Linda Ryan: Inspiring Pet Teaching - Vet. Tech. Behaviour Specialist, Ccab

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Linda Ryan: Inspiring Pet Teaching - Vet. Tech. Behaviour Specialist, Ccab

Veterinary Technician Specialist in Behaviour & Oncology
ASAB Certified Clinical Animal Behaviourist

Linda Ryan: Inspiring Pet Teaching - Vet. Tech. Behaviour Specialist, Ccab Description

Inspiring Pet Teaching is aimed at pet & owner training & education, as well as continuing education provision.
Linda Ryan runs training & behaviour management services for dogs, cats & their owners, specialising in modern & positive training methods which are kind & fair to the animals & humans in her care.
She regularly works alongside her veterinary colleagues on case management, and regularly writes & teaches on various topics for the veterinary & animal training professions.



Happy “gotcha” day to Evie, the superstar! 💓💖💝
I’ve been lucky enough to share her life for 4 years today 🎉 What an honour & what a joy 🐶 And at many many times, what a challenge & what a learning curve! 😳
... I love this beautiful girl SOOOOO much. She came to mend a broken heart after losing Luka at 16 years old. She’s doing a great job with that. But she was also a real shock to my system. Young, independent, many previous unhappy life experiences, & in poor physical condition - I had to help her a lot with many fears & frustrations - & she has taught me so much about how to be a better person & teacher for her.
We’re on a journey, & we’re loving it - not sure what the destination is yet, but we’re enjoying travelling together!
To give her a special celebration day, we were up with the larks (literally, & the stonechats!) for a looooong sunny (but cool) walk in the Forest - chosen by her - of course, with lots of her favourite sniffs, games, social greetings & fun. Then we did some chillin’, coz it’s too hot for much else; then she’s been helping me with some training projects; we had a picnic in the garden; some lounging around in the sun-&-then-the-shade-&-then-the-s un-&-then-the-shade... 😎; now we’re rounding it off with her new favourite thing of nose work (find the car keys) - she’s a natural at this & seems to love it. Of course there were lots of exciting treats & ways to find & eat them all day too! She deserves every good thing she gets 😊
How do you celebrate your pets’ birthdays & gotcha days? Please share! Do you make it super special, or is everyday the best it can be?! (We love happy-pet celebration pics too!)
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Hot on the heels of our very successful day of Fear Free in Essex, hosted by the wonderful Guiding Paws, I’m delighted to be presenting this seminar again for Cardiff Canine Citizens in December 🎉🐾 This is for all/any vet staff, trainers/behaviourists, groomers, pet physios, etc., &/or for owners - please join us, all are welcome! Please see the link for booking details - will be great 😊 864601/?ti=icl


Back in the New Forest for our next Karen Pryor Academy professional trainers course 🌞🐎🦌🐂🐏 🦔🌿🌸🐶 Exciting! Enrolling now, up until December - read more:…/new-for est-united-kingdom-…/


Random stranger I met on our early morning walk: “Does your dog run off then” (judgemental, accusatory tone) Me: “Good morning! No, she never runs off” Stranger: “What’s with the long lead then?” he demanded. Me: “I like to offer her as much choice & control as possible - we always have such fun on walks together” Stranger: (Perplexed expression) “What a pain” (delivered as an insult), & walks off....
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Absolutely GREAT day of #FearFreePets & patient-friendly practice yesterday 🎉🐾
Thanks so much to our wonderful group of trainers & veterinary nurses who attended. Amazing to see such enthusiasm & will from everyone to create positive change for our pets - it takes a team: catch those sparks & go forth & start fires all! 🔥💖
Also thanks to Fear Free Pets for their support, & huge appreciation to Karen Backhouse from Guiding Paws for her passion for this topic & for organising ...& hosting such a fab day 😊 044497/?ti=icl
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Sadly I saw a horrific case of heat stroke in a vet hospital I visited yesterday - despite all the team were doing for it, the poor dog’s in a very critical condition 😢 💔
I know we all love the warmth & sunshine, but... Please do take care of your pets in this hot weather folks - it doesn’t take long for them to get too hot to cope, with potentially tragic consequences...
Stay home & calm; allow rest, shade & water. Don’t play high-energy games, or allow too much running. hot pavements which can burn feet. Don’t walk in the heat of the day, or even the evening if it’s still hot. And PLEASE don’t leave pets in cars for any length of time!!…/…/walkin g-dogs-in-hot-weather/…
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Thanks so much to Ryan Cartlidge from the wonderful Animal Training Academy for inviting me to be part of this podcast!… /trainin…/linda-ryan/
I’ve never been involved in a podcast before! Such fun, & very honoured to have been a guest. We talk vet nursing, training/behaviour, the happy marriage between the two, helping pets to better welfare using positive reinforcement, inspirations, aspirations, spreading sparks & starting fires 🐾🔥😁
Animal Training Academy does such a amazing job of raising the profile of positive reinforcement training & animal care, as well as being so supportive of the ATA tribe. Check it out - it’s a great series!


Lecturing away a lot this week, so thought I’d grab a few early hours in the glorious midsummer sunshine with Madame Fabulous to have the world to ourselves 💓 Heaven! What will you do to enjoy this day with your pet? Please share!


iCatCare have just launched a series of cat training videos for owners & for vet staff ( 943392285838756), which I was so delighted & honoured to be a small part of creating. The International Association for Animal Behaviour Counsellors are launching a #catscantoo campaign. Animal Training Academy are having a cat training month going on at the mo.
We all love training with cats - & cats enjoy it too!
... So Olive & I thought we’d jump in with our first steps towards training for blood pressure monitoring!
All cats over 7 years old should have their blood pressure measured at least once yearly - it can be a great way to pick up all manner of treatable illnesses before there’s an observable health problem. Cats need to be calm & relaxed for this, so pre-training for this is a great idea.
This isn't flash training for fancy tricks, but it can definitely add to welfare, stregthen human-cat relationhips, & help cats be the happiest they can be in our world. Everyone can have fun with this kind of positive training with thier cats, both at home & in the clinic.
So here we go - our first short training session for this valuable behaviour :-)
#fearfreepets #catfriendlypractice #whatvnsdo #cooperativevetcare
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“Hey human!”
Out walking with Evie this morning, & she suddenly starts hopping along on 3 legs. Within a couple of steps she’d stopped, held her leg up & pointedly looked at me. This wasn’t the first time this had happened, & I guessed she had a prickle in her foot & that she needed me to help her. Sure enough, there was a bramble thorn in her pad, which I removed, & off we went.
Earlier this morning I casually flipped a piece of kibble at her as I was feeding the cat - she w...ent to catch it & it bounced off under the radiator. When I turned around from the cat, Evie was sitting by the radiator alternately looking from where the nugget had gone to me & back again. So of course I got it out for her.
“Hey human!” - I love this behaviour! I love that my previously don’t-want-to-know, what-good-are-humans-to-me girl is empowered & confident enough in me to ask for help & trusts that she will get it. That’s what friends are for!
I will continue to reinforce this behaviour every chance I get - I love being her facilitator 🙂 I want her to be happy & fulfilled, with a life full of choice & control, in a relationship she values ❤
Back in the bad old days of animal training, at best these types of requests would have been ignored, at worst the dog would have been chastised, put in its place (couldn’t possibly “give in”, the dog must never “win”!), or even physically punished for trying to communicate its wants & needs (or “trying to get the better of us”). We know SO much better now! Dogs are great communicators. We choose to have them in our homes, they are our best friends - we need to be theirs too.
Please share how your dog communicates with you, & how you help them gain what they ask for?
“Hey human! We getting on with this walk or what...?!”
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#FearFree in the U.K.! This is for vet pros & staff, for anyone working with pets, for owners, trainers, etc. All will be welcome! We will have a fun, inclusive & collaborative day of learning 😊 There’s still time to grab a space at this great seminar - contact Guiding Paws for details 🐾 044497??ti=ia


My latest peer-reviewed article on a topic I have such passion for & that can/should positively impact the pets in our care, whether it’s living or working with them 💗🐾
Better veterinary visits – working towards a patient-friendly practice, Veterinary Nursing Journal, 33:6, 171-174, DOI: 10.1080/17415349.2018.1462129
#betterveterinaryvisits... #catfriendlypractice #fearfreepets #whatvnsdo
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Yes, we can! And we do - always to enhance welfare & quality of life, to allow animals to “have a say”, to facilitate natural behaviour whilst in our care, to build trust, to provide fun, etc. 🐾💓


What’s the most interesting thing you & your dog have found on a walk?! Evie & I brought this amazing find home last week! 🦌 A couple of months ago she found an injured piglet under a bush, which we returned to his owner for TLC 🐷 A week later she found a trapped injured kitten, which we mounted a rescue operation to save 🐈 Other dog’s lost toys? Nah... not so much! 🎾🤣 Please share your dog’s finds! How did they “tell” you what they’d found? 🐶


Delighted & honoured to have been accepted as an assessed member of both the canine & feline behaviour divisions of the IAABC 🎉 The assessment covers 6 areas of core competency in each species, requires presentation of 3 in-depth canine & feline cases, & is a long, thorough & detailed process, in which applicants have to achieve over 80% in each area of assessment. All of which is independently blind-scored by 3 markers, who are experts in their species, making it a professio...nal membership & the title of Certified Behaviour Consultant well worth gaining. In addition to the necessary demonstration of knowledge & skill, Certified members must sign up to a code of conduct & ethics, & agree to have their practice standards monitored & regulated, so IAABC membership is not only recognised & well respected by colleagues, peers & veterinary professionals, but assures the pet owning public of the care, quality & professionalism of the behaviour professional they are hiring to work with them with their pet. The IAABC is a practitioner member of the The Animal Behaviour and Training Council, which seeks to achieve standardisation & regulation in the field of professional animal training & behaviour counselling. Currently, the world of pet training & behaviour is unregulated, so those of us who care about doing it right, & being seen to do so, chose to regulate ourselves. My score across both applications was 94%, so I’m pretty chuffed with that, but the learning, bettering, studying, aspiring for ever higher standards of knowledge, skill & professionalism doesn’t stop here... 🐶🐱
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Looking forward to presenting a day of veterinary oncology nursing for Central CPD next month! Follow the link for details 🐾


Come join us for a day of #fearfreepets in June! Everyone is welcome :-)
This will be a great day of learning for vet staff - vets, nurses, support staff, receptionists. For dog & cats owners, trainers & behaviourists, groomers, & everyone who lives with & works with pets!
... We will begin with an introduction to the concepts & theory of Fear Free; then cover what owners can do to prepare pets for life, what veterinary staff can & should know & do; the trainer/behaviour professional’s role; the power of a team; & allow plenty of time for questions & answers too.
Registrants will also receive a discount of 20% of the certification course, as well as a goodie bag! Please click the link for further details:
We hope to see you there 🐾
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May is national veterinary nurse awareness month. I love this celebration of our profession.
I am a qualified, registered Veterinary Nurse. I have advanced qualifications in medical nursing. I hold a specialism in oncology nursing. I am a qualified animal trainer & behaviour practitioner. I love being a VN - it’s part of who I am.
... I love that veterinary nursing has become the strong, knowledgeable, confident profession it has.
This pic is an oldie, but a goodie - for me it has so much meaning, & speaks volumes about the care, empathy, skill, knowledge, dedication & love VNs give to their work every day, & the difference we make to animals, pet caregivers & our fellow professionals.
I’ve been nursing since 2000 - I started in a tiny practice in the west of Ireland, where I was a not-so-glorified dogsbody & cleaner. I wanted more! I hopped on the boat & came to the U.K. to qualify, so I could go straight back home, but the profession had other ideas for me, & I’m so glad it did!
I’ve worked in some wonderful practices &, for over half my career, in universities & specialist centres. I've been privileged to work with incredible clinicians, nurses, owners & animals. I’ve learned so much, & made friends for life. I’ve been lucky enough to become a VN specialist & a teacher, & I’m still studying & learning - all the better to be a better vet nurse 💚 This profession has given me so much more than I ever dreamed possible, & I am honoured to be part of it.
We’re a diverse group - we do different things, in different ways, we are multi-talented & multi-faceted, & we are passionate about animal welfare - all for the good of animals & people. Veterinary nursing is amazing, & we VNs are too! I am forever being humbled, inspired & educated by what VNs do.
Please help us celebrate our profession by sharing your positive stories of veterinary nurses you are thankful for! 🐾
#whatvnsdo #vnam18 #ProudToBeAnRVN #LoveYourVeterinaryTeam
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Our amazing head of Karen Pryor Academy, Ken Ramirez - changing perceptions & changing the world for the better ❤…/animal-trai ners-are-teaching-w…/


We have just graduated from beginners, Linda has helped me understand my puppy, see her cues, and give choice, thank you for unfogging everything!


Sensitive and honest advice, very helpful.


Linda's knowledge and excellent advice really helped!


Linda is kind, caring, professional and extremely knowledgeable. As a professional pet groomer myself, I have watched Linda work and I am truly inspired. I would highly recommend Linda and Inspiring Pet Teaching.


Linda is a tutor for several of ONCORE's online courses, encompassing Oncology and Training and Behaviour topics. Linda is just wonderful! She creates a rapport with her students, guides them expertly through the learning process, and works hard to make sure they meet their learning objectives and goals. We always receive great feedback from all the courses Linda runs for us and she's a great asset to us. She's also great to work with from my perspective as a manager, as she is always prompt to reply to queries, meets deadlines and is always so helpful. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Linda's work.


It has been a difficult journey for us, Bod is a Spanish rescue dog isn't food motivated, easily distracted and very anxious/fearful. Linda has helped me to understand the communication he making with me and how to react to his signals. We have tried a variety of situations where he can best learn and our relationship has been greatly strengthened by this journey. She is very adaptable and always has something else to try, nothing is ever hopeless. You can just feel she genuinely loves dogs, her attention and focus is always on your dog when spending time with her. Hopefully we will be able learn more when classes start again Bod loves her and says thank you for helping him to understand what will enrich his new life.


I met Linda as my tutor for the KPA training. She is an amazing trainer and teacher. She supported me through some very difficult times. One of my beloved dogs passed away and my other beautiful girl had a mouth lesion which was suspected cancer. Thankfully it was benign.

Linda helped my through, helped me pass, helped me when I felt despondent. She was always calm, clear and is a seeker of the best kindest training methods. She is one of the best trainers I have met and would 100% recommend her (and trust her with my dogs). Thank you Linda.


I loved working with Linda. She use positive training on the owners as well as the dogs - very effective �


I first 'met' Linda at a UKCRB conference, when she asked a question, she stood out. I immediately identified and connected with her. Then again at a training day when Linda developed her relationship with Monty. I trusted Linda and decided to do the KPA training with her. Linda was always calm and reassuring, supportive and encouraging. We passed! It wasn't always easy for me, but Linda was kind and didn't judge me. We looked forward to our workshops and learned a great deal. The training changed the way I think, developed my understanding of learning theory, Monty and myself. I developed an awake and alive relationship with him and understood his needs. For this, I am truly grateful as Monty passed a year later.


Excellent lectures at BSAVA, giving me some great ideas for our puppy classes.


Excellent learning experience. Can't recommend Linda enough!


Can't believe how much Freddie has changed over the past 6 weeks. I can't thank Linda enough for all she's taught both me and Fred! My little puglet is finally getting somewhere and we both love it! A huge thank you to Pawsitive Pet Teaching


We have just graduated from beginners, Linda has helped me understand my puppy, see her cues, and give choice, thank you for unfogging everything!


Sensitive and honest advice, very helpful.


Linda's knowledge and excellent advice really helped!


Linda is kind, caring, professional and extremely knowledgeable. As a professional pet groomer myself, I have watched Linda work and I am truly inspired. I would highly recommend Linda and Inspiring Pet Teaching.


Linda is a tutor for several of ONCORE's online courses, encompassing Oncology and Training and Behaviour topics. Linda is just wonderful! She creates a rapport with her students, guides them expertly through the learning process, and works hard to make sure they meet their learning objectives and goals. We always receive great feedback from all the courses Linda runs for us and she's a great asset to us. She's also great to work with from my perspective as a manager, as she is always prompt to reply to queries, meets deadlines and is always so helpful. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Linda's work.


It has been a difficult journey for us, Bod is a Spanish rescue dog isn't food motivated, easily distracted and very anxious/fearful. Linda has helped me to understand the communication he making with me and how to react to his signals. We have tried a variety of situations where he can best learn and our relationship has been greatly strengthened by this journey. She is very adaptable and always has something else to try, nothing is ever hopeless. You can just feel she genuinely loves dogs, her attention and focus is always on your dog when spending time with her. Hopefully we will be able learn more when classes start again Bod loves her and says thank you for helping him to understand what will enrich his new life.


I met Linda as my tutor for the KPA training. She is an amazing trainer and teacher. She supported me through some very difficult times. One of my beloved dogs passed away and my other beautiful girl had a mouth lesion which was suspected cancer. Thankfully it was benign.

Linda helped my through, helped me pass, helped me when I felt despondent. She was always calm, clear and is a seeker of the best kindest training methods. She is one of the best trainers I have met and would 100% recommend her (and trust her with my dogs). Thank you Linda.


I loved working with Linda. She use positive training on the owners as well as the dogs - very effective �


I first 'met' Linda at a UKCRB conference, when she asked a question, she stood out. I immediately identified and connected with her. Then again at a training day when Linda developed her relationship with Monty. I trusted Linda and decided to do the KPA training with her. Linda was always calm and reassuring, supportive and encouraging. We passed! It wasn't always easy for me, but Linda was kind and didn't judge me. We looked forward to our workshops and learned a great deal. The training changed the way I think, developed my understanding of learning theory, Monty and myself. I developed an awake and alive relationship with him and understood his needs. For this, I am truly grateful as Monty passed a year later.


Excellent lectures at BSAVA, giving me some great ideas for our puppy classes.


Excellent learning experience. Can't recommend Linda enough!


Can't believe how much Freddie has changed over the past 6 weeks. I can't thank Linda enough for all she's taught both me and Fred! My little puglet is finally getting somewhere and we both love it! A huge thank you to Pawsitive Pet Teaching

More about Linda Ryan: Inspiring Pet Teaching - Vet. Tech. Behaviour Specialist, Ccab

Linda Ryan: Inspiring Pet Teaching - Vet. Tech. Behaviour Specialist, Ccab is located at Godshill, New Forest, SP62LP Fordingbridge
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -