Leigh'S Bees

About Leigh'S Bees

Producers of the finest scrumptious English Honey, selling through fabulous outlets in Norfolk, Suffolk, Leicestershire, Rutland and Northamptonshire.

Leigh'S Bees Description

Leigh has been a beekeeper since childhood. This has always been a hobby /sideline, but in recent years it has become a business to run alongside his photography (www. goodsell. ws).

As well as producing utterly wonderful Natural Norfolk Honey, Leighs' Bees is offering beekeeping experience sessions, where curious humans can come and find out as much as they like about the honeybee, find out how a beekeeper works, look through a working colony, have a great time and leave with (hopefully a metaphorical) a bee in their bonnet about learning more. . . . . and a jar of Leigh's Bees Honey.



Leigh took delivery of a very special, royal package yesterday...


Listen to the queens piping - challenging each other to a duel!


This photo shows queen cells being made on a lumpy bit of comb, in preparation for swarming. One is finished (a virgin queen will emerge from there in a few days and will potentially take over the colony), to its right is an uncapped one (still being fed), and a “cup”…. Leigh is on the case!


Leigh's Bees - the girls making progress creating extra delicate comb from a starter strip. Not using foundation (https://g.co/kgs/PhiZxi) means that if this comb is ultimately destined to be Borage Cut Comb in Kilner jars or cut comb bricks (http://www.leighsbees.co.uk/products/), the customer only eats what is made by the bees and we know exactly where it came from.


Great news that Notre Dame's resident bees have survived the fire - you can read more about them here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-4 7995604 #luckybees 🇫🇷


Esther, Sybil & Ivy are waking up to a beautiful new view. They are among the 1.6 million bees that Leigh has taken to the Fens to pollinate acres of bramley apples... #busybees


Easter Sunday with the bees....


Drove Orchards has stocked up for the Easter weekend, with a new delivery of Leigh's Bees honey - if you haven't been before, this Farm Shop is well worth a visit - it's bursting with delicious things... #proudlynorfolk #busybees


Hils is flying solo for the first time this Saturday (20th), selling our honey at Creake Abbey Spring Gift Fair (open 10am - 4pm)... not because Leigh is putting his feet up - he will be at Holkham Hall's Easter Food Fair on both Saturday and Sunday. Doors open there at 10am. Come and see us - we have a couple of new honeys to taste...


Pop by and say hello to Leigh, taste our delicious honey, and stock up for Easter deliciousness (we have a couple of new varieties at the moment - Woodland and Lime Tree). #busybees


This is a lovely place to pop in to for a coffee or tea... before stocking up on honey, of course!


Lucky Leigh to have such a lovely visitor - and we love a borage honey fan :-)


After a miserable, damp and foggy day yesterday, today is warm enough to check up on the bees and give the rapidly expanding colonies some space. #busybees


You don't have be in Norfolk to buy Leigh's Bees honey. We now have stockists in Suffolk, Leicestershire, Rutland and Northamptonshire. Visit Northfield Farm Shop & Butchery, Stonehurst Farm, Farndon Fields Farm Shop, Emerson and Wests and David North Deli if you live in Leicestershire; we'll bet it won't just be honey you come away with!


Leigh's Bees - Natural English Honey. Unblended, unpasteurised, "proper" honey. Also honey comb in Kilner jars.


Don't forget that Leigh will be at the Farmers Market, Creake Abbey this Saturday, 9.30am-1pm. It's also worth having a look at the Stockists list on our website - we have lots of lovely new outlets: http://www.leighsbees.co.uk/stockists-of- leighs-bees-honey/


So how do beekeepers feed their bees if stores have become a little low? Leigh leaves the bees with lots of honey to over winter on (which they rarely work their way through) but very occasionally the weather dictates circumstances when a top up is essential for their well-being. #happybees


Danger within! These pesky blighters are pollen beetles. They kill the flowers before they have reached their potential for the bees - or the growers.


Just opened our first pot of Leigh’s Bees honey...one of the most yummy honeys I’ve ever tasted. We have the very pale white one. It tastes like creamed fudge. Unbelievable. Thank you for your delicious work...and to the bees of course!

Bought at Walsingham Farms Shop, Heacham Lavender Farm


I purchased Raw Norfolk Wiildflower Honey from Walsingham in October, never having tried it before - it is superb! I am definitely purchasing some more when we return to Norfolk for a holiday in November. Please make sure Le Strange Arms shop has some in!!!!

More about Leigh'S Bees

Leigh'S Bees is located at PE32 1JA Narford, Norfolk, United Kingdom