Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Nhs Foundation Trust

About Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Nhs Foundation Trust

Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Excellent care with compassion. This page is monitored daily.

Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Nhs Foundation Trust Description

We are one of the largest and highest performing trusts in the country, providing district general hospital services to 370, 000 people in Preston and Chorley, and specialist care to 1. 5m people across Lancashire and South Cumbria. We run Chorley and South Ribble hospital and Preston hospital as well as the Specialist Mobility Rehabilitation Centre.



Staff on ward 3 recently received a kind donation from a family who previously received treatment at Preston Hospital. You can hear more in an interview with Kristy, who donated the items and our own Andrew Fishburn in an interview with That's Lancashire TV. AI


Our Motor Neurone Disease Team are celebrating 25 years of service with a Bollywood Evening! Tickets are available by calling 01772 52 2545!


We are raising awareness of the identification and treatment of sepsis through the nationally promoted month of Sepsis September.
Read more here: /…/sepsis-septembe…


We are holding more Our Health Our Care sessions from the 18-20th September, take part in shaping our future.


💙 | We are proud of our local health and care services and the quality of care we currently provide, but you, the people of Chorley, South Ribble and Greater Preston need and deserve even better from our services.
So, we're working with our NHS and local authority partners on a shared vision for delivering truly integrated care that is delivered in the right place at the right time. That means, making sure our services are organised and provided in a way that makes them more sustainable for the future.
Our staff and clinicians have been working hard to come up with a model for how this might look which you can read more about here 👉 cashire


This November we are holding a Research and Innovation Showcase at Royal Preston Hospital from 08:30-16:30. If you'd like to attend the event, follow the link below and register for a space. -innovation-showca…


🤔 | How do we best organise our hospital services to continue being able to provide safe and effective care, seven days a week?
That's the question we must answer, whilst considering these challenges which we face:
👥 Sometimes, poorer patient experiences that we would like to provide because of waits, cancellations and disconnected care.
... 💙 Health challenges, with us all living longer and experiencing more long-term and/or complex conditions.
🏥 Some of our buildings are no longer fit for purpose and can be costly to run.
👨‍⚕️Shortages of clinical staff and vacancies filled by agency or temporary staff which isn't sustainable.
💷 The demand and the costs for providing our services are increasing but our budgets are not keeping pace.
Watch the animation below which explains these challenges in more detail. Read more here too ⤵️ cashire/about
See more


Tune into That's Lancashire TV tonight at 6pm on Freeview channel 7 to hear from Andrew Fishburn and Kristy Boffey on her kind donations to ward 3! #thankyou #together


💙 | We are proud of our local health and care services and the quality of care we currently provide, but you, the people of Chorley, South Ribble and Greater Preston need and deserve even better from our services.
So, we're working with our NHS and local authority partners on a shared vision for delivering truly integrated care that is delivered in the right place at the right time. That means, making sure our services are organised and provided in a way that makes them more sustainable for the future.
Our staff and clinicians have been working hard to come up with a model for how this might look which you can read more about here 👉 cashire


🤔 | How do we best organise our hospital services to continue being able to provide safe and effective care, seven days a week?
That's the question we must answer, whilst considering these challenges which we face:
👥 Sometimes, poorer patient experiences that we would like to provide because of waits, cancellations and disconnected care.
... 💙 Health challenges, with us all living longer and experiencing more long-term and/or complex conditions.
🏥 Some of our buildings are no longer fit for purpose and can be costly to run.
👨‍⚕️Shortages of clinical staff and vacancies filled by agency or temporary staff which isn't sustainable.
💷 The demand and the costs for providing our services are increasing but our budgets are not keeping pace.
Watch the animation below which explains these challenges in more detail. Read more here too ⤵️ cashire/about
See more


Staff on ward 23 have introduced a bus stop and reminiscence room to the ward! Find out more in an interview with That's Lancashire TV here: 2E


We have been celebrating the achievements of student nurses who have completed an innovative undergraduate degree course, designed to develop more nurses for the future.
Read more here: /…/nurses-graduate…


We have another patient quote, a mother's daughter was admitted to ward 17. The mother would like to thank every member of staffed who helped her daughter.


🏥 | We're working with partners across central Lancashire to assess how we make our hospital and wider NHS services fit for the future.
Find out more here ➡️


Cycle to Work Day is the UK’s biggest cycle commuting event. The day took place last week on Wednesday 15th August and is celebrated around the country every year to promote an active lifestyle through a fun and light hearted campaign.
Read more here: /…/cycle-to-work-d…


This November we are holding a Research and Innovation Showcase at Royal Preston Hospital from 08:30-16:30. If you'd like to attend the event, follow the link below and register for a space. -innovation-showca…


💙 | We are proud of our local health and care services and the quality of care we currently provide, but you, the people of Chorley, South Ribble and Greater Preston need and deserve even better from our services.
So, we're working with our NHS and local authority partners on a shared vision for delivering truly integrated care that is delivered in the right place at the right time. That means, making sure our services are organised and provided in a way that makes them more sustainable for the future.
Our staff and clinicians have been working hard to come up with a model for how this might look which you can read more about here 👉 cashire


We are very lucky to have an excellent nhs hospital in preston, I visited the pain management department this morning for chronic hip pain treatment and was treated with utmost care and compassion by the doctor and all the lovely nurses. Thank you to you all.


My son had to go to hand therapy (physio) for 18 months due to a horrible freak accident needing surgery. He was seen by Olwyn at first on a weekly basis and then less and less but we are so thankful for Olwyn and all she did to help. She definitely helped make the trauma less traumatic and put up with all my sometimes daft questions. All the team in the hand therapy department were lovely and happy to help you are all doing an amazing job. So well done all of you and thanks for everything xxx


My partner has been having treatment for cancer at your hospital and I wanted to write to say how fabulous the care has been. You have all been fantastic you have got it completely right. The standard of care is exact. Don't change a thing. While I am on the subject though. I wanted to complain about the canteen by the main entrance. Next to WH Smith. I don't expect a Michelin star experience in a hospital canteen but the staff here are pig ignorant. The don't maintain eye contact. After you order they turn away and chat to each other. They leave the serving area. Leaving one member of staff. They look miserable, disinterested, they leave customers with hot food waiting to pay while they chat. They don't say please and thank you. As they take money they then chat and ignore you again. I have been eating there a lot as u am diabetic and I have to eat at certain times and that could be while my partner was having treatment for his cancer. I said to a woman behind me "why are the staff here so rude?" She said "Aren't they just" I was anxious about the treatment my partner had today and snapped "you are all pig ignorant." That was after one too many times of the rude staff. They are wearing NHS t shirts so they are seen as ambassadors. It seems to me they are the same all the time. Is that the image you want to project. My server held her hand out without telling me how much the bill was. I handed £10 over and got "another 70 pemce" no please, no thank you and no smile. When I got my she had already asked what the next person wanted as she put the money in my hand. Get them sorted out. They are letting your hospital down. badly. The uniform was filthy as well. Except the woman who seemed to be in charge who was frankly scary with her sour face and lack of manners. If people dealing with life changing and life saving problems can be polite, helpful and friendly surely the women who serve chips and sausage rolls can manage it. If they can't. Get rid of them.


My 7 year old son was admitted to Preston Royal Hospital after an injury to his fingers. My son was admitted to the children's ward where he was seen by a plastic surgeon. It was a difficult time for my son, he had to be put to sleep while they completed the surgery. The nurses and doctors were fantastic!! I couldn't have asked for a better service. They treated my son with compassion and respect. The surgeon did a remarkable job, you can't tell he ever had it done! The nurses supported me throughout (I was very upset about my son being put to sleep)

Just wanted to say thank you so much, I feel lucky to have the NHS.

I work for the NHS, and one of things I've learnt is patient experience and their feedback is paramount... when we was leaving, following the operation, my son picked up a feedback form and said he wanted to write to say thank you - that's when you know you've done a fabulous job!!


Just wanted to say thank you to the all staff at Chorley MAU for looking after my elderly mum with great professionalism, dedication and humour , as a fellow NHS worker I appreciate the pressure they are under and at times it was evident, however they delivered a service built on care, compassion, communication, courage , commitment & competence something we all strive for and try to deliver thanks ltht 👍🏼 X


I would like to thank Mr Agrawal and his team in Plastics, Tony Adams - Anaesthetist and all the staff on Ward 4 for the excellent care I received last week at Preston Royal Hospital. I had multiple lesions removed from my hand and wrist, this was done under a block anaesthetic (which I would highly recommend) and I was home the next day. All the staff were efficient, professional and kind they put me at ease and I cannot fault the care I received. Special thanks to Mick the Anaesthetic nurse whose kind words and good humour helped passes the 4hrs I was in theatres.


I should like to thank all the wonderful staff in the resuss ward and wards 19 and 18. I was admitted on Monday and all the staff were dedicated and showed care and compassion to everyone they came across.


I originally posted on the 2nd March 2016 but it has disappeared!

I wanted to thank Chorley A&E for the fantastic treatment we received for my 2 year old. She had hurt her arm and Chorley A &E is only 10 minutes from my Leyland home. My daughter kept crying in pain when trying to move her arm, we were seen and treated within about 10minutes of arriving at A&E. The nurse was friendly, professional and knowledgeable and was able to diagnose and treat my daughters 'pulled elbow' we were able to leave before the free 15 minutes was up on our parking- the whole trip meant we were home and back within 35 minutes. My daughter was pain free and a happy little girl in time for bed. Well done Chorley A&E!


Had a diagnostic laparoscopy yesterday in gynae and couldn’t of asked for a more positive experience. The care I received from the ob/gynae theatre team was amazing, professional, Uber friendly and compassionate.

So glad I can say I work along side this team in maternity. A massive thank you to everyone ��


Absolutely fantastic, a close relative recently enrolled to participate In a research trial offered by the trust. Only as a result of taking part was a lump in her breast noted. Three weeks later this cancerous lump has now been removed and today we have found they the results are clear. Treatment is now being provided and we are counting blessings that this was found in the early stages. Thank you LTHTR. Thank you for offering such research opportunities.


A massive THANK YOU to Ambulance Crew, Resus Staff in A & E, Critical Care team and Ward 2A when our son was brought.You are a credit to RPH and the NHS.


So far so good - never thought our elderly dad would survive his op - he's now driving everyone mad - can't complain at all - he does - but we don't! - massive thanks to all staff involved 👍


My dad came into A and E on the 7th of November via ambulance suffering from severe sepsis. The response from the staff was exemplary and he received life saving treatment within minutes of arrival. The following week on critical care dad was treated with dignity and respect. His journey up to ward 20 to complete his care was bumpy but accurate and today he walked out of the hospital alive with the rest of his life ahead. For this we are eternally grateful. Thankyou just isn't enough. �����


waiting 3 hours for my little lad, no doctor to check him ... awful 😖😤


You get told a family member is going to die yet you can not see them at anytime. Then you get told you are not aloud to ring the ward to find out if they still OK. Not happy at all.


Poor service, lack of communication and continuity when being reviewed by consultants. No one listened to me about my pain needs. The only positive was for the staff on the major trauma ward. They were the most kind caring and thoughtful staff members I could of had looking after me so a massive thanks to them. But I think the fo diktat standards and continuity of care by the consultants needs reviewing. Will be writing my complaint to the big bosses of the hospital.


In 2016 my dad was diagnosed with terminal #cancer. In March 2017 the Care Quality Commission raised a safe-gaurding issue with Lancashire County Council regarding the appalling "care" my dad was receiving under Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Today 31st May 2017 the safe-guarding team finally called. It was met with surprise when I told them my dad died on the 3rd of April. His care was wildly chaotic and disjointed, receiving little or no support let alone an end of life care plan. You should all be thoroughly ashamed.


If a consultant marks a letter as Day case, priority 'urgent' why has the patient now been waiting for 21 weeks for surgery? The CQC report of April urges you to comply with the 18 week maximum waiting period, yet you make patients feel like they are trying to queue jump! If the waiting lists are so long then there is still something wrong with your staffing and equipment levels. Any response Chorley Hospital?


I have always admired the hard work and dedication of Royal Preston hospital however since having my daughter and being under the paeditricians, I am absolutely disgusted in the treatment we have received. My daughter has been left to suffer in pain and nobody seems to be concerned at her not drinking her milk or gaining enough weight. We have been left to get on with it and for me to watch her in pain day in day out. I'm constantly chasing up the paeditrician's on the advise of the health visitors. I was told we needed to be assessed on ward 8 and was greeted to the sister on the ward being incredibly rude to me and telling me there were no beds available and I waited as the paeditrician said she still needs to be seen, almost 3 weeks later and we are no further! My baby refused to drink milk all day so on the advice of the GP I was told to go to A&E to be fast tracked to the ward. Our experience was no better when we were felt like we were wasting time as it wasn't an emergency. We were given another medicine to try 10 days ago and my baby has had no relief. Today I have rang the paeditrician's secretary to ask whether I can increase to dose and was told somebody will get back to me. It's now 5pm and nobody has called me and for the past half an hour nobody has answered the phone. We now have to wait 4 days until somebody will contact us. I think it's absolutely disgusting and I will be writing a formal complaint to PALS as nobody seems to see an issue. I understand the staff are very stretched and busy however it seems they have gone home early for the bank holiday.

More about Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Nhs Foundation Trust

Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Nhs Foundation Trust is located at Royal Preston Hospital, Sharoe Green Lane, PR2 9HT Preston, Lancashire