Kidney Research Uk

About Kidney Research Uk

There are three million people in the UK with kidney disease and there is no cure. We are the national kidney research charity, committed to developing treatments, patient information and raising vital public awareness to help save lives.

Kidney Research Uk Description

Over three million lives in the UK are threatened by chronic kidney disease – young, old, male, female, it can strike any one of us at any time. This is why Kidney Research UK is dedicated to improving the understanding of kidney disease, its causes and treatments.

Kidney disease is not, as commonly thought, a disease that affects only the elderly - it can happen at any age. Treatment options include a transplant - for which there is a waiting list or a life on dialysis, a life sustaining treatment - but which can severely restrict daily life.

Important scientific breakthroughs are being made all the time and medical researchers are constantly developing improvements in treatments.

However, problems still remain and scientific advances can only be sustained, and improved, if we succeed in raising our income and for that we need your help.



Kidney Research UK would not be what it is without our wonderful, hard working volunteers. Rosalie Osborne has been volunteering for us for over 20 years now, in her own words here's why: "After 20 years as a volunteer and seeing many of those suffering from kidney disease benefit from money raised is reward enough, as without us volunteers and the public support, research could not progress. Knowing in some small way I am making a difference and encouraging more to become volunteers for this worthy charity, one can look forward to a brighter future."


What an amazing weekend. Well done everyone who took part in this year's British Transplant Games, you are all amazing.




Great news but families must remember to share their wishes


Birmingham is playing host to a fabulous British Transplant Games this week. We are loving meeting transplant recipients, their families, friends and living donors - and supporting #TEAMKDNEY in their sporting events. There's no experience quite like it.


The lovely Paul McAlindon dropped in at the Kidney Research UK office this week. Paul took part in Ride 100 2018 for us last Sunday and has so far raised a whopping £1,280, with more funds still coming in. Paul’s fundraising deadline is August 27, if you’d like to donate to his page you can find it at…/ showROFundraiserPage… Thanks Paul you are amazing !


Hope you are as excited as we are about the British Transplant Games in Birmingham this weekend (Aug 2 – 5). If you are planning on attending don’t forget to drop by to our interactive stand at the University of Birmingham Sports & Fitness Centre on Bristol Road, Birmingham, Edgbaston B15 2TT. There will be a chance to meet a researcher and see their work in action on Friday and Saturday between 10am and 2pm. If you are passionate about changing lives through research you can... also sign up to be part of Kidney Voices, which is launching at the games. Patient Involvement Coordinator Sarah Harwood said: “I cannot wait for the games this year! They are going to be bigger and better than ever! This year in particular we feel really privileged to be able to launch our Kidney Voices group with the aim of strengthening the patient voice in the fight against kidney disease.”
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Kidney Researchers at Cardiff University Hospital hosted an open day at their laboratory last week. Charity staff and patients were given a tour to see some of the most exciting research projects currently taking place. Sarah Harwood, a transplant patient and patient involvement coordinator at Kidney Research UK said: “The lab visits are a unique opportunity to gain insight into what we are funding and why we are funding it. The fact that the researchers also invited patien...ts in to ask their opinions, showed how we can all work together to reach our goal – which is better treatments and lives free from kidney disease.” During the visit there was an open discussion hosted by Professor Donald Fraser, who is co-chair of Kidney Research UK’s research grants committee, in which scientists and patients engaged with each other about current topics. This was followed be an open discussion about patients being involved in research and how they feel about it. Lucy Lawrence, the charity’s research officer said: “Our site visits are extremely important to the charity, and this proved to be one of the best yet. I love getting back into the laboratory as I was a biomedical scientist before this and have only recently moved across to the charity sector. For me it’s also a chance to really connect with the researchers and to build up our network and relationships and to take those experiences back to the office to inspire others.”
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Every now and then we get a message or hear a story which really helps keep us focused on raising funds to find more treatments for kidney disease. We just had to share this one, thanks Owen and thanks everyone who raises money for Kidney Research UK, you are all amazing: "Hello, I just thought I would write in to say thank you for all your hard work. I am 18 and I have stage three renal failure. I have had it since I was born due to a genetic disorder. My kidney function at... birth was around 70 per cent and has slowly and steadily made its way down to 32 per cent, which is what it is currently. As my renal function has been abnormal but pretty stable all my life, my body doesn’t know any different. I've always been fit and healthy and have lots of energy and live a normal life. I've finished my A-levels and I'm doing a foundation diploma in art in September for one year. Then I'm going off to university to study textiles and surface pattern design. I would like to become a teacher or a designer. All this would not have been possible without your amazing research. I have always managed my health and condition really well. I take some medication for my kidneys but it's just to keep them working as long as possible. I am fully aware that at some point in my life I will probably have to have a transplant or do dialysis, however I'm not worried. I'll take on whatever life throws at me, nothing is the end of the world. I am grateful to have my life and Kidney Research UK is the reason medical studies have enabled me to live a normal life even though I have kidney disease. I did the Newcastle Bridges walk this June, it was amazing, I'm definitely doing it again next year! I I am monitored by the fantastic kidney team at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle. They’re amazing. Previously I was under the RVI Hospital in Newcastle from age 0 - 18. They’re fantastic as well. I’m really grateful for all the help and support they’ve given me. Thank you for taking time to read this, I just thought I would let you know I'm doing well. I'm a huge supporter of Kidney Research UK and want to thank you all again for your amazing research and hard work.
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Reusing is better than recycling so why not free your house of all that clutter with a summer clear-out? You can donate your unwanted clothes, records, furniture and toys to one of our shops. You will be doing a doubly good deed by helping to raise money to fund life saving research. To find out if there's a shop near you and how to donate visit hops…


Facebook Good luck to #TEAMKIDNEY cycling all over kidney disease in the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 today!


Refill your water bottle for free More than 1,700 shops and businesses across London have signed up to offer free tap water to members of the public. And it's not just in London, there now over 10,000 Refill Stations across the UK - so refilling has never been easier. If you can’t find any Refill Stations near you, you can add them and grow the Refill network through the app. With permission from the shop or cafe owner, you simply take a photo of it, then tap the map where y...ou want to add a Refill Station and follow the instructions. You can refill wherever you see the logo in the window or download the app so you're able to find the locations of shops and businesses taking part in the scheme.Refill is a National, practical tap water campaign that aims to make refilling your bottle as easy, convenient and cheap as possible by introducing refill stations on every street.
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Calling all raffle ticket buyers! Your tickets need to be returned to us by 30 July for the summer draw. Will you scoop the top prize? What would you do with £5,000? us/raffle


Kayleigh and Louise have such a powerful story to tell about altruistic kidney donation. Strangers to each other only last year, they are now firm friends after Kayleigh heard about Louise's plight and gave her her 'spare' kidney.
You might remember us sharing their story a few weeks ago; we are delighted The Mirror has also picked it up. It's sure to help their fundraising drive and to spread awareness about the ultimate gift of life.…/young-woman- facing-years-dialysi…


It’s hot, hot, hot! How are you managing in this heatwave? It seems never ending!
Dehydration is a health risk and can lead to serious conditions – including urinary tract infections and acute kidney injury. But if you’re on dialysis the amount you can drink can be very restricted. What are your top tips for managing thirst?


Morgan’s kidneys suddenly failed when she was 13. Her whole life was turned upside down. Within days she had to rely on dialysis every night, seven days a week – just to keep her alive But dialysis isn’t a long-term solution. It can actually shorten a person’s life. Morgan desperately needed a transplant. Incredibly, still on dialysis, Morgan joined hundreds of others on the Glasgow Bridges Walk. Morgan’s wish was granted when her dad donated a kidney. Morgan’s mum, Lynn, said: “People who have supported research are the reason we were so lucky with a transplant.” Join Morgan and her family to take on the seven miles of the Glasgow Bridges Walk on Sunday 14 October. Come and meet inspiring people and give kidney disease its marching orders sooner!


we really need kidney research. Some people imagine that a transplant solves the issue but no it does not. A kidney transplant is a wonderful gift. If you are lucky like I was for 18yrs. It gave me a new lease of life but does not take away renal failure forever. Thank god we have people trying hard to make things easier for us.


What a great charity & seven greater bunch of people behind it, there all so friendly & supportive. I've now done 3 rides & 2 bridge walks with them & enjoyed every moment & raising the money I have for them along the way. As a living donor they'll always be close to my heart. Thanks Guys!!!


They are helping people like me who have kidney disease, yes we can be on dialysis (not a walk in the park) or have a transplant but there is still no cure but the research they do could save millions of lives in the future!


Such a great cause, one that's close to my heart that's effected me personally. Kidney Research UK keep up the good work you are doing yout all fab, I also couldn't thank Salford Royal enough for everything they did for me while I was in hospital and now as an outpatient. Xxx


So thankful for the invaluable work KRUK do


My partner has recently been diagnosed with iga which started 10 years ago and was unfortunately undiagnosed by the hospital until now, and it has now progressed to end stage kidney failure. Hopefully with more support and research this will not happen to others in the future. A recently held fundraising event was held by good friends at Mudmucher 4x4 off road club raising over £1200. Hope this helps!


My mum was diagnosed with complete renal failure over 10 years ago and as a result has had other problems occur (such as heart attacks and low blood pressure) I was wondering if you could tell me how I can raise more awareness for the charity in my area? as I had to search online to find you and think it needs better promoting.

Thank you x


My mum died on the 21st December 2010 of end stage CKD and kidney failure caused through arthritis medication. At the time it didn't seem like we had support or knew of any support during her illness and her death. It's so great seeing charity events such as the walk taking place. I'm hoping I am accepted as an entry for the bridge walks. Love and hope to all xxx


Made me feel so much better thanku. Told me about my condition and up and coming events. Thanku guys xxx


Kidney Research UK like any medical research is of the utmost importance. Without it, our medical profession would be so far behing the rest of the world. Research is only appreciated when we the public have need of the medical service. We need to change our views towards medical research and fully support it today, not as a last resort in the hope that it can save the lives of our loved ones and or friends.


It is a worthwhile charity to those who have either donated or given a kidney to a loved one, me personally have one kidney and it has done me proud as I am living proof that even with one kidney you can out smart anyone who has been blessed with two. I was born with one kidney and 48 years later I am still here


I suffer from PKD alongside my dad and brother. My sister kindly donated a kidney to my dad in 2013. In December I am hosting a charity dance in aid of this amazing charity. If anyone would like to attend or knows of anyone that would kindly donate raffle items etc please get in touch. From Birmingham uk :)


I really think Kidney Research is wonderful as it saves lives I would like to thank you my hospital Royal Free hospital saved my life. It is important that people know more about Kidney problems, also thanks to all the people who take part in the fundraising.


I lost my kidney to chronic kidney disease and could have to have a transplant or dialysis in future, I will continue to fundraise for such an amazing charity, raising already just over 15,850 for kidney research and reading yet another article this morning I will continue to raise awareness,support and love for this charity bring on my next challenge xx team sid the kid for life xxx


I just want to say Ive started a drive on Fb to raise money for your charity as my mum is on dialysis. Im asking friends and family to donate what they would pay for a 500mls bottle of drink ( 500mls is my mums daily allowence of fluid) to your charity in the hopes it helps raise awareness and funds for the great work you do.


I have recently been diagnosed with IgA Nephropathy and can't thank the specialists at the Freeman Hospital in the North East enough. It was discovered during my first pregnancy via severe proteinuria. If it wasn't for kidney research and being able to be put on medication to manage it, the outcome could be a lot worse in a shorter space of time. Thank you!


Amazing xx they all do a fantastic job x


4 weeks ago I lost my brother who was just 33 years old to renal failure and other health issues caused because of it but my life will now go on to support kidney research more than ever in his memory I'm hoping to get my whole family together for the London bridge walk. Good luck to all kidney patients I do read some amazing happy turn outs sadly my brothers case was a truly sad ending but he also was a huge inspiration to others. I would personally like to do something myself to support kidney research but still trying to figure out what. Good luck to every one doing all the up coming challenges.


Just another faux charity constantly asking for money and doing very little in return. Their main forte is animal cruelty with the pointless and senseless abuse of defenseless creatures they use in some frankenstein experimental fashion that have got them nowhere, but the ridicule of genuine science. If they really must experiment on live species let them offer themselves up as guinea pigs. The monsters that run the show are worthy of nothing but ridicule and our money is well spent elsewhere then with these heartless scammers.


we really need kidney research. Some people imagine that a transplant solves the issue but no it does not. A kidney transplant is a wonderful gift. If you are lucky like I was for 18yrs. It gave me a new lease of life but does not take away renal failure forever. Thank god we have people trying hard to make things easier for us.


What a great charity & seven greater bunch of people behind it, there all so friendly & supportive. I've now done 3 rides & 2 bridge walks with them & enjoyed every moment & raising the money I have for them along the way. As a living donor they'll always be close to my heart. Thanks Guys!!!


They are helping people like me who have kidney disease, yes we can be on dialysis (not a walk in the park) or have a transplant but there is still no cure but the research they do could save millions of lives in the future!


Such a great cause, one that's close to my heart that's effected me personally. Kidney Research UK keep up the good work you are doing yout all fab, I also couldn't thank Salford Royal enough for everything they did for me while I was in hospital and now as an outpatient. Xxx


So thankful for the invaluable work KRUK do


My partner has recently been diagnosed with iga which started 10 years ago and was unfortunately undiagnosed by the hospital until now, and it has now progressed to end stage kidney failure. Hopefully with more support and research this will not happen to others in the future. A recently held fundraising event was held by good friends at Mudmucher 4x4 off road club raising over £1200. Hope this helps!


My mum was diagnosed with complete renal failure over 10 years ago and as a result has had other problems occur (such as heart attacks and low blood pressure) I was wondering if you could tell me how I can raise more awareness for the charity in my area? as I had to search online to find you and think it needs better promoting.

Thank you x


My mum died on the 21st December 2010 of end stage CKD and kidney failure caused through arthritis medication. At the time it didn't seem like we had support or knew of any support during her illness and her death. It's so great seeing charity events such as the walk taking place. I'm hoping I am accepted as an entry for the bridge walks. Love and hope to all xxx


Made me feel so much better thanku. Told me about my condition and up and coming events. Thanku guys xxx


Kidney Research UK like any medical research is of the utmost importance. Without it, our medical profession would be so far behing the rest of the world. Research is only appreciated when we the public have need of the medical service. We need to change our views towards medical research and fully support it today, not as a last resort in the hope that it can save the lives of our loved ones and or friends.


It is a worthwhile charity to those who have either donated or given a kidney to a loved one, me personally have one kidney and it has done me proud as I am living proof that even with one kidney you can out smart anyone who has been blessed with two. I was born with one kidney and 48 years later I am still here


I suffer from PKD alongside my dad and brother. My sister kindly donated a kidney to my dad in 2013. In December I am hosting a charity dance in aid of this amazing charity. If anyone would like to attend or knows of anyone that would kindly donate raffle items etc please get in touch. From Birmingham uk :)


I really think Kidney Research is wonderful as it saves lives I would like to thank you my hospital Royal Free hospital saved my life. It is important that people know more about Kidney problems, also thanks to all the people who take part in the fundraising.


I lost my kidney to chronic kidney disease and could have to have a transplant or dialysis in future, I will continue to fundraise for such an amazing charity, raising already just over 15,850 for kidney research and reading yet another article this morning I will continue to raise awareness,support and love for this charity bring on my next challenge xx team sid the kid for life xxx


I just want to say Ive started a drive on Fb to raise money for your charity as my mum is on dialysis. Im asking friends and family to donate what they would pay for a 500mls bottle of drink ( 500mls is my mums daily allowence of fluid) to your charity in the hopes it helps raise awareness and funds for the great work you do.


I have recently been diagnosed with IgA Nephropathy and can't thank the specialists at the Freeman Hospital in the North East enough. It was discovered during my first pregnancy via severe proteinuria. If it wasn't for kidney research and being able to be put on medication to manage it, the outcome could be a lot worse in a shorter space of time. Thank you!


Amazing xx they all do a fantastic job x


4 weeks ago I lost my brother who was just 33 years old to renal failure and other health issues caused because of it but my life will now go on to support kidney research more than ever in his memory I'm hoping to get my whole family together for the London bridge walk. Good luck to all kidney patients I do read some amazing happy turn outs sadly my brothers case was a truly sad ending but he also was a huge inspiration to others. I would personally like to do something myself to support kidney research but still trying to figure out what. Good luck to every one doing all the up coming challenges.


Just another faux charity constantly asking for money and doing very little in return. Their main forte is animal cruelty with the pointless and senseless abuse of defenseless creatures they use in some frankenstein experimental fashion that have got them nowhere, but the ridicule of genuine science. If they really must experiment on live species let them offer themselves up as guinea pigs. The monsters that run the show are worthy of nothing but ridicule and our money is well spent elsewhere then with these heartless scammers.

More about Kidney Research Uk

Kidney Research Uk is located at Nene Hall, Lynch Wood Park, PE2 6FZ Peterborough
0300 303 1100
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -