Leighton Middle School

About Leighton Middle School

Leighton Middle School is situated in the heart of Leighton Buzzard and Linslade, with a catchment extending out to the surrounding villages.



When dropping off or picking up your child from school, can we ask that you are mindful of other road users and not parking on double yellows or blocking access to local businesses.
There are many local areas to park, Tesco, Multi-story, Duncombe Drive that can be used. We do appreciate your support with this and ensuring the safety of our pupils at these busy times. πŸ˜ƒ


Art Club has been busy painting and hiding rocks around the school. If you spot any of these return them to Mrs Schofield.


Y8 had a really interesting and thought provoking performance this morning from Alter Ego about county lines. There is a link below to their website if you would like to find out anymore information. There is also a link to the Children's Society page with a guide for parents.
http://www.alteregocreativesolutions.co.u k/
https://www.childrenssociety.org.uk/…/c ounty-lines-resources


We have been sent this useful booklet for pupils and parents with tips for supporting with anxiety during exams. It may provide some useful ideas.
https://dragonflyimpact.co.uk/anxiety-boo klet-pdf/


Thanks to Matt from The Greensand Trust for providing an excellent Science Careers Talk for our Year 7 & 8 pupils today, who now know all about life as a ranger. #owlpellet


*Easter School* Any Year 6’s coming in tomorrow, please use bridge street entrance and come up to the hall. See you at 9am! No Uniform needed πŸ™‚ πŸ“– πŸ”£πŸ”€


🎢 money, money, money 🎢 Year 6 have done a FANTASTIC job and collected 2066 20p’s for our charity HULA Animal Rescue... that is Β£413.20 raised! πŸ₯³


More sporting news! Last week, Year 7/8 girls won their football tournament!!!


We invited a small group of pupils to take part in a DT club over the last six weeks. They have created some wonderful items using the ipads and vinyl cutter - just fantastic!!


Year Five have been using shoes to help develop their inference skills in English! The children had to try and work out what their character may be like from the shoes that they would wear, a short story extract and a picture of their character! Miss Holmes is very pleased with the children’s imaginative ideas and their perseverance as, at times, the task was quite challenging! πŸ™ŒπŸ“’


**Year Six Parents**
Any 20p’s collected in smarties tubes for our charity event are due back tomorrow please!
Thank you for supporting HULA animal rescue πŸ™‚


Parents of children 12+ we have been sent this poster with activities to get involved in over the Easter break.


We were joined today by a group of Y4 pupils for a Science enrichment afternoon. Yes.....it did hit the ceiling!!


Due to our continued expansion next academic year, please share our exciting job opportunities.


Local support sessions for parents with children with SEND.


Another useful fact sheet from NOS (national online safety) about you tube.The site has lots of information for parents including fortnite and TikTok. https://nationalonlinesafety.com/resource s/platform-guides/.


An exciting opportunity at LMS! Please share!

More about Leighton Middle School

01525 374907