Ladypool Road Congregational Church

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: 10:45 - 13:00

About Ladypool Road Congregational Church

Ladypool Road Congregational Church is based in Sparkbrook Birmingham. Every one is very welcome to join with us.



Elder David - we've just been to visit Sifa-Fireside who have been providing a daycentre for the homeless for some 30years and are more needed than ever. As well as a safe space and solid meals there is medical, social, legal and housing/benefits help for anyone over 25.
a good and much needed work. Founded by a Christianun and relying in part on partnerships with churches They are open until 1pm weekdays.


Sad to say farewell to David today, but glad that so many of his friends were able to join us at the church and crematorium and what a positive picture of his life emerged. It was truly said he was a man who acted justly, loved mercy and walked humbly with his God. Thanks to all involved in helping with the funeral.


We do wish everyone a merry Christmas, but we know not everyone finds it easy to deal with the season - thanks to Stephane at Hay Mills CC for finding and sharing this resource.


Here's a thought. Merry Christmas and if you can join us for: Sunday Worship (11am) Carols by Candlelight (6.30pm) Christmas Day Worship (10.45am - short service)
... Carols will be sung.
Book yourself for our Rededication Service (6th Jan 11am) and the new season of Fireside Fellowship next year in various homes.
See More


Thanks to all who braved the forecast freezing rain from at least 5 local churches and bravely sang carols accompanied by a cold fingered guitarist. Photos follow, thanks Mike.
Pray for Adam from Coventry who came across from the restaurant he was in and asked for more. He joined us for hot chocolate and mince pies and prayed a prayer of faith rededicating his life to Jesus. Pray that God will hook him up with a local church who can help him go forward.


Just up the road from us.


Thanks to Paul Atkins at Reach Out Network for spotting this.


Faith Roads (a daily inspirational thought from a Cong. Fed. connection) celebrates Advent.


First day of advent - you might like to try this. If you do after Christmas you can bring the donations to church where we can get them to the food bank for a January.
All kinds of in date long shelf life foods, unopened toiletries, make up, sanitary products, etc all welcomed.
You can make it fancy by decorating the box or using card card to make 24 divisions (or two wine boxes).


Brilliant concert tonight - thanks to Our Lord and to the choir and their director, Joan Bateman. God bless all involved and the money raised for the homeless and Christian work in Spain.


Nativity at Ladypool Road Congregational ladies choir carol service.


Open air witness for a Christmas by the joint churches fellowship with hot drinks and mince pies in the church afterwards. Colourful clothes, banners and flags welcome.


Please join us at the joint churches opened air Christmas witness. Be as colourful as you like and bring banners and flags - We'll also value volunteers for the hot drinks in the Jubilee Hall afterwards. (Thanks to Graham for the poster.)

More about Ladypool Road Congregational Church

Ladypool Road Congregational Church is located at 196 Ladypool Road, B12 8JS Birmingham, United Kingdom
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: 10:45 - 13:00