Lip Filler & Wrinkle Treatment By Juniper Aesthetics - Hillingdon

About Lip Filler & Wrinkle Treatment By Juniper Aesthetics - Hillingdon

A small clinic specialising in wrinkle reduction treatments and dermal fillers run by a qualified and insured Nurse Prescriber trained to prescribe and administer the treatment.

Lip Filler & Wrinkle Treatment By Juniper Aesthetics - Hillingdon Description

Wrinkle Softening Injections (Botox)

Anti-wrinkle injections are the fastest and easiest way to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. They are the most popular non-invasive treatment in the UK and worldwide, with over one million people having the treatment.


We respect your confidentiality and no treatments or client details, are discussed with others. No photos of clients will be shared unless, this has been agreed.


At the face to face consultation we will discuss suitability, and your individual expectations. Then you will complete a medical questionnaire, and consent form. This will never be rushed and time will be taken to ensure you understand what is involved in the treatment, aftercare advice, and follow up review process.

Individual care.

Clinical photos are taken and you will be asked to frown and relax to study your facial muscles. This is to establish where to administer the injections. Any make-up will be removed and the skin disinfected. The treatment is very quick consisting of a series of small injections, and any discomfort is minimal and should not last any longer than a few minutes.


After one full treatment, the effects begin to be visible in 3-5 days, however individuals can vary. The final results can be seen at 2 weeks.
Results vary from patient to patient, but you can expect a softer more relaxed appearance, with smoother more youthful looking skin, this will increase your self-confidence.


We will offer a review appointment at two weeks to discuss your individual results, any minor adjustments with additional injections will be given at this time.

Results of treatments are temporary, lasting about 3 months so plan for additional injections. With repeated treatments, the effect tends to be sustained for even longer.

What is Botox?

It is probably best to describe what Botox is not! Botox is not botulism. Botulism food poisoning is caused by massive amounts of botulinum bacteria creating massive amounts of toxin. Botox, or Botulinum Toxin A to give it its full name, has been used in very dilute amounts for many years in ophthalmology, neurology and for cosmetic cases worldwide. In our treatments we use a miniscule amount of the chemical secreted by the botulism bacteria. There is nothing alive in the Botox injection.

Is it safe?

Perfectly. It is impossible to get poisoning from Botox injections as we use such diluted preparations.

How does it work?

Injections are given into the affected areas which temporarily put the over active muscles to sleep for about 3 months. This freezing of the muscle is always temporary and can never be permanent. So the muscle can be likened to an animal hibernating, the muscle temporarily hibernates.

Will it leave my face numb?

No. There is no change in your skin sensation.

Do the injections hurt?

No. The needles are very fine and the amount injected each time is very small. Some people say that it feels like a small bug bite so local anaesthesia or sedation is not required.

Which wrinkles can be treated?

The most commonly treated areas are the forehead, between the eyes (frown lines) and the crow’s-feet around the eyes. However, other areas can also be treated successfully such as the lower eyelid, décolletage, neck, lips, chin and bunny lines on the nose.

Will I be able to move my face afterwards?

Certainly! Just not as much. Extreme movement of the muscles that caused the wrinkles will have been prevented but the other normal facial muscles will not have been affected.

When will I see the difference?

Usually in 3-5 days but individuals vary. The greatest effect, however, is seen after 2 weeks or so.

How will I look after treatment?

You will notice a slight redness after treatment around the injection sites. This will settle after a few hours. You can apply an ice pack to help reduce redness and make up can be used to cover the redness.

Are there any side effects?

It is a very safe treatment. However, side effects can occur but are very rare. They can include slight bruising at the injection sites, slight headache and sometimes a slight drooping of the eyelid, which would only last a week or so. Because the effects of Botox are completely reversible any side effects are temporary and short lasting.

Is there anything I should avoid after treatment?

During the first 4 hours after treatment, we advise you to avoid vigorous exercise and drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. Otherwise you can carry on as normal.
You should also avoid rubbing the treated area during this time. Exteremes of heat, sunbeds, saunas & steam rooms should be avoided for two weeks.

How long will it last?

Again, individuals vary. In most cases you can expect excellent results for three months, the crows feet area lasting slightly less, with a gradually diminishing effect over the following 3 months. Regular treatment ‘trains’ the muscles not to move as much so that, over time, less treatment is needed to keep the facial muscles relaxed.

How often will I need treatment at Juniper Aesthetics?

On average most people like to come back about every 3-4 months or so when they first start their injections. People who have large facial muscles (like men) or who have very ‘expressive’ faces may require more frequent treatment. People who have regular top ups gradually require less and less treatment as their muscles are retrained.

What if I really don’t like the result?

That would be very unusual, but if that was so then remember that the effects are completely reversible and with a bit of patience you can have all your old wrinkles back.

Can anybody be treated with Botox at Juniper Aesthetics?

Almost, but not if you are pregnant or suffer from a any muscles wasting disease. We will not treat anyone under the age of 25.

…and the Benefits?

• You’ll have a softer, more relaxed appearance

• You’ll have a serene countenance enhancing your natural appearance

• Your “wrinkle” muscles will be gradually retrained leaving you with smoother, more youthful looking skin

• You’ll enjoy increased self confidence

More about Lip Filler & Wrinkle Treatment By Juniper Aesthetics - Hillingdon

Lip Filler & Wrinkle Treatment By Juniper Aesthetics - Hillingdon is located at Ub4 Hayes, Hillingdon