Lfs90 Group Training With Dave Barlow Pt

Monday: 07:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 21:00
Friday: 07:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 21:00
Sunday: -

About Lfs90 Group Training With Dave Barlow Pt

I help busy, career driven women drop a dress size (or more) in 90 days without restrictive eating, fad diets or detoxes.



If you could be granted two new habits that just magically started, what will they be? I use this tracking format with my Lfs90 members. It’s a simple habit tracker. We start with basics then develop over time. If you struggle to keep a habit going tracking it certainly helps. I also encourage my members to put their tracker next to their goal dress. A dress you want to fit snug into is a huge encouragement for the mindset to apply the habits next to it. It’s like a check list to fit into the dress. Apply the habits and the dress comes off the wall and onto you! #fatloss #challenge #weightlossjourney #resultsguaranteed #manchester #reddish #stockport #habits #mindset #goals #motivation #fitnessmotivation #tracking


Today is a full day supplying my closed LFS90 community with more value. I plan on over delivering so they get an amazing lifestyle transformation. So much so that I‚Äôve redesigned the program every time we have finished one and started another. More knowledge = better coaching. Transitioning from PT to a coach is exactly this... you find your skills are best served to your members out of the gym than in it. The hour workout is important but the magic happens when members appl...y healthy habits. From daily habits to mindset support this program is like no other. To join click the link in bio or visit www.lfs90.com we are down to our final place for August start. The program is currently on sale and if you‚Äôre quick and grab the last spot you will save ¬£80. Please no time wasters this is no magic pill or fad diet this is lifestyle goals through small habitual changes. Let‚Äôs go. #fatloss #goals #reddish #stockport #results #transformation #fatlosschallenge #fatloss #healthyfood #healthyrecipes #healthylifestyle #grouptraining #goalsūüėć #resultsguaranteed #habits #balancednotclean #flexiblenutrition #flexibleeating
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Discover your best life without gaining fat


Previous and existing members results. WWW.LFS90.COM to apply


Celebrating 3 years as a women’s lifestyle coach. Do you need help finding the light? Then head to www.lfs90.com for more information.


If you haven’t already head on over to www.LFS90.com to download this FREE LFS90 Starter Pack. It has a 6 week meal plan, Recipe Guide, calorie target with macro breakdown and a shopping list too. Feel free to use the guide as a template to encourage you to have a more balanced intake. You Don’t have to leave out the occasional chocolate or biscuit. Just stay within the calorie targets and you’re in an energy deficit, key to losing weight. For additional support check out the... £5 August ONLINE challenge. 4 weeks to work hard play hard and get some awesome results. Week by week you will learn to live a sustainable healthy lifestyle that works for you. Check it out @dave_barlowpt website in bio... #lfs90 #weightlosschallengeonline #balancedlife #healthyfood #fatloss #fatlosschallenge #weightlossjourney #transformation #goals #onlinechallenge #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #recipes #healthyrecipes #eatwelllivewell #eatwell
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When the joints are struggling with the workload, I increase my mobility routine, I have longer warm ups before training and apply focused stretches after my cool downs. Cod live oil and glucosamine sulphate are the only supplements I use when I’m feeling aches or pain in the joints. I find it speeds the recovery process and gets me back to my best faster. However, once I feel I’ve recovered I will start to phase off the supplements and increase natural sources of omega 3 and 6 to continue joint support. Little bit of oily fish couple times a week, easy. This is no plug for any supplement company I hate Bs supps that corrupt the industry. You have to know thou that at times there are certain supplements that will be beneficial. Just use the science behind the application of any supplement and not the influencer selling it!!


Monday morning is all about planning the week. Today i also managed to smash out a new program design, I analysed 4 members nutrition intake and checked up on June’s challenge. Some amazing results from the members again check out my stories to see current, previous members transformation results. I encourage clients to set habits to help accomplish their fitness goals. I practise what I preach and set habits to help me perform my best as a coach. Not only putting in the time... out of the group sessions to deliver knowledge bombs, motivation support etc to the members but also continuing my own learning and mindset development to continuously improve the program. I’ve been personal training for 3 years now and group training for 18 months. The program has created some awesome life changing stories. Check my story out for a look... ps I have 2 places remaining for August start. To apply DM me or head to the link in bio www.lfs90.com click group program application. #weightlosschallengeonline #womengoals #balancednotclean #womenwholift #progressnotperfection #healthyfood #balancedlife #fatlosschallenge #healthylifestyle #stockport #reddish #reddishvale #womenwholift #womenshealth #denton #lfs90
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Saturdays are all about the WOD workout. My members lift heavy weights 80% of the time, whilst Saturdays I like to get the body moving, endorphins released ready to enjoy the weekend. Some exercises are regressed/progressed pending their fitness and ability level. As we only have SMALL groups (max 6) it allows individual adaptation to help personalise the program to make sure it’s sustainable to you. If you would like to join us on the next challenge (STARTING 6th AUGUST) then click the link in bio or head on over to www.lfs90.com. Limited places.... now just 2 places left #stockport #reddish #reddishvale #weightlosschallengeonline #womengoals #balancednotclean #womenwholift #progressnotperfection #fatloss #fatlosschallenge #results #manchester #transformation


So I’ve moved home for 6 weeks whilst my sister is over from Egypt. It’s put my morning mobility and stretch routine out of sync. It’s like any habit without knowing the reason why, you will soon forget about it and stop doing it. Especially if your time is valued else where. What I do to help stay aligned is think why I am doing it. So I’m like a plank stiff as fuck and it pisses me off when it adheres my life. But when it does I make a note of it and have... that as my reason why. With a why you have more chance of keeping consistent as the mental pain of why your doing it is strong enough to sacrifice your time to mobilise and stretch. It may not be flexibility for you, it may be fat loss, ie going to the gym 3 times a week. If your reason why isn’t powerful enough you won’t make it long term. Ever wonder why so many people fail new year new you?? The reason why isn’t powerful enough. They target a goal of losing weight and start restricting their intake. Great, will get you a short term result. But unless you find your why and start changing your behaviours to align with the person you want to become. Then you may find your self on a up and down roller coaster of results. If you need help with consistency sustainability and becoming the best version of you whilst living your best life.... head on over to WWW.LFS90.COM the summer sale ends soon, we have just 3 places left for August start. Click the link for more info... link in bio too.. @dave_barlowpt #womengoals #balancednotclean #womenwholift #progressnotperfection #mobilitytraining #weightlossjourney #weightlosschallenge #weightlosschallengeonline #fatloss #fatlosschallenge #lovelife #lovethisshit #mobility #mobilitytraining #stretching #strongnotskinny #womengoals #womenwholift #womenshealth #reddish #reddishvale #stockport
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LFS90 member Clare smashing out tonight’s WOD. Clare’s change in body shape is coming along nicely. Keeping consistent all year round by adapting her lifestyle to live her best life without gaining weight whilst fighting #ms Clare continues to drop weight and cm from all over her body. We are now starting to see the stubborn belly fat reduce which for any women is a real motivator. If you would like to join Clare and the rest of the ladies on the next transformation program (STARTS 6th AUGUST) then head on over to www.LFS90.com we have our summer sale now live with Just 3 spaces left for August start. Click link in bio...


Taking a step out of my comfort zone was the best thing for me and my business. I use to fear speaking to more than one person at a time. I would get really anxious and worry I‚Äôll make myself look silly or say something crazy in the spur of the moment. On the other side of fear is progress. Since diving into group training, seminars and online group coaching, it‚Äôs pushed me to push through fear and accomplish what I‚Äôm here to do. Help other accomplish long term, healthy, sustainable lifestyles. Let‚Äôs go.... VISIT WWW.LFS90.COM FOR ALL SUMMER OFFERS #balancednotclean #progressnotperfection #mobilitytraining #composition #manchester #reddish #reddishvale #stockport #weightlossjourney #weightlosschallenge #weightlosstransformation #fatloss #fatlosschallenge #goalsūüėć #goals


Start your back and bicep workout with some light weight complex movements. Will wake up the targeted muscles, preparing them for the onslaught ahead. Try this one great for activating rhomboids, lats and biceps. #lfs90 #grouptraining #progressnotperfection #balancednotclean #denton #reddish #positivevibes #manchester #lovelife #lovethisshit #menwholift #complexmovement #composition #biceps #activation #mobility #mobilitytraining #goalsūüėć #reddishvale #weightlossjourney #weightlosschallenge #weightlosstransformation #fatlosschallenge #fatloss #ripped #abs


Don‚Äôt know why @nicole_scott97 is so shy on camera the girl has come on leap and bounds. If you watch my stories this is the member who was distracted so easy when it came to tempo and control. Now she is in full flow. Skull crusher with the tricep always engaged will increase intensity compared to resting the dumbbell above your chest at the top of the exercise. Try to keep your elbow behind your shoulder, the back of your arm (tricep) will always be active, making the exerc...ise more efficient for that muscle. If you want to build tighter arms, aka ūüĖē bingo wings, you have to work that tricep muscle. Often your front delt, pec major or even your lats will wanna take over and heavily assist the movement. Mind to muscle connection and focus on control and tempo through the tricep. If you need help kickstarting your journey LFS90 SUMMER SALE on online and offline products is now live. Head over to www.lfs90.com for more info or click the link in my bio @dave_barlowpt #balancednotclean #progressnotperfection #positivevibes #denton #reddish #weightlossjourney #weightlosschallenge #weightlosstransformation #fatloss #fatlosschallenge #challenges #caloriecounting #coachinglife #reddishvale #stockport #womengoals #womenwholift #womenshealth #practisewhatyoupreach
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ūüí•WANTEDūüí•: ūüíĀ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹJust 5 Stockport Ladies?ūüíĀ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ ūüĆě SUMMER SALE IS NOW LIVE ūüĆě
It's Our Summer Sale for Our Next 6 Week LFS90 Transformation Programme -----> carefully designed for 25-49 year old ladies who want to lose body fat whilst still enjoying the food and drinks that you love. No fad diets, no detoxes, instead we help you implement healthy habits so you don’t just get results you keep them too!!
... ūüĆć If you live within 10 minutes of Houldsworth Mill, Reddish SK56DS and fancy following a tried and tested 6 week programme with like minded women on the same journey [and have quite a lot of fun too]
Then click the link below now:
ūüĎČ www.LFS90.com ūüĎą Link in bio @dave_barlowpt #reddish #manchester #stockport #denton #womengoals #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #fatlosschallenge #weightlosschallenge #weightlosstransformation #slimmingworld #grouptraining #goalsūüėć #womenwholift #strongnotskinny #workoutmotivation #summersale #houldsworthmill #reddishvale #lfs90
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3 years to the day today!! ūüôč‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüôč‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüôč‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ

More about Lfs90 Group Training With Dave Barlow Pt

Lfs90 Group Training With Dave Barlow Pt is located at Corporation Road, M34 3 Manchester, United Kingdom
Monday: 07:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 21:00
Friday: 07:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 21:00
Sunday: -