Kieran Ingram

About Kieran Ingram

Oil painter based in the UK.

Kieran Ingram Description

Still life is the primary focus of my work because of the control over composition and attention to detail afforded by this type of painting. I find the relationship between specific objects particularly fascinating, especially when elements that seem incongruous can be made to complement each other in surprising ways. The illusion in my work draws from but progresses beyond the simple visual trickery of traditional trompe l’oeil and becomes conceptual when the relationship between objects alters how we perceive them.

I am an avid reader and my partner is a writer (she is a big influence on each of my paintings as she is hugely knowledgeable and creative), so much of my work is inspired by literature. Some of my paintings are inspired by entire stories, some by passages from books and many of them are interpretations of poetry. The visual nature of poems makes them particularly appropriate for the thematic content of paintings. I am especially fond of the work of T. S. Eliot and many of my paintings are inspired by his writings.

In addition to art and literature I am also very influenced by my surroundings. I live in the countryside and spend much of my time outdoors walking our dog and foster dogs; natural history, archaeology and anthropology play a big role in the development of my themes and aesthetic choices.

Apart from still life, I enjoy the challenge of plein air landscape painting and the sense of authenticity that comes from immersing myself in a scene and capturing the sense of place directly. I have a preference for the brightly coloured panels and methods favoured by American Tonalist painters.



Very nearly finished with this one. There are still a few areas (namely the head and peg/feet) that need more work but on the whole I'm happy with it :)


Join Chris and I on the 10th of May for our first Landscape Painting Workshop of the Year up at Tegg's Nose on the edge of the Peak District.
All levels are welcome, from complete beginners to experienced artists. All equipment is provided and the day costs just £59! Click the link below to find out more and book. 949123/?event_time_id=287412505282456
... Take a look at the photos below for an idea of what you can achieve working outdoors.
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Chris and I will be running our first landscape painting workshop of the year up at Tegg's Nose in the Peak District on the 10th of May. Once again we're running it with the Cheshire East Ranger's and you can book your place through them. All levels are welcome, from complete beginners to experienced artists.
All equipment is provided and the day costs just £59!
Click the link below to find out more and book...


Finally took a proper photo of this. It's very nearly there - just a few minor details and corrections left. I'll post a full photo tomorrow!

More about Kieran Ingram