Letizia De Sario - Teacher Specialist

About Letizia De Sario - Teacher Specialist

Teacher Specialist helping students to achieve a brighter future.



🔅Growing up with my parents in the land of Apulia gave me the opportunity to learn how to respect and appreciate the environment. . . . 🔅 The Reggio Emilia approach sees the environment as a third teacher, important for both children and adults in fostering interaction, autonomy, exploration, curiosity and communication🐸... . . . 💡I think that one of the future aims for education must be to use the power of nature as a tool to understand the world around us and to be better citizens of the wider world🌍
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🔆I spent my whole childhood in Bari with parents and a wider family who worked as farmers, and helping them in the fields gave me a love for nature and a desire to be curious about the world around me. . . . 🔆Today, I can say that these origins have been the roots of my life. Furthermore, as an educator, I have been working in several countries and cultures. These two factors have forged in me an open-minded attitude.... . . . ✨I believe that this kind of education can better enable children/students to improve their critical thinking and problem solving skills, which are important for the next generation. . . . #teacheronamission #teacherlife
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💥The beautiful thing about being an educator is that as adult we can inspire the lives of young learners. By setting up age-appropriate activities (using the Reggio Emilia approach and Project Zero by Harvard University), I educate young children and students to broaden their imagination and to strengthen their thinking. . . . 💥The most challenging job that I have been doing is working as an early years practioner and nanny, as the little ones see me as an example every day. ...For example, I have been teaching how to sit properly during lunch time, how to play in turn during a game, and how and when to wash hands. . . . 🔥🔥🔥What kind of good actions have you been doing as an educator?🔥🔥🔥
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📢I really enjoy talking about education, and the 49th World Economic Forum finished only a few weeks ago... . . . 👉It is true that the future of work is going to look different, as robots will replace a number of manual jobs, and for this reason it is important to also teach children/students soft skills such as independent thinking, values and team-work.... . . . 📍I totally agreed with the opinion of Fabiola Gianotti about breaking the cultural silos. "Too often people put science and the humanities, or science and the arts, in different silos. They are the highest expression of the curiosity and creativity of humanity”. . . . 💡As an educator, I strive to attain this every time that I plan a lesson or activity (even for a seven-month old child). By setting up a STEAM (not STEM) learning environment, I can contribute to preparing the next generation for their future.
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🎆Just as 'a picture is worth a thousand words', and as a children's story can teach deep truths in a way that adults remember for life, simplicity can be a formidable tool in learning . . . 🎆Whether it is a succinct summary of a lengthy lesson, debate or theory, a basic illustration that enlightens or aids memory, or a simple fact or statement which sparks questions and discussion, such things are essential for fruitful teaching... . . . 🎆We live in an age of elaborate visual aids, special effects, detailed graphs and tables... but sometimes one ordinary object in the hand or a story of a few lines is more powerful and effective in both engaging and teaching students . . . 🔥🔥🔥People with great learning can struggle to present that learning in a short, simple way which ordinary people can understand, but when they achieve this it can be a doorway for them into worlds of knowledge and exploration which they could not otherwise access.🔥🔥🔥
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🔆I was born in Bari, in the South of Italy, where there was an Arab Emirate many centuries ago. This fact caused my family and myself to have a keen interest in Arab culture. During family lunches, we would spend time talking about the most important scientific discoveries that Arabs made during the Golden Age, or we would talk about typical examples of Arab architecture . . . 🔆Now, as an adult, I am determined to explore the area where a lot of scientific knowledge began. Th...is is one of the reasons why I am interested in working in Saudi Arabia . . . 🔆My lifelong interest in Arab culture, combined with my passion for teaching, led me to learn more about the aim of Vision 2030 to innovate the educational sector in order to contribute to economic growth, closing the gap between education and economy. I love helping my students achieve good results both at school and at university and preparing them to solve real problems in the world . . . 🔆I would love to help your students to become bright and educated citizens of Saudi Arabia in order to contribute to society . . . #teacheronamission #teacherlife #vision2030
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✨I believe it is important to be genuine, natural and honest as a person - to live from your heart . . . ✨Too easily we can wear masks or present versions of ourselves which mislead others. This might win us favour for a time, or with some people, but sooner or later people will understand that is not really who we are, and this discourages the trust and openness which strong and mutually-beneficial relationships are built on.... . . . ✨The real beauty and value of a person lies in the quality of their heart and not in their appearance, so let us invest in, live by, and judge according to the heart . . . #teacheronamission #education
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📌We tend to grow more as people when we interact closely with others, and working as a team, team-building and training together are especially effective ways to develop ourselves as well as our collective work . . . 📌 One of the best training grounds is away from our normal environment, and particularly out in the natural world, where perhaps life becomes more focussed, practical challenges to be overcome together abound, and we find fresh clarity and motivation... . . . 🔥🔥🔥 In the education sector, a healthy team spirit and the quality of staff teamwork make a great difference to the ongoing work of teaching and mentoring young people🔥🔥🔥 . . . #teacheronamission
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🔥🔥🔥There are two types of people: those who complain all the time about problems, and those who face life's problems and find solutions for themselves and for the people around them🔥🔥🔥 . . . 🎯 I am in the second group. Until the end of 2015, I was in the first group... . . . 📢 At that time something bad happened in my life; I cried for months😭 and it seemed I was unable to get over that problem. But at a certain moment, I analyzed the problem from another point of view and that's how I found a solution for it . . . 🎆Since that time, I have become another person: always thinking positively and finding solutions for problems. This has been my approach up until today. After I incorporated this into my own mindset, I taught this to my colleagues, students, children I look after, and all the people around me💪 . . . 👉👉👉 Have you ever had a bad moment in your life?📉 How did you get over it?🌈 . . . #teacheronamission #education
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🔆It is often said that children are the future: one day they will be the leaders and shapers of families, communities, nations… the world🌍 . . . 🔆The learning and experiences of the early years of their lives - which are mostly spent at school - will clearly have a very great influence on their knowledge, learning approach, and views of the world, their social, communication and problem-solving skills, their characters and personalities💡... . . . 🔥🔥🔥 The shape of the future depends greatly on how our children are educated🔥🔥🔥 . . . #teacheronamission #teacherlife
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🎇As a teacher I make a point of paying attention to everything around me, listening closely and thoughtfully to what people are saying, as well as observing the signals and circumstances by which I can maximise my understanding, as well as good communication and relationships . . . 🎇Always endeavouring to improve myself and what I provide for my students, I continue to look for and find inspiration in what I see, read and experience... . . . 🎇 Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to teach in a variety of countries and cultures, including Italy, Argentina and England, and I would like to further my development by teaching in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 💚🇸🇦️ . . . 🎇I have a strong passion for working in multicultural environments, educating diverse groups of learners, and building cultural awareness in the classroom . . . 👉 As a teacher, I have learned how being more organised, detail-conscious, energetic, enthusiastic, and patient can help support the intellectual growth of students
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📌 It was July 2018 when I read this sentence for the first time. I was speaking with one of my best Saudi friends, who was doing his PhD in education, and telling him how difficult it is for me to find a job (my dream job) in Saudi Arabia. He replied to my objections and doubts with the sentence "Arm yourselves with knowledge", found in an article that he used to write his PhD . . . 📌I feel that I find ample response to this in my life's story. I started to study when I was f...our years old, and continued through primary school, middle school, high school, a university degree, postgraduate courses, an Italian teaching license, qualified teacher status in England, and nannying courses during the past year . . . 📌 Looking at my life, I can say that I really enjoy studying. It is a way to broaden my knowledge. I still remember when I was teenager, the fact that my parents gave me money and I would run to the bookshop to buy a new book or the latest scientific newspaper . . . 📌 I think that reading is my favourite activity in the day. However, reading is not enough for me . . . 📌 I also ask myself questions on the topics I read about, and involve other people, inviting their responses in order to improve our critical thinking . . . 🔥🔥🔥 I love continuing to learn new things, and I transfer this passion to the students or children in my care. In this way, as an educator, I can contribute to creating a new generation of thinkers who can be more aware of the world's problems🔥🔥🔥 . . . 📢What more can I do to improve myself as an educator? . . . #teacheronamission
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Should children spend more time playing outside?🤔


🔆🔆🔆I believe that learning does not end in the classroom🔆🔆🔆 . . . 👉When I teach, I focus not only on the subject I am teaching, but also on inspiring and motivating students to become future leaders💡... . . . 👉My greatest strength is that I focus on children's talents and let them express and discover knowledge. I create and plan engaging lessons based on the needs of my students, and actively involve parents in the process because parents are as much my clients as the students are😃 . . . 🎆In this way, students and parents can see me not only as a teacher but also as a partner and collaborator in creating a new generation of citizens that can face life's challenges🚀 . . . #teacheronamission #reggioemiliaapproach #education
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👩‍🏫Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to teach in a variety of countries and cultures, including Italy, Argentina and England , and I would like to further develop my career in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia🇸🇦️ . . . 👩‍🏫 I have a strong passion for working in multicultural environments, educating diverse groups of learners, and building cultural awareness in the classroom🏋️‍♀️... . . . 👩‍🏫As a teacher, I have learned how to create engaging lessons, and keeping students’ attention levels high so they can learn effectively and gain good grades in order to advance both at school and at university📈🏆 . . . 🎯As a result of my experiences, I have learned how to be a more energetic, enthusiastic and patient teacher, to support the intellectual growth of my students. I have also learned how to develop a comprehensive curriculum, advance students in their education, and build skills they need for their future jobs🔮 . . . 🐪 I have focussed on these three areas, which are the areas of interest of Vision 2030 of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia🐪 . . . 👶 My latest significant achievement is to have taken a deeper interest in students' families working as a nanny for a Saudi family 👶 . . . 🎆🎆🎆Through being responsible for the physical, emotional, cognitive and psychological development of a young child, I have gained various skills such as versatility, which further my experience as a teacher🎆🎆🎆 . . . #teacheronamission #nanny #education
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🚩The Reggio Emilia approach is a student-centered and constructivist approach that utilizes self-directed, experiential learning in relationship-driven environments . . . 🚩The programme is based on the principles of respect, responsibility, community and learning through exploration and discovery as a part of self-guided curriculum... . . . 🚩 In this context, children form their own personality during the early years of development and are endowed with "a hundred languages", through which they can express their ideas . . . 🔥🔥🔥The aim of the Reggio approach is to teach how to use these symbolic languages (e.g. painting, sculpting, drama) in everyday life🔥🔥🔥 . . . 📢 Space is believed to inspire children's collaboration, communication and exploration, which means an integration of the classroom space with the surrounding environment🌷🐕
👉 For this reason classrooms are designed as open spaces free from clutter, where every material is considered for its purpose and every corner is ever-evolving to encourage children to delve deeper into their interests 🙌
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🎯What I most like about teaching is seeing my students explain a topic to other students in their own words. It is incredibly rewarding to see their learning in action👐 . . . 🎯I also very much enjoy helping students succeed and achieve excellent results in tests, as well as helping them succeed in their everyday lives🚀. I find it incredibly fulfilling to prepare students for their futures in the community and in the wider world🌍... . . . 🎯Teaching is one of the most interesting jobs. During my lessons, I participate in the activities to ensure that the child clearly understands what is being "taught"💪. Because of this, I feel I have become a skilled observer of children's behaviour and helps me to have outstanding classroom management 👩‍💼
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👶I spent my whole childhood in Bari with my parents . They worked as farmers 🚜, and helping them in the fields gave me a love for nature 🌳and a desire to become a science teacher 🐞 . . . 📌Additionally, if I had to choose someone who really inspired me to become a teacher, I would choose Maria Montessori . She was the first female educator 📚, and her method is still used today in many schools 🏫 around the world 🌍... . . . 📢 Maria Montessori was the first female to qualify as a medical doctor in Italy. She realised that in order to learn they need experimentation 🔬and observation 🔭 of the world around them. . . . 🔥Montessori's approach ensures that the teacher supports the the child’s intellectual, physical, emotional and social development through active exploration, choice and independent learning🔥 . . . 🎯Montessori education puts respect for the spontaneity of the child at the center of the education process💯
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More about Letizia De Sario - Teacher Specialist
