Kicks Count

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Kicks Count

Official Facebook page of UK pregnancy charity Kicks Count.
Registered Charity No 1145073

Kicks Count Description


- If you have an urgent query or concern about your or your baby's health you should speak to your local Labour or Maternity Assessment Unit.

- Please note that Kicks Count cannot comment on individual cases and can only give general movement advice.

- We share many success stories on our page. Please note that these cannot be reproduced without prior contact with our Press Department on uk

- We are not responsible for any information contained in external links shared by us or by others to our wall, nor do we advocate or endorse any information in such posts.

- We reserve the right to remove any comments (or links) without explanation. We will remove any which are abusive, racist, sexist, homophobic or inflammatory immediately. We will also remove any that may cause distress to other followers. Incorrect medical advice will be removed from the page. We will remove users who ignore these rules.

- All pictures posted on the Kicks Count facebook page are posted on to a public page. Please only post pictures you are happy entering the public domain.

- This page also occasionally shares stories of stillbirth and may feature occasional pictures of angel babies. Offensive, inappropriate or hurtful comments on these posts /pictures will see the user removed from the page.



If you're worried about your baby's movements, your midwife or maternity unit should always be your first port of call #KicksCount


This has just been shared in one of our groups and it’s so much fun to read the responses!
So let’s play!


These cute placemats from Belo + Me are perfect for children's meal times at the table <3 Made from a non-toxic, BPA-free, food grade silicone, they are slip resistant and easy to clean with a damp cloth. Better still, Kicks Count followers can get 20% off using code BBCLSP20 via


Very sad news this evening xx




We want to keep up our life saving work until everyone in the UK knows about baby movement and stillbirth is rare. Midwives throughout over 50 UK NHS Trusts use our literature. This is vital for reaching mums-to-be with the information they need about their baby’s movements.
The most common number of leaflets ordered by a midwife in a single order is 150. By donating just £5 you will be supplying at least one midwife with their order. Support the campaign: dwife-appeal


In a video filmed after our CEO appeared on This Morning in May 2018, long time supporter of the charity Holly Willoughby explains about the importance of baby's movements during pregnancy: ughby-talks-kicks-…


Thoughtful fashion brand Cauz Club launch this week, with £5 from every purchase supporting Kicks Count and the other Cauz Club charities. Kicks Count will be their featured charity in November, so watch this space!
We would also encourage you to go and give the Cauz Club page a like as the story behind this brand is really inspiring.


New research advises women to sleep on their side to lower the risk of stillbirth. Here are some tips for going to sleep on your side in the last three months of pregnancy:
- Put a pillow or pillows behind your back to encourage side-sleeping. - Pay the same attention to sleep position during the day as you would during the night. - As the going-to-sleep position is the one held longest during the night, you should not to be concerned if you wake up on your back, simply roll ...back onto your side.
More information:
See More


Thank you Leo, all the way from Germany!
If you have any old £1 coins or £5/10 notes you would like to donate you can send them to 10 The Copse, ripley, Surrey, GU23 6BN




To ensure that more pregnant women have access to correct information about their baby’s movements, our baby movement information leaflet has been translated into 13 additional languages.
The leaflets can be viewed and downloaded via:


Today we are wishing our General Manager Lisa a VERY happy birthday!! Lisa does so much for Kicks Count and there are many babies celebrating a birthday because of her, so we hope she has an amazing one herself :)


What are Kicks Count Wristbands and why and how do you use one?
When it comes to baby movement, it’s important to get to know what your baby’s individual pattern is and our award-winning wristbands can help mums-to-be to do this. In a nutshell, they can be a real help with keeping track of movement episodes felt each day and make it easier for mums-to-be to recognise if what they have felt from their baby is a change from normal. It’s key to remember that there is no set amou...nt of movement that all mums should be feeling, all babies are different, so mums aren’t aiming to reach the same number as everyone else – just the amount that their own baby moves. As an episode of movement is felt throughout the day you simply move the plastic slider to the next number on the band. Somewhere between 24 and 28 weeks mums should notice that they are moving the band the same amount of times and at similar times each day, although this varies and it may be a little earlier or later for some.
It’s helpful to take a mental note of the times of day baby moves too, such as ‘baby moves more in the morning’ - it’s a great point of reference to have and really helps with getting to know baby’s pattern of awake and asleep times. We really hope that the bands help to reduce worry and uncertainty, so no more of that “have they moved or haven’t they?” feeling!
The most vital bit: Any change to what is normal for your baby should be reported to the midwives at your Maternity Assessment Unit as soon as possible. It’s also important to know that the band does not monitor the baby by itself and is not a substitute for regular checks with a midwife!
Once the baby arrives the L and R (which stands for left and right) can be used as feeding reminders if mum goes on to breastfeed. We have also had people give us great alternative uses such as tracking pelvic floor exercises, counting slimming world syns, tracking how many glasses of water drunk throughout the day and even using it as a reward counter for young children!
Currently available in cream, purple and pink via
See More


Our Facebook Groups are a place for mums-to-be due in the same month to support each other and engage in conversation. Find yours via: book-groups




When I was pregnant with first child, had reduced fetal movements, went to labour ward, got hooked up to ctg machine was all fine she started kicking away.

Second child completely different kicks count saved his life. Experienced reduced fetal movement at 35 weeks, only slightly lower so thought it was a lazy day. Gave it another day and didn't experience any that is was aware of. Thought it was because I was busy so really concentrated in the evening. Got one kick, should have gone to hospital then but as he mainly kicked when I was asleep decided to give it the evening. He kicked if I put ice on my belly but not much. Went to hospital early that morning and got hooked up to a ctg machine. No fetal movement detected and the midwives couldn't recognise the sound of his heart rate. Doctor called and fetal scan done, heart rate was 280bpm. They thought baby was in distress and did an emergency call section within two hours. Baby then rushed to nicu, had to be resussed and ventilated. His heart kept racing and was transferred to evelina children's hospital from our local. Turned out he had a heart condition called svt and he was going into cardiac failure. Was in hospital for two and a half months. He is a happy and healthy 8 month old now. All the doctors said I saved his life but I just wish I went in ten hours earlier when I thought something was wrong. Am pleased I paid attention though, kicks count saved my son and I will be forever grateful.


Three times I’ve been admitted with reduced fetal movement, I don’t care how many times I use your app or I call my hospital this has really helped me through my pregnancy I’m near the end � thank all keep up the good work xxx


Thanks to Kicks Count my second miracle pregnancy was well monitored and my stress levels were minimal.

I cannot thank them enough.

And family and friends have used the app too- midwives at work are also making sure parents-to-be are up to date with the latest information and guidance ���


Thanks so much to the awareness spread by kicks count, I had reduced movement at 31 weeks, I went to hospital and a scan showed my baby was small, I then had weekly scans and eventually got induced at 37 weeks and now have my perfect princess �


Thank you so much for making everybody so much more aware of this! I was in and out of hospital towards the end and no Doctors were listening to me I felt so small but I knew something wasn’t right! This charity gave me my backbone and made such a difference! After four weeks of saying to Doctors she’s not moving right please help me they finally decided to rush me for an emergency c section. I can’t thank this charity enough for bringing such a thing as counting kicks to light �


Thank you so much for all of the work you do. I'm currently 39 weeks pregnant with baby 2, and the information you publish has made me aware of my babies moment throughout pregnancies, and given me the confidence to go into hospital for monitoring when I was unsure of my baby's movements.


So glad counting kicks is high lighted I had 3 time diminished movements once at 30wks then 32wks and 38wks lucky I went in each time as movements we not great but did improve . At 38wks I went in and with in 30 minutes of being put on monitor I went in to early labour with in couple of hrs dilate to 2cm and had an emergency c section nearly 2wks early she was a bit poorly when she came out (as I had a planned on due just before 40wks.) If I hadn't noticed reduced movements I would have probably left it til later and thought nothing of it. I now have our daughter safe and sound and glad I had awareness of reduced movements as it could have been so different. X


On my second pregnancy i was sick through out, week 37 its was very bad untill the end of the week. I woke up on a saturday morning and felt normal could drink and eat which wasnt normal. I hardly felt her move, i knew something wasnt right. I called the midwife, she told me to drink ice cold drink and lay down for 2 hours. After an hour i called back and asked to go in. I was put on the monitor ( for the third time in pregnancy) there was signs of contractions. I ended up being induced on the thursday, but my lo's heart beat was not high enough for giving birth. It was a tense time with oxygen wires in her head. Myself in and out of gas and air, finally after several hours she was born with one push and 6lbs. i stopped being sick and she was very healthy. always listen to your heart, never question yourself. Im glad i called the midwife when it didnt feel right x


My baby’s movements have been reduced all day and night and everyone tells me she is probably having a lazy day and as I’m 30 weeks getting squished! If it wasn’t for this on Facebook I wouldn’t have rung my maternity ward to get her checked out! Thank you � x


Merry Christmas and thank you to all of those giving their time for this worthy cause. On the 9th Dec I delivered a healthy baby boy at 39 weeks after being induced due to reduced movement since week 27. It turned out he had two true knots in his cord and the cord was also wrapped tightly around his neck. The chances of having one knot are 1:2000 so we were so unlucky. Without the awareness to speak to my Midwife and 12 weeks of regular appointments he wouldn’t be here. The prognosis on knots and leaving to full term is bleak. I had traces every other day and weekly scans to get me to week 39. They didn’t see the knots on any scans and we ‘limped’ to week 39. Just so grateful we delivered when we did. I knew something wasn’t right... Trust your instincts.


I’m pleased I’ve seen this page. Made me listen to my instincts With my first and second pregnancies I knew nothing about having to count kicks.... when I was in my third pregnancy. I started counting kicks near I went in five times with reduced movements. Checked everything and everything was okay... Midwife’s were happy.... the last attempt I was 39 +

Days weeks and went in again something telling me something isn’t right he is too quiet. Because I was feeling something wasn’t right and they were listening to me and my feelings and said they will admit me and keep me in. I was having contractions I wasn’t feeling them at all. So they decide to induced me Saturday morning on the 11th November and he was born on his due date Sunday 12th November he was okay

He was just a very chilled laid back baby you wouldn’t relise you had him... we all think he was just a very chilled quiet baby in mummy tummy... his now 13 weeks

Old and a very happy mummy boy full of smiles � thank you xxxxx


I purchased one of your wristbands at 21 weeks pregnant, and I used it straight away as my baby was active. I recognised instantly that she had a pattern & I didn’t even realise. Thanks to the wristband I was able to recognise 5-6 times when I had reduced movements, and thanks to those hospital visit ma I found out I had nearly no waters left and she was rapidly dipping in growth, so I was induced at 36 weeks. But without that wristband I wouldn’t have known it was reduced, so I wouldn’t have had extra checks, so I wouldn’t have known my baby wasn’t happy. Lola is now 5 days old. Thank you for all your hard work, you’re an amazing charity. �


I just wanted to say a huge Thank You for everything you do at Kicks Count! I found this organization during my first pregnancy, and it gave me the courage to go to the hospital for reduced movement even when the nurse told me it was normal - it probably saved my daughter's life. She was trying to be born way too early and they were able to stop labor. I've since had a miscarriage, then a beautiful rainbow baby. My son was born 1/28 this year. I just shake my head at so many healthcare professionals that don't know how important fetal movement is and how much of an indicator it can be. Please please keep spreading the word and helping mothers who may not know! I don't know what I would have done if I lost my daughter.. thank you.


I cannot try and help raise awareness of kicks count as much as needs to be done. If it wasn't for taking notice of my baby's movements and just listening to the older generation in my family of "he's probably sleeping" or "he's just having a slower day with hardly any room left" then my baby wouldn't be here today. I came to hospital feeling like I was being unnessasary as it was my 3rd time over with reduced movement so I didn't want to seem like I was being a pain to the hospital staff but I'm glad I did. I was monitored for 20 minutes then rushed off for an emergency c section..all too quick to even be able to think. Put to sleep one minute and baby out within 2 to say he's alive and health is improving but the midwives say if I'd have left it until the next day 'to see if he picks up moving again' then this wouldn't be the story I'd be sharing. Sorry for the essay but please go seek help even if you end up at the hospital concerned nearly every week, that's what the staff are there for. Mother knows best :) listen to your gut instinct!!


I am so thankful to this charity and all the campaigning that they do, without them I wouldn't of noticed the reduced movements of my baby.

This was my first pregnancy and it had been pretty straight forward up until 35 weeks. I woke up on a Tuesday morning and felt like something wasn't right. I couldn't put my finger on it but I felt different and hadn't felt baby move as much as she would normally. I called my hospital and went in straight away for monitoring and scans. It turned out I had lost almost all of my amniotic fluid due to the placenta or cord not working as it should!! I was then monitored daily, given weekly scans to check her growth and the fluid that remained. I was also given steroid injections in case baby had to be delivered early. This continued until 38 weeks and 2 days when I was induced. Aubree was born the following morning at 5.22am weighing 6Ib 11oz and completely healthy. Without this charity I may not of realised anything was wrong and wouldn't of had the confidence to put my foot down and ensure that the hospital and midwives listened to my concerns. Thank you so much Kicks Count!!


Hi, I just want to say a huge thanks for everything you do and sharing this important information with people. I gave birth to my little boy on 10th November, 3 weeks early. I've been in and out of hospital with bleeding since 27weeks, had steroids at 31weeks and was being watched incase they decided to deliver early as weren't sure where the bleeding was coming from, I was being monitored weekly and had 2 weekly growth scans and a Doppler scan weekly. One night I was lay in bed and was thinking I haven't felt the baby move as much as he would normally and was going to wait until morning but I told myself go in to be checked, I did, they where happy with the heartbeat. The scan department cancelled my Doppler scan that week aswell as they didn't think I needed it. I went in 2 weeks later with reduced movement again as something didn't feel right, the midwife that seen me seemed like she wanted to get me in and out and told me its because the doctors have stressed to me if any changes to go in, basically saying I was over thinking and was all in my head! (Haven't got a bad word against the doctors and midwife's that seen me as all stressed about movements and not to leave it, just this one person) My Doppler scan again got cancelled that week as the same reason. I woke up in the morning when I was bang on 37weeks with bleeding, I went in to hospital, they admitted me. A senior doctor read my notes and wanted to scan me at the bedside, the scan showed I had hardly any liquid left around the baby. (Which if I had my scan they would have seen this!)They induced me that day and my baby was born early the next morning, he had the cord wrapped around his neck a few times (which could explain the reduced movements). I honestly believe if he didn't come then he wouldn't be here, so thank you :) I've got two other kids and never really heard of your charity until when I was trying for baby number 3, thank you �


Happy New Year and thank you so much for all the hard work you do to get this important message out there!

Thanks to the work you do I knew how important it was to keep track of my daughter's movements and felt confident to immediately seek help and contact the midwives in our local hospital on several occasions when she stopped moving towards the end of my pregnancy. I was eventually induced and my daughter was born a healthy little baby. If I hadn't known about this, who knows if she would be with us now. Kicks absolutely count :)


Cannot recommend the app enough, closely monitoring movements and noticing their reduction potentially saved my little ones life when he was induced early, he arrived with a huge knot in his umbilical cord (no wonder my super active baby had slowed down so much). So thank you for the important information you share and encouraging people like me to keep a close eye on movements and trust my instincts, I'm so glad I did �


After a movement change at 40 weeks I called the maternity ward who wanted to see me. When I got there I apologised for being a drama queen as they started to hook me up to the monitors. The baby suffered bradycardia whilst being monitored and was delivered by emergency C section just minutes after. A healthy baby boy thank goodness.

Never feel like a drama queen. Listen to your body. Kicks count.


This has just been shared in one of our groups and it’s so much fun to read the responses!
So let’s play!


Today we are wishing our General Manager Lisa a VERY happy birthday!! Lisa does so much for Kicks Count and there are many babies celebrating a birthday because of her, so we hope she has an amazing one herself :)




When I was pregnant with first child, had reduced fetal movements, went to labour ward, got hooked up to ctg machine was all fine she started kicking away.

Second child completely different kicks count saved his life. Experienced reduced fetal movement at 35 weeks, only slightly lower so thought it was a lazy day. Gave it another day and didn't experience any that is was aware of. Thought it was because I was busy so really concentrated in the evening. Got one kick, should have gone to hospital then but as he mainly kicked when I was asleep decided to give it the evening. He kicked if I put ice on my belly but not much. Went to hospital early that morning and got hooked up to a ctg machine. No fetal movement detected and the midwives couldn't recognise the sound of his heart rate. Doctor called and fetal scan done, heart rate was 280bpm. They thought baby was in distress and did an emergency call section within two hours. Baby then rushed to nicu, had to be resussed and ventilated. His heart kept racing and was transferred to evelina children's hospital from our local. Turned out he had a heart condition called svt and he was going into cardiac failure. Was in hospital for two and a half months. He is a happy and healthy 8 month old now. All the doctors said I saved his life but I just wish I went in ten hours earlier when I thought something was wrong. Am pleased I paid attention though, kicks count saved my son and I will be forever grateful.


Three times I’ve been admitted with reduced fetal movement, I don’t care how many times I use your app or I call my hospital this has really helped me through my pregnancy I’m near the end � thank all keep up the good work xxx


Thanks to Kicks Count my second miracle pregnancy was well monitored and my stress levels were minimal.

I cannot thank them enough.

And family and friends have used the app too- midwives at work are also making sure parents-to-be are up to date with the latest information and guidance ���


Thanks so much to the awareness spread by kicks count, I had reduced movement at 31 weeks, I went to hospital and a scan showed my baby was small, I then had weekly scans and eventually got induced at 37 weeks and now have my perfect princess �


Thank you so much for making everybody so much more aware of this! I was in and out of hospital towards the end and no Doctors were listening to me I felt so small but I knew something wasn’t right! This charity gave me my backbone and made such a difference! After four weeks of saying to Doctors she’s not moving right please help me they finally decided to rush me for an emergency c section. I can’t thank this charity enough for bringing such a thing as counting kicks to light �


Thank you so much for all of the work you do. I'm currently 39 weeks pregnant with baby 2, and the information you publish has made me aware of my babies moment throughout pregnancies, and given me the confidence to go into hospital for monitoring when I was unsure of my baby's movements.


So glad counting kicks is high lighted I had 3 time diminished movements once at 30wks then 32wks and 38wks lucky I went in each time as movements we not great but did improve . At 38wks I went in and with in 30 minutes of being put on monitor I went in to early labour with in couple of hrs dilate to 2cm and had an emergency c section nearly 2wks early she was a bit poorly when she came out (as I had a planned on due just before 40wks.) If I hadn't noticed reduced movements I would have probably left it til later and thought nothing of it. I now have our daughter safe and sound and glad I had awareness of reduced movements as it could have been so different. X


On my second pregnancy i was sick through out, week 37 its was very bad untill the end of the week. I woke up on a saturday morning and felt normal could drink and eat which wasnt normal. I hardly felt her move, i knew something wasnt right. I called the midwife, she told me to drink ice cold drink and lay down for 2 hours. After an hour i called back and asked to go in. I was put on the monitor ( for the third time in pregnancy) there was signs of contractions. I ended up being induced on the thursday, but my lo's heart beat was not high enough for giving birth. It was a tense time with oxygen wires in her head. Myself in and out of gas and air, finally after several hours she was born with one push and 6lbs. i stopped being sick and she was very healthy. always listen to your heart, never question yourself. Im glad i called the midwife when it didnt feel right x


My baby’s movements have been reduced all day and night and everyone tells me she is probably having a lazy day and as I’m 30 weeks getting squished! If it wasn’t for this on Facebook I wouldn’t have rung my maternity ward to get her checked out! Thank you � x


Merry Christmas and thank you to all of those giving their time for this worthy cause. On the 9th Dec I delivered a healthy baby boy at 39 weeks after being induced due to reduced movement since week 27. It turned out he had two true knots in his cord and the cord was also wrapped tightly around his neck. The chances of having one knot are 1:2000 so we were so unlucky. Without the awareness to speak to my Midwife and 12 weeks of regular appointments he wouldn’t be here. The prognosis on knots and leaving to full term is bleak. I had traces every other day and weekly scans to get me to week 39. They didn’t see the knots on any scans and we ‘limped’ to week 39. Just so grateful we delivered when we did. I knew something wasn’t right... Trust your instincts.


I’m pleased I’ve seen this page. Made me listen to my instincts With my first and second pregnancies I knew nothing about having to count kicks.... when I was in my third pregnancy. I started counting kicks near I went in five times with reduced movements. Checked everything and everything was okay... Midwife’s were happy.... the last attempt I was 39 +

Days weeks and went in again something telling me something isn’t right he is too quiet. Because I was feeling something wasn’t right and they were listening to me and my feelings and said they will admit me and keep me in. I was having contractions I wasn’t feeling them at all. So they decide to induced me Saturday morning on the 11th November and he was born on his due date Sunday 12th November he was okay

He was just a very chilled laid back baby you wouldn’t relise you had him... we all think he was just a very chilled quiet baby in mummy tummy... his now 13 weeks

Old and a very happy mummy boy full of smiles � thank you xxxxx


I purchased one of your wristbands at 21 weeks pregnant, and I used it straight away as my baby was active. I recognised instantly that she had a pattern & I didn’t even realise. Thanks to the wristband I was able to recognise 5-6 times when I had reduced movements, and thanks to those hospital visit ma I found out I had nearly no waters left and she was rapidly dipping in growth, so I was induced at 36 weeks. But without that wristband I wouldn’t have known it was reduced, so I wouldn’t have had extra checks, so I wouldn’t have known my baby wasn’t happy. Lola is now 5 days old. Thank you for all your hard work, you’re an amazing charity. �


I just wanted to say a huge Thank You for everything you do at Kicks Count! I found this organization during my first pregnancy, and it gave me the courage to go to the hospital for reduced movement even when the nurse told me it was normal - it probably saved my daughter's life. She was trying to be born way too early and they were able to stop labor. I've since had a miscarriage, then a beautiful rainbow baby. My son was born 1/28 this year. I just shake my head at so many healthcare professionals that don't know how important fetal movement is and how much of an indicator it can be. Please please keep spreading the word and helping mothers who may not know! I don't know what I would have done if I lost my daughter.. thank you.


I cannot try and help raise awareness of kicks count as much as needs to be done. If it wasn't for taking notice of my baby's movements and just listening to the older generation in my family of "he's probably sleeping" or "he's just having a slower day with hardly any room left" then my baby wouldn't be here today. I came to hospital feeling like I was being unnessasary as it was my 3rd time over with reduced movement so I didn't want to seem like I was being a pain to the hospital staff but I'm glad I did. I was monitored for 20 minutes then rushed off for an emergency c section..all too quick to even be able to think. Put to sleep one minute and baby out within 2 to say he's alive and health is improving but the midwives say if I'd have left it until the next day 'to see if he picks up moving again' then this wouldn't be the story I'd be sharing. Sorry for the essay but please go seek help even if you end up at the hospital concerned nearly every week, that's what the staff are there for. Mother knows best :) listen to your gut instinct!!


I am so thankful to this charity and all the campaigning that they do, without them I wouldn't of noticed the reduced movements of my baby.

This was my first pregnancy and it had been pretty straight forward up until 35 weeks. I woke up on a Tuesday morning and felt like something wasn't right. I couldn't put my finger on it but I felt different and hadn't felt baby move as much as she would normally. I called my hospital and went in straight away for monitoring and scans. It turned out I had lost almost all of my amniotic fluid due to the placenta or cord not working as it should!! I was then monitored daily, given weekly scans to check her growth and the fluid that remained. I was also given steroid injections in case baby had to be delivered early. This continued until 38 weeks and 2 days when I was induced. Aubree was born the following morning at 5.22am weighing 6Ib 11oz and completely healthy. Without this charity I may not of realised anything was wrong and wouldn't of had the confidence to put my foot down and ensure that the hospital and midwives listened to my concerns. Thank you so much Kicks Count!!


Hi, I just want to say a huge thanks for everything you do and sharing this important information with people. I gave birth to my little boy on 10th November, 3 weeks early. I've been in and out of hospital with bleeding since 27weeks, had steroids at 31weeks and was being watched incase they decided to deliver early as weren't sure where the bleeding was coming from, I was being monitored weekly and had 2 weekly growth scans and a Doppler scan weekly. One night I was lay in bed and was thinking I haven't felt the baby move as much as he would normally and was going to wait until morning but I told myself go in to be checked, I did, they where happy with the heartbeat. The scan department cancelled my Doppler scan that week aswell as they didn't think I needed it. I went in 2 weeks later with reduced movement again as something didn't feel right, the midwife that seen me seemed like she wanted to get me in and out and told me its because the doctors have stressed to me if any changes to go in, basically saying I was over thinking and was all in my head! (Haven't got a bad word against the doctors and midwife's that seen me as all stressed about movements and not to leave it, just this one person) My Doppler scan again got cancelled that week as the same reason. I woke up in the morning when I was bang on 37weeks with bleeding, I went in to hospital, they admitted me. A senior doctor read my notes and wanted to scan me at the bedside, the scan showed I had hardly any liquid left around the baby. (Which if I had my scan they would have seen this!)They induced me that day and my baby was born early the next morning, he had the cord wrapped around his neck a few times (which could explain the reduced movements). I honestly believe if he didn't come then he wouldn't be here, so thank you :) I've got two other kids and never really heard of your charity until when I was trying for baby number 3, thank you �


Happy New Year and thank you so much for all the hard work you do to get this important message out there!

Thanks to the work you do I knew how important it was to keep track of my daughter's movements and felt confident to immediately seek help and contact the midwives in our local hospital on several occasions when she stopped moving towards the end of my pregnancy. I was eventually induced and my daughter was born a healthy little baby. If I hadn't known about this, who knows if she would be with us now. Kicks absolutely count :)


Cannot recommend the app enough, closely monitoring movements and noticing their reduction potentially saved my little ones life when he was induced early, he arrived with a huge knot in his umbilical cord (no wonder my super active baby had slowed down so much). So thank you for the important information you share and encouraging people like me to keep a close eye on movements and trust my instincts, I'm so glad I did �


After a movement change at 40 weeks I called the maternity ward who wanted to see me. When I got there I apologised for being a drama queen as they started to hook me up to the monitors. The baby suffered bradycardia whilst being monitored and was delivered by emergency C section just minutes after. A healthy baby boy thank goodness.

Never feel like a drama queen. Listen to your body. Kicks count.

More about Kicks Count

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -