
About Ladycare

The safe, natural, drug-free medical alternative for reducing menopause symptoms - NOW available in N. AMERICA and EUROPE http://www.

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Who's ready for Christmas?


It's a mince pie and a hot drink kind of day!


What happens when a busy pop icon is taken down by menopause symptoms? Belinda Carlisle, lead singer for the Go-Go’s, felt like her life was out of control when she began to experience over forty hot flashes a day. Her menopause symptoms were so drastic that she began searching for a solution > oU


The LadyCare Plus+ has been successfully redesigned to combat symptoms of menopause for women that suffer from higher levels of stress. Since its launch, LadyCare Plus+ has exceeded all of our expectations....


Big thank you to everyone who entered our M&S Christmas giveaway! Today we have chosen a winner at random and that person is..... *DRUM ROLL* please....... Mandy May! Congratulations, Xmas Dinner is on us! Please send us a DM so we can post your £100 voucher. Happy Shopping!


Bunged up & fed up? Tis the season to be jolly… but tis also the season of the flu! Whether you’ve got the flu or just a common cold, they all come with a bunged up nose. There are few things more annoying than a nasal passage that simply won’t function as it should. If you’ve found yourself googling ‘ways to unblock a nose’ you’re probably at the last straw… you’ve come to the right place. >


Twas the night before Christmas...


WE HAVE A WINNER! Congratulations to Louise Macleay who has won a one night stay in a London Hotel PLUS £100 Christmas spending money!
Thank you to all of you who entered and shared your stories with us.
... We still have our £100 M&S giveaway running and the winner will be announced at the end of the week!
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😆 #MenopauseLife


Eat Your Way To a Better Menopause... Is it really possible to eat your way into a better menopause? Does the food we eat really have any meaningful connection to those horrendous symptoms? After all, they are so varied and can be very intense, could a change in diet make any real difference?




A little sprinkle of Wednesday wisdom!


Perimenopause – Period Pains, Bloating & More.... Are you nearing menopause, yet occasionally experience symptoms as if you were menstruating, such as period type cramps or bloating? It’s not actually that uncommon and it’s definitely nothing to worry about unless you are experiencing ongoing pain or you have an underlying health issue.


Just without the sea!


Possibly the most exciting discovery for menopause! – LadyCare represents a revolutionary breakthrough in easing symptoms of menopause and perimenopause 24/7. Got a question? Check out our most asked....


It's a very valid question!


Nausea isn’t something you really expect to associate with menopause. It’s more commonly linked to pregnancy, or that time of the month. So those of us who suffer from nausea as a symptom of menopause are often taken. aback. What can you do? >


We know the feeling! Are You Struggling With Menopausal Weight Gain? >


It's time for our first CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAY of the year! We're giving one lucky LadyCare customer a £100 Gift Card for M&S - just in time for Christmas. Spend it on groceries or spend it on gifts!
To enter please leave a short COMMENT below telling us about your experience with LadyCare. Don't forget to LIKE and SHARE this post with your friends!
... The winner will be announced in the first week of December! HAPPY SHOPPING!
Not only this... we have a SECOND giveaway which will be revealed later this week! (UK Entrants Only)
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ladycare has given me my life back ,it has been the best buy for me ,i tried hrt ,nd herbal remedies nothing made me feel this way like the ladycare magnet ,within two hours of wearing it my hot flushes stoppped ,i had a brilliant sleep ,woke up refreshed no aches or pains energy level is gone up ,i can face the world and its problems no bother ,thank you so much i wish i had been aware of it sooner,needs to be a biggger advert


The lady care magnet is a god send. it really does help. I never forget mine .


Ladycare helped me sail through an early menopause. I was even asked to do a commercial for it, in London, because I wrote such a glowing letter of thanks to them. Don't use it now but it totally relieved my symptoms. An excellent product. My dog is now old with arthritis and she wears the dog collar and I believe it is helping her too. xxx


Iv been wearing mine for about 9mths and it’s the best thing Iv every bought..I dnt get hardly any flushes and it does work.


I loved mine but it ended up melted when it ended up in the oven as I had left it on the work top



I have been wearing mine for a month, stopped taking my Elleste Duet and I feel so much better. No more waking up through the night and no more hot flushes through the day, apart from the heatwave we are having at the moment lol, also have put on 3 stone due to menopause but now I’m actually losing weight. So I’m 100% happy with my ladycare


Have only been wearing for a short time and can already tell a difference


Excellent product, I was so desperate to get rid of my hot flushes and sleepless nights and Ladyxaee was the answer. Will recommend it to everyone that is experiencing early menopause.


Brilliant! Within a week of wearing magnet flushes were a lot less frequent, slept better & felt a lot better within myself....drug free


5stars Brilliant product I can eat sleep work .no mood swings of any discripon ,drive , keep weight off ,hot weather no problems. No hot flashes .no sensitive bladder,that product has cured it . I can lead a normal life .no headache's , concentration brilliant.happy customer �


I have only been wearing ladycare for 4 days and I have noticed a difference already in my hot flushes thay have got a lot less.


Halved my sweats in the first two weeks during the day and nightime has lessened too! Worth trying, although this hot weather is taking its toll!!


I have bought one today from Boots.Waiting to make a full judgement on it but not had a hot flush since putting it on! Still got a banging head & still not sleeping, but I'm going to persevere! Feels strange wearing underwear in bed but hopefully I'll get used to that, as don't normally wear anything!! Watch this space!!! Ps it cost £24.50 on14.02.14. Xxx


Very disappointed 4 weeks 24/7 still dripping wet at night at least 12 hot flushes per night. Sleeping worse than before. I phoned the help line such a rude man help at all

Going to keep trying because I feel I should it's a lot of money to spend on a magnet that does nothing - I feel ripped off


Over past two weeks, I've e-mailed customer services 4 times with a genuine question about their product, and they've not even had the decency to reply. Not sure I want to buy it now, if that's how I'm treated. Poss £49 sale lost due to SHODDY customer service �


I’ve been wearing it for over five years and I can truthfully say,hand on my heart,this has helped me through my hot flushes and mood swings.It doesn’t eliminate all the symptoms associated with menopause but I’m so thankful we stumbled onto this page and has made my life that little bit more comfortable.I’ve told my friends and I tell them to stick a,small ‘fridge’ magnet with a bandaid under their belly button for a week just to see if it works and if they’re happy to go on this website and order one in...I’m in Sydney

,Australia.Good luck everyone.


It is guaranteed for 10 year but when I rang to discuss it rattling their Managing Director was not only unhelpful stating is is user error(!) but was positively rude and uncooperative. It is a shame because I was pleased with the product but the customer service was appalling.


Do your updated research! They make it hard and difficult to speak with an superior!! These reviews are old! I will contact my friends no to fall for the bate!

More about Ladycare

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