Kreston International

About Kreston International

Kreston International is a global network of independent accounting firms with a resource of 23, 000 professional and support staff in over 100 countries.

Kreston International Description

Kreston International is a global network of innovative, like-minded accounting firms that puts trusted relationships and exceptional care at the heart of everything it does. Kreston members across 114 countries offer quality compliance and advisory services and build lasting partnerships based on trust, integrity and collaboration. So, wherever in the world your ambition takes you, our combination of expertise and empathy will help your business to meet the demands of the future:

Kreston. Knowing you.



What’s the connection between muesli, taxi cabs…. And Kreston firms?
Find out in our CEO Liza Robbins’ blog this week – and discover a powerful way to generate new business for your accounting firm.


Accounting qualifications aren’t enough anymore.
Sure, you need to know about audits and tax… but every other accountant also has this knowledge.
How can you and your team stand out in a marketplace flooded with skilled accountants? And how can you use this to better serve your clients?
... Stathis Gould of the International Federation of Accountants argues you need to develop data analytics skills, so you can deliver insight and foresight.
More here:
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Want to differentiate your firm from the competition, and become well-known in your local business community?
Kreston Menon, in the UAE, has found a powerful way to do it…
…And every Kreston firm can learn from their example.
... More here: -kreston-superbra…/
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£90 billion.
That’s the average amount of money laundered in the UK annually.
How is the HMRC cracking down on this?
... A 1-minute read from ICAEW reveals how the government is creating a more hostile environment for companies breaching money laundering regulations:
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One for the football fans! Jorge Borrajo, a partner at Kreston Iberaudit, has been appointed to the Board of Directors of RC Deportivo de A Coruña, a well-known Spanish team. Congratulations! o-de-kreston-ibera…


Would you ever carry out an audit with a competitor?
Kreston Iberaudit argues that this is something you should consider.
You win. Your clients win. And yes, your competitor wins too.
... What do you think? Can we get over scepticism and competition… and just work together? Or is this something you would never try? Let us know in the comments!
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When business goes wrong…
It’s usually because the risks were either not anticipated, or ignored.
For non-profits, doing a better job managing risk means:
... - A positive impact on their insurance - Saving money - Increased confidence in the future
CBIZ Financial Services outline the key benefits of risk management for non-profits here:
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This is a fantastic achievement! Alistair Main of the UK’s Duncan and Toplis has been shortlisted in the IoD East Midlands Director of the Year awards 2019 for his region. Good luck in the finals – we’re rooting for you!


Sexism in professional services…
Pooja Dasgupta and Beth Hale from CM Murray LLP discuss how rife this is.
From being asked to “fetch the coffee”, pour water or organise a team dinner… to bigger issues as the gender pay gap and parental leave policies.
... Read their article here on what employers can do to foster equality in the workplace:
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Accountants - Robots won’t take your jobs.
They’ll help you.
Or at least, AI will. From data analysis to fraud detection, there are wide-ranging applications of AI in accountancy.
... Helen Brand from the ACCA emphasises the importance of accountants to start taking AI and machine learning seriously.
Here’s her article for City AM:
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PAYE schemes, off-payroll employees, red tape…
Payroll may be complex… But how can you convince clients they’re better off outsourcing payroll?
Bishop Fleming – a Kreston Firm – have this short, snappy guide to get the conversation started:
... Thank you to Will Hanbury for this!
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Time to say goodbye…?
Your clients may not be thinking about selling up, but you should encourage them to.
Even if they’re not ready to exit quite yet, getting their financials in order now means they might be able to sell their business for a much higher price in the future.
... And the business is more likely to continue running successfully after it changes hands.
Horsefield & Smith – a Kreston firm – outline all angles to consider when putting together an exit strategy for your clients:…/imp ortance-exit-strategy
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Referrals don’t grow your accountancy firm quickly – here’s what does >>>


Work smarter, reduce costs and save time.
It isn’t easy for medical practices to do this.
So when they’re your clients, how can you help them streamline their financial processes and keep costs low?
... Kreston firm Duncan & Toplis share exactly how they helped one of their medical practice clients do just that.
Click the link to watch the case study: ham-surgery
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The secret to growing your firm rapidly?
Understanding that technical skills are not enough.
Sure, your partners are the best in the business, but other firms have good accountants too.
... Plus, your auditors probably don’t *want* to get involved in business development. They want to deliver excellent service, and are not interested in selling hard.
And even then they do… growth from referrals is relatively slow, because it is so difficult to scale.
So what is a better way to grow quickly?
One Kreston firm found an answer that gives them 50% growth year-on-year. Consistently.
The best part? You can apply it too. Click here to discover how:
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Imagine saving clients over £9m in corporation tax…
That’s what BHP Accountants achieved.
Which sectors did they focus on and how can you do the same for your clients?
... Dean Pearson guides you in his latest article:
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Find out more here: -each-year/

More about Kreston International

Kreston International is located at Springfield Lyons Business Centre, CM2 5LB Chelmsford, Essex
+44 (0) 1245 449266