Labour Representation Committee - Lrc

About Labour Representation Committee - Lrc

The LRC is a movement of socialist activists and trade unionists, campaigning for socialist policies within the Labour Party, the broader labour movement, and in wider society. The LRC is chaired by Matt Wrack and John McDonnell MP is our President.

Labour Representation Committee - Lrc Description

Membership is open to both the Labour Party and non-Labour Party members. However, you cannot be a member of a party that stands candidates against the Labour Party.

The original Labour Representation Committee was formed in 1900 to fight for political representation for the Labour Movement. In Britain today we face a similar crisis of representation. The LRC has been re-formed to secure a voice for socialists within the Labour Party, the unions, and Parliament.

Never in the history of the Labour Party has the need been so great to make the case for peace and socialism. The advocates of global capitalism and war have taken control of the political agenda. The task for today's LRC, founded in 2004, is to fight for power within the Labour Party and trade unions and to appeal to the tens of thousands who have turned away from Labour in disillusion and despair. Therefore we are calling upon all socialists, Labour Party and trade union members, constituency Labour parties and union branches to join our campaign and join or affiliate to the LRC.

The LRC is a democratic organisation committed to fighting for a socialist future:

- We need a foreign policy based upon peace, justice and solidarity

- Britain is a more unequal society than at any time since the Second World War. The LRC is fighting for a living wage, a decent state pension, council housing and public services run to meet our needs not sold off for private profit

- All people are equal. We believe in fighting all forms of prejudice and discrimination

- With global capitalism in control of the political agenda, there is an urgent need for a major shift of wealth and power in favour of ordinary people

- The LRC was setup to fight for workers’ rights, civil liberties and political representation

- With the planet on the brink of environmental catastrophe New Labour’s answer is more nuclear power and an expansion of aviation. We need a green energy policy based on renewable and the development of public transport

This is an exciting time to join the LRC – we are continuing to grow rapidly as Labour supporters, trade unionists and other socialists look to develop a radical agenda around which the movement can unite in the face of the resurgent Tory threat.

We have local LRC groups right across the country bringing together socialists and trade unionists to fight local campaigns.