Kristin Gattens

About Kristin Gattens

Integrates spiritual healing and intuitive therapies with more traditional forms of counselling and psychotherapy. Offers Soul Plan Readings and other modalities to help you fully align with your purpose and potential as a physical and spiritual being.



The ‘dark night of the soul’. It is a time in one’s life in which illusions are revealed, perceptions of meaning collapse, and previous belief systems dissolve. It is a time of emptiness. Confusion. Loneliness. And intense fear. I know because in 2016 I lived my own.
As painful as this experience may be, the dark night of the soul is often a necessary transition as we awaken into something deeper. Many people are living this right now. Others are feeling okay but are ...still sensing a shift within the collective. The question is: How can we use this pandemic as an opportunity for healing, growth, and an uplevelling in consciousness?
Check out my latest blog “Into the Shadows…” and find out how shadow work can help you live more authentically. -shadows/
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GRATITUDE. It’s not about getting what we want.
The unconscious program of society is predicated upon the illusion that we are not good enough and we must look outside of ourselves for a reflection of our own worth.
I spent years trying to control everything around me in an attempt to create external reasons to feel good. When this worked, I felt great. When it didn’t, I felt completely broken. Not exactly a recipe for empowerment.
... This photo was taken in Bolivia in 2016. I look pretty happy. And I sort of was because travelling always made me feel free. Travelling was the external though. The internal? I had never felt so terrified, lost, uncertain and powerless in my entire life. The Salt Flats of Bolivia appeared infinite...yet I felt trapped by the life I had forced into existence back home in Canada.
When we rely on external conditions to dictate our emotional state we become victims to our circumstances and we lose our power.
It’s time to remember the truth and power of who we really are...and gratitude is the key.
Check out my latest blog and find out why Descartes probably didn’t know shit about gratitude: s-probably-didnt-…/
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Just sayin 🤷🏻‍♀️


SHAME. It’s the emotional equivalent of an oil spill that pollutes our thoughts: “You’re not good enough”. “There’s something wrong with you.” “You don’t belong.” “No one could love you.”
... Shame tells us to try and appear perfect. Conceal our flaws and mistakes. Keep secrets. Stay small. Be dishonest. Conform. Avoid being truly seen. Hold people at a distance. Sidestep risk. Blame and judge others. Control, control, control. Compare ourselves. Silence our feelings, needs, opinions, thoughts, and ideas.
Shame doesn’t like us to do big things...and 2019 has been a big year for me. I re-opened my counselling practice in the UK (when shame told me, “no one even knows who the fuck you are in this country you’ll never get clients”). I wrote a book (when shame told me, “only authors write books”). I bought a car and learned to drive on the WRONG side of the road...sorry, Brits (when shame told me, “you are likely to kill many, many people...take the train”). And I got engaged to the world’s most incredible man (when shame told me, “you’ve already been married so you don’t deserve to enjoy this”).
The trick to overcoming shame is to do the OPPOSITE of what shame tells you to do. This is highly uncomfortable, highly effective, and highly rewarding (trust me...I’ve been going at it haaarrrrdddd).
Curious to learn more about how to dissolve your own shame? Check out my semi-annual blog post bahahaha 🤦🏻‍♀️ at ng-shame/
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This. Is. A. Thing. ❤️


Because what’s needed is not always easy 💔


For anyone who has ever struggled with feelings of inadequacy, judgment, or a general lack of self-acceptance...this is a solid 10 minute listen about the psychological origins and potential transformation of the human condition:


Because no one ever said growth was comfortable...


Yasssssssss, Maya 💃🏻👏🏼




Keep calm and carry on 🇬🇧


Finally shook the dust off my blog!
'Whatever You Do...Please Don't Settle' is a cruise through my thoughts about why people settle and how I used to be one of them. -you-doplease-don…/


ALLLLLLLLLL of this 🦁💖🔮


Happy 🇨🇦 Day from 👩🏻➕🐶 in the 🇬🇧


What branch do you need to cut? ✂️🌳🦅

More about Kristin Gattens

Kristin Gattens is located at 1 The Offices 10 Fleet Street, BN1 4ZE Brighton