have taken part in some small-group private workshops. From these intense classes I have learned mountains of new skills, as expected, mostly on editing, but also about subjects such as 'isolating' and why we do it; self-help skills'; editing yourself, I suppose. Kelly is inspirational, read her books and blog; kind to people, brutal to bad grammar. To finish, do me a favour and read this over. I have checked grammar, punctuation and content. Makes sense if your writing 'about' writing skills to check your content but the main thing I have learned is that when you're in love with your finished piece you lose focus on the rest. Grammar and gratitude go out the window. Then, whether it's in workshops or with our editor, we fight for every dot and dash. Out comes our 'inner-child' and the dummy hits the floor. Interesting change of 'focus' here. I started with first person and altered that to second when the content became sensitive. Thanks for that insight Kelly.


Great writer. Amazing blogs. Inspiring quotes, What else can I say?

More about Kelly Martin Speaks