Listen With Your Eyes

About Listen With Your Eyes

Dogs are always speaking to their owners with their body language, I am here to teach people to understand their dogs and learn to listen with your eyes

Listen With Your Eyes Description

Dogs are always speaking to their owners with their body language, I am here to teach people to understand their dogs and learn to listen with your eyes.

I live on a mixed livestock farm, and have a lifetime of experience with dogs. I have studied dogs and their pack language all my life. I started off at a young age of 5 years old with my first ever cross breed. By the time I was 15 years old I had German Shepherd’s. Then I progressed to working with border collies.
Fifteen years ago I started working with my dog’s full time. I own a number of different breeds that all live together as one big pack. I have always trained my dogs using pack language for general behaviour and for sheep work, over the years I have learnt to understand and read their pack language. I have bred dogs and trained them for sheep work. Once I had learnt from my dogs, I started to advise others and teach others how to listen with their eyes and understand their dog /s and work with their dogs to achieve the desired behaviour.

Pack language is the same for all breeds, dogs are bred for lots of different purposes, but they all speak the same language.

Do you and your dog /s have problems with: chewing, toilet training, pulling on a lead, recall, fear of traveling in the car, problems visiting the vets or other public places, barking or growling, separation disorder, nervous submission or aggression.

Any problem you may have please come and learn to listen with your eyes. Any problem can be overcome and no dog is too young or old



Smacking kicking or being physically brutal with dogs or any animal for that matter is not only unforgivable but futile. Animals only respect a good pack leader who knows the body language and mental energy necessary to control any pack flock or herd.


Dogs are all pack orientated even different breeds are bred for different things still everything clicks together. When setting out if there are issues between you and your dog. ie wheel chasing chasing any moving thing, running off jumping up for the lead whatever the issue then set off on your walk as you mean to go on. Feeling confident calm and stress free. Saying to the dog/s 'That'll do' in the firmest lowest calmest voice possible. This can be said or just on occasion ie anticipate the reaction to things from the dog before it goes into the mode 'That'll do' and if a puppy it will soon learn if an older dog if used confidently that will also soon learn. It is no good avoiding the issue ie changing your walk your lifestile or whatever to avoid these issues Meet them face on with confidence calmness and determination and you will all win and be happy.
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When a dog reacts to moving things in the home scene Hoovers garden mowers etc Then include them in the activity if necessary attaching them to the lead and walking with them with the implement. Difficult I know but well worth it it gives them confidence to face up to their gremlins. Do not allow the machinery to run toward them place the dog always behind the machinery going away from them or sit them in or on it with you. Be relaxed but confident until the dog can l...ay down even yawning at your side whilst you work if sat on with you or go and lie down and ignore the machine. To add confidence leave the machine running and sit with the dog till you relax so much that the dog relaxes with you. To help you relax do the breathing excercises In to a count of 5 or more of your choice hold for the same amount breathe out to the same amount and hold for the same amount continue and you will both fall asleep together but make sure the machine is turned off first
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Dogs only have issues because they are with humans. Humans look at them and treat them with human thought. When you have a dog you need to learn to think dog. Take extra time when leaving them. Stand and relax do not rush off. If you do things rushed with them it upsets them that is not a pack leader way. You leave them in doubt that you are a good pack leader. If you are excited angry or any other emotion other than calm when with them then you are no longer thei...r pack leader. Even when using ploys to get them to do stuff you are not being a pack leader so it only works for that moment and so issues are formed. If you really really get inside a dog's head it opens up an amazing world of wonderful extra experiences we humans can have with dogs and helps you to understand dogs really I mean really understand dogs and even if you think you are relaxed you can relax even more
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Separation disorder really begins right at the beginning When a puppy is born it is born within a pack a well balanced pack but then when it comes into human contact more often than not that vital balance of the pack is lost. So the separation issues begin. The fact that the puppy has left the security of its birth environment is neither either than there to it if the vacation is treated properly If it is taken with sorrow in the humans at having taken the puppy away fro...m its birthplace then the sorrow is in the body language of the puppy's new owner which it reads in the body language of its new 'pack leader' and the pup thinks 'Well this is not right' so it tries to be the pack leader because of its natural instinct knowing that the pack needs one. Now this pup maybe a natural leader and so will take charge with confidence which becomes known to us as aggression but it is the human's fault through innocent ignorance that this is happening. It may be that the puppy is further down the pack and is trying to take a responsible role as pack leader which it finds naturally hard and so becomes more what we call nervous which can also become nippy Whatever the puppy's place in the pack should be if there is not a pack leader it will try to be one. So the human/s should become pack leaders by being the pups confidence. If the pup is lower in the pack than a natural pack leader then that confidence does not need to be massive just enough to make the puppy feel secure if the pup is a natural pack leader then the confidence has to be stronger. We need to be calm confident determined and keep the pup controlled so that it does what is acceptable to us and not what it thinks it should do and that way it will be confident enough to relax in the most perfect balanced pack which comes natural to the pup
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When toilet training Put the pup out every 15 mins and after food and as soon as he she wakens up. If you have used puppy pads indoors you are training the pup to relieve itself on the puppy pad indoors and may not want to relieve itself outdoors Pick the puppy pad up clean the floor thoroughly and move the puppy pad outdoors This way it will encourage the puppy to go out doors and keep your garden clean If you put the puppy pad in the same place each time it will be in a controlled area as well To just emphasis one of the comments below from Diane that she and her family on taking their pup out rang a bell until Ronnie realised and rang the bell each time he wanted to go out Now he taps the door with his paw Brilliant


Everything I say about the dog language on here is all done calmly and with positive mental energy


When another dog is showing who is boss to a lower rank dog then to master this we need to take control by either holding the lower dog over the higher ranker or just by sitting in between them with the lower ranker held a little higher and the balance is settled the human being the pack leader and making the rules then it is 'said' that the lower ranker has been brought up the pack to meet the higher ranker and so the problem is solved So easy and simple the dog language brilliant


When dogs submit They will hold their ears down and flat back their tails are down between their back legs they lick their lips and will not look you in the eye and even turn their head away All this is submission which can be made worse with how we react to it If we feel sorry for them it will make them even more submissive with their tails coming up under their body and the whole body going smaller We are not helping them by being like this so we need to stay positive... and in control for them and they will go to their natural position in the pack and what we must never do is practice what they do making ourselves come down to their level or even lower mentally To keep control of the pack we need to be mentally positive and take control of every situation and if we are not happy with what is going on in the pack which can consist of one dog and one or more humans this still a pack then we need to make sure the humans are the pack leaders there fore teaching the dog the ways we want the dog to live and to respect our thoughts on nipping and biting
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Any creature who has a brain and a nervous system feels pain


If when using the lead until the dog walks relaxed by your side or a little in front without pulling as some dogs like to do . do not hold the lead with the handle because if the dog is pulling it will act as an encouragement for the dog to pull like a horse pulls a cart which is helpful up hills but not when you are wanting the dog to behave sensibly with you. Hold the lead halfway down with the hand which is nearest to the dog. Be firm dominanat in mind but stay relaxe...d and keep the arm relaxed unless there is unwanted movement with the dog which you can obviously feel so you do not need to look down at the dog Keep walking it is your walk with eyes looking where you want them to look keeping positive If the dog does anything you do not want it to do just give a quick pull up and in just enough to refocus the dog not to strangle or hurt the dog in anay way Remember we are not just teaching the dog we are teaching the handler to be the pack leader which will lead to the dog following the handler to the ends of the earth without restraint as long as you are in a place where authorities will allow this In days gone by when there were no rules for leads and collars I have walked dogs through towns with no need of a lead and if you all learn the dominant mental energy you will only have to hold the lead lightly to keep the authorities happy the dog or any other animal will ever leave your side or just follow you
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Just had the 2 mins silence in respect of those who gave their lives bless them and not a sound on the farm All calm and can hear a pin drop still can 10 mins on brilliant If I am calm and quiet which takes some doing hahahahahaah they are calm and quiet good result. It has been brought to my attention that in some cases we have to be politically correct to wear a poppy and some people are under the misconception that we celebrate the war We are not celebrating we ar...e remembering and showing respect for the people who gave their lives through political instruction and what was politically correct about that. Bless 'em all and what a waste of lives and not only in the first world war but in wars before and after Thank goodness we are free as we can be and well done my dogs and animals for staying so quiet and all it is mental energy to control these wonderful living animals that I am thank ful to have
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I love having different breeds of everything All animals come from the same song sheet body mental energy language. It is like I have said many times fascinating.
In the early days of breeding I bred red cockers and that was when I first came to be introduced to human single mind thinking ie red cocker rage This is just a description of the top dog doing his/her job with human interference. Humans label the breed if they have had a nasty experience with a dog and I m...
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This page started out with dog language in mind but listen with your eyes is not just about people and dogs and teaching people to read their dogs body language but it also can be for all the animals They have all got this language
When we first came to live at the farm we soon realised that if we wanted to work on one animal she would know it long before we did be it cow sheep goat pig or dog even hens know They all pick up on our mental energy which comes out in our body language because yes we have it too long before we have even thought it The language of animals is truly an amazing and wonderful world to be in which we have virtually lost the sense of but it is all there brilliant


In all animals not just dogs there is the mental body language silent language that can be felt sensed all the time They are speaking to each other and us humans We have this ability also we involve ourselves in it many a time without realising it

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Listen With Your Eyes is located at LS17 9 Leeds