Klien Hayes

Monday: 08:00 - 16:30
Tuesday: 08:00 - 16:30
Wednesday: 08:00 - 16:30
Thursday: 08:00 - 16:30
Friday: 08:00 - 16:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Klien Hayes

Company formations, project management, business finance, capital allowances, corporate debt collection and liquidations.



Fighting flys you have to watch this!!


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For companies investing in R & D the repayable tax credit is often a vital part of their financial strategy. Other companies may embark upon a one off R & D project for which a claim will improve their cash position either through receipt of a refund or by reduction of corporation tax payable.
We are able to provide assistance to companies operating in any industry whether or not a claim has previously been submitted. Klien Hayes can also, in special circumstances, review and... advise on the status of existing claims.
It is important that full consideration is given to whether a valid claim exists; many companies fail to identify this lucrative tax incentive despite clearly satisfying the necessary criteria. Our simple guide below should indicate whether a claim should be considered.
Should I Consider Making an R&D Claim for my Company? Is the company liable to corporation tax? Is the company a going concern? Does the company produce a product or provide a service which is considered innovative in its field?
If you are able to reply yes to each of the above questions, then you should consider making an R&D claim under either the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) scheme (225% relief) or the Large Company Scheme (130% relief). If you are able to claim under the SME scheme then you can potentially receive a repayable tax credit of up to £24.75 for every £100 of R&D expenditure incurred. From 1st April 2013, large companies with no corporation tax liability will be able to receive a payable tax credit equivalent to 10% of qualifying expenditure.
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Don't get taken in by these top 10 credit myths
Myth 1: Previous occupants of your address affect your credit rating
It makes no difference if the previous occupant of your home was a millionaire or bankrupt. You will not find their name on your credit report unless you share a financial connection with them, such as a joint account. Lenders are only interested in your financial details, plus those of anyone you're financially linked to. They do like to see stability, though,...
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Do you own a commercial property? Are you a UK taxpayer? If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to both of these questions then we’ll almost certainly be able to secure you a significant tax benefit because of unclaimed capital allowances. Best of all, we’ll only charge you a fee once we have identified previously unclaimed capital allowances* - so there’s nothing whatsoever to lose. -


Research and Development Grants, We are asked “how much can we claim?” your claim will depend on a variety of factors, such as the size of your company, its tax rate and how many of your activities are eligible. Smaller companies, for example, can claim at a higher rate and qualify for extra financial support if they're loss making. Simply speaking, companies can deduct up to 230% of qualifying expenditure (typically staff costs, software, sub-contractor costs if an SME and a...ny raw materials consumed) when calculating their profit for tax purposes. What's more, you can claim R&D tax credits on expenditure that's up to three years old. From 1 April 2015, SMEs can recover up to 26% (if in profit) and 33.35% (if loss-making) of eligible expenditure, while Large Companies can claim back up to 6%. So if a profitable SME spends £100,000 on eligible work from 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016, it would receive up to £26,000 as an R&D tax credit. A Large Company spending £1m would receive up to £60,000 of R&D tax credit benefits.
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We now offer a Capital Allowance recovery, and Research and development recovery, apply today


New company formation available now, try it so easy and simple.


Phil Bennett is the founder of Chesham Transport Services, a small warehousing and transport company based in Essex. It owns four vehicles and employs five members of staff.
... He says: 'Because we provide a service to customers whereby our costs are almost all upfront or payable within 30 days - ie rent, fuel, vehicle maintenance, wages) and most customer expect 60 days credit, we find our cash flow is stretched. When customers fail to pay within the 60 days this has serious implications for our business.
'I have had to drop several customers because of their poor payment performances with us.
We do not have any security to allow the banks to increase lending if debts become very old. I have put a lot of personal money into the business to maintain it and when this is gone and money is not being paid it has a toll both for the business and for my family.
'It is difficult to press too hard with those that are late payers. They can just go to another transport firm if you refuse to do their work until payment is made and it is costly to chase them legally.
'I had a previous transport company that folded because my creditors lost patience with us when another company ran up debts amounting to £65k. I got the money, plus interest but only after a battle and a lot of legal cost. By the time it arrived it was too late to save the business. All I could do was pay off my creditors and start again with a new venture.' . WE get results we get your money
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WARNING from Klien Hayes Spoof text messages are being used to steal personal and financial information, The text messages claim there has been fraud on the recipient’s account or that the account details need to be updated.
Victims are urged to visit a website or telephone, both of which are actually controlled by the fraudster, allowing them to steal security details which can then be used to access the victim’s bank account and steal money. The text messages can look very... authentic, so it is important to be alert.
“Always be wary if you receive a message out of the blue asking you for any personal or financial details,”
“If you’re ever at all suspicious, call your bank on a number that you know. Remember, fraudsters are after your security details – don’t reveal anything unless you are absolutely sure who you are dealing with.”
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Unique Opportunity in the finance Sector
The economy may be growing in the UK but the reports state there is still problems the BBC reported in January 2015
More than 100 food suppliers could be forced out of business as supermarkets cut prices in an effort to keep their customers, according to a new report.... There are more companies in financial distress in this sector than in any other, according to insolvency specialists Begbies Traynor. The number of food firms in "significant distress" nearly doubled in the last three months of 2014. The food retail industry itself is also showing signs of financial problems. The report says that about 4,550 food-selling businesses are currently struggling, compared to 2,878 a year ago. The number in significant distress rose from 733 in the last quarter of 2013 to 1,410 in the last quarter of 2014. We are launching a franchise that will encompase Corporate Recovery and Corporate development, this has long been the provence of large accounting companies but our niche style will be squarley aimed at the SME’s of the world, this gives significan growth opportunities for the franchise.
Ring us for details
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January 2016 – People with significant control (“PSC”) register All UK companies (except publicly traded companies) will be required to maintain a register of those people who have significant control over the company. This new register, known as the PSC register, will contain information on individuals who ultimately own or control more than 25% of a company’s shares or voting rights, or who otherwise exercise control over the company and its management. A company’s PSC register will be available for public inspection and will be searchable online via Companies House.
Are you ready we can help


Now offering Limited Company formation for £25 plus vat including £50 Cash back when you open a business bank account, so we give you money.


Need a company formed pronto, we can help limited companies formed within the hour, get our express service now,


I see a local large employer has closed down, with deflation we are seeing a rise in liquidations

More about Klien Hayes

Klien Hayes is located at Harvey Adam House, Wimbledon Avenue,, IP27 0NZ Brandon, Norfolk
Monday: 08:00 - 16:30
Tuesday: 08:00 - 16:30
Wednesday: 08:00 - 16:30
Thursday: 08:00 - 16:30
Friday: 08:00 - 16:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -