Kul Mahay

About Kul Mahay

To become a leader of others we must first become a leader of ourselves. Join me to learn the art of inner leadership.

Kul Mahay Description

Kul Mahay is The Immersion Coach - The only coach to use his unique, highly intensive style of one-day coaching to help successful people become extraordinary.

He is an internationally-renowned speaker and Founder of the #1 UK Inner Leadership event, 'Ignite Your Inner Potential'.

Kul is also author of the powerfully transformative book, 'Smash the Habit'.



I think it's fair to say that the awesome speakers for Ignite Your Inner Potential 2019 are pretty excited and happy. Only five weeks left... Eeek!! 😀😀
This year's event is going to be like no other. So much value coming up.


Really looking forward to 'Koffee With Kul' tomorrow evening at 7pm where I will be speaking to global award winner community activist, Zaf Mohammed BEM.
His relentless work against gang-culture in Birmingham has earned him the British Empire Medal and seen over 21,000 young people being diverted away from gang crime.
It is a huge honour to hear the incredible story that led Zaf to do the selfless work with such passion.
... Join us tomorrow at 7pm (UK time).
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Behind every action you take there is a conscious or unconscious thought.
For something to become an unconscious action, it has to be put into action consciously several times.
Think about your daily ‘habits’. Are you a snoozer? Are you a breakfast eater? Do you dash out the door in the morning or are you someone who takes their time? Do you ‘have’ to have that Costa Coffee on your way to work? Do you go to the gym?
... All of these habits are a result of a conscious thought that has now become an unconscious thought because you have put it into practise over a period of time.
If this is the case - can you imagine what kind of mindset and lifestyle you can create for yourself? Look at your goals. Look at your vision. What is it you want to achieve? What daily action do you need to take to build that vision into a reality?
Find the daily habits needed, consciously incorporate them consciously into your daily routine and action them enough that they become unconscious thoughts and part of your daily routine.
The difference between dream and reality is action. So take the action to turn what is needed into unconscious daily habits.
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What a huge honor to have been invited to read the remembrance poem at my chosen charity, Treetops Hospice Care, this evening. Beautiful energy from stag and visitors alike and a very poignant moment for all.
A true pleasure to meet the wonderful new Chief Executive, Julie Heath. I sense we will become firm friends.
We are supporting Tree Tops Hospice at Ignite Your Inner Potential in January 2019 and I hope to share some of their incredible work at the event.


When I declared to the team that I wanted another 100% attendance growth for Ignite Your Inner Potential in January 2019 I think they thought I'd gone crazy. How do you get 400 people to attend this incredible event?
All I knew was I wanted to provide outstanding value at reasonable prices.
Now we are about 6 weeks away and we are nearly three quarters away from the target. I have been inundated with messages and offers to be involved in this event and I've had to say 'no' m...ore than I've said 'yes' because my vision is very clear. To create an event that is recognised globally for its excellence and authentic value.
If you are going to follow a dream, make sure that it is as clear as it can possibly be and, whilst a little wriggle room is important, do not be distracted away from what impassioned you in the first place.
We've got people travelling from Holland, India and USA to this event and I cannot believe this is happening.
I have an incredible team and crew that grows each year and I couldn't do it without them. I love my team ❤️. Thanks for your belief and support, guys 🙏❤️
If you haven't booked your ticket yet, I strongly urge you to grab your ticket now and don't forget to take advantage of the group offers.
This venue you see in the photo will be full of 400 beautiful souls who have decided start their year with some real magic. I hope you will be one of them.
The link is in the comments.
#leadership #ignite2019 #doitnow
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I'm super excited to announce that tomorrow's 'Koffee With Kul' will feature the awesome Khadija Kalifa from this year's The Apprentice.
Discover how this young self-acclaimed Mum-Preneur has created her own eco-friendly cleaning company before pushing herself to participate on such a challenging show with big dreams for the future. How does she fit it all in?


Join me at at 7pm on Koffee With Kul as I speak to a very inspiring woman, Meena Kumari-Sharma. Meena is a 41 year old mum of two beautiful twins and a successful recruitment consultant. This March her life was turned upside down when she was diagnosed with a serious illness but she has refused to let that define her and instead started a campaign that has inspired others.


I talk about the importance of achieving balance in life all the time. All of my clients explore balance with me.
Yes, there always going to times when work or personal issues drag you off skew sometimes but we need to ensure that these occasions remain temporary and don't become an excuse to form disempowering habits.
... From balance comes a quiet power which can lead increased productivity in all other areas of life.
This week has been extremely busy for me with speaking engagements or coaching clients every day including another event tomorrow. I enjoy every moment of my work but am also conscious of taking time out for my myself and my relationships.
After a long day coaching an extraordinary senior police officer client today, I'm now switching off to spend time with my loved ones.
Are you achieving balance in your life?
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Looking forward to spending a full one day Immersion coaching session with a senior police leader today to hone their leadership and speaking skills.


Trying to pace myself during a busy week of speaking, coaching and training but looking forward to my 3.5 hour keynote on the future of leadership at a regional Criminal Justice Conference today.
#leadership #AuthenticLeaders #values #BeReal #coaching #speaking #keynote #emotionalintelligence #EQ #criminaljustice #conferences #influencer


Just spent two hours with four wonderful business owners helping them to craft the first ever public talks at Coffee and Natter Business Networking event in December. What a brave and eager bunch of people they were. I can't wait to hear how they go on.


I love this time of the year. I inevitably spend a lot of time reflecting on the year. It has been an exceptionally busy year with growth throughout. I feel blessed.
One of the biggest achievements has to be my annual event, Ignite Your Inner Potential. When I talk about it growing so much I'm not kidding. To think we started it off with only 70 people in the room,
Yet here we are two years later talking about 400!! And the really amazing part is that we've got people booked ...from The Netherlands and in the last couple of days interest being expressed from India and USA. I feel truly blessed.
If you haven't booked your ticket then please invest in your own mindset growth by taking advantage of the great group offers we have available. The event has changed so many lives. You're could be next.
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Looking forward to interviewing this amazing young woman. I met Molly this year as she was selling her delicious vegan cakes (and trust me they were delicious) and started chatting about her business.
I was blown away by what she had created in such a short space of time and the story behind it all.
Please join later today to hear about it.


Feel the fear and do it anyway. How many times I have experienced that in my policing life?
This is dedicated to all those who risked their lives so we could have ours today.
Lest we forget. 🙏


"Behaviour has always an edge over knowledge. There are many situations where knowledge fails but behaviour handles everything.”
These are the words that a former colleague sent to me this morning for my own thoughts on this and, to be honest, I simply could not agree more.
We can apply this to any single aspect in our lives - if we want to lose weight, make more money, become better leaders, develop better relationships, increase our performance or productivity as organisat...ions. We can start by searching out new knowledge, which of course is critical in the process, but until we actually apply that knowledge nothing will change. It really is that simple.
Incredible amounts of great research is being conducted in so many areas, both organisational and individual level, but true change will only come about with behavioural change, which means taking the required action.
#leadership #business #growth #coaching #training #learning #changemanagement #behaviouralchange #culturedevelopment
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Great interview to finish off the well this evening with a wonderful interview with Linda Sage on Chapel FM radio discussing my life growing up in the police service and the fastest growing personal development event in the UK, Ignite Your Inner Potential. Thanks, Linda. I really enjoyed it. 😊


Just got the link to an awesome podcast interview I did with my good friend, Claire Dowdall, a few weeks ago. What an awesome interview! She gets me completely.
Totally recommend you listen to this.
https://itunes.apple.com/…/ef010-igniti ng-you…/id1437164372…

More about Kul Mahay
