Linear Fisheries Official

About Linear Fisheries Official

Linear Fisheries Oxford Ltd wishes to provide an enjoyable environment where anyone with an interest in the fishery can view new and exciting information.

Linear Fisheries Official Description

Linear Fisheries Oxford Ltd wishes to provide an enjoyable environment where anyone with an interest in the fishery can view new and exciting information about the complex. By using the Linear Fisheries Facebook page you agree to comply with any terms detailed within this disclaimer /Code of Conduct and must also comply with the Facebook Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, Facebook’s Privacy Policy, and, where applicable, Facebook's Page Terms. You should also be aware of and acknowledge that you are responsible for all comments, post or acts and omissions which occur under your user-name.
In particular, but without limitation, you or any other third party must not post an entry onto the Linear Fisheries Facebook page that:
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In any way could damage the reputation of the fishery or those employed by the fishery.
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We will take no responsibility for posts /comments made on this Facebook page but will, without notice remove /delete and report anything we see fit to, this may include blocking users from further use of this page and reporting them to Facebook. Please use your own good judgment before viewing any content or engaging with any other users of this page.
Linear Fisheries Oxford Ltd reserves the right to change and or update any part of their Facebook page, including this disclaimer /Code of Conduct. Any update /changes will be effective as soon as they have been uploaded and by using the page you agree to them.
Any information posted onto this Facebook page by Linear Fisheries Oxford Ltd, is to the best of our knowledge, up to date and accurate at the time it was uploaded.
Please help us keep the Linear Facebook page and enjoyable place to view up to date information and photos – If you see content that you believe violates this Code of Conduct then please report it by using the “report link” next to the post or report it directly to Linear Fisheries at chris.



**Dovetail Games** Have you seen the Fishing Sim World announcement trailer yet? What are aspect of the game are you most looking forward to? videos/2107256542856041/UzpfSTE0NTAxODA0 MDUyMzAzMjg6MjExOTQ5OTY4NDk2NTA2MA/


Fishing Sim World will feature some of the biggest names in the industry. Here's a link to all of our current licensed partners.‚Ķ/artic‚ Ķ/who-are-our-partners


On Saturday the 28th of July , the guys from the 'Forest of Dean Carp Angling Championships' will be going around the Linear Day Ticket site selling raffle tickets in aid of Anglers Against Cancer and Helping Harry Best of luck - let's hope they raise loads of money!


**Swim Availability update * * Below are the number of swims available on each lake as of 6pm Friday. These numbers will change by the morning, but we hope they will give you a indication of how busy the fishery is. Brasenose-One closed from 8am Friday until 2pm Sunday Brasenose-Two closed from 8am Friday until 2pm Sunday Hardwick/Smiths 14 Swims free out of 41 ... St Johns Lake 5 Swims free out of 39 Manor Farm Lake 7 swims free out 19 Oxlease 2 Swim free out 37 Hunts Corner 1 Swim free out of 10
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**Special Offer for all Linear Fisheries Customers** Linear Fisheries is selling the New Gardner Tackle Intensive Care Treatment, at a very low price. This Excellent product really should be a must for all anglers to carry in their kit bags. It is designed for treating cuts, sores or hook-holds on fish and comes highly recommended. We are going to make this product available to all anglers that visit the site, for only £6, this very special offer will probably mean we actua...lly lose money on each sale. However we feel it's far more important to enable all visiting anglers to look after our precious fish without breaking the bank. RRP is normally £10. This offer is only available to anglers visiting the site, either from our bailiff's on the bank-side or from the fishery office in-between St. Johns and Manor Farm Lakes. So make sure you get one of these the next time you visit the site. #LinearFisheriesOfficial #fishcare
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Mark Morgan had a right mixed bag from Unity Lake last week, landing four mirrors up to 25lb, loads of tench, 14 of which were over 7lb and an impressive 35lb 14oz grass carp. They all fell to Hinders Bait.


Mike Burrow had six fish up to 27.10 from B-1, he used solid bags, fished over a lightly spoded area.


Simon Cunningham caught this 30lb 01oz mirror from B-1 this morning using Big Fish baits spiced-nut pop-ups fished over a bed of particles.


**Swim Availability update * * Below are the number of swims available on each lake as of 7pm Thursday. These numbers will change by the morning, but we hope they will give you a indication of how busy the fishery is. Brasenose-One closed from 8am Friday until 2pm Sunday Brasenose-Two closed from 8am Friday until 2pm Sunday Hardwick/Smiths 22 Swims free out of 41 ... St Johns Lake 7 Swims free out of 39 Manor Farm Lake 8 swims free out 19 Oxlease 15 Swim free out 37 Hunts Corner 0 Swims free out of 10
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Liam Thompson with a couple of high doubles from St Johns. Both fell to 9 foot Zigs topped with Pink foam. üëç


**Special Offer for all Linear Fisheries Customers** Linear Fisheries is selling the New Gardner Tackle Intensive Care Treatment, at a very low price. This Excellent product really should be a must for all anglers to carry in their kit bags. It is designed for treating cuts, sores or hook-holds on fish and comes highly recommended. We are going to make this product available to all anglers that visit the site, for only £6, this very special offer will probably mean we actua...lly lose money on each sale. However we feel it's far more important to enable all visiting anglers to look after our precious fish without breaking the bank. RRP is normally £10. This offer is only available to anglers visiting the site, either from our bailiff's on the bank-side or from the fishery office in-between St. Johns and Manor Farm Lakes. So make sure you get one of these the next time you visit the site. #LinearFisheriesOfficial #fishcare
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Grant Winterson with some nice fish caught from St. Johns this week, the biggest carp went 27lb and the cat went 35lb. He used DNA S7 HYDRO and PBS pop-ups and milky malts hook baits over the top.


**Swim Availability update * * Below are the number of swims available on each lake as of 6.30pm Wednesday These numbers will change by the morning, but we hope they will give you a indication of how busy the fishery is. Brasenose-One 15 Swims free out of 45 Brasenose-Two 7 Swims free out of 34 Hardwick/Smiths 25 Swims free out of 41 ... St Johns Lake 10 Swims free out of 39 Manor Farm Lake 4 swims free out 19 Oxlease 20 Swim free out 37 Hunts Corner 2 Swims free out of 10
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Neil Jones with a nice mirror from B-2, of five caught during a 24hr session. All fish caught on A S Baits white TNT pop-up's fished over the same boilies and spod mix at 84 yards.


John And Patrick Shardlow fishing Brasenose One had 12 carp up to 26lb 10oz. 4 of which were 20’s. All fish fell to Black Zigs. Love the fully scaled mirror. Top angling 👍


Every year we help out Fishability UK and provide ten free swims on B-1. Last weekend they were back down and caught a number of fish. Here are a couple landed by Andrew Pritchard.


**Swim Availability update * * Below are the number of swims available on each lake as of 7pm Tuesday. These numbers will change by the morning, but we hope they will give you a indication of how busy the fishery is. Brasenose-One 7 Swims free out of 45 Brasenose-Two 5 Swims free out of 34 Hardwick/Smiths 30 Swims free out of 41 ... St Johns Lake 7 Swims free out of 39 Manor Farm Lake 7 swims free out 19 Oxlease (closed for a booking from 9am Mon 16th July until approx 2pm Wed 18th July) Hunts Corner 0 Swims free out of 10
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Gary Moreton from Liverpool had three fish from Hunts Corner Lake up to 23.14.


**Upcoming Lake Closures 2018**
- Brasenose-1 and Brasenose-2: will both be closed for the BCAC Semi-Finals from 8am Fri 20th July until approx 3pm Sun 22nd July. - St. Johns Pool: will be closed from 8am Mon 23rd July until approx Fri 27th July for WEED CUTTING. - Hunts Corner Lake: will be closed for a booking rom 8am Fri 27th July until approx midday Sun 29th July.... - Oxlease Lake: will be closed from 3pm Sun 29th July until approx 4pm Fri 3rd Aug for WEED CUTTING. - Brasenose-1 and Brasenose-2: will both be closed for the BCAC Semi-Finals from 8am Fri 3rd Aug until approx 3pm Sun 5th Aug. - Gaunts Lakes (Guys Syndicate): will be closed from 8am Mon 6th Aug until approx 4pm Fri 10th Aug for WEED CUTTING.
Hunts Pond Bookings 2018
Whole pond booked Sun 29th July 8am - 4pm Hunts Pond Whole pond booked Sun 30th Sept 8am - 6pm Hunts Pond
(Lake closures and bookings for Aug on-wards will be listed soon).
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The service offered by Chris (Fishery Manager) was great before our trip and even better afterwards.

This fishery isn’t perfect but they do the best with what they have. Good service and professionalism goes a long way.


Really enjoy my time here even thou I had blank 4 days and a line snap will be back great place to go and credit to the baliff what a nice person even thou England got beat


Just had a few days on there for the first time fished B1,struggled for the first 48 hrs due to the hot weather,tried it your way zigs,solid bags nothing, so I went back to my way,had 5 carp,including the smallest in the lake at 7 lb 12 oz,then I had a 17 lb 5 oz,then 3 x20,s biggest was 21lb 5 oz, all mirrors ,also had the pleasure of taking pictures of a 28 lb 8 oz common,caught by the chap in the next peg,


Just got home from a great four days/nights on Hunts Corner. Managed a new PB and a new lake record, a 33.04lb Common. I have to give a special mention to the bailiff Ian, who kindly brought from his home for me a wheel for my barrow as I had mistakingly left mine in Manchester, that’s what I call going the extra mile to help out an angler, thank you mate. Only my second visit to Linear and in my opinion it is a top Fishery, it has a great choice of waters holding some huge fish. The staff are (as above) very friendly and helpful and on hand to offer any knowledge or tips required. I will certainly be back, thank you.


Just got back from a 48hr on B2, first time visiting the fishery and came away with a new PB of 22lb, absolutly buzzing ÔøΩ can not wait to return.


Just came back from a wonderful trip to linear fishery what a stunning lake and some nice big fish in there very well run very friendly and you have a choice of a few lakes


I'm over from Australia visiting family and my friend brought me to fish for 3 nights at this awesome fisherie. We fished Brasenose 2 in the double swim on the road separating B1 and B2.

My previous PB was 18lb 6 and I smashed it with a 26lb linear mirror followed by a 21lb.

Linear fisheries is by far the best carp water I have fished, the water bailiffs are very friendly and really helpful in telling you what rigs to use.

I had a brilliant time and when I'm back over from Australia again I'll be coming back for another session. Very happy ÔøΩÔøΩÔøΩÔøΩ


I did my second session on oxlease this weekend and as with the first time I managed to catch. The bailiff in the morning was very polite and helpful and people fishing near me were as good as you’d want. One bloke even helped me out when I got a double take. Then when leaving the bailiff approached me and my mate and was asking about our session. In simple terms great session and I cannot wait to get back down there


Best fishery in the uk ballifs are superb friend kind always help u out when needed love this place don't want to leave when am there fish a stunning lakes well looked after Defoe best fishery going ÔøΩÔøΩ


Very peaceful lake. Nice to have proper toilet facility. Good value. Would be good to be able to park closer to the swim though. On site food outlet or shop would be beneficial.


The lakes holdalls amazing fish in beautiful surroundings. The lakes get very busy, there's not much point arriving Friday afternoon. Other than that it's a great day ticket venue.


One of the best maintained fisheries in the country with some big fish of every species especially some whacking great carp! Just too busy for me otherwise I'd score it a 5


On St. John’s fishing for pike and love this place but hard going even for the guys after the carp! Looking forward to the summer when I will change over to carp and camp out! Well looked after venue and knowledgeable bailiffs who can put you on the fish!


I have visited linear quite a few times over the years & not really had much of a problem. But I'd always wanted to fish Oxlease lake which was often very busy. But we managed to get on mid week Wednesday 11th until Friday 13th. Well on first sight it looked great we settled in for our session only to have it ruined by two chaps that set up next to me. Not only was one of them drinking all day & getting very drunk he decided to go for a swim to retrieve his mates stuck rig. Well I say swim it was more like a splash about. Then all night I had to put up with his drunken ramblings until gone 1am. It also put me off having two fish lost on the large amount of weed in front of the swim which most had. Now that could of been my own fault but having seen other lines & braid in the weed it made me think perhaps not my fault. This isn't good for the fish at all. We decided it was best to pack up & move. For the fishes sake & ours of the annoying drunkard. We moved to B2 which was fine & very quiet. I'll definitely be going back though & hopefully Oxlease will be weed free. Other than that its a great venue.


I am a member of the Cyndicate ( Guys Lakes) ..... absolutely love it.

Long as you keep your self to your self and ignore the tittle tattle that goes on , can’t think of a better place to fish ...... 👍


Just got back from a 24 hour on hardwick smiths no bites gutted couple of problems very weedy and when it rains like it did last night it gets very boggy so makes walking back to the car with your barrow sliding all over the place maybe next time i might try another lake


Fished b1 pegs 2 and 3 lovely looking lake,pegs unfortunately nothing was happening in for a 48hr left after 24hr as not a single bite but to be expected when it's so cold bit will definitely be back in a few months as it's a 250 mile round trip for us :)


1st thoughts were "what a great place" we fished brasnose 1 on far bank top corner. 2 good swims next to each other. Started fishing about 0900 was then we found out that the nearest porta loo was filthy and you could not see the seat for loo paper piled over it. By the time the bailiff turned up it had been cleaned so no need to complain. He was not sure how much we should pay and we finally agreed on a figure and he left. No chat or advise other than try the margins and out there over the weed. The next time we saw him was on the second day when he drove by in his motor and then back again without a word.

I think that the fishery should have a shop & or café to compliment this great complex. We never landed any fish but lost 2 to hook pulls ( one was a good fish ) we both said that we would be back to try to land one off the fish that we saw swimming around.


So I fished Manor...had a coupled of tench and a real pretty linear... now the surroundings... at night I had to keep the door sipped up...rats... loads of them, loads and big ones! ... what can you do... Bait in buckets and continue... last day 10am Kid about 13/14 years old comes round with his dad or uncle... uncle dropped in next door, kid walking around... lake tactically closed up, yes a couple swims free but no point... comes back round and asked when I'm off... told him 3pm... so he sits behind me to wait... annoying! ... so I have a heart and allow him to put a couple rods out stealthily to an area I had baited but not put a rod on... he starts leading around... I pack up.... shit lake... noddy territory!


The service offered by Chris (Fishery Manager) was great before our trip and even better afterwards.

This fishery isn’t perfect but they do the best with what they have. Good service and professionalism goes a long way.


Really enjoy my time here even thou I had blank 4 days and a line snap will be back great place to go and credit to the baliff what a nice person even thou England got beat


Just had a few days on there for the first time fished B1,struggled for the first 48 hrs due to the hot weather,tried it your way zigs,solid bags nothing, so I went back to my way,had 5 carp,including the smallest in the lake at 7 lb 12 oz,then I had a 17 lb 5 oz,then 3 x20,s biggest was 21lb 5 oz, all mirrors ,also had the pleasure of taking pictures of a 28 lb 8 oz common,caught by the chap in the next peg,


Just got home from a great four days/nights on Hunts Corner. Managed a new PB and a new lake record, a 33.04lb Common. I have to give a special mention to the bailiff Ian, who kindly brought from his home for me a wheel for my barrow as I had mistakingly left mine in Manchester, that’s what I call going the extra mile to help out an angler, thank you mate. Only my second visit to Linear and in my opinion it is a top Fishery, it has a great choice of waters holding some huge fish. The staff are (as above) very friendly and helpful and on hand to offer any knowledge or tips required. I will certainly be back, thank you.


Just got back from a 48hr on B2, first time visiting the fishery and came away with a new PB of 22lb, absolutly buzzing ÔøΩ can not wait to return.


Just came back from a wonderful trip to linear fishery what a stunning lake and some nice big fish in there very well run very friendly and you have a choice of a few lakes


I'm over from Australia visiting family and my friend brought me to fish for 3 nights at this awesome fisherie. We fished Brasenose 2 in the double swim on the road separating B1 and B2.

My previous PB was 18lb 6 and I smashed it with a 26lb linear mirror followed by a 21lb.

Linear fisheries is by far the best carp water I have fished, the water bailiffs are very friendly and really helpful in telling you what rigs to use.

I had a brilliant time and when I'm back over from Australia again I'll be coming back for another session. Very happy ÔøΩÔøΩÔøΩÔøΩ


I did my second session on oxlease this weekend and as with the first time I managed to catch. The bailiff in the morning was very polite and helpful and people fishing near me were as good as you’d want. One bloke even helped me out when I got a double take. Then when leaving the bailiff approached me and my mate and was asking about our session. In simple terms great session and I cannot wait to get back down there


Best fishery in the uk ballifs are superb friend kind always help u out when needed love this place don't want to leave when am there fish a stunning lakes well looked after Defoe best fishery going ÔøΩÔøΩ


Very peaceful lake. Nice to have proper toilet facility. Good value. Would be good to be able to park closer to the swim though. On site food outlet or shop would be beneficial.


The lakes holdalls amazing fish in beautiful surroundings. The lakes get very busy, there's not much point arriving Friday afternoon. Other than that it's a great day ticket venue.


One of the best maintained fisheries in the country with some big fish of every species especially some whacking great carp! Just too busy for me otherwise I'd score it a 5


On St. John’s fishing for pike and love this place but hard going even for the guys after the carp! Looking forward to the summer when I will change over to carp and camp out! Well looked after venue and knowledgeable bailiffs who can put you on the fish!


I have visited linear quite a few times over the years & not really had much of a problem. But I'd always wanted to fish Oxlease lake which was often very busy. But we managed to get on mid week Wednesday 11th until Friday 13th. Well on first sight it looked great we settled in for our session only to have it ruined by two chaps that set up next to me. Not only was one of them drinking all day & getting very drunk he decided to go for a swim to retrieve his mates stuck rig. Well I say swim it was more like a splash about. Then all night I had to put up with his drunken ramblings until gone 1am. It also put me off having two fish lost on the large amount of weed in front of the swim which most had. Now that could of been my own fault but having seen other lines & braid in the weed it made me think perhaps not my fault. This isn't good for the fish at all. We decided it was best to pack up & move. For the fishes sake & ours of the annoying drunkard. We moved to B2 which was fine & very quiet. I'll definitely be going back though & hopefully Oxlease will be weed free. Other than that its a great venue.


I am a member of the Cyndicate ( Guys Lakes) ..... absolutely love it.

Long as you keep your self to your self and ignore the tittle tattle that goes on , can’t think of a better place to fish ...... 👍


Just got back from a 24 hour on hardwick smiths no bites gutted couple of problems very weedy and when it rains like it did last night it gets very boggy so makes walking back to the car with your barrow sliding all over the place maybe next time i might try another lake


Fished b1 pegs 2 and 3 lovely looking lake,pegs unfortunately nothing was happening in for a 48hr left after 24hr as not a single bite but to be expected when it's so cold bit will definitely be back in a few months as it's a 250 mile round trip for us :)


1st thoughts were "what a great place" we fished brasnose 1 on far bank top corner. 2 good swims next to each other. Started fishing about 0900 was then we found out that the nearest porta loo was filthy and you could not see the seat for loo paper piled over it. By the time the bailiff turned up it had been cleaned so no need to complain. He was not sure how much we should pay and we finally agreed on a figure and he left. No chat or advise other than try the margins and out there over the weed. The next time we saw him was on the second day when he drove by in his motor and then back again without a word.

I think that the fishery should have a shop & or café to compliment this great complex. We never landed any fish but lost 2 to hook pulls ( one was a good fish ) we both said that we would be back to try to land one off the fish that we saw swimming around.


So I fished Manor...had a coupled of tench and a real pretty linear... now the surroundings... at night I had to keep the door sipped up...rats... loads of them, loads and big ones! ... what can you do... Bait in buckets and continue... last day 10am Kid about 13/14 years old comes round with his dad or uncle... uncle dropped in next door, kid walking around... lake tactically closed up, yes a couple swims free but no point... comes back round and asked when I'm off... told him 3pm... so he sits behind me to wait... annoying! ... so I have a heart and allow him to put a couple rods out stealthily to an area I had baited but not put a rod on... he starts leading around... I pack up.... shit lake... noddy territory!

More about Linear Fisheries Official

Linear Fisheries Official is located at B4449, Near Hardwick Village,, OX29 7QF Witney, Oxfordshire
07885 327708