Life Stories

About Life Stories

No one tells a story like your Nan or Grandad.
A lifetime of stories. Captured on film for the whole family to keep and enjoy.

Life Stories Description

No one tells a story like your Nan or Grandad.

Everyone has that favourite story told by a loved one. You always try and get them to retell it time and again. Some stories you know, and we're sure there are some you don't!

My Life in a Day offers you and your loved ones the chance to have all of these stories immortalised on film. Making sure the stories continue to live on and be passed down to the little ones.

How it works.

After we've spoken on the phone and sent some info over to you, we'll agree a time and date to visit that's best for you.

We come and visit your loved one in their home. Armed with a variety of photos and questions that we've worked with you to produce- we sit together and allow them to take us through chapters of their life- going through photos, the early years and so much more.

This documentary is then sensitively edited on to DVDs and /or a video link that can be shared among the family. Allowing their memeories to live on for years to come.

The filming will take no more than the duration of a morning or afternoon, with as many breaks as required.

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