Lewis Legal Miscarriages Of Justice Investigations Uk

Monday: 00:01 - 00:00
Tuesday: 00:01 - 00:00
Wednesday: 00:01 - 00:00
Thursday: 00:01 - 00:00
Friday: 00:01 - 00:00
Saturday: 00:01 - 00:00
Sunday: 00:00 - 00:00

About Lewis Legal Miscarriages Of Justice Investigations Uk

Criminal Case Analysis Investigator specialising in miscarriages of justice investigations and evidence gathering for private prosecutions cases.



I started working on a new/old case from quite a few years ago. I now have good reason to believe police planted evidence to obtain a conviction. Watch this space.


Here's a joke for you. On Friday I travelled to Blacon Police Station to report an alleged offence of theft/fraud committed by a male from Cheshire on an OAP in London.
He allegedly stole property from her home in London and transported it to Cheshire.
Police in Cheshire stated it was a met police offence as property was taken from the London area.
... I reported it on behalf of my client to the Met Police on line. Within 30 minutes of the report going in (less time than it took to report), I received an email stating it was a Cheshire Police crime.
How easy it is to reduce crime figures.
No doubt, it will be boxed off on their databases as a "resolved" issue.
Where next?
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What a way to end our week at Lewis Legal Miscarriages of Justice Investigations UK.
A phone call from our forensics partners confirming what we knew.
A sheet from a bed where multiple accounts of rape have been alleged has come back after being chemically analysed as completely negative of traces of semen.
... 4 years the bedding has remained sealed in the original evidence bags with the original sealing tape and returned by police following the trial.
In this case of multiple alleged rape, the police for whatever reason chose not to have the bedding analysed.
Maybe because like us they knew the result.
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If you are arrested, do not assume the police will investigate without fear or favour as they swear to do.
Do not assume you are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Do not assume police will investigate any evidence that may prove your innocence.
... Do not assume police and CPS will disclose evidence they hold that may prove your innocence to your defence team.
Do not assume your legal aid appointed defence team will work hard to prove your innocence.
It's not until a big case comes to the attention of the public where police and CPS are proven to have acted illegally or a defence firm is sued by their client who can prove gross negligence.
In this case which for legal reasons I cannot provide information that may prejudice any future trial, we will be naming and shaming officers and proving "perversions of the course of justic" and insisting on arrests for such an offence.
We will be suing a defence legal firm where it is proven gross negligence.
This case isn't about a few people getting it wrong, this case is about a deliberate conviction to help out a colleague and all being well, he will go to prison.
Careful case analysis, hours spent watching police station interviews and reading statements has proven my client is innocent of all offences.
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Great news as of today Lewis Legals office address is now C/O Dra ycott Browne Solicitors the prestigious offices of one of Britain's top specialists in Criminal Defence.


Lewis Legal supports the fight to establish a "truly" independent force that has the power to arrest, search and charge corrupt Police Officers.


This week on a case I'm currently working, on discovering the extent of a gross miscarriage of justice committed by Lancashire Police and the CPS in 2014, which includes concrete evidence that proves officers from Lancashire police deliberately hid evidence that would prove the innocence of a man, evidence that the trial judge misdirected a jury, evidence the police coached the complainant, evidence the police altered evidence to secure a conviction, evidence the defence barrister and team missed obvious opportunities to show the complainant had lied. The media, are not interested. It no longer makes good headlines because it's in the media constantly.
What a totally unjust legal system decides our fate.
Lancashire Police and The CPS, theres a storm coming, watch this space for updates.


Interesting news story on ITV, I hate to say I told you so.....


Today has been a landmark day for Lewis Legal. Firstly I viewed our new office at Beechwood Park, Warrington which was quickly followed up with a very productive meeting with a potential new Investigator, an experienced and accomplished Investigating Criminologist who may be looking to cover Scotland.
Finally, today I officially changed the name of my trading company from Lewis Legal Private Investigations to Lewis Legal Miscarriage of Justice Investigations UK.
Shortly I will be publishing new regional telephone numbers to include, North West, Scotland East and West and the South East where I will be employing the services of an ex police officer to meet enquiries from the South of the UK.


Following the collapse of the Liam Allen trial in December 2017, the CPS and Met Police have come up with a document detailing how evidence should be, or should have been being processed with a view to ensuring that the investigations are one sided.
It should not be for the police to assume that someone making a complaint of a crime is telling the truth, especially in instances of alleged rape, with a financial carrot of £22,000 dangling in front of anyone who can put togethe...r a strong enough case that an an offence has been committed, whilst behind the scenes the police and CPS will fail to disclose vital evidence which will assist the defence of the accused, it is simply a no brainer. The police and CPS want a result, the alleged victim wants £22,000 and quite often the defence legal firm working on legal aid payments on a "no win doesnt matter" basis, quite often the innocent don't stand a chance.
The real victims are those serving a life sentence for a crime they have not committed and those real victims of rape, sexual assault who are too afraid to come forward in fear of sham or not being believed.
The proverbial silver lining is that the Police and CPS have now shot themselves in the foot. The recently published (among themselves although I have a copy) document on the back of Liam Allen's case, we are now using this document in a number of historical cases to produce the "new evidence" element for an appeal against conviction.
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More about Lewis Legal Miscarriages Of Justice Investigations Uk

Monday: 00:01 - 00:00
Tuesday: 00:01 - 00:00
Wednesday: 00:01 - 00:00
Thursday: 00:01 - 00:00
Friday: 00:01 - 00:00
Saturday: 00:01 - 00:00
Sunday: 00:00 - 00:00