Lesbian And Gay Christian Movement

About Lesbian And Gay Christian Movement

UK based ecumenical charity working for justice and equality for lesbian, gay and bisexual people, across and beyond the Christian churches.



Booking is open now for our conference on gender identity and faith in Manchester, in September. It promises to be a corker of a day with some great speakers - but we need you there to bring the conversation alive. You can book here, and there are even Early Bird rates until 1 August. It should be a fantastic day - do join us if you can!
http://www.onebodyonefaith.org.uk/news/re gistration/


Today we're sharing with you a very special film project. John Bell and Nick Bundock have shared their stories of their response to the death in 2014 of Lizzie Lowe, at the age of 14, in Manchester. The films have been very generously supported by our members and friends, and we want them to reach the widest possible audience. You can find all the details and links over on our website.


We've had a lovely day - really encouraging and positive AGM followed by a beautiful and moving service at St Botolph's, our old home, lead by the wonderful Fr. Michael Roper.


Tomorrow is our annual service at St Botolphs, Aldgate in London at 3pm. If you're in town we'd love to see you. Rosie Miles, poet and writer, will be preaching, and everyone is welcome. http://onebodyonefaith.org.uk/news/annual -service2018/


You may have seen a letter last week from William Nye, Secretary General of the Archbishops Council of the Church of England, to our sisters and brothers in The Episcopal Church in the USA. We weren't happy - and this is our response. Not in our name. http://www.onebodyonefaith.org.uk/…/one body-says-not-in-ou…/


We're launching an appeal today to support two of our friends - Nick Bundock and John Bell - who are making a really, really important film, sharing how both their lives were touched by the death of Lizzie Lowe back in 2014, and how and why things need to change. We think you'll want to support it - here's everything you need to know.
http://www.onebodyonefaith.org.uk/news/jo hn-and-nick/


We're still not getting the answers we need from the Church of England about their treatment of trans people, so today we've written to the Archbishops of Canterbury and York. You can read the letter here, and we'll let you know as soon as we receive their response. http://www.onebodyonefaith.org.uk/…/arc hbishops-trans-issu…/


Today, as well as working hard to shine a light on the appalling behaviour of some parts of the Church of England in relation to welcoming trans people, we're also launching a major fundraising campaign to secure the £20,000 we urgently need to sustain our vital work. Will you think about helping? All the details you need are on the link here - and your support will make a huge difference. http://www.onebodyonefaith.org.uk/…/urg ent-fundraising-app…/


As further details emerge of the wholly inadequate process leading to the decision of the bishops not to commend liturgies of welcome for trans people, we're calling for a full enquiry. If you've time on your hands, click on the news feature and see if you can see any real reference to trans people in the notes of the Bishops' meeting. No prizes, just a bit of fun (no, we don't think so either...)
http://www.onebodyonefaith.org.uk/ne…/t rans-welcome-enquiry/


We're feeling angry and let down by confirmation today of the news leaked earlier in the week by the Daily Mail - that the bishops of the Church of England will not be commending special liturgies of welcome for trans people, despite the General Synod passing a motion last July asking them to consider doing so. We'll be working with our allies and supporters and with members of the trans community to consider our next steps, but here's today's full statement.


A wonderful and affirming initiative from Fortnum & Mason, albeit slightly tongue-in-cheek!
OneBodyOneFaith's CEO, Tracey Byrne comments for PinkNews:
“Three cheers to Fortnums and their Valentines biscuits – they’ve worked out what we’ve known all along, that love is love, and that God has blessed loving and committed relationships since the beginning of time.... In fact, might we suggest that if Adam and Eve had stuck to the biscuits and kept off the fresh fruit, things might have turned out very different! If Adam, Eve, Niamh and Steve want to pop round. we’ll have the kettle on in celebration of love, justice and the restorative effects of a good cuppa.”
See More


We're pleased to announce we have a new Chair of trustees - read all about it here. http://www.onebodyonefaith.org.uk/news/ne w-chair/


Oh dear! Everyone's favourite conflicted Christian is at it again! http://www.onebodyonefaith.org.uk/news/ti m-farron/


Some thoughts on World AIDS Day from our blog. http://onebodyonefaith.org.uk/blog/world- aids-day-2017/

More about Lesbian And Gay Christian Movement

Lesbian And Gay Christian Movement is located at South Church House, 25 Market Place, Nottinghamshire NG24 1EA Newark Upon Trent, Nottingham, United Kingdom