
About Kurai-Sa

Fellow Geek who likes to play games, read comics, watch movies and do pretty much anything Geeky,

I wanted a platform to communicate and get the words around when shits about to go down, so I made this page

I Stream. . . a bit : P

Kurai-Sa Description

I like anything Geeky so naturally I made a Twitch account so people can watch me doing the things I like.
(God that sounded much better in my head)

Regardless, I like to Video game, Board game, watch Movies and TV and shit ton more.

I DM Dungeons and Dragons Games on Twitch. I called them the DnDiscord series (cause we run them on discord so. . . ) there are two campaigns, one is Curse of Strahd and the other is home-brew called Uncle D. O. N! . . . . (Long story)

SO I am using this Page to stay in contact to my non-existent fans (just like my GF, they are Imaginary) and a way to pass the word around. . . so they wouldn't be so imaginary.

(I sometimes write reviews too so help yourself to leave your hate comments on them ^_^ )



Hi All ^_^)/ since we are in lockdown AND I am busy finishing up my Dissertation, it's the best time to procrastinate and write this review (and gives you some title to watch). This one was a request too, so here is my #SpoilerFree Review on #AnohanaTheFlowerWeSawThatDay
In short: It's cute, heartwarming, and tearful. It's about how group of friends reunite five years after the death of one of them, to help her remember and fulfill a wish so she can pass on to the afterlife.... Naturally, it's a show that would probably makes you cry. I cried like a baby by the end, so be warned. If you are looking for a slice of life anime, something kind hearted and pure, with a hint of mystery, this is it. The only problem I had was some part of it is very forgettable and if you are not paying attention early, it can get boring.
Definitely would have bought it on Bluray, would stream it on Netflix but wouldn't cinema marathon it.
But I do recommend it. It's not a anime gateway, but enjoyable nonetheless.
#Anohana #AnoHiMitaHanaNoNamaeWoBokutachiWaMadaShi ranai #anime #animereview #sliceoflife #honma #manga #japan #animation #nippon #filmreview #movieReview #reviewwriting #fansuggestion #KuraiSensei @ London, United Kingdom
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Hey All ^_^)/ so, One of my favourite comic character had a movie adaptation. I've said it many times but I really like #ValiantComics and in that universe, there are few characters I love. One of which is #Bloodshot #BloodshotMovie is now out and was directed by #DavidSFWilson who is primarily know for directing videogame trailers So keep that in mind while you read my #SpoilerFree review:
In short: it was bad, it was really really bad. I tend to go easy on reviewing movies... but this one is a hard one to sell. In terms of Acting, everyone were great. They were carrying the film. For what it was, acting were on point. The concept for it was great too. It took a new look at a theme that has been done so many times, so that was great. The villian was great, thanks to #GuyPearce performance. This guy always brings his best to the screen and is always fun to watch him. BUT that's all the good parts. The Directing, the editing, the writing, the dialogue, even the actions and the jokes were bad. I can't just say it's bad without a reason, so here it goes: From act 1 to 3 we meet 6 important characters, from these 6, there are not a single person that we care about up till act 3 and that's because one villian is bullying the other villian. That's the only reason why we would care, other than that, there is no connection from audience to the main characters. Why should we root for the hero? There is no explanation. I feel like the director was in a hurry to show the cool fight sequence at the end (which was cool and the end visual was great but no excitement hype for it) than actually explaining and developing the characters for us. Idk. But well done to visual effects ppl, I can imagine the crunch that was put in it, well done to them. . . . It's not worth watching it in cinema . It's not worth the Bluray unless you are fan of the comics . But I would watch it with my dad on Netflix
#filmreview #movieReview #reviewwriting #valiantcomics #VinDiesel #EizaGozalaz #KTbloodshot #bloodshotcomics #bloodshot2020 #comics #comicmovies #movies #reviews #KuraiSensei @ London, United Kingdom
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Hey All ^_^)/ so remember that requested reviews? I low-key regret asking, cause someone said review "The Room" and to be fair, it is something I would never watch unless forced to. Yes, I am cheating.
Anyways, here goes #TheRoom #MovieReview :
It's the best worst film I have ever watched, it's great for all the wrong reasons. It's a film that every time you watch it, you find something new that's wrong with it.
... It's great, but it's great because it is super bad. It's like a very expensive but badly written adult movie and adult movies aren't famous for their stories, but they be stronger than this movie.
It's just confusingly bad. (I know, I sound like a tape but it's really hard to explain what's wrong with it with out spoiling it. (It has many points that drops information but you never visit that info ever again)
BUT it does have one great and amazing thing :O it's the CGI. Don't get me wrong, the lightening of the CGI is all wrong and it looks bad. But the 3D effect that the roof has is actually really smart for it's time.
I would recommend watching this only if you wanna suffer or play a game (but it is a cult classic, so maybe watch it once just to get what I mean by its BAD)
#SpoilerFree #filmreview #review #badmovies #cultclassic #TommyWiseau #GregSestero #room #thedisasterartist #juliettDanielle #Ohhimark #KuraiSensei @ London, United Kingdom
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Hey All ^_^)/ this one is not a request but it's a new #pixaranimationstudios film #Onward and as usual I be keeping it #SpoilerFree
If you don't like fantasy stories then (obviously) this is not for you. The story is about two teenage elf brothers, Ian and Barley Lightfoot, that go on an journey to discover if there is still a little magic left out there in order to spend one last day with their father, who died when they were too young to remember him.
As you can imagine, ...this film hits you on the feels. Act 1, 2, and 3 are all great. I didn't felt bored or forced at all. It had comedy, romance-ish? Family and adventure. It was great. I may be bias because it's about magic and a lot of hints to D&D. But I like how they asked the actual people behind D&D ( #WizardsOfTheCoast ) to consult and help them with the magic spells and references. But even regardless of that, I think people would enjoy the movie even if you know nothing about D&D. Its really well put together. Definitely worth seeing in Cinema (Multiple times) Go and watch it, it's great.
#pixaronward #pixaronwardfilm #animatedmovie #animatedmovie #films #movies #TomHolland #ChrisPratt #DanScanlon #monstersinc #filmreview #movieReview #KuraiSensei @ London, United Kingdom
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Hey All ^_^)/ so, few days ago, on my insta story, I asked if there is anything (Movie, Games or comics) that you want me to review. And this post is about one of them. #12AngryMen
Before I jump into my review: 1. I will keep it #Spoilerfree 2. Back in secondary school, (6th form to be specified) I studied law, and as part of our class, we had to watch this film and since then, it has been one of my Favourites, 3. I am bias in this review cause I love it too much.
Now to the... review: I re-watched the film just to see if it still holds up. I think it has evolved to something more with passage of time (Or I just grow older hence my view on things are different, or both 🤷🏻‍♂️) The movie is shot in 3 scenes, The court room, which is the first few minutes explaining the case, the Jury's room, which takes the majority of the film and the bathroom. The bathroom scenes work like a break for audience to capture the attentions more frequently. But what makes the story great, is the personality of all the Jury's. Each one brings a new side to the table and describes the different possible nature of mankind and how life has effected the way of thinking and living for any person. After doing that, it shows the reaction of each representative towards other reps. It's very beautifully demonstrated that how the society views it self. I am not gonna say what and who so if you haven't seen it yet, you would. But pay close attention to what is said and reacted towards what's around and why! It's just amazing. Definitely it's a must see movie of all time. If I were to say some negative pointers is that 1. It can be viewed as a propaganda film to show American justice system works, 2. There are few parts that is a work of movie and not realism, but that's Hollywood and I am nitpicking. Though, I do think if they were to remake that film, it would have needed to be more diverse but it was a different time back then, so its understandable why there's no POC or any other gender. Really enjoyed it, great suggestion, and definitely recommend it.
#twelveangrymen #12angrymenmovie #lawmovie #blackandwhitemovie #BnW #drama #review #MovieReview #FilmReview #fansuggestion #KuraiSensei @ London, United Kingdom
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Hi All ^_^)/ so based on your votes, I am gonna write about the #sonicthehedgehogmovie and I will be keeping it #SpoilerFree so do not worry and enjoy:
Before you watch this movie, you need to know about the character design change that was needed for Sonic. When the first trailer dropped, not a single person was happy about the design of the main character, which then they extended the release date so they can re design the character.
So when you are watching this movie, ha...ve an open mind.
Also when you go to see this movie, make sure there is at least a younger audience with you, cause some of the jokes are targeted at them and you might not get it if you don't pay attention. Which brings me to Jim Carrey's performance. The guy still is amazing and knows what to do to make anyone from any age laugh with a simple body language, and superb acting skills.
The story for the movie is solid and very family friendly. There are many easter eggs and nods to the games, so if you are fan of the games, you will enjoy this. The dialogue for the movie is slightly cheesy but that's natural since it's a kids / teens movie. But still it was hella fun. I gave it a high number because I went in expecting it to fail or to be really bad, but it was fun. But make sure you turn your brain off before going in.
If you are fan of the games, then sure it's worth the cinema but if not, I would say wait it out.
#SonicMovie #sonicthehedgehog #SonicMovieReview #FilmReview #movieReview #review #movies #films #JimCarry #JeffFowler #JamesMarsden #BenSchwartz #KuraiSensei @ London, United Kingdom
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Hi all ^_^)/ it's been a while I wasn't planning to post but a lot of people asking me what I think, so here is the #JokerMovie Review for all the #Joker Fans out there #SpoilerFree
What's it about: Forever alone in a crowd, failed comedian Arthur Fleck seeks connection as he walks the streets of Gotham City. Arthur wears two masks -- the one he paints for his day job as a clown, and the guise he projects in a futile attempt to feel like he's part of the world around him. Iso...lated, bullied and disregarded by society, Fleck begins a slow descent into madness as he transforms into the criminal mastermind known as the Joker.
What do I think: Here is the thing, I heard a lot of people saying "it's not hopeful movie" or "it's not a superhero movie" and my question is, Why did you expect it to be? Its Joker! But the beauty of this film is that it's like the Dark knight movie joker in the sense that if you take joker out and replace it with any character (DC related or not) it still works, cause it's more than just a character... it's the message... and this movie is one of the most deepest, artistic and psychological movies I have seen in a very long time. Each shot, scene and colour pallets are there for a reason and its beautiful. Even the ending is a powerful ending. Its saddening that this film is a one off and doesn't have it's own universe. If it did, I would have love to see four films, each introducing a villian, then a two parted film bringing all of them and putting them against Batman, so Avengers but Villians perspective till the finale... That would be DOPE! But in the end, I think it's a really powerful movie with a lot to tell, but after leaving... you will be thinking about it too much that I (personally) don't want to look at it again for at least another week, too much to take in. The music is good but at some cases it got a little annoying for me but that's just me.
I would give it a 9/10 but the other aspect of the film recovers the negatives and brings it back to 10/10 for me.
Definitely recommend watching it and judging it for yourself.
#Jokerfilm #JokerReview #JoaquinPhoenix #JoaquinPhoenixJoker #filmReview #MovieReview #KuraiSensei @ London, United Kingdom
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Hi All ( ^ _^)/ it's practically Friday and it's the day I let you know about my Writting projects: The one that I am heavily working on, is called Blessed Generation. It's about Demi-Demons, 7 deadly sins and humans. It's a new take on demons and devils... what if Hell is just another layer within the layers of Earth? What if Demons are not bad, what if they are just jealous? It's very different take on Demonology and Mythology. I tried to get some inspirations from main th...ree religions and some Japanese + Persian Mythology for this book. Currently I am still writing the first draft, almost finished Chapter 6. Which means we are almost done with ACT 1 of the story! But still with no Editor T_T
The image you see here is the Cover Art that I have in mide for the book (yes, I made it but No that dude is not myself)
#books #writing #writer #darkfantasy #darkfantasybooks #demons #angels #mythology #history #termology #religion #sevendeadlysins #7deadlysins #7ds #NoFilter #KuraiSensei
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Hi All ( ^ _^)/ Its Tuesday, I have early work so I thought I post my review early too ^_^ Before I start... I wanna say something... Before I make a post, (any day) I usually spend some time making the art of the post on the day before. While I was making this posts Art, I checked on Instagram last night. The first post I saw was this movies review... I panicked that I posted without realising XD after 25 seconds of good old anxiety, I realised it wasn't my post, it was ...@pop.culture.vulture Really great page for reviews, since I missed Thursday shootout day, I thought it's fitting to let you know of their page. I am very picky on what reviews I read but this one keeps a cool level of fairness and engaging with the fans... (if you don't trust me, read some of her posts, they speak for themselves 👍🏻) OKay, back to Murder Mystery: Here is the thing... the movie was decent, the script was... ehh at best. The jokes... well some of them works and for Adam Sandler, that's a big deal... tho the rest felt flat! But the worst part of the movie was Act 3 for sure, the super reveal was terrible, the punchline didn't work.. it was as tho the writer just gave up But I was okay with everything else about the movie, The Acting was good, the filmography was okay... I mean it could have been much worse... (I feel like the Optimistic grandpa here) Anyways, I would say 7.2 out of 10 is fair Go watch it on Netflix and let me know what you think ^_^
#films #filmreview #movies #adamsandler #jenniferaniston #netflixmovie #murdermystery #netflixreview #itcouldbeworse #NoFilter #KuraiSensei
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Hi All ( ^ _^)/ I realised something, I am terrible at remembering things. As you can see, I forgot (completely) to continue my postings last week. To be fair, it's been a while so its gonna take some getting use to ^_^ Anyways, today is Games Dev Blog day, I am gonna let you know on few small details: 1. Finally finished making a Game Design Document! 2. Finally began to picture what I want from the game. 3. The character design is coming in really well! So that's good 👍🏻 4.... Programming is coming along really well, the next step is Narratives and spell checking, To be honest, I really am not looking forward to that, but what must be done, should get done! Lastly, I don't like HackNPlan, its complicated and hard to get use to! Anyways, as far as my planning goes, we are on track but the tricky part is going to start next week, so wish us luck 🤞🏻
#Evolution #gamedesign #gamedev #gamedevblog #devlog #games #hacknplan #schedule #indiegames #indie #indegamedev #KuraiSensei
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Hi All ( ^ _^)/ so today is the day after Tuesday which was #Reviewday which makes today #Podcast day, however our podcast is not up yet so till we sort that out, I thought I post with a bit of a delay to ease you guys back into my spamming posts. Naturally, one of the most anticipated movies of past 10 years came out this year, Marvels conclusion to the 22 films saga. Avengers: EndGame. At this point, I know you've seen it, I know you know it! So I am just gonna say the two ...pointers about this movie: Things I liked: Everything, I mean Captain America and the ... yehhhh Time travel in this story worked like real life theory and I loved that 3000 T_T Things I didn't like: not enough action and why couldn't they just call everyone back instead of just the people that got snapped? Could have saved all of Asgard but nooooooooo. Still tho... pretty high up there Ranking: 9.8/10 #AvengersEndgame #Avengers #loveyou3000 #reviewwriting #reviews #movieReview #filmcritic #filmreview #Ironman #captainamerica #marvel #marvelmovies #NoFilter #KuraiSensei
P.S I know it's been a while since the movie but it's a big one so why not? @ London, United Kingdom
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Hi All ( ^ _^)/ Its Monday and its #GameDevBlog day So here comes a quick update: If you haven't played my Text-Based Advanture game yet, you should. It's about 10 min game, I am sure you can find the time to play it!... . The reason why I mentioned it, is because I and a group of my awesome Game Developer Friends, teamed up to make a 3D version of it. . Naturally it's going to be heavy on the Narratives, but it will also have mini game plays here and there! . Zombie survival, Hacking and Attorney Ace kinda moments! . We are still working more and more on the concepts but its moving forward for sure. . P.S. I have No idea who the people in the pictures are, but they are royalty free and it sorta make sense in terms of what the game is about ^_^ #gamedevreport #gamedev #games #gamedevelopment #gamedeveloper #gamedevelopers #evolution #KuraiSensei P.s.2: I am gonna make a link to my game on my website real soon, if you cant find it, just go to itch.io and search Evolution, it's the one that's made by yours truly, Kurai Sensei
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Hi All ( ^ _^)/ it's been a while and I did promise some big news, so here it comes: Firstly, I am changing the way I use my Instagram, again! Mondays - update on Geme Dev progress Tuesdays - The Usual Reviews Wednesdays - Podcast News ... Thursdays - Shout out day Fridays - Update on Book Progress Secondly, I am doing series of Twitch streams, I pick a game... play it and review it as I am playing it! You are more than welcome to join! Thirdly, as you might have noticed, I will start a Podcast soon! But it might take a while so till it gets going I will just be posting News and my thoughts about it. Lastly, stick around my YouTube channel, some big things might be coming around, when it does I let you know ^_^
Before I take my leave till Monday, I just want to say how the reviewing will happen: I will review based on relevant on my Tuesdays but every now and then I will do an Instagram story review just for the fans ^_^
Thank you for staying with me
#newplan #newschedule #gamedev #indiegames #reviewwriting #writing #podcast #twitch #stream #youtube #KuraiSensei @ London, United Kingdom
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Hi All ( ^ _^)/ it's been a while But soon, possibly later today, I will be announcing some big news... well big news to me at least If you are a friend... you will continue hating me :3 (I love you too, booboo) If you are a fan, you will be satisfied (I hope) And if you don't remember why you follow me, you be either glad you did or you be questioning your life decisions (which imo they are both a great endings) ... If there is one thing I want out of all of this, it's so people be like "I am glad I met that person" Thank you all, Stay handsome, Awesome 😉
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Modelling in Maya for first time, had to make a video from it so I decided to share it ^_^


Big News Coming up real soon!!!Big News Coming up real soon!!!


Hi All ( ^ _^)/ to redeem myself from the delays I been having, here is a #MovieReview on #MarvelStudio movie #CaptainMarvel
PLOT: Captain Marvel is an extraterrestrial Kree warrior who finds herself caught in the middle of an intergalactic battle between her people and the Skrulls. Living on Earth in 1995, she keeps having recurring memories of another life as U.S. Air Force pilot Carol Danvers. With help from Nick Fury, Captain Marvel tries to uncover the secrets of her pa...st while harnessing her special superpowers to end the war with the evil Skrulls. . Initial release: 8 March 2019 (USA) Directors: Anna Boden, Ryan Fleck IMDB: 6.5/10 Rotten Tomatoes: 81% Metacritic: 65% . . My Review: 7.4/10 What I liked: The fight scenes was super cool, CGI was decent, The suit looked great. The story was fast paced but not rushed so it was good. She wasn't over muscular like majority of super hero shows so that's great too, all acting specially her's were great , but My most favourite character, by far, is the Cat. (The jokes of the film worked amazingly too) but BUT by farrrrrrrr the best moment of film was Stan Lee remembrances and cameo. What I disliked: she was too OP, there was no sense of threat to the film or character. Her actions (going against everything and everyone) had no consequences which is Low key unreal and lame. The movie just felt kinda flat, no progression, but feels like it will be expanded on her more when she gets in End Game, I just think writer wasn't good enough, idk... (I think Dr Strange was only slightly better than this film) Post credit scenes: 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 #Marvel #marvelmovies #stanlee #moviereview #UrgentReview #filmReview #reviews #films #movies #comics #CaptainMarvelcomic #captainmarvelmovie #carolDanvers #BrieLarson #JudeLaw #SamuelJackson #NickFurry #furry #NoFilter #KuraiSensei @ London, United Kingdom
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More about Kurai-Sa
