Lets Do It Anyway

About Lets Do It Anyway

Lets Do It Anyway is a non profit Norfolk based Charitable Trust & our mission is to promote social welfare and equality inclusion. Registration no 1155862

Lets Do It Anyway Description

Lets Do It Anyway is a non profit Norfolk based Charitable Trust & our mission is to promote social welfare and equality inclusion for children and adults of all ages. We aim to provide children and adults with appropriate mobility & specialist equipment, to encourage them to get active, to feel empowered and socially included. We also provide services, or facilities to people who are suffering an illness, disability or infirm, with the aim of improving their condition of life. . . . We understand the impact these obstacles can have on your life and of those close to you, so together we are determined to help people faced with adversity to get to where they want to be in life and we are doing that with some great events for everyone. . . Together overcoming adversity in the Community. . . Today. . . Tomorrow. . . & Always. . .

“Always Believe to Achieve. . . You are amazing & don't you forget it! ”



We know one person (one of the LDIA Wishes Elves) would like to take on a #charity #Skydive this year, anyone else interested?We know one person (one of the LDIA Wishes Elves) would like to take on a #charity #Skydive this year, anyone else interested?


Massive thanks to Buxton Primary School for your donation of £92.20 ❤️ Lets Do It Anyway Charitable Trust’ was one of 6 charities to benefit from the Parental donations during Buxton Primary School Christmas Productions. We attended the productions and they were fabulous, congratulations to all involved! The donation was ear marked and contributed towards buying a new kit for ‘Norwich Lowriders Wheelchair Basketball’ team. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Buxton Primary for their kind and generous donation, every penny really does make a difference. Thank you so much to all involved, without the support of people like you, ‘Lets Do It Anyway Charitable Trust’ would not be possible.
**Pictures published with Buxton Primary School consent


Wow! An absolutely incredible brave speech, a humbling watch from start to finish. The one thing this young man was certain of at the time of this speech was his moral strength. He spoke passionately & said "Making a concious decision to be a person who doesn't give up, even when it would be easy to. Face your fears everyday, none of us get out of life alive, so be gallant, be great, be gracious and be grateful for the opportunities that you have. The opportunity to learn fro...m the people who walked before you, and to those who walk beside you. The challenge for all of us, is to continue to grow and develop for the better. The future is truly in our hands, forget about long term dreams, lets be passionately dedicated to the pursuit of short term goals, micro ambitious, work with passion and pride on what is infront of us.We don't know where we might end up, or when it might end up. I don't know where it goes from here for any of us, for you, for me, where ever we go, or whatever we do, may we always be friends when we meet again. I hope for the better" ❤️
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We love the new #Lowriders kit! What do you think? We are so proud to continue to support some of the most inspiring people we have ever had the pleasure of meeting. #wheelchairbasketball #believetoachieve ❤️ Tina Connor-Saunders


We are super excited to be the chosen #charity for Leathes Prior Solicitors for 2019 and can't wait to work with them. We are completely humbled, thank you ❤️


Thank you so much Leathes Prior Solicitors, we are very excited and humbled to be your chosen charity to support through 2019. Wonderful news, thank you so much ❤️


#Decemberwishes - Here are a 3 pictures kindly sent to us by #MileCross #Primary #School from when we delivered Wishes to 4 unsuspecting pupils in December. Each pupil received their special surprises after being nominated by the Teachers for being so brave through a very tough year for each one of them. Look at their faces, a picture really does paint a thousand words! ❤️❤️


New Year Wish for Ellie ❤️ Beautiful Ellie was diagnosed with Kidney Cancer when she was just two years old and her Mum wrote to us just after Ellie got to ring the "End of Treatment Bell" one year ago at the age of three. Ringing the bell was a huge milestone for Ellie, her Mummy, Daddy, two brothers and sister, a moment for the whole family to celebrate the end of gruelling Chemo Therapy treatment for Ellie, which she had to endure from May 2016 to January 2017. Ellie con...tinues to have regular hospital visits and blood tests to keep an eye on her health, but she is doing well with the support of her family.
On New Years Day we visited Ellie and her family and one of the first things you notice other than the lovely close family, is Ellie’s beautiful mass of blonde hair which has grown back curly,
When someone you love has to face cancer, particularly someone so young, it is such a tough situation for the whole family. With this in mind, we wanted to give the whole family something to look forward to, so the whole family went along to see the Pantomime Aladdin at Norwich Theatre Royal, they will also be going along to Pepper Pig World later this year. Ellie also likes Dollies, so she received lots of goodies including a pram, pushchair, cot, dollies etc and also some Chest of Drawers for her bedroom.
This is the nomination we received from Amy Sheppard Ellie’s Mum:-
“Hello I would like to nominate Ellie Sheppard age 3, she was diagnosed with cancer last may for a wilms tumour ( kidney ) , she is now been 9 months of treatment, She inspires me because she went though the horrible times of the cancer rollercoaster ride, most of it she took in her own stride with a smile and was so so brave and she was only 2 at the time, I was a mess and still couldn’t believe it was happening to Ellie , but she kept me going with how brave she was, so it would be fantastic if she got a lovely surprise to make up for what a horrible year she had last year also what she missed out on ! Thank you ,
Amy Sheppard”
There are no amount of wishe that would ever be enough for Eillie and her family, but if we had to wish for one thing, of course that would be good health and happiness always ❤️
The funding of the New Year Wish is all thanks to the support received and proceeds raised for our 2018 Boxing Day Dip, so thank you to everyone for coming along.
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New Year Wish for Ellie ❤️ Beautiful Ellie was diagnosed with Kidney Cancer when she was just two years old and her Mum wrote to us just after Ellie got to ring the "End of Treatment Bell" one year ago at the age of three. Ringing the bell was a huge milestone for Ellie, her Mummy, Daddy, two brothers and sister, a moment for the whole family to celebrate the end of gruelling Chemo Therapy treatment for Ellie which she had to endure from May 2016 to January 2017. Ellie cont...inues to have regular hospital visits and blood tests to keep an eye on her health, but she is doing well with the support of her family.
On New Years Day we visited Ellie and her family and one of the first things you notice other than the lovely close family, is Ellie’s beautiful mass of blonde hair which has grown back curly,
When someone you love has to face cancer, particularly someone so young, it is such a tough situation for the whole family. With this in mind, with we wanted to give the whole family something to look forward to, so the whole family went along to see the Pantomime Aladdin at Norwich Theatre Royal, they will also be going along to Pepper Pig World later this year. Ellie also likes Dollies, so she received lots of goodies including a pram, pushchair, cot, dollies etc and some Chest of Drawers for her bedroom.
This is the nomination we received from Amy Sheppard Ellie’s Mum:-
“Hello I would like to nominate Ellie Sheppard age 3, she was diagnosed with cancer last may for a wilms tumour ( kidney ) , she is now been 9 months of treatment, She inspires me because she went though the horrible times of the cancer rollercoaster ride, most of it she took in her own stride with a smile and was so so brave and she was only 2 at the time, I was a mess and still couldn’t believe it was happening to Ellie , but she kept me going with how brave she was, so it would be fantastic if she got a lovely surprise to make up for what a horrible year she had last year also what she missed out on ! Thank you ,
Amy Sheppard”
There are no amount of wishe that would ever be enough for Eillie and her family, but if we had to wish for one thing, of course that would be good health and happiness always ❤️
The funding of the New Year Wish is all thanks to the support received and proceeds raised for our 2018 Boxing Day Dip, so thank you to everyone for coming along.
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Wishing you all a Happy New Year! Thank you so much for your support throughout 2018, once again we are completely humbled. The New Year has arrived and the possibilities are endless, so smile through the rain, and above all remember to believe in yourself. You really do deserve the best of years. Happy 2019 ❤️❤️


Brilliant pictures Susie, thanks for sharing! We look forward to seeing you at Next years #Boxingdaydip ❤️❤️


Thank you so much Sea Palling Lifeboat & HM Coastguard Bacton for once again supporting the LDIA Boxing Day Dip with safety cover, you have no idea how much we appreciate it. Thank you are small words but the sentiment is huge. Total amount raised on the day was £494.89.... amazing! As always, all funds will go towards a special New Year Wish. Thank you so much to everyone who came along and either supported, and particularly the 99 crazy dippers, with the youngest being just 6 years old! We first started our dip with just 12 Dippers 7 years ago, and since then with everyones hard work and support it has continued to grow each year, we are completely humbled. We look forward to seeing you all again next year. Thank you so much everyone ❤️❤️


Woohoo - #boxingdaydip. Today's the day! #Seapalling #Norfolk Remember register with your donation no later than 11:45. We will be there at 10:30hrs so come along and register early if you like. Remember your warm dry clothes. All funds raised will go to our special New Year Wish ❤️


#Boxingdaydip - we look forward to seeing you all tomorrow - We will be there from 10:30am if you would like to register early. The nearest postcode for Sea Palling Beach is NR12 0AL. Dip Midday, register & donation no later than 11:45 am. ❤️


#Boxingdaydip - Only 1 day to go woohoo. We look forward to seeing you there. Can we beat the 100 mark? All funds raised will go to our very special #Newyearwish. Remember lots of warm clothes. See you tomorrow ❤️🥰😘❤️


Wishing you all a magical Christmas creating special memories Merry Christmas ❤️Wishing you all a magical Christmas creating special memories Merry Christmas ❤️


#Decemberwish for Sophie, her brother, sister & Mum Sonya ❤️ Mum Sonya got in touch to nominate her daughter Sophie for a special treat. The whole family have had a particularly tough year so we wanted to give them something to look forward to. Sophie likes flamingos and Harry Potter, so she received a bag of goodies, her brothers & sister some chocolates, and the family have a trip to Flamingo Land and accomodation to look forward to in 2019. We look forward to seeing your p...ictures. ❤️ Here's Sonya's nomination..... "Morning. I would like to nominate my daughter Sophie she is 10 years old. she loves Harry Potter and flamingos she inspires me every day with her loving outlook on life she is bright and strong she never lets her illness drag her Spirit down. Sophie loves to make the most of every day and never gives up trying to accomplish new things, this is what inspires me to be just as motivated as my Sophie. Sophie can have her really bad days. Sophie has cerebral palsy, autism, learning social, behaviour needs and emotional needs. She is also serverly long sighted in her right eye. Sophie has a brother and sister that lives with her. Sophie does take alot my time away from the others. Every day can be a struggle. Thank you for taking the time to.read my email. I really don't know what else to put. It's just been a really tough year for us all. Kind regards Sonya"
*Pictures and content published with permission - Please excuse the poor quality of pics again!
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#Decemberwish - Dad Scot, Grace 10 & George aged 6
Thank you to Cheryl Glinwell for nominating this special family for a special treat. Dad scott and his children, Grace and George are going through such a difficult time after the recent loss of their Mummy to awful Cancer. The one Wish this family would love more than anything is to have their beloved Mummy and wife with them now and although no amount of treats will ever replace the special memories that Grace, George and... their Dad Scott have of their Mummy Donna, Cheryl wanted to surprise them with something special to put a smile on their face in this tough time. So after Cheryl managed to get Uncle Craig in on the secret to ensure the family were home, we managed to surprise them all earlier today. Scott was more than a little surprised when we knocked on the door tonight with Christmas bags in hands! Grace likes all things Crafting and George likes Board Games, so they received a bag of goodies each. The family also received a trip to Whipsnade Zoo with accommodation to give them something to look forward to and to create more special memories. ❤️🧡
Here is Cheryl's original nomination... "5th November 2018 Hi We are a Childminding setting providing childcare for two amazing children in the school holidays Grace age 10 and George age 6. We are nominating them after a very difficult year with their mummy being poorly with cancer. Sadly Donna passed away just over a week ago. The children are amazing and were a huge support to her with such a positive attitude. I have no doubt this Christmas will be difficult for them both and their wonderful daddy Scott. Please consider surprising them with a treat, because making happy memories is so important. Many thanks Cheryl Glinwell Apple Tree Childminding"
*Pictures and all details published with full permission - please excuse poor quality of pics!
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#Decemberwishes - #MileCross #Primary #School ❤️Smiles all round, for four Mile Cross Primary Pupils today, as they received their special surprises after being nominated by the Teachers for being so brave through a very tough year for each one of them. We will share pictures as soon as they have been aproved to use. ❤️❤️


Tonya is the inspiration to this great charity


Tonya Knights .. you are one in a trillion .. always puts others first .. most thoughtful , kind & inspiring woman I know �xxx


This is such an amazing charity. We can't thank you enough for all your help


This is a beautiful lady with a huge heart, thank you, you are a beautiful lady that this world could do with a lot more like you. X


Lovely local lady who goes the extra mile to help others xx


I can’t explain how we even feel, Willows room is awesome she loves it and can’t quite believe what you have done the unicorns are certainly in this house #theunicornsmadeyoudoit xx


Excellent charity! Well done everyone one involved and looking out for all these amazing people x


Excellent charity and a big thankyou for all their hard work and doing a December suprise for my son, he is looking forward to his trip to leoland.

More about Lets Do It Anyway

Lets Do It Anyway is located at Norwich, Norfolk