Lewis Bailey Mind Body Life

Monday: 06:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 21:00
Friday: 06:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 14:00
Sunday: -

About Lewis Bailey Mind Body Life

Personal Trainers in Liverpool & Wirral utilising a unique holistic approach to helping people achieve their health & fitness goals

Lewis Bailey Mind Body Life Description

We help "any" individual achieve their health & fitness goals - From weight loss, back pain issues, strength or core condition and many more. Contact us on 0151 668 0250 to speak to us or email info@elitefitnessconsultants. co. uk



Guys really sorry no live tonight I’ve been inundated with clients and sessions so my apologies.. I’m doing the 3 peaks this week too so I won’t be back until next week.. have a good one guys and I’ll catch you on the next live Tuesday next week 😊👍🏽


Keep focused on the big reasons WHY in your life!!.. What’s your motivation for the week?.. Here’s mine...


Good morning!!!.... It’s an old one but a good one!! You’ve just got to work hard at it, ease is a threat to your progress in life!! 👊🏽😉


HELP.... Guys, want to get in great shape and also do a great thing for Alder Hey Children’s Charity? Please watch, share and contact me to book 🙏🏽😇


Agree? Yes/No 🤷🏽‍♂️


Stop thinking it’s all about the body, it’s far more than that.. you mindset, mental well-being, health, fitness levels, ability, personal performance, confidence and so much more!! Invest in a healthy lifestyle and the benefits give you more than money can ever buy!!.. Who’s with me? 🤷🏽‍♂️😂


😂😂..... Cue the Vegan attack 🙈


Why 95% of people fail to change their body shape - Live Q&A


Hey guys, I know as followers of my page you live a healthy life or trying to but I wanted to share this news as I think it’s worth you sharing with your friends and family.. the figures are alarming!! It’s time for more change to living our lifestyles 🤷🏽‍♂️
https://amp.theguardian.com/…/four-in-f ive-adults-at-risk-o…


The weekend with my monsters!... swimming, bowling and running around the park 👌🏽 What did you get up to over the weekend? Did you stay on track?? 😩


Stop with your sh!t excuses!! Live


My 6 hour climb up Ben Nevis with Zero Carbs! Live Q&A


So this was my Saturday afternoon, taking a couple of clients to Ben Nevis for a training day ready for the National 3 peaks challenge next month in order to raise funds for Alder Hey Children’s hospital! Guys please help us raise funds for sick children by simply donating to my just giving page. Any donations gratefully received 😃 https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/le wisbaileyfitness


We can all create change.


What gives you happiness? What do you think you can do to bring happiness to your life?


Fitness experiment with no carbs!!! Q&A
Donation page - https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/le wisbaileyfitness


A fantastic quote that you all should take note of.


Help!!.... Guys I’m running a personal brand exercise and it would be great to get your feedback. Looking at all these images what are the top 4 words that come to you?


Well being that I'm always looking for new ways to eat healthy and be more confident in finding success in being fit and eating healthier. But with some fun in it, Lew has done just that. Although I'm all the way in the USA following Lewis on IG and paying close attention to his tips for three weeks so far has indeed impacted me a great deal! He's awesome! �


Tried lots of ways to get fit and healthy the past, this is the only way that has worked for me. Lewis not only pushes you to your best but educates on how the body works, which I find really helps to make the right choices. Would recommend 100%


Started training with Lewis Baily about 5 weeks ago after winning a months free training.

Had a very thorough consultation and discussed where I wanted to go with my training and what I wanted to achieve.

I'd been training 8 moths previous to this..

We started training and targeted the problem areas and my diet.

I'm absolutely over the moon with the results especially in this short period of time.

Iv dropped 6lb and I'm already seeing a change in my body shape and tone.

There's a lovely friendly atmosphere In the gym with the coaches and clients.

I would highly recommend Lewis Baily Fitness to anyone as I believe you will achieve your goals.


Lewis was recommended to me by my friend who I bumped into and saw how amazing she looked. I contacted Lewis and booked in for a consultation. This was a full consultation discussing all aspects of my health, diet and wellbeing. I then started my PT sessions along with a tailored meal plan that works for me alongside exercises i can do at home. After 12 weeks I have lost inches and weight and feel great. I've got a fair way to go but have constant support from Lewis, Craig and team. I can't recommend them highly enough and I don't feel like it's a chore, I actually love my training sessions.


Lewis ran a charity day were you paid a donation and he took you through a training session. I would like to say now I was treated as if I was a paying client his knowledge and understanding of nutrition and muscles Skelton everything really showed threw also he takes the time to show you the technique so that you really understand it and understand what it is going to do. I am currently saving to sign up to transform my body Highly recommend


Lewis is truly a leader and professional in his field. With over 10 years experience in health, nutrition, fitness and body changing techniques and work outs, why would you consider going elsewhere. If you're serious about changing your eating habits, fitness and state of mind, book an appointment. X


Lewis is an absolute star! I messaged him with a protein related issue and he helped me straight away. Rather than going straight to an answer he asked detailed, probing questions to help get to the root of the problem, all whilst taking time out of his busy day.

As a result I have found the products that are right for me and my body.

Thanks Lewis :)


I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease four years ago. I was struggling with pain, being active as I had severe fatigue and found it mentally hard doing a lot of things. I also have osteoarthritis in my spine which has affected my mobility. During this period, I had to stop all the activities I was doing as it was impossible to keep my level of activity the same, this had a big impact on my mental health. As they got the Crohn’s under control medically I was still finding it hard to motivate myself to do anything consistently. My daughter was getting PT at Lewis Bailey and was doing well so thought I would give it a try. I was a bit sceptical that it would help.

First try I only lasted a few weeks as I had a flare of my Crohn’s which knocked me back for several months, after this I tried again. I was worried that my attendance may be a problem because sometimes I wouldn’t be able to cope with doing anything physical but this was not a problem. Kane my PT instructor was professional, supportive, patient and encouraged me to get back when I could. Kane also took an active interest in how I was feeling, how things affected me and would change the session to accommodate me. Looking back now taking the decision to go back after the initial setback was the best thing I could have done. Within a year I am now exercising 4 to 5 times a week, which only year ago I thought would have been impossible.

Even though this has been one of the best things I’ve done, it’s probably been one of the hardest. My mobility is still up and down, some weeks better than others. I still have flares of my Crohn’s which has been made easier with the support and encouragement I receive especially through the hard patches. The benefits I have received are not just physical also my mental health has had a boost. I couldn’t recommend Kane and all the staff at Lewis Bailey enough whatever your goals.


I train with Tash twice a week and she's honestly the most amazing trainer I've ever had. Starting me off slowly (which didn't feel like slowly at first) I have seen my body change dramatically and now I'm also in the gym on my own Tash is on hand to answer any questions I may have about my workouts and also my diet!

She's really unbelievable, even my Dad loves her! X


I started training with Lewis in July 2016, I'd seen a few PT's in the previous 5 years, id lost 4 stone but my weight had fluctuated so much in this time as I had no real idea of how to eat properly and in a sensible way for the training I was doing, I had no routine with my training as I'd never clicked with another PT before. I'd hit the weight and size I wanted to be but was still so wobbly!

Lewis got me on track, I'd decided I wanted a baby but wanted to get in the best possible shape b4 I done so, so that it wasn't as hard afterwards, I'm eating more than I've ever eaten but in a good clean way, I love my training, I dropped 7% body fat and gained muscle, all my goals completed within 6months, feeling strong and toned and now I'm pregnant and still training with Lewis, and feeling great for it and more confident that I have him to guide me through it!

Big thanks!


I started training with Lewis after being recommended to his personal training services; being a self confessed gym class junkie i wanted to learn new routines to change up my workouts and to improve my strength. Lewis has a wealth of knowledge and has took me through varying workouts that I have loved (and hated �). Along with the diet plan I have definitely seen results in my body shape and I will continue on with the plan when my PT sessions end. Thank you Lewis for all your help and guidance! ���


I have the Lewis Bailey DVD...well what can i say...i am a beginner and have just started working out..i thought his warmup was a workout..but it is totally worth it!!i love the fact he explains what is happening with ur body at every stage which kept me going and made me remember why i was doing it..i will do this every night until i can complete it without stopping.�


I have known Lewis for just over 4 years and can highly recommend him as a personal trainer. I have trained with Lewis several times and have always been impressed with his knowledge and expertise. Lewis knew that I wanted to change my shape and tone up generally. He has been able to advise me on what to eat as I am a vegetarian and what to focus on at the gym when I am not training with him. Lewis has also been able to recommend what supplements to take to help my training. His supplements have been designed specifically by him, they are natural and reasonably priced. His green tea is brilliant! Lewis is very honest and is always happy to help you get to your goals. Thanks Lewis! x


I had an excellent life coaching session with Lewis.

We broke down everything that was limiting my beliefs, re-constructed it and I came away with a number of clear, concise, simple but effective ideas and objectives to positively influence my 2018 and beyond goals around fitness, mindset, career and relationship!!

I am a corporate guy and working on a business plan to set up my own business and Lewis’s personal experiences were very helpful.

If you are looking to reset your lifestyle, mindset to help you realise your true potential Lewis can really help you.

Thank you so much for your time


I first started going to Lewis Bailey because I was training for climbing competitions and wanted to push my training further. I was struggling with tendonitis in my elbows and it got to the point where it was too painful to train. The benefits I have felt while being there are professional advice on how to overcome my injury and improving my movement as it wasn’t stable or functioning as it should be. Once this problem was sorted Kane could then give my training the structure it needed which allowed me to move forward, which gave me the focus for me to start meeting my goals. At first when we sat down and talked about my new training I wasn’t too sure how it would plan out but once I got in to the flow of things the improvements to my fitness and strength started which are still ongoing. Kane gave me the confidence to believe in myself and the belief I do could do it no matter what. When it came down to my nutrition Kane was extremely patient with me as my diet was all over the place because I wouldn’t eat certain foods, it took a while but it is finally on track. Now I am pushing forward onto next year and hopefully will make the next step, making podium places. Starting at Lewis Bailey has made more confident in myself and helped me stop doubting myself and made me move and perform so I’m able to stay injury free I would recommend Kane and everyone at Lewis Bailey.


I developed a heart and nervous system condition (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) as an adverse reaction to the hpv vaccine I was administered at school.

Before that I was a happy, healthy and extremely active teenager.

For the past 7 years I’ve been back and forward to specialists pushing for ‘recovery’.

The medical advice when I first got sick was not to exercise at all. At that time I was loosing consciousness 3-8 times a day. The health professionals had very little understanding of my health and my condition and the impact the vaccine would have on me long term.

6 and a half years on, stable on meds, I decided to take the plunge and contacted Lewis to make an enquiry. I had an in-depth consultation and I instantly trusted the environment and all the professionals who work with Lewis. In some ways more than any doctor I’d seen before because they take a holistic approach, they look after every part of your progress.

Admittedly I was really worried to start with, I suffer so many symptoms; chest pain, difficultly to control my temperature, massively increased heart rate, issues with blood pressure etc. I was scared my trainer would see the worst my condition has to offer. But I quickly realised I was in safe hands. My symptoms are never an issue because I feel in control. Although I am empowered to push hard I am always safe and use numbers to describe how I’m feeling.

A few months down the line, I lift 2/3 of my body weight. I feel strong enough to swim � I rode a horse for the first time in 7 years. I do yoga. AND I CAN RUN. � All of these things are unheard of for a POT syndrome sufferer so I’d like to announce myself in recovery.

Aside from anything I can do already.... I’m filled with hope. Knowing there is so much more I am yet to achieve.

I would like to thank everyone at Lewis Bailey Fitness- specifically Sam my trainer who puts up with my drama and constant moaning ���


I contacted Lewis after seeing some amazing results a friend was achieving with her health and fitness..!!

My dream has always been to compete in Bikini Fitness but I've never found anyone that I clicked with and felt I could achieve the results I wanted to with...that's until I spoke via FaceTime with Lewis.

Last year I'd had an injury and some health issues which had affected my weight and body and I thought I'd never in a million years be able to achieve a 'Competitors Body' ..!!

Lewis assured me I could and we started right away, I've been with Lewis since September 2016 and we are aiming to compete in August this year...The results I'm achieving are amazing and I couldn't be happier, not only does Lewis know his stuff in regards to Fitness & Nutrition he's one of the nicest people I've met and no question is a silly question - believe me I ask some corkers LOL..!!

What ever your goal is, Lewis is the best of the best..!! If you want results that will last he's the man to go to. He'll not only get you to where you want to be but he'll make sure you stay there too.


Great 12 months at Lewis Bailley, given me confidence and fitness that I didn't think I'd achieve, and certainly never would on my own. I've played football for years but never have I had the endurance and fitness that I do now. They tailored my sessions to work on the specifics areas I needed, and were great at rehabilitation when I was injured.

I would recommend this to anyone thinking of getting fit and would like a push or helping hand in the right direction! P


Client review - Tony Robson

I was recommended to go to Lewis Bailey Fitness by my PT who was moving away from this area. I was somewhat sceptical at the start as I was in constant pain with a hip problem. An appointment was made with Kane Warren.

Kane was excellent, very professional and put me at easy. He took details of my medical history, looked at my current problems and asked what my aims were.

I am in my 60s, have had one hip replaced, had ACL reconstruction and had developed osteoarthritis in my other hip.

I wanted to see if I could get fit enough to go skiing ( this was on a holiday I had already booked 12 months previously ). I had been skiing on a regular basis up to present but my arthritic hip had taken a turn for the worse and I was struggling with hip pain, unable to walk more than a few hundred metres. Walking up any kind of incline or stairs caused my hip to give way. I had been referred to hospital who confirmed I have advanced OA but injections or an operation are not available to me at present. It was recommended that I should carry on exercising in the gym as much as I could. However this was not possible because of the pain, so I stopped exercising apart from cycling.

During our first assessment Kane reviewed my movement, constantly asking for feedback as I worked. He stated that he felt confident that my situation could be improved. After a couple of sessions Kane was able to recognise that certain movements were causing my problems and we worked on strengthening my hip.

Kane throughout has been great. He has a very relaxed style, is friendly but works you hard and constantly asks me for feedback on how I was feeling ( even wanting updates by text after our sessions in order for him to plan future work ). He gave me a simple workout which I stuck to, completely changing my previous gym work. By sticking to his plan I was able to do exercise pain free, building up strength and confidence again and encouraging me to work to my goal.

On holiday I would have been happy to just ski nursery slopes for an hour or so, however thanks to Kane I was able to ski most slopes for 3/4 hours each day. Ok I still have OA and it won’t be going away but I am able to ski, walk 2 to 3 miles without pain and walk incline and stairs without the fear of my hip giving way.

I continue to see Kane with a view that we can keep the surgeons at bay for a few more years by improving my movement and strength in my hip and back.

I would thoroughly recommend Lewis Bailey Fitness and particularly Kane Warren. The studio is well maintained, all the PT’s are very friendly, helpful and knowledgeable in all aspects of fitness, health and wellbeing.


Well being that I'm always looking for new ways to eat healthy and be more confident in finding success in being fit and eating healthier. But with some fun in it, Lew has done just that. Although I'm all the way in the USA following Lewis on IG and paying close attention to his tips for three weeks so far has indeed impacted me a great deal! He's awesome! �


Tried lots of ways to get fit and healthy the past, this is the only way that has worked for me. Lewis not only pushes you to your best but educates on how the body works, which I find really helps to make the right choices. Would recommend 100%


Started training with Lewis Baily about 5 weeks ago after winning a months free training.

Had a very thorough consultation and discussed where I wanted to go with my training and what I wanted to achieve.

I'd been training 8 moths previous to this..

We started training and targeted the problem areas and my diet.

I'm absolutely over the moon with the results especially in this short period of time.

Iv dropped 6lb and I'm already seeing a change in my body shape and tone.

There's a lovely friendly atmosphere In the gym with the coaches and clients.

I would highly recommend Lewis Baily Fitness to anyone as I believe you will achieve your goals.


Lewis was recommended to me by my friend who I bumped into and saw how amazing she looked. I contacted Lewis and booked in for a consultation. This was a full consultation discussing all aspects of my health, diet and wellbeing. I then started my PT sessions along with a tailored meal plan that works for me alongside exercises i can do at home. After 12 weeks I have lost inches and weight and feel great. I've got a fair way to go but have constant support from Lewis, Craig and team. I can't recommend them highly enough and I don't feel like it's a chore, I actually love my training sessions.


Lewis ran a charity day were you paid a donation and he took you through a training session. I would like to say now I was treated as if I was a paying client his knowledge and understanding of nutrition and muscles Skelton everything really showed threw also he takes the time to show you the technique so that you really understand it and understand what it is going to do. I am currently saving to sign up to transform my body Highly recommend


Lewis is truly a leader and professional in his field. With over 10 years experience in health, nutrition, fitness and body changing techniques and work outs, why would you consider going elsewhere. If you're serious about changing your eating habits, fitness and state of mind, book an appointment. X


Lewis is an absolute star! I messaged him with a protein related issue and he helped me straight away. Rather than going straight to an answer he asked detailed, probing questions to help get to the root of the problem, all whilst taking time out of his busy day.

As a result I have found the products that are right for me and my body.

Thanks Lewis :)


I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease four years ago. I was struggling with pain, being active as I had severe fatigue and found it mentally hard doing a lot of things. I also have osteoarthritis in my spine which has affected my mobility. During this period, I had to stop all the activities I was doing as it was impossible to keep my level of activity the same, this had a big impact on my mental health. As they got the Crohn’s under control medically I was still finding it hard to motivate myself to do anything consistently. My daughter was getting PT at Lewis Bailey and was doing well so thought I would give it a try. I was a bit sceptical that it would help.

First try I only lasted a few weeks as I had a flare of my Crohn’s which knocked me back for several months, after this I tried again. I was worried that my attendance may be a problem because sometimes I wouldn’t be able to cope with doing anything physical but this was not a problem. Kane my PT instructor was professional, supportive, patient and encouraged me to get back when I could. Kane also took an active interest in how I was feeling, how things affected me and would change the session to accommodate me. Looking back now taking the decision to go back after the initial setback was the best thing I could have done. Within a year I am now exercising 4 to 5 times a week, which only year ago I thought would have been impossible.

Even though this has been one of the best things I’ve done, it’s probably been one of the hardest. My mobility is still up and down, some weeks better than others. I still have flares of my Crohn’s which has been made easier with the support and encouragement I receive especially through the hard patches. The benefits I have received are not just physical also my mental health has had a boost. I couldn’t recommend Kane and all the staff at Lewis Bailey enough whatever your goals.


I train with Tash twice a week and she's honestly the most amazing trainer I've ever had. Starting me off slowly (which didn't feel like slowly at first) I have seen my body change dramatically and now I'm also in the gym on my own Tash is on hand to answer any questions I may have about my workouts and also my diet!

She's really unbelievable, even my Dad loves her! X


I started training with Lewis in July 2016, I'd seen a few PT's in the previous 5 years, id lost 4 stone but my weight had fluctuated so much in this time as I had no real idea of how to eat properly and in a sensible way for the training I was doing, I had no routine with my training as I'd never clicked with another PT before. I'd hit the weight and size I wanted to be but was still so wobbly!

Lewis got me on track, I'd decided I wanted a baby but wanted to get in the best possible shape b4 I done so, so that it wasn't as hard afterwards, I'm eating more than I've ever eaten but in a good clean way, I love my training, I dropped 7% body fat and gained muscle, all my goals completed within 6months, feeling strong and toned and now I'm pregnant and still training with Lewis, and feeling great for it and more confident that I have him to guide me through it!

Big thanks!


I started training with Lewis after being recommended to his personal training services; being a self confessed gym class junkie i wanted to learn new routines to change up my workouts and to improve my strength. Lewis has a wealth of knowledge and has took me through varying workouts that I have loved (and hated �). Along with the diet plan I have definitely seen results in my body shape and I will continue on with the plan when my PT sessions end. Thank you Lewis for all your help and guidance! ���


I have the Lewis Bailey DVD...well what can i say...i am a beginner and have just started working out..i thought his warmup was a workout..but it is totally worth it!!i love the fact he explains what is happening with ur body at every stage which kept me going and made me remember why i was doing it..i will do this every night until i can complete it without stopping.�


I have known Lewis for just over 4 years and can highly recommend him as a personal trainer. I have trained with Lewis several times and have always been impressed with his knowledge and expertise. Lewis knew that I wanted to change my shape and tone up generally. He has been able to advise me on what to eat as I am a vegetarian and what to focus on at the gym when I am not training with him. Lewis has also been able to recommend what supplements to take to help my training. His supplements have been designed specifically by him, they are natural and reasonably priced. His green tea is brilliant! Lewis is very honest and is always happy to help you get to your goals. Thanks Lewis! x


I had an excellent life coaching session with Lewis.

We broke down everything that was limiting my beliefs, re-constructed it and I came away with a number of clear, concise, simple but effective ideas and objectives to positively influence my 2018 and beyond goals around fitness, mindset, career and relationship!!

I am a corporate guy and working on a business plan to set up my own business and Lewis’s personal experiences were very helpful.

If you are looking to reset your lifestyle, mindset to help you realise your true potential Lewis can really help you.

Thank you so much for your time


I first started going to Lewis Bailey because I was training for climbing competitions and wanted to push my training further. I was struggling with tendonitis in my elbows and it got to the point where it was too painful to train. The benefits I have felt while being there are professional advice on how to overcome my injury and improving my movement as it wasn’t stable or functioning as it should be. Once this problem was sorted Kane could then give my training the structure it needed which allowed me to move forward, which gave me the focus for me to start meeting my goals. At first when we sat down and talked about my new training I wasn’t too sure how it would plan out but once I got in to the flow of things the improvements to my fitness and strength started which are still ongoing. Kane gave me the confidence to believe in myself and the belief I do could do it no matter what. When it came down to my nutrition Kane was extremely patient with me as my diet was all over the place because I wouldn’t eat certain foods, it took a while but it is finally on track. Now I am pushing forward onto next year and hopefully will make the next step, making podium places. Starting at Lewis Bailey has made more confident in myself and helped me stop doubting myself and made me move and perform so I’m able to stay injury free I would recommend Kane and everyone at Lewis Bailey.


I developed a heart and nervous system condition (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) as an adverse reaction to the hpv vaccine I was administered at school.

Before that I was a happy, healthy and extremely active teenager.

For the past 7 years I’ve been back and forward to specialists pushing for ‘recovery’.

The medical advice when I first got sick was not to exercise at all. At that time I was loosing consciousness 3-8 times a day. The health professionals had very little understanding of my health and my condition and the impact the vaccine would have on me long term.

6 and a half years on, stable on meds, I decided to take the plunge and contacted Lewis to make an enquiry. I had an in-depth consultation and I instantly trusted the environment and all the professionals who work with Lewis. In some ways more than any doctor I’d seen before because they take a holistic approach, they look after every part of your progress.

Admittedly I was really worried to start with, I suffer so many symptoms; chest pain, difficultly to control my temperature, massively increased heart rate, issues with blood pressure etc. I was scared my trainer would see the worst my condition has to offer. But I quickly realised I was in safe hands. My symptoms are never an issue because I feel in control. Although I am empowered to push hard I am always safe and use numbers to describe how I’m feeling.

A few months down the line, I lift 2/3 of my body weight. I feel strong enough to swim � I rode a horse for the first time in 7 years. I do yoga. AND I CAN RUN. � All of these things are unheard of for a POT syndrome sufferer so I’d like to announce myself in recovery.

Aside from anything I can do already.... I’m filled with hope. Knowing there is so much more I am yet to achieve.

I would like to thank everyone at Lewis Bailey Fitness- specifically Sam my trainer who puts up with my drama and constant moaning ���


I contacted Lewis after seeing some amazing results a friend was achieving with her health and fitness..!!

My dream has always been to compete in Bikini Fitness but I've never found anyone that I clicked with and felt I could achieve the results I wanted to with...that's until I spoke via FaceTime with Lewis.

Last year I'd had an injury and some health issues which had affected my weight and body and I thought I'd never in a million years be able to achieve a 'Competitors Body' ..!!

Lewis assured me I could and we started right away, I've been with Lewis since September 2016 and we are aiming to compete in August this year...The results I'm achieving are amazing and I couldn't be happier, not only does Lewis know his stuff in regards to Fitness & Nutrition he's one of the nicest people I've met and no question is a silly question - believe me I ask some corkers LOL..!!

What ever your goal is, Lewis is the best of the best..!! If you want results that will last he's the man to go to. He'll not only get you to where you want to be but he'll make sure you stay there too.


Great 12 months at Lewis Bailley, given me confidence and fitness that I didn't think I'd achieve, and certainly never would on my own. I've played football for years but never have I had the endurance and fitness that I do now. They tailored my sessions to work on the specifics areas I needed, and were great at rehabilitation when I was injured.

I would recommend this to anyone thinking of getting fit and would like a push or helping hand in the right direction! P


Client review - Tony Robson

I was recommended to go to Lewis Bailey Fitness by my PT who was moving away from this area. I was somewhat sceptical at the start as I was in constant pain with a hip problem. An appointment was made with Kane Warren.

Kane was excellent, very professional and put me at easy. He took details of my medical history, looked at my current problems and asked what my aims were.

I am in my 60s, have had one hip replaced, had ACL reconstruction and had developed osteoarthritis in my other hip.

I wanted to see if I could get fit enough to go skiing ( this was on a holiday I had already booked 12 months previously ). I had been skiing on a regular basis up to present but my arthritic hip had taken a turn for the worse and I was struggling with hip pain, unable to walk more than a few hundred metres. Walking up any kind of incline or stairs caused my hip to give way. I had been referred to hospital who confirmed I have advanced OA but injections or an operation are not available to me at present. It was recommended that I should carry on exercising in the gym as much as I could. However this was not possible because of the pain, so I stopped exercising apart from cycling.

During our first assessment Kane reviewed my movement, constantly asking for feedback as I worked. He stated that he felt confident that my situation could be improved. After a couple of sessions Kane was able to recognise that certain movements were causing my problems and we worked on strengthening my hip.

Kane throughout has been great. He has a very relaxed style, is friendly but works you hard and constantly asks me for feedback on how I was feeling ( even wanting updates by text after our sessions in order for him to plan future work ). He gave me a simple workout which I stuck to, completely changing my previous gym work. By sticking to his plan I was able to do exercise pain free, building up strength and confidence again and encouraging me to work to my goal.

On holiday I would have been happy to just ski nursery slopes for an hour or so, however thanks to Kane I was able to ski most slopes for 3/4 hours each day. Ok I still have OA and it won’t be going away but I am able to ski, walk 2 to 3 miles without pain and walk incline and stairs without the fear of my hip giving way.

I continue to see Kane with a view that we can keep the surgeons at bay for a few more years by improving my movement and strength in my hip and back.

I would thoroughly recommend Lewis Bailey Fitness and particularly Kane Warren. The studio is well maintained, all the PT’s are very friendly, helpful and knowledgeable in all aspects of fitness, health and wellbeing.

More about Lewis Bailey Mind Body Life

Lewis Bailey Mind Body Life is located at 7 Summers Road, Century Buildings, Brunswick Business Park, L3 4BJ Liverpool
0151 792 7751
Monday: 06:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 21:00
Friday: 06:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 14:00
Sunday: -