Lankester White Safaris

About Lankester White Safaris

African journeys created by Africans. As born and bred South Africans with an in-depth knowledge of the wilderness and safari industry, we help ensure that you can make the very best of your once in a life time journey to Africa. Each and every time.



Just in case anyone thinks we are only about camping - we do love a bit of spoiling... And I may just have stopped off at the utterly spoiling Jabali Ridge before heading off in to the wilds of remote glamping. A massage with birdsong instead of spa music? Oh yes! Tea with delicate, pink macaroons? Especially if we have been to the gym. And an afternoon lying by the pool. Always. Glamorous, luxurious and should be added to your bucket list immediately.


Wow wow wow... just home from the experience of a lifetime. Camping in a remote corner of Africa with no-one around for hours and hours. Private safaris took on whole new meaning when you can go for days without seeing another soul. Walking, driving, swimming in hot springs... a slice of heaven. Our luxury camp site was set on the banks of river with hippos flopping and grunting around in the water and Pels Fishing owls and African Fish Eagles soaring over our heads. What a privilege. Sleeping under the stars - we really were in our 'tents' that kept out the critters but let in the stars, the sounds and magic of Africa. Living by the motto "Love what you do!"


We loved our walking safari through the Serengeti in Tanzania last year and rate it as one of our all time favourite safaris! So much so we have put together a number of fantastic specials to let you in on this incredible experience. If you are interested in truly immersing yourself in wild Africa, grab your walking boots and get in touch.
Lankester White Specials - the perfect opportunity to grab your family and head out to where the wild things really are.

More about Lankester White Safaris

+44 7876682291