
About Krossart

Professional Artist & illustrator

Krossart Description

Karen Ross

Karen was born and grew up in Cheshire. She started out as an interior soft furnishing designer and following a successful career spanning some 20 years she decided to follow her passion of becoming a professional artist.

Karen is self-taught inspired by masters such as Lowry, Georgina O Keefe & Van Gogh. She was recently profiled in Cheshire Life magazine showing a collection of her work with paintings of her home town Macclesfield demonstrating Karen’s attempts to collect an emotional portrait of the town centre and surrounding areas in a romantic setting; working in a medium of watercolour to bring out the town’s atmosphere. Karen’s other paintings include an eclectic range of pictures from flowers, horses, landscapes, architecture and children.

Painting primarily from sketches and photographs captured while travelling, her images record a moment in time. Through her use of colour, light and texture and unique perspectives, each piece begins as a balanced sketch and is completed over time using such rich colours as ultramarine, yellow ochre and alizarin grimson.

“ it give’s a nice feeling as a viewer, to look into the painting”
“It is a pleasure to meet you . . . I like your work very much”
Bernard O'Dwyer International renowned Artist

“You have a unique way of putting in emotion into your artwork”
The Late Trevor Grimshaw