Lester Savage Hypnotherapy Plymouth

Monday: 09:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 20:00
Friday: 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -

About Lester Savage Hypnotherapy Plymouth

I’m a Hypnotherapist and Life Coach based in Plymouth and I specialise in using hypnotherapy to help individuals to take control of their mind to achieve a life with less stress, more confidence and fulfilment. Book now for your FREE consultation!



Training our resilience and disturbing our comfort really is an art. But how do we master it? https://www.hypnotherapistplymouth.co.uk/ …/how-to-grow-your…


GRATITUDE JOURNALS SUCK just my opinion - They're an incredible way to begin momentum but that's it. I often use the analogy of someone going to the gym to pick up a light weight and doing a few bicep curls (an incredible way to start the momentum right?) But what if that same someone were to pick up the same weight and do the exact same number of curls every day. Would they grow?
I think you know the answer. Below I've written a great mental exercise you can start doing toda...y - FOR FREE! https://www.hypnotherapistplymouth.co.uk/ …/plymouth-positiv…
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DO YOU WANT BETTER SLEEP? (at the risk of looking like Ali G?)
Then i think you're in luck. You've heard of junk food, but what about junk light?
... The truth is that many of us are getting an overdose of blue light from our TV, phone, tablet and so on - especially before bed! But that's not what our caveman ancestors did...
When the sun went down, and the sky became more red, yellow and orange - this would allow the hormone melatonin (responsible for making us feel sleepy) naturally release through out our body and we would start to feel tired. But with the increase in blue light we actually stop this hormone being as readily available and as a result of this it's so much harder to get to sleep at night. Wearing glasses like these gives our body the permission to finally feel sleepy again (and you may be surprised to find out how much earlier your body has been wanting to go to bed!).
If you suffer from insomnia or difficulty sleeping - then get in touch for a FREE consultation to see how we can help you master sleep again!
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What would you do differently if you were FEARLESS?What would you do differently if you were FEARLESS?


If you're interested in The Wim Hof Method or cold exposure, or wild swimming then join this group! It's run by Max Hicks - an incredible individual with a kind heart and a genuine passion for helping people disturb their comfort and connect with themselves more deeply. Highly recommended! https://www.facebook.com/groups/642654986 141020/


STRUGGLING WITH MEDITATION? The increase in research over the last decade has just shown time and time again that meditation is so beneficial for the brain and the body. However it can be so challenging for us that we tend to give up within the first few weeks....
In my personal experience it took me about 3 months before I really experienced a true benefit, adding 2 years of living in a buddhist centre and i've been amazed at how powerful this practice is.
... HOWEVER... For those who are struggling, I think this is a great way to speed up progress. I've found the muse headband to be an extraordinary way to boost meditation over the last several weeks! It uses basic concept of neurofeedback (basically allowing you to objectively observe how calm or active your brain is during a meditation in REAL TIME) what used to take me 20+ minutes to feel i can now get in seconds and today im proud to say i was able to start and finish with zero moments in an active state. It really is a PRACTICE but with enough you can make tremendous progress. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
If you wan't help with guided meditation then don't hesitate to reach out and book your session today!
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Hey everyone! Been fairly quiet recently but i'm excited to announce i have just launched a new youtube channel called HYPNOTHERAPY UNLEASHED!
I'll be using this channel to release regular hypnotherapy and guided mediation audio clips to help people with a multitude of conditions including but not limited to: Anxiety... Panic attacks Insomnia Stress Depression OCD IBS Confidence Weight loss Stop Smoking and much more.... If you have any requests then don't hesitate to get in touch.
PLEASE PLEASE show your support and give it a like and comment and maybe even a cheeky share. Anything you can do to help spread this free resource would be much appreciated! Thanks https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&am p;v=0OG64unc9oo
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FREE WILL It's a complicated thoughts but there's enough data nowadays to show that our negative thoughts may not even be ours. Instead there could be 3,000,000,000 other factors for the way that we think https://www.hypnotherapistplymouth.co.uk/ …/gut-health-plymo…


It's not time for the "C" word just yet but there's certainly some great activities we can do to improve our emotional health as we enter the flu season. Just yesterday I had a client who told me that while everyone else at his place of work was getting sick he seemed to be the only person who feels great no matter what - and he put it down to some of these tips https://www.hypnotherapistplymouth.co.uk/ …/health-activitie…


I'm ashamed to say I actually watched until the end!


Had a wonderful conversation with a client this week. For confidentiality purposes I shall call her lucy.
Lucy had been a smoker for 50 years, she was able to quit once for approximately 7 months but only with the aid of a chemical prescription that the doctor had given her. Never did she think she'd be able to stop without that dependency. She came to me desperate to stop - spending up to £600 per month on cigarettes!
Of course, she was sceptical...
... After all - who could imagine a 50 year habit could be extinguished in just two hours.
I must say at this point that I'm generally very careful with who i take on as a client for my stop smoking sessions, I only work with people at THRESHOLD. Meaning...
1. They realise something has to change 2.That something is them 3. It has to happen now
I have no doubt that it's because of this that my success rate is so high.
We delved into her primary reason for wanting to stop NOW and it turned out it was predominantly financial - with the extra money saved from giving up such a destructive habit, she would be able to go on 2 extra lavish holidays per year as well as put some of the money back into the renovation of the house.
After the end of our session she said she didn't want a cigarette whatsoever - the first time she'd felt that way in over a decade (the first time was with chemical help).
A week later and she's already made more progress with renovating the house in 2 days than she had in the last 12 months!
Her journey is still early days of course, but the best part is that she's already made her money back from the session, shes begun to be able to taste food again since her tongue is healing from the lack of artificial chemicals and she said that the future is looking more compelling than ever.
I must admit, sometimes i forget how holistically rewarding the ability to stop smoking can really be for individuals, but having reminders like this always makes me feel pumped to help someone else do the same.
Hows your Stoptober going?
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If you stayed on the same path doing what you’re doing today, what you have planned tomorrow etc. Will you get to where you WANT to be? 100% of people I’ve asked this question to always know the answer. Sometimes it just takes 1 question to realise we’ve been BS’ing ourselves all this time. Would love to know where you’re heading!


FRIDAYS CHEEKY BOOK OF THE WEEK - a bit old school in the world of personal development. But sometimes a bit like think and grow rich - its a timeless classic. Worth a read for anyone wanting to conquer limiting beliefs about their business or personal life.


I have no doubt that this post will resonate with some people on here! https://www.plymouthcoaching.co.uk/post/a lone-in-plymouth


if only we lived in britains ocean city......:p When was the last time you went for cold dip? https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-4783157 6…

More about Lester Savage Hypnotherapy Plymouth

Lester Savage Hypnotherapy Plymouth is located at 34 Mutley Plain,, PL4 6LD Plymouth
Monday: 09:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 20:00
Friday: 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -