Less Plastic

About Less Plastic

Sharing practical ways to use #LessPlastic and to protect & restore #MoreNature

Talks | Infographics | Consultancy | Book #PlasticGameChanger

Less Plastic Description

Turn the tide on #OceanPlastic. Inspiration, strategies & products to enable businesses & individuals to #UseLessPlastic.

Also offering stylish, eco-friendly reusables for healthy, sustainable food & drink on-the-go.

#PassOnPlastic #LessOceanPlastic



Hospitality businesses have the opportunity to make a HUGE difference when it comes to ocean plastic! ­¤īŖ­¤īŖ­¤īŖ
If you run a food & drink establishment, and minimise your plastic waste by taking these ocean-friendly actions, you may like to display our posters or postcards - to proudly state what you're doing to tackle ocean plastic & inspire others in your community to take action too! ­¤Éŗ­¤É¼­¤É¤
You can order yours here:... https://lessplastic.co.uk/ŌĆ”/6-ways-we-t ackle-ocean-plasticŌĆ”/
#GreenHospitality #GreenTourism #SustainableBusiness #SustainableRestaurants #SDGs #CSR #PlasticPollutes #BeatPlasticPollution #BreakFreeFromPlastic #PlanetOrPlastic #PlasticFreeCommunities #LessPlastic #PassOnPlastic #PlasticAction #UseLessPlastic #LessOceanPlastic #PlasticGameChanger
See more


We've designed several posters & postcards to make it easier to use less plastic - ideal for displaying in schools, offices & community spaces ­¤ÆÜ­¤īŹ­¤Éó
Browse our full range here: https://lessplastic.co.uk/product-categoŌ Ć”/posters-postcards/
#UseLessPlastic #LessOceanPlastic #PlasticGameChanger #PlanetOrPlastic #PlasticAction #PassOnPlastic #LessPlastic #BeatPlasticPollution #BreakFreeFromPlastic #CleanSeas


­¤Æö­¤śź­¤ÉĀ #UseLessPlastic #LessOceanPlastic


14 simple ways to #uselessplastic! ­¤īŖ­¤Éŗ


"More than 8,000 litres of water have been dispensed in under a month from two drinking fountains installed at Liverpool Street Station ŌĆō equal to 16,000 standard bottles of water."
#RefillRevolution #UseLessPlastic #LessOceanPlastic
https://www.theguardian.com/ŌĆ”/londons-n ew-drinking-fountainŌĆ”


Would you like ready-made materials to inspire your colleagues, students or community to use less plastic? ­¤Éŗ­¤Éó­¤É¼­¤ÉĀ
Our posters & postcards are available in digital & printed format - perfect for displaying at events, workplaces, schools & community spaces... or for adding an eco-slant to your internal or external digital communications. You can browse our full range of designs here: https://lessplastic.co.uk/product-categoŌ Ć”/posters-postcards/
#BeTheChange #UseLessPlastic #LessOceanPlastic #PlanetOrPlastic #PlasticAction #PassOnPlastic #BreakFreeFromPlastic #BeatPlasticPollution #CleanSeas #SustainableEvents #GreenBusiness #EcoSchools #SDGs #CSR #ResponsibleBusiness #OceanChangemaker #PlasticGameChanger


Can you help? Can you think of an organisation who is a #PlasticGameChanger?


9 simple ways to use less plastic! ­¤Éŗ­¤É¼­¤É¤
Also available as posters & postcards for display in workplaces, schools and community spaces.
Order yours here ­¤æē https://lessplastic.co.uk/product-categoŌ Ć”/posters-postcards/
... #BeTheChange #UseLessPlastic #LessOceanPlastic #PlanetOrPlastic #PlasticAction #PassOnPlastic #BeatPlasticPollution #CleanSeas #OceanRescue #LessPlastic #PlasticFree #SDGs #CSR #ResponsibleBusiness #PledgeLessPlastic #PlasticFreeCommunities #PlasticGameChanger
See more


Our plastic problem in a nutshell... UN Environment
#CleanSeas #PlanetOrPlastic #BeatPlasticPollution #UseLessPlastic #LessOceanPlastic
... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RS7IzU2VJ IQ
See more


Have you discovered #plasticfree periods yet?
This is a great summary of all the latest plastic-free menstrual products available today ­¤ÆÜ­¤īŹ pebble magazine
#UseLessPlastic #LessOceanPlastic


Did you know that cigarette butts contain plastic and many more harmful toxins?
If you're a smoker, please take care to make sure your butts reach a bin as littered butts eventually end up in the ocean ­¤īŖ­¤īŖ­¤īŖ
#PlasticFreeCoastlines #LessOceanPlastic


Spread the word! Order some posters or postcards for your school, workplace or community space today! ­¤ÆÜ­¤īŹ­¤Éó
Get yours here ­¤æē https://lessplastic.co.uk/product-categoŌ Ć”/posters-postcards/
#BeTheChange #BackToWork #BackToSchool #NewBeginnings #PlasticAction #PlanetOrPlastic #PassOnPlastic #FightPlastic #BeatPlasticPollution #PlasticFree #PlasticFreeCommunities #PledgeLessPlastic #UseLessPlastic #LessOceanPlastic #PlasticGameChanger


Want to make a positive impact on ocean plastic? ­¤īŖ­¤Éŗ­¤É¼­¤É¤
Our posters & postcards are perfect for inspiring change in schools, workplaces & community spaces... AND we've just reduced the prices to make them more affordable to more people! ­¤Öī­¤śŖ
Order yours here ­¤æē https://lessplastic.co.uk/product-categoŌ Ć”/posters-postcards/
... #BeTheChange #BackToWork #BackToSchool #NewBeginnings #PlasticAction #PassOnPlastic #PlasticFreeCommunities #BreakFreeFromPlastic #PledgeLessPlastic #CleanSeas #BeatPlasticPollution #SDGs #GreenBusiness #UseLessPlastic #LessOceanPlastic #PlasticGameChanger
See more


We think this would be amazing. Do you agree? ­¤ÆÜ­¤īŹ­¤Éó
#UseLessPlastic #LessOceanPlastic


Busting some myths about the 'necessity' of supermarket plastic packaging...
SHARE if you want to be able to more easily buy #plasticfree fruit & veg ­¤ŹÄ­¤Źī­¤Źå­¤Źģ­¤źÆ
#UseLessPlastic #LessOceanPlastic #PlasticGameChanger


­¤ś▒­¤ÜĮ the loo is only for pee, paper and poo!
#3Ps #plasticpollutes #planetorplastic


­¤śź­¤Éó Stories like this have made me lose my appetite for fish.
We desperately need the fishing industry to clean up their act and stop dropping plastic nets, line and rope in the ocean! ­¤É¤­¤īŖ­¤īŖ­¤īŖ
#UseLessPlastic #LessOceanPlastic #GhostFishing


Great summary of life with #lessplastic ­¤ÆÜ­¤īŹ


We should all think before using so many plastic in our daily lives and save the planet and life itself. Thank you for lovely and memorable illustrations how to preserve planet and reduce pollution.


We need to clean up our oceans. Start by carrying your own shopper and drink from glass.


We all need to wakeup before it's to late, it's our responsibility!!


Time to stop devaste our environment! Our beautiful world!


They are telling me how to use less plastic.. i m thinking about the ways for it for too long n this is what i need .. thanks.


Thanks for the call to our beautiful planet ’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į


Thank you loads for sharing such an important message and for posting posters with tips which are easy for all to see and share.


Thank you for doing what you do.

Thank you for creating so much awareness in the most accessible and comprehensive way. ’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į


MORE people knowing MORE about this in ANY way possible is great - keep up the good work!


Let's go green and save our earth ! #gogreenwithhz


Less plastic to save the planet!

We have to learn, acquire and educate!


Less Plastic, we donŌĆÖt need plastic around our food , we donŌĆÖt need plastic to protect or prolong , it has no point , no art

no place in our future.

But beware one day it will be all that remains .


It's important to create a world free of plastics to ensure less polluted environment. In this regard this organization is doing a fantastic job & it's truly appreciable.


I'm doing #plasticfree #plasticfreelent #passonplastic


I love the idea of living with less plastics! Thank you for taking such effort in raising awareness on plastic waste. Well done!


I love it that there is a drive to use less plastic, just wish it could be implemented in all the countries around the world and fines to be issued for companies changing from glass to plastic. I have been boycotting Appletiser since they have changed to plastic bottles.


I haven't bought any disposable plastic since January 1st and groups like less plastic help me keep on track.


Great organization like heir effective and professional approach to environment issues


Change will only be brought about by creating a movement, just like this.


We should all think before using so many plastic in our daily lives and save the planet and life itself. Thank you for lovely and memorable illustrations how to preserve planet and reduce pollution.


We need to clean up our oceans. Start by carrying your own shopper and drink from glass.


We all need to wakeup before it's to late, it's our responsibility!!


Time to stop devaste our environment! Our beautiful world!


They are telling me how to use less plastic.. i m thinking about the ways for it for too long n this is what i need .. thanks.


Thanks for the call to our beautiful planet ’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į


Thank you loads for sharing such an important message and for posting posters with tips which are easy for all to see and share.


Thank you for doing what you do.

Thank you for creating so much awareness in the most accessible and comprehensive way. ’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į


MORE people knowing MORE about this in ANY way possible is great - keep up the good work!


Let's go green and save our earth ! #gogreenwithhz


Less plastic to save the planet!

We have to learn, acquire and educate!


Less Plastic, we donŌĆÖt need plastic around our food , we donŌĆÖt need plastic to protect or prolong , it has no point , no art

no place in our future.

But beware one day it will be all that remains .


It's important to create a world free of plastics to ensure less polluted environment. In this regard this organization is doing a fantastic job & it's truly appreciable.


I'm doing #plasticfree #plasticfreelent #passonplastic


I love the idea of living with less plastics! Thank you for taking such effort in raising awareness on plastic waste. Well done!


I love it that there is a drive to use less plastic, just wish it could be implemented in all the countries around the world and fines to be issued for companies changing from glass to plastic. I have been boycotting Appletiser since they have changed to plastic bottles.


I haven't bought any disposable plastic since January 1st and groups like less plastic help me keep on track.


Great organization like heir effective and professional approach to environment issues


Change will only be brought about by creating a movement, just like this.

More about Less Plastic
