Labernproof - Confidence-Boosting Proofreading, Editing And Writing Advice

About Labernproof - Confidence-Boosting Proofreading, Editing And Writing Advice

Confidence-boosting proofreading that improves the way you write, permanently. Flawless proofreading, in-depth comments and tutor chat gives you control.

Labernproof - Confidence-Boosting Proofreading, Editing And Writing Advice Description

Labern Proofreading—or, Proofreading by Labern—is not only the most unique proofreading service available, but the cheapest.

Why is it unique?

Precisely because it is more than proofreading. I offer not only your standard error-correction service, but, depending on your wishes, can re-interpret your essay into new forms, adding thorough commentary not only on the work you send me, but your entire writing skill-set.

(I offer work and advice not only on essays, but job and university applications, website content, creative writing, love letters, speeches, workload management, exam preparation, anxiety and anything education /creativity /writing /thinking /logic related. I offer on-going advice free, so email or message me and I'll sort you out. )

My aim is not just to improve any given essay, but to strengthen the writing skill and confidence of my clients.

As if this wasn't enough, I am available 24 /7 for free advice online. I am happy to deal with all things education: anxiety, workload, goal-setting, inspiration—whatever it is that stresses you out, I will help you with.

I have always been interested in helping my peers, and have spent countless hours doing this unpaid. The most logical progression was to make it a small business and to reach out to as many people as possible, whilst also allowing my writing skills to fund my lifestyle as a writer. Thus, while I work on my novels, I will be engaged in the nuances of academic work. It is truly a win-win situation, and with the prices I offer, there is really no need to hold back if you think you could benefit from a fresh pair of eyes looking not just at your work, but your writing career.

Education is too often a slog, a treadmill—made all the worse by the anxiety we feel at having to do well. I offer you the opportunity to reduce some (if not all) of that stress by supporting you through your education. In the end, my goal is to make education a more pleasant experience for all involved. The people in charge won't do it, but I will.

On this ambitious level, then, I aim to improve what is very likely the most time-consuming area of your life. I have done it before, and am continually doing it: I am battle-tested and am a proven natural.

On the one-liner level, I will improve your grade.

I guarantee it.

More about Labernproof - Confidence-Boosting Proofreading, Editing And Writing Advice