Little Dreams Consulting

About Little Dreams Consulting

We are baby and child sleep consultants, based in Bristol and South Wales, working with tired parents around the UK to help everybody get a better night’s sleep.

Little Dreams Consulting Description

I am a baby and child sleep consultant, based in Bristol, working with tired parents around the UK to help everybody get a better night’s sleep.



Thrilled to find out that we have been shortlisted in the Bristol Life Awards! Here’s the full list of finalists! 🍾


Meeting lots of soon to be parents to talk about the importance of sleep at the Expectant Parent event 😴


Top Tip Tuesday! We were talking about sleepy foods during our seminars so here they are! Having a light “sleep snack” before bed can ensure your little ones tummy is full and all these foods are easy to digest and help promote sleep!


This morning we are at the expectant parent event in Mothercare Eastville! If you are expecting a little one do pop down for plenty of tips.


Here it is! The link to our television debut! Let us know what you think! Jenna is around two minutes in.


Top Tip Tuesday! Early morning wakings can be tricky so check our, back to basics, early morning checklist if your little one is waking early! Remember sleep can be more complex so, if you need any help getting your little one to sleep, just get in touch!


It may be tricky to watch if you are not in the South West but Jenna was featured on the news this evening talking about whether teens should have later school start times!


Join us at Mothercare if you are expecting a new little one! We will be at events at #Mothercare in Cardiff and Bristol so do join us!


Sleep is just so incredibly important, Dr Matthew Walker sets out the basics in this great article for the Guardian!…/best-thin g-you-can-do-for-you…


Seminars!! Not only are we running them in Bristol, Fay is now running sleep seminars in Hereford! All details are on our events page so don't wait for them to sell out - buy your ticket now!


Join Fay Smith, a certified Sleep Sense Consultant from Little Dreams Consulting, for a sleep seminar concentrating on toddlers and pre-school children.
During the seminar you will hear her top tips to allow you to guide your child towards longer, better quality, sleep and get the chance to ask questions about your child's sleep
in addition you will learn... - the importance of sleep for children. - what the leading sleep experts have to say about the effects of lack of sleep on children (and you)! - how much sleep your child (and your family) needs. - the negative effects of disruptive sleep habits on your family — and how to fix them.
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Join Fay Smith, a certified Sleep Sense Consultant from Little Dreams Consulting, for a sleep seminar concentrating on 4-12 month olds.
During the seminar you will hear her top tips to allow you to guide your child towards longer, better quality, sleep and get the chance to ask questions about your child's sleep
in addition you will learn... - the importance of sleep for children. - what the leading sleep experts have to say about the effects of lack of sleep on children (and you)! - how much sleep your child (and your family) needs. - the negative effects of disruptive sleep habits on your family — and how to fix them.
See More


Fabulous that the importance of sleep is being recognised even more! 138248


Top Tip Tuesday! A routine can really help signal to your little one that bedtime is approaching! Be cautious as they get older, and are potty trained, that they don’t have too much to drink just before bed!


A little Sunday evening fun! How much sleep did you get last night, let us know in the comments...


Those faces! Absolutely gorgeous and super sleeping too!! This is how little Louie's parents felt about working with Fay...


Some great advice fromThe Insomnia Clinic speaking to Joe Wicks about sleep! We work with the Insomnia Clinic and their tips for mummies and daddies who can’t sleep, once their little ones can, are really helpful!


Top Tip Tuesday! This back to basics post is inspired by my own 4.10am waking this morning as my little one woke, chilly, in her room. A quick cover up is all it took to get her back to sleep but it was a timely reminder - especially as there is talk of snow on the horizon! If it is not the cold which has your little one waking in the night just get in touch, we can help!


“It used to be popular for people to say, ‘I’ll sleep when I’m dead.’ The ironic thing is, not sleeping enough may get you there sooner...”
Sleep really is incredible, if your little ones are not getting enough it may well impact them in the long term! Please do contact us so we can help your little one, and you, get the sleep you all need!


We thought we were beyond help! Our 10 year old daughter had developed sleep problems around the age of 5 then later developed anxiety which affected her bedtime even more. A month ago, our daughter was going to sleep around 10.30 or 11pm every night (after a long battle). We'd tried everything and were all exhausted, emotional wrecks, it was taking over our lives. We started working with Jenna a few weeks ago and my daughter has made huge progress. Both children are now asleep by 8.45/9pm and our family life is so much happier. I can't recommend Jenna more highly, I just wish we'd done something sooner!


We have just finished a two week consultancy with Little Dreams. Our little boy (6 months) has developed his self settling and sleep skills hugely. I’m incredibly proud of him but I know we could not have done it without Jenna’s help and support. He is so much happier having proper naps in the day (previously he would not nap at all) and sleep at night and we feel so much more confident going forward. I would thoroughly recommend getting in touch with Jenna.


We had a group workshop with Jenna and found it invaluable - I only wish I'd have been told this 7 months ago! Packed full of practical information and we all left with our own daily sleep plan to follow including naps and feeding. Finally a "how to" rather than a "what's wrong". Useful for every mum regardless of how well (or not!) your little one sleeps.


We contacted Jenna to organise a bespoke sleep seminar/workshop out of total desperation. My 5 month old daughter was waking throughout the night, sometimes every hour and would only settle for bedtime or naps by being fed to sleep.

With Jenna’s knowledge, guidance and support in less than a few days I had a baby who slept through the night and in less than 2 weeks is settling for and having substantial daytime naps.

I very nearly resigned myself to having a baby who just wasn’t a good sleeper thinking it would get better when she got older. I didn’t think we’d ever get to the stage where I could put my daughter in her cot, walk away and within minutes have her asleep.

I can’t recommend Jenna highly enough, she was able to answer all my questions and made me feel at ease immediately, giving me the tools to go away and help my daughters get the quality sleep she needed.

Thank you Jenna!!


This time last month I was getting ill through sleep deprivation with a 6.5 month old sleeping in 20 minute bursts. Last night my husband and I went out for the evening, spending quality time together, safe in the knowledge that our lo was asleep at home with Nana.

With Jenna’s guidance and the knowledge and structure Jenna has empowered us with, we’re now feeling a new lease of life - with our lo settling well each evening, sleeping through the night and getting into the swing of daytime naps. Even a fever hasn’t knocked her off being able to self-settle. Thank you Jenna.


Jenna was very supportive and helpful as we tried to get our 18 month old, Frida, into a better sleeping pattern. Frida went from needing to be picked up and rocked back to sleep at least once or twice through the night to sleeping straight through 12 hours or, if she woke up, was able to self sooth back to sleep. Jenna was readily available to talk and responded quickly to emails so we always felt we had support through the process. She was even able to work with us remotely and we still got very positive results. We would, and already have, certainly recommend her to any parents hoping to find better sleep for their little ones and themselves.


Jenna is an amazing resource of advice, support and care for the whole family. I’d most definitely recommend her.


Jenna has helped us get a good night sleep for the first time in 2 years! Our 2 1/2 year old was up multiple times and always ended up in bed with us. In under 3 weeks he now sleeps through 99% of the time, in his own bed, with little fuss if he does wake up. The sleep training has also helped our elder son (4 years). Great service, great support and well worth the money. Thanks a lot Jenna.


Jenna and Little Dreams Consulting worked wonders for us and our 9-month old. He was barely getting 90mins sleep without one of us having to cuddle him back to sleep. Within a week, Jenna helped us transform his sleep pattern. He now sleeps 11-12 hours straight. Unlike other sleep training we had heard about there were no tears. Worth also noting that we weren’t local so Jenna was even able to help us via Skype, phone and email. Can not recommend enough, I wish we’d done it sooner.


I recently attended a sleep seminar led by Jenna. I came away with heaps of practical advice and tips that I could put into practice that same day! Following Jenna’s advice from blogs and Facebook, I had already managed to get my little one from waking to feed every 2 hours to sleeping through the night in just 3 nights. After this seminar I started to work on getting him to take longer he napped for 2 1/2 hours!? Unbelievable! I’m certainly sticking with it. I’ve been shouting about it to every mum I see - if you need help with getting your baby to sleep, and to sleep longer, Jenna is your woman! ���

More about Little Dreams Consulting

07572 309404 or 01275 546919