Lemington Lakes




I had a free day and the weather looked OK and so I thought I'd have a pleasant day fishing for crucian on Priory Lake. This was the day before I planned to fish.

So I went on to their website to check if they were open, they were, and discovered that you now need to complete a non-residents application form. I did this and clicked "submit". It then disappeared from the screen and confirmed that the message went and that I would get a response shortly. I then got my kit ready in anticipation.

The following day I wanted to set off asap and so checked my emails. There was nothing from Lemington Lakes. Given that I wanted to fish that day I then rang them and Debbie answered. I relayed what had happened and asked if it would be Ok to fish today. She said "no" and that she would not have time to action my submission as she was too busy doing breakfasts. I asked if it would be possible to check whilst I was on my way but that was still a "no". I told her that I had already fished there at least three times, had in fact met her previously and was a customer of the fisheries manager, Andrew Ellis and had been for about 8 years. Again I asked if I could somehow fish today and the answer was again "no". I hung up the phone very disillusioned.

Debbie then rang back about 10 minutes later confirming that she did not have my request. I relayed again the message that appeared on my computer the previous day but it made no difference. The submission form simply asks for name and contact details and so I asked Debbie if they used these for some sort of credit check and/or referencing purposes. She said that they did not and so I asked what the purpose of the submission was for. I did not really get an answer but still asked one more time if there was any chance that I could fish today. The answer was something like "no, I don't think so and I don't think that you should consider fishing here in the future either". When I asked her why she said that she did not like my attitude. She then hung up without even saying goodbye.

All in all it has left me with a really bad taste in my mouth. There are many other fisheries around that I can use and get good customer care and so I’m afraid Lemington will not be seeing me again

Gez Rideout


A beautiful set of lakes close to Moreton in the Marsh, with high standard of facilities, caravan park and on site tackle shop/cafe. I have been fishing Priory Lake again recently as I love Crucian Carp, but you will have to fight your way through around 10 or so Tench for every Crucian caught, as Priory Lake is stuffed full of the greedy buggers, which makes targeting the Crucian very frustrating. Perhaps it should be re-named the small tench pool. It also begs the question as to how the fishery expect the the Crucian to grow and thrive in this lake, with so many Tench stocked into the lake, beating the Crucian to any free offerings. In fact, I see little chance of this place getting anywhere near growing on Crucian to specimen sizes if the over stocking of mini Tench is not curbed. Still, as a place to while away a few hours, it is a stunning location and would be the perfect place to bring youngsters or newcomers for a bit of action packed float fishing. I'll still visit from time to time, but i'll admit the small Tench are wearing a bit thin. Get rid of a few and get some balance back into the Lake and you might get a few more serious Crucian Anglers to visit.


After a week in a so called Chalet (more like a home from home) Lovely wooden floors, open plan kitchen/living room and big comfy beds. Its a shame to be leaving. I really couldn't recommend this place enough. It was also reassuring they checked my Landing net and Carp cradle to make sure I could look after the stunning big carp in Westminster Lake. Whilst having a breakfast in the cafe on our first morning Debbie couldn't have been more helpful of what had been working on the lakes. If you are into your Carp fishing speak to Andy. Top guy with a wicked sense of humour!! WE WILL BE BACK....just need to save up now as I want a 24hr session with Andy on Abbots lake (watch this space) Darryll and Sue



Lemington lakes looks nice on first impressions but after fishing it three times I can safely say that this is no more than your typical man made fishery, despite the condescending claims to greatness on their website, and I will not be returning. The pegs are too far too close together and the fish have clearly been caught hundreds of times, with many sadly having parts of their mouths missing. There are also no big carp present, except in one lake which is very expensive and often fully booked.

On arriving you will have your tackle inspected by the lady, who will require you to purchase one of her obscenly large unhooking mats or nets from the tackle shop (if you can call it that - its very small and is often filled with the stench of fresh canine defecation) if she does not deem yours up to standard. The rules are also very over the top, with three people not being allowed to share two unhooking mats or landing nets, despite the pegs only being 3/4 metres apart. Im all in favour of some reasonable rules being enforced at fisheries due to the amount of idiots fishing these days, but this place is ridiculous and treats the experienced and respectfull angler as if he/she is some kind of neanderthal.

As if this wasn't bad enough, the man who runs the place is extremely unfriendly, in fact quite aggressive. He had clearly taken a disliking to me and my friends before he even spoke to us when he came round to inspect our tickets, probably judging us as inexperienced anglers due to us being in our early twenties, and seemed to be looking for any excuse to kick us off. Fortunately he could not find one, but I imagine he loses lots of customers by behaving in this manner.

Overall, I urge anyone who enjoys a challenging and rewarding days fishing, where the fish are in good condition, and where you are made to feel welcome, relaxed and not pressured into buying things which you don't need or want, to give this place a miss. If you do wish to brave this hell hole, be sure to read the extensive list of 'dont's' situated on the left side of the first car park, as these could be easily missed. Also, be sure to pay before fishing in the aforementioned 'tackle shop', countary to the standard practice at most other commercial fisheries, if you wish to avoid a fat, red-faced man with a very large chip on his shoulder charging round to your peg and ruining your day.

More about Lemington Lakes

Lemington Lakes is located at Todenham Rd, Moreton-in-Marsh GL56 9NP, UK
+44 1608 650872