Liberal Democrats

Political Party
020 7222 7999
4.5 star rating

About Liberal Democrats

Liberal Democrats

Liberal Democrats Description

Open means open-hearted, open-minded, forward-looking, modern, green, internationalist and pro-European. We believe Britain is at its best when it is creative, innovative and outward-looking, comfortable in the fast-changing modern world and open to the opportunities and challenges of globalisation and the digital revolution.

Tolerant means diverse, compassionate and generous. We will always fight injustice and stand up for the underdog, the outsider, the individual, the minority and the vulnerable against the powerful.

United means we will always put the interests of the whole United Kingdom first. We reject the divisions in society, whether between young and old, urban and rural, leave and remain, or between regions and nations. We believe we are stronger – as communities, as a country and as a world – when we work together in our common interest.



Tomorrow Vince Cable will meet the EU's Chief Brexit Negotiator Michel Barnier.
What do you want Vince to ask Michel Barnier? Tell us here:


Today the House of Lords is discussing the Ivory Bill. Some Tory peers have tabled amendments that would allow Ivory to be exported and sold outside the UK – weakening the protection around elephants being harmed and killed for their ivory.
The Liberal Democrats will vote against any attempts to weaken the ivory ban.


In a pre-Budget speech to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation this morning, Vince Cable called for a series of reforms to Universal Credit.
Vince Cable: There are three specific changes my party are arguing for:
✅A reversal of the cuts to the work allowance worth around £3bn a year.
... ✅Improvements to Universal Credit for the 800,000 self-employed.
✅Ending the benefits freeze a year early.
Find out more below 👇
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Jack McAteer explains what black history means to him, as part of our Black History Month series. Find out more by following the Liberal Democrats Campaign for Race Equality.


WATCH: Vince Cable, Tom Brake, Wera Hobhouse MP, Sal Brinton - President of the Liberal Democrats, Edward Davey, Jo Swinson and Layla Moran tell us why they marched to give the people the final say on Brexit.
Did you march? Share your story with us 👇


This week Vince Cable will meet the EU's Chief Brexit Negotiator Michel Barnier.
What do you want Vince to ask Michel Barnier? Tell us here:


Last night the Conservative Government was defeated in the House of Lords, with peers voting for a Liberal Democrat-backed amendment that will prevent the death penalty being used in cases where the UK has provided electronic data.
The death penalty is one of the greatest affronts to fundamental human rights. It is cruel, inhumane and irreversible. The UK must oppose its use anywhere in the world.


We marched because we demand better than what this Tory Government is offering us. We demand better than the utter mess they are making out of Brexit and we demand a final say on the deal.


What a fantastic weekend. 700,000+ people marched against Brexit on Saturday, while the Tories are in utter chaos.
We must find a way out of this madness. We're fighting every day so the people have the final say on the terms of the Brexit deal, and have the opportunity to stay in the EU if they prefer. Join our campaign:


Britain needs a new type of politics - one that is open and represents the millions of people who feel their voices aren't heard. That's why Vince Cable has proposed opening the Liberal Democrats up to become a movement for real change. Find out more >


Vince Cable: It seems Article 50 may well have to be extended, so it is a sensible precaution to have a process that allows us to select candidates quickly and democratically.
We are confident we can win and secure a final say. That is why we are putting in place a system which would allow us to select Liberal Democrat candidates for the European elections next year.
Read more below 👇


Pauline Pearce explains why she joined the Liberal Democrats, as part of our Black History Month series. Find out more by following the Liberal Democrats Campaign for Race Equality.


Today, an estimated 700,000 people marched on the streets of London, calling for a people's vote on Brexit.
That makes it the biggest protest since the Iraq War. A protest that defined a decade. On an issue that affected a generation.
Now, as then, the Liberal Democrats are on the right side of history. Unlike Theresa May's Conservatives and Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party.
... Today we marched for our future and we demand better for it.
If you believe in our cause, help us fight for it.
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Brexit is not inevitable. It can be stopped. The Liberal Democrats will continue to demand better than Brexit and campaign to end this national embarrassment. #PeoplesVoteMarch


Today we march against Brexit and for a final say on the deal. We demand better than what this Tory Government is offering us, they are making an utter mess out of Brexit.
And where is Jeremy Corbyn? Fudging his position on giving the people a final say on Brexit.
Only the Liberal Democrats are fighting for an Exit from Brexit. The people deserve better, we demand better. Join us today 👇
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Labour have launched a new Brexit Fudge - to mark Jeremy Corbyn’s wishy-washy policy on Brexit.
Today, during the People’s Vote march in London, activists will be given a piece of Labour's Brexit fudge - reminding them that Jeremy Corbyn's Labour party is fudging its position on giving the people a final say on Brexit.
Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour leadership have defied us all with their ‘Brexit fudge’. Inspired by Willy Wonka himself, the Labour’s opposition to Brexit is just ‘pure imagination’.


The Exit from Brexit campaign is the BIGGEST most AMBITIOUS campaign the Lib Dems have ever run outside of a general election.
Now we are preparing to go double the size of our campaign.
Find out how 👇


The Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee has called for a ban on sales of new petrol and diesel cars to be brought forward to 2032. This has become all the more difficult given Ministers have cut grants available to electric car buyers by £1000 just last week.
Liberal Democrats demand better. We want the ban on new diesel and petrol cars to be brought forward to 2025 and 2030 respectively. This ambitious target will kick-start a charging point revolution and transform the buying habits of car owners in this country.
Do you demand better for our environment? Read our plan today >

More about Liberal Democrats

020 7222 7999