Linguistics Department - Queen Mary University Of London

About Linguistics Department - Queen Mary University Of London

Linguistics Department at Queen Mary University of London
Follow us on Twitter (@QMULLinguistics) and Instagram (@qmullinguistics)

Linguistics Department - Queen Mary University Of London Description

Language is central to almost all aspects of human life: communicating with each other; thinking and reasoning; creating social relations; passing on the thoughts, ideas and discoveries of the past to future generations. Linguistics is simply the study of language in all of its aspects. Here at Queen Mary, the newest London member of the Russell Group, we focus on both the nature of language (its structure, how it connects to thought, and to sound) and on its use (how it varies from person to person and situation to situation). Each of these different approaches complements the other. The Department was ranked first in the UK in the most recent research assessment exercise. It is consistently ranked within the top three in the UK for teaching and research.

We offer a single honours degree in English Language and Linguistics, and a number of joint degrees. We also offer an MA in Linguistics, and have a thriving PhD programme.

To find out about some of the work we do in this department, visit our blogs on sociolinguistics @http://linguistics-research-digest. blogspot. co. uk / and bilingualism @ http://qmulbilingualism.



Book your tickets to this year's Jenny Cheshire Lecture, featuring Professor Paul Foulkes (Department of Language & Linguistic Science, University of York) talking about sociophonetics from a child's perspective.
Friday 7 June, 18:30-20:00, with a reception to follow hire-lecture-2019-ã€Î


Last week, Queen Mary was fortunate enough to host the Undergraduate Linguistics Association of Britain (ULAB) 2019 conference, organised by three of our final-year undergraduates, Macarena Chiclana, Maria Ples, and Julia Skrobol. We are incredibly proud of all the work they put in. Congratulations on running a very successful conference!
ULAB 2019 featured talks by all three, as well as presentations by our own Professor David Adger and Te-Yu Chen.
Photos by Maria Ples.


Three days left to register for ULAB 2019 (undergraduate linguistics conference), taking place at Queen Mary next week! Also in the post below is a link to the full programme.


Two weeks to get your submissions in for the 2019 Linguistics Association of Great Britain conference, which will be hosted at Queen Mary!


New Linguistics Research Digest post from Christian Ilbury, summarising Maeve Eberhardt and Kara Freeman's 2015 Journal of Sociolinguistics article "〘First things first, I'm the realest〙: Linguistic appropriation, white privilege, and the hip【hop persona of Iggy Azalea".


Kira Hall: "Middle Class Timelines, Ethnic Humor, and Sexual Modernity in Delhi". Special invited lecture co-organised by @lissdtp and @KingsECS on Thursday 4 April, 17:00-18:30 at Queen Mary.
Middle Class Timelines, Ethnic Humor, and Sexual Modernity in Delhi
... The rise of India〙s global economy has reinforced a perception of English as a language of sexual modernity within the expanding middle classes. This article explores this perception in the multilingual humor of Hindi-speaking Delhi youth marginalized for sexual and gender difference. Their joking routines feature the Sikh Sardarji, a longstanding ethnic figure portrayed as circulating in modernity but lacking the English competence to understand modernity〙s sexual semiotics. Reflective of the economic restructuring that ushered in the millennium, the humor supports a normative progress narrative that prioritizes an ethnically unmarked urban middle class. At the same time, the lesbian, bisexual, and transgender youth who tell these jokes〔still criminalized under Section 377 when this fieldwork was conducted〔shift this narrative by positioning sexual knowledge at modernity〙s forefront. The analysis reveals how sexual modernity, here viewed as constituted in everyday interaction through competing configurations of place, time, and personhood, relies on normativity even while defining itself against it.
Kira Hall is Professor of Linguistics and Anthropology at the University of Colorado Boulder, and is the Director of the Program in Culture, Language and Social Practice. Her research examines issues of language and social identity in India and the United States, particularly as they materialize within hierarchies of gender, sexuality, and socioeconomic class and shift under processes of globalization. Her publications include the volumes Gender Articulated: Language and the Socially Constructed Self (with Mary Bucholtz, Routledge 1995) and Queerly Phrased: Language, Gender, and Sexuality (with Anna Livia, Oxford 1997), along with two volumes recognizing the life and work of Hindi poet, linguist, and folklorist Ved Prakash Vatuk: Studies in Inequality and Social Justice (2009) and Essays in Indian Folk Traditions (2007). With Rusty Barrett, she is the editor of the Oxford Handbook in Language and Sexuality, published in 2018.
Tickets and venue details here: vited-lecture-kiraã€Î
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New Linguistics Research Digest post from Marina Merryweather, summarising Pia Pichler nad Nathanial Williams' 2016 Language in Society article "Hipsters in the hood: Authenticating indexicalities in young men's hip-hop talk".


One week today: "Bringing Research into the Classroom: New Resources for Teaching A-Level English Language".
A workshop at Queen Mary sharing the latest research and teaching resources with A-Level and other English Language teachers.
Full details: esearch-into-the-cã€Î


Next week QMUL will hold an event on mental health and the PhD experience (30 January, 16:00-20:00)
Organised by QMUL linguistics PhD students Matthew Hunt and Louis Strange, PhD alum Fryni Panayidou, and Head of Student Life Magda Chanopoulou.〠Î/event-is-it-just-ã€Î/


QMUL linguists Daniel Harbour and David Adger have both recently featured in the media, providing expertise on sexism and Yoda respectively. Read more here:ã€Î/iã€Î/qmul-ling uists-in-the-media.html


We are pleased to welcome Dr Heather Burnett (CNRS-Universitûˋ Paris Diderot) to QMUL in early February for the first guest speaker seminar of 2019. Dr Burnett will present her work on a persona-based semantics for slurs. Basic details are below and the abstract can be found on our events listings: vents
Location: ArtsTwo 2.17 Time: 16.30-18.00 Title: A persona-based semantics for slurs


One month left to get your abstracts in for "Reading beyond words: Approaches to multimodality in the media", a symposium organised by PhD students Adrian Yip and Songyan Du, wth advice from Agnieszka Lyons.
Date of symposium: 12 April


New article summary on Linguistics Research Digest, discussing politeness (by Marina Merryweather): Don't thank us for this post, it's really "no problem": https://linguistics-research-digest.blogsã€Î/dont-thaã€Î
Original article by Aaron Dinkin, published in 2018 in the Journal of Sociolinguistics.


The department of Linguistics at Queen Mary University of London ( is pleased to invite applications for funded PhD studentships for 2019 entry. Supervision is available in all areas of the department〙s research expertise, including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, sociolinguistics, multilingualism, psycholinguistics and acquisition, among others. For full details of the areas we cover, see our PhD information page (...
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A reminder that the CLSS meeting is happening Friday, 17:00-19:00 ArtsOne Lecture Theatre! Info: he-identification-ã€Î 768583/


Considering postgraduate research opportunities? Join us for a PhD open evening on Wednesday 7th November. Info: us/openevents/


Over the weekend, Erez Levon, Adam Chong and Elisa Passoni gave presentations at ETAP4 (Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Prosody 4) at UMass Amherst!


Are you an A-level English teacher? If so, our 'English Language teaching resources' website has a whole host of exercises, data and information to get stuck in to!< br>

More about Linguistics Department - Queen Mary University Of London

+44 (0)20 7882 5555