Life Skills Coaching Company Limited

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 18:00
Sunday: -

About Life Skills Coaching Company Limited

I am a Certified Life Coach & NLP Master Practitioner & Coach, focusing on using Habits & MIndset for Positive Change & Sum Sanos™ Coach for weight loss.



SUNNY NATURE RECHARGE: It’s amazing how cheerful, smiley, friendly, happy and chatty people were today .... Amazing how much weather affects mood. Out today on a wonderful beautiful walk at the edge of the Peak District ... it reminds me how much an activity out in nature involving exercise, a fab pub lunch and a couple of beers soaking up the sun does for me. It washes away the stresses & the silly concerns that I’ve allowed to take on more importance than they deserve. It ...slows my life back down, lessening the hold of having to plan for the future and brings me back to the now. To enjoy what I have, who I’m with and where I am. Pause to feel the warmth of the sun on my face. Cresting the rise to admire to vista spread out before me. Appreciating the flavours of the meal because of the effort to walk there, heighten by the happy chatter and positive nature of the smiley faces around me. I come back energised and enthusiastically ready for whatever life throws my way. What do you do to recharge? To escape from the push and pull that life can exert on you - escape it’s effects and create the space to enjoy the mow. To live in the now. #mindfulliving #mindfulwalking #mindfulness #lifecoaching #rechargewithnature #naturerecharge @ Padley Gorge
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As a Veterinarian & Certified Life Coach, I’m often asked whether the growing concern in ppl & numbers affected with mental health issues, anxiety, depression, self harm, burn-out, overwhelming chronic stress & the potential then for substance abuse, mood swings, anger management problems & social integration issues... whether this is also reflected in our my industry. So you know, the Vet Profession has historically suffered from the highest suicide rate of any of the medica...l type degrees, though, my understanding at the time I graduated, was that all these care giving professionals groups(doctors, vets, dentists, physios) have a far greater incidences of mental health issues & suicide than other working groups. There are many theories & risk factors proposed for this, a major one associated with the disproportionate focus of tertiary selection criteria being predominantly on achievement alone. it’s not just the workers with stethoscopes that are suffering. Brexit has bought a wave of unanticipated woes from our own patients who’s EU pet passports, come next week, won’t be worth the red paw print they’ve been stamped with. A case in point & the 3rd this week, a distraught “Dave” (pictured here: not his real name- fearful for having such an extreme view: remain!). “Aii, I’ve been so down lately”, Dave remarks,”It’s my 3rd session & I can’t shake of my hang dog look. I’m on multiple drugs & valium & my owners, distraught by my sadness accidentally covered me in Feliway in an effort to help. This after they discovered my strong French Mistress Boo had traveled on a star to a land I had no access to anymore. Lost to me forever” It wasn’t until Dave’s 4th session & less valium that he understood that Boo had not perished & reunion involved a vaccine, a blood test & 4 months of waiting. At least he still has something to remember her by.... #remainVet
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Greatness... ... is not found in achieving that promotion at work & leading your business in the most profitable year ever..
it's not found in passing every exam you sit until you have more letters after your name than in your name.
... Greatness is not found in being the one who kicks the winning goal or scores the winning points with an incredible shot in the final seconds of the Championship game.
It’s not found in winning an Oscar for that amazing portrayal in your last movie or when you’ve had ‘sold out’ performances at every venue on your last tour.
Greatness is not found on that one amazing day when everyone pats you on the back & says, “Well done…”, “Fantastic Achievement!”, & the smile on your face & the glow in your heart makes you feel amazing…
Sadly, we have been taught to focus on the wrong thing.
To put achievement above all else.
To celebrate the success, the talent, the actual win.
Greatness is not found on that one rare day, the one we are chasing or hoping for where everybody acknowledges us. That is not greatness.
Greatness is found in the everyday things we do, that we keep doing, consistently.
Those few, small, important & profound things that we work at, put our effort into & that we keep on doing even after setbacks, every - single - day…
[The mother who gets up early to shop, sort breakfast, pack lunches, get the kids to school, run playgroup, sort the PTA, help at the local charity, take the kids to sports, hug the crying teen, prepare a favourite dinner, wash clothes, read a good night story, do a 12 hour nursing shift that night, save moiney for the kids university accomodation] .. every - single -day.
This is Greatness.
It is from here that it’s possible to ... "Do Great Things”.
the power of habits,
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A recurring theme, for many clients, is the constant fretting or worrying about various decisions that they are currently making in their life. They may be small decisions or may actually be big life changing decisions, however, the continuous voice in their head keeps posing a litany of questions... ’Is it the right decision?’ ... ‘Is it the right time?’ ... ‘Is this what I really want to do?’ ... ‘Is there something else better out there?’ ......
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Research shows Mindfulness can reduce stress, anxiety and depression, enhance concentration, focus and awareness, help you eat consciously and develop healthier eating habits and enable you to accept and work with your feelings and emotions. Learn more about this Mindfulness Training Course. Click here or on the link in my bio. Sean. #lifecoaching #habitsbasedcoaching #mindfuleating #mindfulness #createhealthyhabits


Did you know that, on average, we make over 200 food choices every day! Most of our decisions are out of our awareness and influenced by our environment and habits.
Mindfulness is shown to enable us to become more aware of our thoughts and decisions and in a study of people who were able to lose weight and maintain that weight loss, being more mindful when eating was one of the key behaviours in successful weight loss and weight loss maintenance.
Join me on a Mindfulness T...raining Course and get more “Mindfulness: For Your Life!” (apply coupon MTC-50 at checkout for 50% off while places last) ndfulness-trainin…/

#mindfulness #mindfuleating #habitsbasedcoaching #lifecoaching #mindsetcoach #createhealthyhabits
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I remember when I first came across Mindfulness... on a 1 to 1, eight-week course, back in 2010. ndfulness-trainin…/
It was on this course that I became aware of my thoughts and how quickly they could shift and start ruminating on past events, running over all the “yesterday’s” again and again.
... Or to find my thoughts focused on the future, creating different scenarios, worrying over all the “tomorrow’s”, events that were yet to be.
Discovering how spending unnecessary time on yesterday or tomorrow took away my enjoyment of today ... and learning how to become more aware of my thoughts, be kind to myself, bring myself back to and stay in the now.
Being mindful is something that we all can learn. And the benefits? Incredible!
Join me on an 8-week Webinar Based Training course on “Mindfulness: For Your Life!”. (50% off with code MTC-50 at checkout) ndfulness-trainin…/
#lifecoaching #habitsbasedcoaching #mindfuleating #mindfulness #mindsetcoach #createhealthyhabits
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What is your definition of ‘success’?
When creating this compilation of quotes, it reminded me of Albert Einstein’s infamous quote, “Try not to become a man of success, but rather, try to become a man of value”.
So posing the question in a different way, “What do you REALLY value?”. “What is REALLY important to you?”.
... Studies that measure i) happiness and ii) life satisfaction (these being quite different entities) have shown that people who place value in things such as wealth, fame, power, influence and beauty/attractiveness tend to report having a lower life satisfaction and that the pursuit of these values is less likely to give your life meaning and purpose or a sense of well-being (negative association). While certain other values (like commitment, achievement teamwork, caring, generosity, honesty, hope, peace, connection, community- to name a few) have been shown to have a positive association with giving life meaning & purpose and providing a sense of life satisfaction-and the feeling of well-being.
More recently I saw a saying “Strive not for success in life but for life satisfaction”... where success is usually measured by extrinsic factors, factors outside ourselves (like: house, car, materialistic possessions) life satisfaction however is measured by intrinsic factors- things inside of us, so when all our looks have aged, or if all our possessions are taken away ... those intrinsic factors will remain. No-one can take them away.
What is your definition of success? What do you really value?
#mindfulness #mindsetcoach #lifecoaching #habitsbasedcoaching
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‘Mindfulness: For Your Life! The 8-week Webinar Based Training Course’.
Join me on this training, become more Mindful and gain from the many health and well-being benefits that mindfulness can bring.
Use MTC-50 at checkout and receive 50% off until 7/7. Places are limited. Click the link to find out more!
... binars-online-tra…/
#mindfulnesstraining #mindfulness #mindfuleating
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This picture always makes me smile. I remember many times as a kid, just standing there, with my arm outstretched ... hoping. My gaze extending along the thin ribbon that was gripped tight in my young little hand, and up to the hovering shape of the helium balloon above me. .. just hoping. .. and when the wind really stirred and the balloon bobbed on its currents, pulling the ribbon so tight above me ... my heart would just leap, thinking that this would be it... that moment in time when it would whisk me off FLYING! 🎈 😂🤣


Dr. Gina Cleo doing a talk to the Skeptics Group about the latest research in habits based interventions.
The talk was audio-recorded and her slides recorded.
Discover how your habits are truly the key to success in so many areas of your life. From Weight loss to Well-being ... going through the Sum Sanos™️ Coaching Program allows you to make your healthy lifestyle and eating decisions be those automatic, unconscious habits that make up 50% of the decisions we make every s...ingle day!
Wouldn’t it be amazing to know that at least half of the decision you made each day would be healthy ones? AND ... you didn’t even have to think about them? Habits-for-a-Happy-Life!™️…/Weight-los s-maintenance-a-look…
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“Every achiever I’ve ever met says: ‘My Life turned around when I began to believe in me’ ..” Robert Schuller


Negotiating your way through life in the pursuit of your goals & dreams, while maintaining a sense of balance, happiness & life satisfaction is never going to be a simple straight line from A to B (and life would be pretty boring & predictable if it did!). We’re always going to be faced with decisions that may take us left or right, deeper into the maze or free us from it. You should never lose sight of your ‘Why’ and set some time aside each day to remind yourself of where y...ou’re going (vision, dreams & goals) and Why you want to get there. Looking inside your Why often reveals a lot about the inherent or core values we hold. By being aware of what our core values are often makes the right decision, when faced with many tough choices, a much, much, clearer one. Spending time visualising your goals literally puts you there, where you can see it, smell it, taste it and feel it ... and not only does that remind us of Why we are going there, helping motivate when times are tough .... it also reminds us and maintains some focus on where we want to be .... so that 3 .., 5 ... or even 10 years down the track, we don’t suddenly look up, wondering where we are and at what point we lost our way. Know what’s important to you: know your values. Remind yourself of where you’re going in life and Why. Then you’ll never be lost in the maze, your goals faded to gray. The maze will always be, the adventures you have on the way! Sean #sumsanos #sumsanoscoach #habitsbasedcoaching #lifecoaching #successhabits #habitsforahappylife #creategoodhabits #breakbadhabits
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I personally find that after getting away and spending time in nature, I very quickly feel myself relax. I smile and laugh more easily and I come back recharged and buoyant.
Often times we cannot affect or make changes in the environment around us ... but we can change the environment we’re in to affect the change we wish to make in ourselves.
‘Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change’ - Jim Rohn


Aaaah .... it’s a HD world again. Beautiful and crystal clear. “Clarity” is important in life. And so is not having migraines (and seeing who you’re kissing 😜). Happy Thursday! Sean


Did you know that, on average, we make over 200 food choices every day! Most of our decisions are out of our awareness and influenced by our environment and habits.
Mindfulness is shown to enable us to become more aware of our thoughts and decisions and in a study of people who were able to lose weight and maintain that weight loss, being more mindful when eating was one of the key behaviours in successful weight loss and weight loss maintenance.
Join me on a Mindfulness T...raining Course and get more “Mindfulness: For Your Life!” (apply coupon MTC-50 at checkout for 50% off while places last) ndfulness-trainin…/

#mindfulness #mindfuleating #habitsbasedcoaching #lifecoaching #mindsetcoach #createhealthyhabits
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Did you know that, on average, we make over 200 food choices every day! Most of our decisions are out of our awareness and influenced by our environment and habits.
Mindfulness is shown to enable us to become more aware of our thoughts and decisions and in a study of people who were able to lose weight and maintain that weight loss, being more mindful when eating was one of the key behaviours in successful weight loss and weight loss maintenance.
Join me on a Mindfulness T...raining Course and get more “Mindfulness: For Your Life!” (apply coupon MTC-50 at checkout for 50% off while places last) ndfulness-trainin…/

#mindfulness #mindfuleating #habitsbasedcoaching #lifecoaching #mindsetcoach #createhealthyhabits
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More about Life Skills Coaching Company Limited

Life Skills Coaching Company Limited is located at Flat 602 Hodgeson House, 26 Christian Street., E1 1AY London, United Kingdom
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 18:00
Sunday: -