Liam Moran, Health & Fitness

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About Liam Moran, Health & Fitness

Qualified Personal Trainer with a degree in Exercise nutrition and Health.



So when I got to the gym this morning I was like a kid in a sweetie store to see the gym is trailing some new attachments from @grypit_ltd I genuinely can’t overstate how much they help take the pressure of your grip and forearms which help you feel the movement where you should be doing! Come down to @anytimefitnessnewark_uk to give them a try💪🏻 This also brings me onto and important point about changing up your training!! If your doing the same routine in the gym all the time this is the easiest way to hit a plateau, so always remember to switch things up once in a while🤷🏻‍♂️ even if it’s just adding a bit more weight or running for a little longer, make sure you do this to keep improving👍🏼


With summer just around the corner, I’m offering 20% off a block of 10 one-to-one pt sessions for 3 clients!! If you want to get in the best shape possible for summer then now is the time to start☀️💪🏻 Get in touch if you want to find out more📲


So Monday I began my cut to become leaner for the summer months. I have set daily macros (carbs, protein, fats) for me to hit each day, which I did on Monday as you can see from the second pic!! However the point of this post is to highlight the fact that, although for me I don’t mind taking the time to calculate macros and make sure all my food is prepared for me before I leave the house in the morning, this isn’t a necessary evil if just losing a little weight for summer is... your goal🤷🏻‍♂️ When you strip it back what’s most important is energy balance (consuming less calories than you burn) and therefore as long as you are exercising and making sensible decisions with your food, as in not eating lots of junk food or just unnecessary amounts in general, then simple easy calorie counting can be a great way to make sure your heading in the right direction💪🏻☀️
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My client Jordan Cordy-Nice is holding 10kg and that’s the exact amount of weight he has lost since Christmas!! He has worked hard in every session, listened to all the advice I have given him and put in extra hours outside of our sessions💪🏻 It’s no surprise he’s smashing all his goals🔥 Well done jord👍🏼


I’m sure a couple of warm days has got you thinking about getting in shape ready for summer☀️ and even though it might seem a long way off still, believe me when I say if you don’t start soon it might be to late to get to where you want to be!! So if this is you don’t just think about it, do it and start getting in the gym and training hard💪🏻 I know I’ve started my cardio at the end of sessions already🙌🏼


You can read infinite amounts of things online these days about what’s the best style of training and what does this and what does that🤷🏻‍♂️ but one thing I always tell my clients, is to do the type of training they enjoy, and I’d like to hope that I help my clients find what that is for them!! The reason being that if you are doing any form of exercise that you don’t enjoy then you simply will not do it and if you do you won’t adhere to it for long. Therefore this clearly isn’t the best type of training for you and that’s why it is so important to find what is🙌🏼 If you were to ask me why I enjoy the type of training I do I wouldn’t be able to tell you because as you can see in the video I don’t look like I’m enjoying it😂


A successful day testing today for my masters project. Fair to say that a test like the VO2 max test I did today in the environmental chamber tests your mental capacity as well as working your physical attributes to the limit💪🏻 If there is anyone interested in taking part in my study, please get in touch to find out more📲 you will get to find out some interesting data about your fitness levels. We took about 50 pictures but not one is clear, guess I was running to fast🤷🏻‍♂️


Thanks Andrew Lowe Massage Therapy, the cupping treatment was very relaxing and my hamstring tension feels relieved already👌🏻 couldn’t recommend this enough to anyone who is struggling with any muscle tightness or injury!!


It takes around 21 days to form a habit or routine and we’re now 22 days into January so if you’ve kept up your New Years resolution to exercise more and eat healthier then hopefully it has or is becoming a routine for you💪🏻 One of my clients made it his goal for the new year to get at least two extra sessions in a week on top of his two sessions a week with me to help lose even more weight. Today was the 21st day since he began to try and make this a routine and this morning he sent me his morning weight check in as he does every Tuesday! The scales speak for themselves🔥


Never be afraid to fail or look stupid🤷🏻‍♂️ this video doesn’t even come close to showing how many times I failed to do this and if you saw the video before that Alec Swaby took you’d be laughing as much as he was😂 Very often, fear of looking stupid or fear of doing things wrong is what holds people back from coming to the gym and this should never be the case. If you are brave enough to come then you will quickly realise that people are too engrossed in what they’re doing to be looking at you anyway. So don’t let fear of embarrassment hold you back from getting into shape or anything else in your life that you want to achieve for that matter👌🏻


Start the year as you mean to go on💪🏻 set your goals and start the work early to make sure you achieve them!! Burning off all the Christmas and new year food with a killer workout🤢 Every 90sec for 15mins 8 DL @100kg
Every minute on the minute for 15mins... 5 pull ups 10 press ups 15 air squats
Strict Press 5 x 5 heavy🔥
The new year is a great opportunity to start you fitness journey so if your interested in making a change in 2019 don’t hesitate to contact me for training programs, nutritional guidance or one to one personal training💪🏻 Happy new year to everyone😁
Fuelled by @cullyschicks
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I took this picture on a morning walk with my dog🐶 over Christmas most gyms close meaning for those who want to keep up their exercise it can be hard but don’t underestimate walking as exercise🤷🏻‍♂️ lots of families go on long walks over Christmas and it’s a great way to burn lots of calories while still spending quality time with your families!! So don’t forget walking is great exercise and it’s great way to burn calories at Christmas and all year round for that matter🎅🏻


Still not sure what to get a loved one for Christmas? Why not get them the ‘gift of health’ and buy a gift voucher for a one on one PT session with me for just £20 or if you know they are super keen to start hitting their January fitness goals hard then why not get them a gift voucher for a block of 10 sessions for just £180💪🏻👌🏻 but be quick as there is only 15 vouchers for one session and 5 for ten sessions so don’t miss out before prices go back to normal!!🤷🏻‍♂️


Here you can see me using the box jump as a sledge to finish off my leg workout🏋️‍♂️ This was my last set of my last exercise on a day where I did not want to train but i made sure I went until the tank was empty!! If you want to achieve your goals it will always be necessary to put in the work required🤷🏻‍♂️ no matter if it’s a good day or a bad day always make sure you turn up because a little bit of something is better than doing nothing👌🏻 Also to all my clients I’ve made do this, this week, your not alone I feel your pain😳


So this is my post workout meal for today💪🏻 I have lean turkey mince, rice ,spinach, a tiny bit of low fat cheese and jerk seasoning. I also had a small portion of the green smoothie I have previously posted about and my daily vitamins which include; vit C, D, a B complex and a multi vitamin, x2. There is also an omega-3 tablet and a probiotic (I will perhaps go over why I take these in a future post). The point of this post though, is I consumed all of this around 45mins to hour post workout which some would suggest I have missed my ‘anabolic window’ to consume protein and maximise muscle gain from my workout🤷🏻‍♂️. However recent research has shown that an anabolic window post workout is a myth and that ensuring you hit your overall protein consumption for the day is the most essential goal when it comes to maximising muscle gain. For those who are interested there is a great video on YouTube by @jeffnippard who explains this topic further, the link is below👍🏼
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‼️client spotlight‼️ Here you can see my client @j_goode25 squatting more than his body weight for 5 reps with great form👌🏻 he came to me after he had suffered a bad injury playing football and wanted to get back to full strength and fitness, as you can see here he’s smashing his sessions and is well on his way to beating his previous bests💪🏻🏋️‍♂️ Well done Jack, keep up the good work👍🏼


Super green detox and protein smoothie 🥦🍌 great for after workouts 💪🏼or simply for a healthy start to your day. Don’t ever underestimate the power of fresh fruit and vegetables! 🍏🥕🥝🥑🥒
•handful of organic fresh spinach •one small banana ... •handful of blueberries(optional) •unsweetened Almond milk to max level •one tablespoon of Greek yogurt •1/2 tablespoon nut butter •1/2tablespoon of super green powder •manukau honey teaspoon (optional) Blend and enjoy the nutrients 😍 Institute for Integrative Nutrition
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More about Liam Moran, Health & Fitness