Kiln Theatre

Monday: 10:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 21:00
Friday: 10:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 14:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 14:00 - 20:00

About Kiln Theatre

One of London’s most respected and loved theatres. Producing a challenging and innovative programme of theatre, cinema and visual arts.



We're excited to announce the cast of White Teeth, the major world premiere of Zadie Smith's novel, adapted for stage by Stephen Sharkey and directed by Indhu Rubasingham.
Meet the cast →
26 Oct - 22 Dec, tickets from £10.


In the final part of our chat with writer Alexis Zegerman and director Indhu Rubasingham, they us why Kiln Theatre is the right venue for the World Premiere of Holy S...!
See it here from 5 Sep, tickets from £10 →


Holy ...! and Kiln Theatre teams posing for the camera, marking the first day of rehearsals for the first play in our new auditorium. Bring it on!
5 Sep - 6 Oct, tickets from £10 →


Participants of Minding The Gap - our project for young people that are newly arrived in the UK - created 4 short films about zombies, school drama, magical cricket umpires & Ronaldo! Yesterday we held a screening (with a red carpet!) to celebrate their work & creativity. Congratulations to all! #InspiringTheFuture


Lots of brilliant conversations and exciting discoveries during the three-day research and development workshops of #ApproachingEmpty, Ishy Din's brand new play, directed by Pooja Ghai. Can't wait to get our hands on the new draft...
World premiere in January. For tickets and more info →


Chuffed that our productions of Lolita Chakrabarti's #RedVelvet and Moira Buffini's #Handbagged, both directed by Artistic Director Indhu Rubasingham, have been chosen as 2 of the top 25 best British plays since Jerusalem in Michael Billington's list.


Great advice for young and aspiring writers from Holy S...! writer Alexis Zegerman, on National Writing Day!


Here's our wonderful cast of Holy S...! by Alexis Zegerman just before their first read through. We are so excited to meet them all and can't wait to welcome them for rehearsals in Kilburn later this summer!
Find out who is who here →


Join our team as the Trusts Fundraising Officer! Deadline 10am on Friday 29 June


For #RefugeeWeek2018 find out about our programme #MindingTheGap which welcomes young people who are newly arrived to the UK and encourages them to develop spoken language skills and confidence & a creative output to be proud of.


Here's the second part from our chat with Holy S...! writer Alexis Zegerman, where she tells us about the inspiration behind writing her new play.
Don't miss the world premiere, on our stage from 5 Sep, tickets from £10 →


Writer Alexis Zegerman and director Indhu Rubasingham introduce Holy S...! which will be the first production to take the stage in our newly refurbished auditorium 5 Sep - 6 Oct.
More info and tickets:


We are incredibly excited to announce the cast of the first production in our newly refurbished theatre.
Daon Broni, Claire Goose, Daniel Lapaine and Dorothea Myer-Bennett will appear in the world premiere of Alexis Zegerman's acerbic comedy directed by Artistic Director Indhu Rubasingham.
5 September – 6 October. Tickets available from £10.


Chuffed that our epic comedy with music and dance #WhiteTeeth made it to the WhatsOnStage list of the coolest upcoming musical openings!
Music by Paul Englishby, stage adaptation by Stephen Sharkey & direction by Indhu Rubasingham. On stage from 22 Oct. For tickets: eth/


OK Club Presents... 14 April part of Mapping Brent festival.
By OK Club Young Company, directed by Dionne Reid and David Gilbert


Blanket, 12 & 13 April part of Mapping Brent festival.
By Press Road Young Company, Group 2, and Chris Finnegan, directed by Christopher Sivertsen.


Our Artistic Director Indhu Rubasingham announced our brand new name this morning. Kiln Theatre! #TricycleTransformed
"This is an opportunity for us to be really proud. A name can't do anything for itself. It goes hand-in-hand with our ethos, our mission statement and our programme. This is the time to try different things."


The artist suffered during aparthied as well. At least aparthied is now gone. They cancelled the festival because the Israli State has provided money for the festival during a time when that state is acussed by the UN of targetting civilians and committing war crimes. The festival could have dropped the Israeli states funding for the festival to go ahead and the artists work would be seen. Unfortunataly the Festival made a political statement tacitly supporting the Israeli states actions by refusing to do this. THe theatre has every right to refuse money from accused war criminals as it would probably refuse a festival sponsored by Hamas who have a legitimate right to defense albeit not with indiscriminate weapons.


Seen three plays here so far, all of them have been AMAZING. Most recently, the invisible everyone who hasn't seen it yet, i would highly recommend that you go and see it!!! We sat in row D, right by the stage and we could not have asked for a better view which just transported us right into the play. Brilliant actors and great plot which made me wish it didn't have to end! I cannot wait to come back and watch the next play thats on- i love the tricycle.


Oh wow. I just saw Wolf in Snakeskin Shoes for the second time. It's brilliant. It was hysterically funny and moving the first time and knowing what's coming makes it a fantastic watch second time round. I was laughing and crying before speeches and scenes happened. This afternoon's performance was so incredibly powerful. If you get a chance go and see it. I'd go and third and fourth time at the drop of a hat!


Its Important to stand for something even if alot of very misguided people will hate you for it doing it you offered to host festival just not with the funding from Israeli embassy. It is beyond offence to compare your action to that of the nazi's especially since numerous concentration camp survivors are have denounced the genocide in gaza .

JewishVoiceforPeace here are a 187,400 people who agree with you


I really enjoyed my visit to the tricycle's a wonderful auditorium,friendly staff and a terrific ambience.well done to all at the tricycle,keep up the good work,we will be back.


Had the great fortune of attending the first night opening of Opera Up Close' La Traviata. the audience and I experienced a superb outstanding moving show, not a dry eye in the house for the finale, the cast were wonderfully skillful, the costumes, music, singing, staging were all so sublime... This TALENTED small company certainly puts many of the bigger opera companies too shame! The good People of Kilburn and North London are so fortunate in having such a delightful theatre/cinema complex right on their doorstep, how I wish we residents of South East London had access to a similar venue such as this staffed by helpful friendly people and possessed a vibrant bar area with great ambiance. Looking forward to planning my next visit. Many thanks


Great respect to you for taking a stand against oppression and mass murder. For those who claim that the boycott of Israel is racist or anti-semitic, please have the sense to see that it is not. The boycott is of Israeli products, companies and institutions, not of Jewish or Israeli people. The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement is the best hope for a just and peaceful resolution to the nearly 70 year old conflict in Israel/Palestine. It is the only initiative that I know of which might make possible reconciliation between the peoples of that land so that Jews and Arabs may one day live there in peace alongside each other. As such it is in the best interests of Israeli people as well as of Palestinians to support it.


Fantastic opportunities for young people to get involved in theatre. The Takeover is excellent! Great venue with very friendly staff. Really looking forward to the opening of the new theatre.


Fantastic Q&A with Jim Carter, Kenneth Branagh and Derek Jacobi. Wonderful night


Another Five star visit to The Tricycle Theatre, The Dissidents was amazing! I’ll tell you what else is amazing, and worthwhile combining a visit with is the comedy ‘Not Just Rob Gotobed But Also Tony Knight’ at The Leicester Square Theatre, London on May 23rd 2015 - it’s a GREAT Comedy and a great way to unwind! Even Prince William & Kate are fans!

“From the moment you enter the theatre you are taken on a comedic journey of absurdity. So sit back, relax and I will guarantee that not only will you laugh out loud, you will fall off your chair laughing out loud … Yes, the humor of classic British Monty Python Comedy is alive and well in the form of Rob Gotobed & Tony Knight” F. Kathleen Foley, The Los Angeles Times.


The Tricycle Theatre is a unique cultural institution, which plays host to the very best dramatic arts from around the globe and from closer to home. It has an unmatched ability to bridge different communities, and to rise above controversy, through the arts. I hope that the Tricycle Theatre is able to put its recent troubles behind it, and to continue to do the good work it has been doing in its small corner of North West London.

4 stars, not 5, for losing your way in the first place, but I'm glad to have you back ;)


It is very sad that a charming community cinema and theatre has let the political views of some of its directors doom this lovely institution to bankruptcy. A cinema should never get involved in politics, particularly when it is in such a multi cultural community. I am not religious and just saddened that this spells the end for this establishment. The directors should draw a line under this, apologise to their staff and the residents of Kilburn, and resign immediately.


This will always be The TRICYCLE theatre. NO EVIDENCE of the alleged consultation about name change.


There go all my childhood memories of the first time I went to see a play. Change it back to ''Tricycle Theatre', NOW! Hey, Indhu Rubasingham, the name 'Kiln' absolutely DISlocates it... Why do you want to destroy a beloved piece of local heritage and betray the community. You should consider your position carefully as that's BAD ARTISTIC DIRECTION... I hope Tulip has your guts for garters...


The Tricycle Theatre is a recognised name associated with very high quality artistic diversity. It has taken decades to establish its first-class international reputation. It is prided in its locality. It is celebrated among theatre-lovers but the name is now to be squandered for no good reason. I mean really... would Harrods squander its brand? There was not even a consultation. You've appropriated funds raised for the Tricycle and spent it on a rebrand the donors did not knowingly contribute to. You've stolen the good will for the Tricycle and, using post-truth marketing, you've appropriated the cheers for the reopening of the theatre to falsely claim it is local support for the name change - it isn't. There isn't any local support and local people are heart-broken. The Tricycle is not a private fiefdom, or a vanity project, or a company selling widgets; it's a public-funded facility that forms part of the identity of the local area. Over the years, the people of Kilburn have saved the Tricycle after the fire, and during perennial funding crises. The people of Kilburn will save the Tricycle again. It's our Tricycle, not your Kiln.


I and many of my london friends also hate the name change. Why change such a lovely name? Awful.


Considering that you pocketed £761,000 from the arts council (the UK government is far "better" at killing civilians than the Israelis it is clear) - you should on principle of your latest stance give this back. If you do not, what do you expect this looks like? The Tricycle theatre may not think itself anti-semitic but it's actions seem to be not only that, but shamefully hypocritical. Are you going to dismiss the writings, research and inventions of Israeli artists, academics and scientists because you want to announce your moral stance on Israeli government policy? I did not support the extensive bombing but the cultural institutions that exist in whatever country should foster understanding dialogue and communication. Shame on you.


Change the name back to the Tricycle. You are squandering a legacy for absolutely no good reason.


But I loved the old name. The Tricycle! BRING IT BACK YOU STUPID WOMAN!


Great advice for young and aspiring writers from Holy S...! writer Alexis Zegerman, on National Writing Day!


The artist suffered during aparthied as well. At least aparthied is now gone. They cancelled the festival because the Israli State has provided money for the festival during a time when that state is acussed by the UN of targetting civilians and committing war crimes. The festival could have dropped the Israeli states funding for the festival to go ahead and the artists work would be seen. Unfortunataly the Festival made a political statement tacitly supporting the Israeli states actions by refusing to do this. THe theatre has every right to refuse money from accused war criminals as it would probably refuse a festival sponsored by Hamas who have a legitimate right to defense albeit not with indiscriminate weapons.


Seen three plays here so far, all of them have been AMAZING. Most recently, the invisible everyone who hasn't seen it yet, i would highly recommend that you go and see it!!! We sat in row D, right by the stage and we could not have asked for a better view which just transported us right into the play. Brilliant actors and great plot which made me wish it didn't have to end! I cannot wait to come back and watch the next play thats on- i love the tricycle.


Oh wow. I just saw Wolf in Snakeskin Shoes for the second time. It's brilliant. It was hysterically funny and moving the first time and knowing what's coming makes it a fantastic watch second time round. I was laughing and crying before speeches and scenes happened. This afternoon's performance was so incredibly powerful. If you get a chance go and see it. I'd go and third and fourth time at the drop of a hat!


Its Important to stand for something even if alot of very misguided people will hate you for it doing it you offered to host festival just not with the funding from Israeli embassy. It is beyond offence to compare your action to that of the nazi's especially since numerous concentration camp survivors are have denounced the genocide in gaza .

JewishVoiceforPeace here are a 187,400 people who agree with you


I really enjoyed my visit to the tricycle's a wonderful auditorium,friendly staff and a terrific ambience.well done to all at the tricycle,keep up the good work,we will be back.


Had the great fortune of attending the first night opening of Opera Up Close' La Traviata. the audience and I experienced a superb outstanding moving show, not a dry eye in the house for the finale, the cast were wonderfully skillful, the costumes, music, singing, staging were all so sublime... This TALENTED small company certainly puts many of the bigger opera companies too shame! The good People of Kilburn and North London are so fortunate in having such a delightful theatre/cinema complex right on their doorstep, how I wish we residents of South East London had access to a similar venue such as this staffed by helpful friendly people and possessed a vibrant bar area with great ambiance. Looking forward to planning my next visit. Many thanks


Great respect to you for taking a stand against oppression and mass murder. For those who claim that the boycott of Israel is racist or anti-semitic, please have the sense to see that it is not. The boycott is of Israeli products, companies and institutions, not of Jewish or Israeli people. The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement is the best hope for a just and peaceful resolution to the nearly 70 year old conflict in Israel/Palestine. It is the only initiative that I know of which might make possible reconciliation between the peoples of that land so that Jews and Arabs may one day live there in peace alongside each other. As such it is in the best interests of Israeli people as well as of Palestinians to support it.


Fantastic opportunities for young people to get involved in theatre. The Takeover is excellent! Great venue with very friendly staff. Really looking forward to the opening of the new theatre.


Fantastic Q&A with Jim Carter, Kenneth Branagh and Derek Jacobi. Wonderful night


Another Five star visit to The Tricycle Theatre, The Dissidents was amazing! I’ll tell you what else is amazing, and worthwhile combining a visit with is the comedy ‘Not Just Rob Gotobed But Also Tony Knight’ at The Leicester Square Theatre, London on May 23rd 2015 - it’s a GREAT Comedy and a great way to unwind! Even Prince William & Kate are fans!

“From the moment you enter the theatre you are taken on a comedic journey of absurdity. So sit back, relax and I will guarantee that not only will you laugh out loud, you will fall off your chair laughing out loud … Yes, the humor of classic British Monty Python Comedy is alive and well in the form of Rob Gotobed & Tony Knight” F. Kathleen Foley, The Los Angeles Times.


The Tricycle Theatre is a unique cultural institution, which plays host to the very best dramatic arts from around the globe and from closer to home. It has an unmatched ability to bridge different communities, and to rise above controversy, through the arts. I hope that the Tricycle Theatre is able to put its recent troubles behind it, and to continue to do the good work it has been doing in its small corner of North West London.

4 stars, not 5, for losing your way in the first place, but I'm glad to have you back ;)


It is very sad that a charming community cinema and theatre has let the political views of some of its directors doom this lovely institution to bankruptcy. A cinema should never get involved in politics, particularly when it is in such a multi cultural community. I am not religious and just saddened that this spells the end for this establishment. The directors should draw a line under this, apologise to their staff and the residents of Kilburn, and resign immediately.


This will always be The TRICYCLE theatre. NO EVIDENCE of the alleged consultation about name change.


There go all my childhood memories of the first time I went to see a play. Change it back to ''Tricycle Theatre', NOW! Hey, Indhu Rubasingham, the name 'Kiln' absolutely DISlocates it... Why do you want to destroy a beloved piece of local heritage and betray the community. You should consider your position carefully as that's BAD ARTISTIC DIRECTION... I hope Tulip has your guts for garters...


The Tricycle Theatre is a recognised name associated with very high quality artistic diversity. It has taken decades to establish its first-class international reputation. It is prided in its locality. It is celebrated among theatre-lovers but the name is now to be squandered for no good reason. I mean really... would Harrods squander its brand? There was not even a consultation. You've appropriated funds raised for the Tricycle and spent it on a rebrand the donors did not knowingly contribute to. You've stolen the good will for the Tricycle and, using post-truth marketing, you've appropriated the cheers for the reopening of the theatre to falsely claim it is local support for the name change - it isn't. There isn't any local support and local people are heart-broken. The Tricycle is not a private fiefdom, or a vanity project, or a company selling widgets; it's a public-funded facility that forms part of the identity of the local area. Over the years, the people of Kilburn have saved the Tricycle after the fire, and during perennial funding crises. The people of Kilburn will save the Tricycle again. It's our Tricycle, not your Kiln.


I and many of my london friends also hate the name change. Why change such a lovely name? Awful.


Considering that you pocketed £761,000 from the arts council (the UK government is far "better" at killing civilians than the Israelis it is clear) - you should on principle of your latest stance give this back. If you do not, what do you expect this looks like? The Tricycle theatre may not think itself anti-semitic but it's actions seem to be not only that, but shamefully hypocritical. Are you going to dismiss the writings, research and inventions of Israeli artists, academics and scientists because you want to announce your moral stance on Israeli government policy? I did not support the extensive bombing but the cultural institutions that exist in whatever country should foster understanding dialogue and communication. Shame on you.


Change the name back to the Tricycle. You are squandering a legacy for absolutely no good reason.


But I loved the old name. The Tricycle! BRING IT BACK YOU STUPID WOMAN!

More about Kiln Theatre

Kiln Theatre is located at 269 Kilburn High Road, NW6 7JR London, United Kingdom
020 7328 1000
Monday: 10:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 21:00
Friday: 10:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 14:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 14:00 - 20:00