Lib Dem Lords

About Lib Dem Lords

The Liberal Democrat group in the House of Lords



Lord McNally: The Government must listen to peers over Henry VIII powers


Following the vote Tom McNally, a Liberal Democrat peer, said the Conservatives “have been halted in their shameless disregard for the private lives of those violated by the press going too far”.


"China’s domestic clean-up presents an environmental challenge to the developed world. In the longer term it should be the catalyst that forces us to clean up our own act and our own mess."


Lord Scriven, Liberal Democrat Lords Spokesperson for International LGBT Rights, told PinkNews: “This is a record of shame for the government.
“The Liberal Democrats will challenge the Government over these figures.


"Peace in the Pacific, and the world, depends on two questions. How will the United States cope with decline? And how will China fulfil its potential as a super-power?" - Paddy Ashdown


"The frequently repeated and appalling thought through Tory mantra that “no deal is better than a bad deal” will not even apply as the aviation industry falls outside the World Trade Organisation."


"Over the past few weeks peers have been lifting their eyes to the stars while giving the Space Industry Bill careful scrutiny."


House of Lords is ready to defeat parts of Theresa May's Brexit Bill


"It is impossible to put the internet genie back in the bottle, so we must work towards developing a culture in which cyber-bullying is not acceptable."


"Priti Patel has made a grave error of judgement, which goes against the openness, accountability and scrutiny the work of a government minister demands."


The Lib Dems just won a victory on cold calling
Those horrendous claims management company calls could soon be history - if the government stick to their word.


"A network built in the 19th century and neglected and partially dismantled in the latter half of the 20th century is now creaking at the seams."


Dick Newby, Liberal Democrat Leader in the House of Lords, said: “I am concerned by reports that Theresa May is considering creating a large number of Conservative peers, to push through an extreme Brexit on a reluctant parliament. That would completely undermine these proposed reforms.
“Without a cast-iron assurance from the Prime Minister that she will act in line with these proposals, they will be dead in the water.
“If we are to make progress with reform, we need cross party agreement, and cross-party goodwill.”


The House of Lords voted to let users set a cap on their monthly bills - which would block their phones when costs risk spiralling out of control


Dick Newby, the leader of the Lib Dems in the Lords, said he was confident that enough peers would back amendments on issues such as the rights of EU citizens and parliamentary votes on the final Brexit deal to defeat the government and force a rethink.


Lindsay Northover asked what action was being taken by the Government in the case of Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe, adding: “Surely the time has come for the UK to call for Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe’s release before she, her little daughter and her husband suffer further.”


Lib Dem lords leader Dick Newby said: "Willie will be very sadly missed by friends and colleagues in the Lords.
"He was a doughty campaigner for human rights, for Europe, and for a fairer society, issues which he promoted tirelessly in the Lords."

More about Lib Dem Lords

Lib Dem Lords is located at Palace of Westminster, SW1P 3 Westminster
0207 219 3457