Labour Ward, Princess Anne Hospital

About Labour Ward, Princess Anne Hospital

Being cared for by midwives in an obstetric-led environment, who strive to ensure you have the birth experience you would hope for in a safe environment.



“The birthing woman. She has appeared over a hundred billion times, yet each time a baby is welcomed into the world it is a miracle. We’re also incredibly fortunate to have the science and technology to ensure more births come with a happy ending. Hypnobirthing, scheduled inductions, epidurals, emergency c-sections, elective c-sections- they all come with one goal... bringing a baby home!! Well done mankind, well done women!”
Incredible quote from new mum of now 3 Giovanna Fletcher.
How empowering and inspirational to all women and mums out there!!


Welcome to our second mini tour as part of our ‘get to know’ our Labour Ward at Princess Anne Hospital.
For this tour we will be looking at our Maternity Day Assessment Unit (MDAU). If you are over 20 weeks pregnant all the way up to 28 days postnatal then this is the place to phone (02381 20 4463). • If you are less than 20 weeks or over 1 month after the birth of your baby, then please phone your GP if within working hours or 111 if out of hours and A+E if an emergency.
... The Maternity Day Assessment Unit (MDAU) is open from 09:00- 02:30am 7 days a week for phone advice, face to face assessment and admission if required. It consists of 5 assessment beds, a scan room and a clinic room (see pictures): • Always call us before attending MDAU if you have any concerns. • If you have any issues outside of these working times, then please call us on Labour Ward (02381 20 8103).
There are many different reasons you may need to come in to MDAU, some of these are: • Reduced movements from your baby • Any bleeding • If you think your waters have gone • Any abdominal pain • Blood pressure problems or concerns about Pre-eclampsia • If your community midwife has referred, you in to check the position of your baby after 36 weeks. i.e. Breech or transverse.
This is only naming a very small list of reasons to attend the MDAU- it is extensive, so please remember to phone beforehand to confirm if you need to attend.
The MDAU also offers scheduled care for those women who may need to be seen more regularly.
The MDAU also has a clinic on E-level at Princess Ann Hospital to undertake Glucose Tolerance Tests: if you have risk factors, which your community midwife will discuss with you, to test if you have Gestational Diabetes (diabetes in pregnancy only). In addition to Anti- D immunisations and pre-clerking assessments (for those having an Elective Caesarean Section).
The MDAU at Labour Ward can be very busy with long waiting times: primarily this can be because the doctors who review the women in MDAU are also based on Labour Ward so sometimes can be delayed reviewing women as they are delivering babies! Consequently, MDAU runs a triage system to ensure the higher risk women are seen first. This might mean that although you arrived first, you may not be seen immediately. The midwives within MDAU always strive to see everyone in a timely fashion.
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The NHS Choices website has excellent information about your babies movements, why are they important, when to phone your midwife or Maternity Day Unit and some other useful links.
Follow the link below to read more!
Remember our Maternity Day Assessment Unit number is: 02381 20 4463.
... Or call your community midwife if your unsure.…/pregnancy-and…/b aby-movements-pregnant/
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We would like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has given birth or accessed the maternity services over what seems to have been one of the busiest weeks we have had in a long time.
To those of you who have had their induction delayed or moved due to the many that were booked for that day (our average was 7 per day). Thank you for being so patient and thank you for understanding to ensure the service could continue. The same applies to the ladies booked to have an caesarean which might have been delayed due to emergencies on the ward.
Thank you to those who were waiting to be reviewed or seen in our Maternity Day Assessment unit (MDAU) for hours on end! We always aim to see you and review you as quickly as we can, however the doctors are also responsible for overseeing the Labour Ward and any emergencies occuring- so thank you.
And lastly, a MASSIVE MASSIVE thank you to all the maternity support workers, Doctors, Anaesthetist and the midwives who have been stretched to the limit to deliver the best care they can to the women. Whether that is on the labour ward, induction room, MDAU or our postnatal and antenatal ward. We are an incredible team who pull together and support each other when we need to and work our little socks off so women feel supported, get the care they need and deliver some adorable little babies into the world.
So thank you!!
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As the weather seems to be all over the place.. from one day it’s blazing sunshine at 30 degree heat ☀️☀️ and the next it’s pouring with rain.. ☔️☔️ it’s important to think of keeping your newborn at the right temperature!! Here’s a reminder from one of our previous posts about keeping your baby warm and our top tips!
Remember: -The EASIEST way to find out if your baby is too hot or too cold is to feel their chest or back (never arms and feet as they are always colder)!! -... If your taking a layer off because your hot.. just think.. should I take a layer off my baby? And the same if your feeling cold!! posts/149516542571414/
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Also we’ve only just seen this!! Thank you so much to everyone who has liked and followed our page!! For something that has only started at the end of April this is AMAZING!
So thank you to every single one of you from Labour Ward at PAH!!!


Have you felt your baby move today?!
Have a drink. Eat something sugary!
Been rushing around all day and are not sure? Take 10mins for you and your baby....
... If your still concerned or not sure please don’t delay in calling our Maternity Day Assessment Unit! They are there to help 02381204463
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#WeAreNursesAndMidwives #readyforanything


Its that time for the July Infogram showing the birth rates and more for Labour Ward!


To commemorate the start of World Breastfeeding Week come and join us for a picnic!!


What a wonderful photo showing physiological 3rd stage from one of the ladies who delivered on Labour Ward and some amazing feedback for one of our midwives too!!
'I was determined to do delayed cord cutting this time and really wanted to get a picture of baby and placenta attached as I think the photos look amazing ❤️ I said to meg about getting the picture whilst I was in labour and she went above and beyond for me to be able to get the picture I wanted. I was also able to... have such a calm and relaxed birth and afterwards was too. I will cherish this picture forever and I’ll always be forever grateful to meg for being such an amazing midwife and making it happen 💙💙 Thank you so much meg! ❤️'
Even if you are unable to have a physiological 3rd stage and have been recommended an active 3rd stage, delayed cord clamping is still something we try and faciliate as much as we can for anyone delivering on Labour Ward- whether it is for an instrumental delivery or a caesarean section! Just ask us at the time.
*picture and feedback shared with permission from the parents*
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Welcome to our first of many mini tours of Labour Ward at the Princess Anne Hospital.
To help you ‘get to know’ our Labour Ward and the different areas/services that we provide, over the next few months we will be doing a mini tour of each. This will include pictures, information and for some of them some top tips from the midwives who work within that service.
For our first mini tour we are looking at our High Dependency:
... Our High Dependency Unit or HDU has 2 beds to provide care for women who require additional support and monitoring before, during and after labour (pictures attached show 1 half of HDU).
The reasons for requiring HDU care include: •Severe pre-eclampsia or eclampsia (fits caused by severe pre-eclampsia). •Serious bleeding before or after birth. •Severe infection •A pre-existing medical condition which requires additional support (including cardiac conditions). •Additional support required for diabetic control. •Ongoing recovering after admission to the intensive care unit.
Throughout your stay, your well-being will be assessed by specially trained midwives through a series of observations with regular reviews from our team of doctors. These observations will be undertaken regularly at first then less frequently as your well-being improves.
The amount of time you spend in HDU may vary from a few hours to several days, depending on your wellbeing. When you are well enough to move around and care for yourself and your baby independently you will be able to continue your care on either Lyndhurst (antenatal) or Burley (postnatal ward), depending on which is most appropriate.
Visiting your baby on Neonatal Unit (NNU):
If your baby is being cared for in the NNU, you will be taken to see them as soon as you are well enough to do so. This may not be immediately after birth.
If you are not well enough to visit your baby straight away, your partner is encouraged to visit and take photographs of your baby for you. It is encouraged by NNU to try and leave something small with the baby that smells of you- like a muslin/top that you have kept with you or two similar teddies that you can switch. Your midwife can also telephone the NNU on your behalf if you would like to mane enquiries about your baby’s wellbeing.
If you are planning on breastfeeding, please discuss this with your midwife so that arrangements for feeding your baby or expressing your breast milk can be made, depending on which is more appropriate for you and your baby.
Receiving visitors while you are in HDU will depend on your wellbeing and the overall clinical situation within HDU. Please speak to the midwife caring for you before you make any arrangements for visits.
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This is so important! Please watch and share!!
If you have any concerns about your babies movements please phone your midwife or the Maternity Day Assessment unit on 02381204463
You are not wasting our time.
... Trust your instincts!
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Well we weren’t expecting this kind of delivery in the Labour ward garden but clearly Mrs. Hog knew it was best to be near midwives!
Our newest deliveries are being looked after by those best qualified so that we can get back to our very important human families!
#mothernature #specialdeliveries


Good news!! The Ultrasound Department at the Princess Anne now offer private scanning at weekends for the following....
Reassurance and Viability Gender Well being
... These will all cost £60 each.
Please see pics for more info.
If you feel may be interested call the Ultrasound Department on 02381 205287 leave your details and contact number, and they will call you back to arrange.
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Huge congratulations to one of our ladies who had a speedy delivery at the hands of our lay-midwives for the day! Our wonderful colleagues at South Central Ambulance Service facilitated a normal delivery off site and brought this beautiful baby and her Mummy to us! Well done Emma Ford and Kirsten Payne for delivering and providing immediate care!
*full consent for photo sharing gained from parents and staff involved*


Just a reminder for all you pregnant ladies in this hot weather, please see the post below.
For those who are coming to the Maternity Day Asssessment unit: PLEASE remember to bring some water and a hand fan if you have it as there can be a long wait and there is NO air conditioning in the waiting room or in Day Unit.
For those coming to be induced or to labour on labour ward:... PLEASE bring in a fan (with your name on it) if you have it, a flannel, even a hand fan or cooling facial spray. Labour ward and the induction room do not have air conditioning and the rooms are getting hot in this weather!!!
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Happy Birthday NHS!!


Wonderful midwives! Was so well

Looked after.


The staff are amazing and so attentive to every need during your stay. The help with breastfeeding is fantastic too! :)


The care I received during and after the birth of my son was outstanding. I stayed on hdu in Labourward for a few days after delivery. All the midwives, drs and support staff were professional, caring and went above and beyond. I can't thank them enough.


My baby boy was born on labour ward 14th May, and although it was very quick and not at all what I planned, it was perfect. I can’t praise all the staff on labour ward enough. Especially the midwife Emily who looked after me �


Labour ward were incredible to me throughout the latter stages of my pregnancy and the birth of my son. I couldn’t have done it without them or my wonderful midwife xxxx


I wanted to say a huge thank you to labour ward... I had used the labour ward for my first daughters birth in 2008 which resulted in an emergency Caesarean section after labour and found the care and support brilliant.

I then had my second daughter on 12 April 2017. I attended the day assessment unit that afternoon and was looked after by a lovely midwife KJ and within a few hours my daughter was delivered by emergency caesarean. My daughter was unexpectedly critically ill from birth and spent 12 days in neonatal intensive care and was also cooled due to her having HIE GRADE 3, along with persistent pulmonary hypertension, meconium aspiration syndrome and seizures.

I was taken care of by 2 midwifes on labour ward and the care I received was outstanding considering the stressful and upsetting situation that we weren’t expecting to be in. The midwife who was with me in theatre was called RJ and she was great in what would of been difficult situation for her as well as us. The care was taken over by another amazing midwife that evening (not sure of her name) who tried her best to find out what was going on with my daughter and arranged for me to be taken down to NICU that evening. Her kind and compassionate nature really showed and she made me feel looked after so well. I spent 10 days on lyndhurst ward so I could be on call for my baby as she was so poorly and that midwife popped in to see me and ask how my daughter Ella was getting on and at that time I didn’t get a chance to say thank you to her as everything was still chaotic and stressful.

After a 27 days stay in neonatal we were able to bring Ella home, things looked quite bleak to begin with we were told Ella had severe brain damage putting her at high risk of developing cerebral palsy, she was also hearing impaired in one ear. But surprisingly to all her consultants and specialists she is developing as any other 1 year old, hitting all her milestones and showing no signs of any issues at present. She even took her first steps the other day!

Now seems the right time to say thank you to everyone who was on our journey. The Princess Anne Hospital showed us just how lucky we are to have an amazing hospital on our doorstep, staffed by the kindest and loveliest people. We remember each and every one who was with us that day and made such traumatic experience easier and with their quick thinking saving our daughters life.


I had the most amazing experience giving birth to my first beautiful daughter who arrived on Saturday 16th June. Stephanie was our midwife and she was just amazing, I can’t thank her enough. In fact, the whole team were great. Poppy is now settling in at home and we are all recovering well. Thank you. Xx


Had my son on the 6th June and had to stay on labour ward for 3 nights and then got moved up to the lyndhurst ward for 2 nights and every single midwife and doctor that looked after us have been AMAZING! They were always there when you needed them no matter what time of day or night, so helpful couldn’t of asked for better care!

Thank you so much!!


Had a c section and the nurse I had in recovery was outstanding. My 4th baby and this time round the nurse I had done everything possible and more to help me. The midwife were great and so friendly considering I have been in here 3 years in a row this year has to be the most memorable. You all do long shift and don’t get thank enough �� thank you so much x


Despite my birth plan being thrown out the window, being induced and ending with an emergency c section I have nothing but positive memories from my daughters birth in July 2017. I felt so well looked after by the whole team at Princess Anne’s hospital for the four days I was there. Thank you so much for making what could have left me traumatised such a positive time for me, my fiancé and my daughter �


Can’t thank the wonderful team enough! They took amazing care of me and my daughter after a difficult delivery.


Cannot speak highly enough of PAH Labour ward. My wife was induced for our twin girls and despite midwife shift changes and moving between department, they were all fantastic and gave 100% to my wife and ensured the safe delivery of our girls. We can't thank you enough for that with particular thanks to Alice de rose, Imran Ahmed, Samantha cheale, Danni bush and Sarah Jayne. You all do an amazing job ���

More about Labour Ward, Princess Anne Hospital

Labour Ward, Princess Anne Hospital is located at Princess Anne Hospital, Coxford Road, SO16 5 Southampton