
About Limpetmics.

Welcome to Limpet Mics. Home of the finest hand crafted contact microphones, hydrophones, induction pick-up coil mods and more. . .

Limpetmics. Description

My Story

I began exploring sound with contact microphones in 2010 and have been on a journey of discovery ever since. I started, as many do, by using cheap contact microphones purchased online and quickly realised that in terms of both performance and ruggedness, they were simply not up to the job. After years of research, testing and development, trial and error, I eventually settled on a small number of refined designs. Following some flattering feedback from fellow enthusiasts, a successful run of sales and an exciting commission from the BBC, was born.

Simplicity, Quality and Affordability.

My philosophy is to keep things as simple as possible, fewer components means less to go wrong or wear out. I use the highest quality components, materials and construction methods to create simple 'plug and play' microphones that are tough, effective and affordable. I also offer custom products by commission, so if you haven't found what you're looking for on the website, get in touch and we can discuss your specific needs.

If you're new to contact microphones, hydrophones and induction coils then I wish you the very best on the journey of discovery you are about to embark upon.

Spread the word, explore and create!

More about Limpetmics.