Little Legends- Austin’S Next Big Step

About Little Legends- Austin’S Next Big Step

Meet our warriors Austin & Freddie born at 25 weeks. Austin has Cerebral Palsy-this page has been created to fundraise & help Austin take his Next BIG Step



Our little legends are famous again....💚💚


That moment when you truly feel like you have twin boys who can have the SAME enjoyment with the SAME activity..... winning! That’s what Sunday’s are for.....🙏🏻💙💙🙏🏻
... #littlelegends #austinsnextbigstep #twinstanleys #twinspiration
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A very draining, emotionally charged & anxious few weeks for us all following surgery - especially our awesome Austin. This SDR journey certainly is one hell of a that you can not fully prepare for.
... BUT.....
After a few weeks of worry & concern & constantly questioning...... is Austin on track with his rehab, should he be achieving more, are we inputting enough into his everyday true Austin style- he’s well & truly SMASHED IT!
This week has been utterly amazing for Aus & he has taken his progression to the next level. All his physios have confirmed that he is TOO GOOD FOR HIS WHEELCHAIR!!! Time to get this little legend on his feet- with his new golden frame & even some quad sticks!!
Austins Next Big Step is ever closer...
WHAT A HERO! And he’s OUR HERO! We couldn’t be prouder..... 💚💙💙💚
#SDRchangeslives #littlelegends #austinsnextbigstep #twinstanleys #twinspiration #CerebralPalsy #just4children
* we do not own the rights to this soundtrack*
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Wow! What a 3 weeks.....
We are mentally & emotionally exhausted.
We will never, ever forget Austins little face in the theatre recovery room. Nor will we forget the night post op with a very uncomfortable, crying little soldier who would barley let us touch him.
... Our hearts ache for the time we had to spend apart from Freds.
We are home! Discharged yesterday afternoon & we couldn’t be happier!
Austin - you are one little legend. We can not tell you how amazing you are. Proud is an understatement. Smashing physio & taking the rehabilitation in your stride is just what we expected you would do in true Aussie style.
We are beyond proud of both of our boys through what has been a tough & emotional rollercoaster few weeks.
Our journey has shown us who are true, true friends are with their unbelievable support along the way. Thank you so much- you kept us going through the difficult days.
Thank you for every message - it means a lot to us all.
Here’s to a new chapter in Austins Next Big Step.....he is one determined, courageous little man so watch this space 💚
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Day 14: 2 weeks ago today this little legend had just undergone several hours of pioneering surgery.
1 week since our last update & with sheer hard work & the typical Austin grit & determination- he’s smashed it!!
... THIS IS WHAT WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR........Austin is up on his feet!
Austin you are literally AMAZING 👣💙💚💚💙👣 #austinsnextbigstep #littlelegends #twinstanleys #twinspiration #CerebralPalsy #SDRchangeslives #just4children
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💜World prematurity day....💜
This time 4 years ago, our little family were living separately but for a very different reason to now...... Arriving at just 25 weeks in August instead of December, our little warriors fought with all their might & determination to stay alive. They battled so many hurdles to stay with us & grew strong enough to finally be able to come home & start life as a family.
... 4 years on..... Once again, our little family are living separately & it’s been heart breaking. Never have we spent so long away from either of our babies. 12 tough, emotionally & physically exhausting days so far in Great Ormond Street for a huge, life changing operation for Austin. So far- he is smashing it & progressing like the little soldier he always is. 9 days left to go.....
As for Fred’s.....he’s the unsung miracle. Born 15 weeks early & smashed every single milestone. What an amazing little man!
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to the NICU nurses & doctors who put their all into keeping the faith & keeping our babies alive. We are forever grateful.
So Aus & Fred’s. Our hero’s. Words can not tell you how proud we are of you both or how lucky we are to have you both as our sons. Thank you for being so amazing.....thank you for being you. We love you both more than you will ever know 💜💜
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Day 6: another amazing day for Aus. Started the day with a panto on the ward, morning physio & being filmed by the GOSH film crew who are following our journey for an upcoming campaign... Picked up his standing frame & we are all now in the patient hotel- just the 3 of us having sleepovers for 2 weeks- it’s so nice! Over & out now for a few days whilst we enjoy our little hero to ourselves- will update you all soon..... 👣💙💚💚💙👣 #austinsnextbigstep #littlelegends #twinstanleys #twinspiration #CerebralPalsy #SDRchangeslives #just4children
* I don’t own the rights to the soundtrack for this video
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Day 5: Slightly longer video today as the amazing Austin has yet again smashed physio- mastered switching into his wheelchair, kneeling & floor work- he even sat on his own unaided! Never did we think he would be this strong so quickly. Finished with a trip to pick up his new glasses- followed by a well deserved afternoon nap- this boy is AMAZING!! Austin you are a true inspiration to Mummy & Daddy- thank you for being you!... 👣 💙💚💚💙 👣 #austinsnextbigstep #littlelegends #twinstanleys #twinspiration #CerebralPalsy #SDRchangeslives #just4children
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Day 4: This evening we’ve had to wave goodbye to our Freds 😢 but..... another amazing day for Aus with physio with outings to the Disney reef, GOSH chapel & a surprise visit to the staff secret rooftop garden in his new wheelchair. Great end to a tough week- here’s to the start of a new one! 👣 💙💚💚💙 👣... #austinsnextbigstep #littlelegends #twinstanleys #twinspiration #CerebralPalsy #SDRchangeslives #just4children
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And so it begins......the next chapter of hard work & dedication. After a few Tough, tough days, in true Austin style he has absolutely smashed his 1st day of physio! His GOSH physio was blown away with his strength - more than most children achieve post SDR. Fred is with us for the weekend which has made us all, but particularly the boys very happy being together. Austin is back to his cheeky little character & he’s ready to show the world what he can do!... 👣 💙💚💚💙 👣 #austinsnextbigstep #littlelegends #twinstanleys #twinspiration #CerebralPalsy #SDRchangeslives #just4children
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Day 2.....what a little legend we have!
Austin is off of all morphine!! He’s just having paracetamol for pain relief & another med to keep his back muscles relaxed. He had a good sleep & lots to drink & eat!
... Freds came to visit for the weekend together with the grandparents.
Aus received an amazing card from all of His friends at school 😍
So proud of him!
Here’s to Day 3 today.....catheter comes out & 1st physio session!!! Let’s do this Aus 💪🏼
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Day 1: they say “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” We know this is true as we have a VERY strong boy on our hands! Very tough night with lots of pain & monitoring. Aus has spent most of today sleeping! Here’s to what day 2 brings us- well done Aus 👣 💙💚💚💙 👣 #littlelegends ... #austinsnextbigstep #twinstanleys #twinspiration #CerebralPalsy #SDRchangeslives #just4children
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Anxious, emotional, nervous but...... AUSTIN YOU GOT THIS 💚🙏🏻💚 #littlelegends #austinsnextbigstep #twinstanleys #twinspiration ... #CerebralPalsy
#SDRchangeslives 👣 #just4children
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Today was a very big day for us all!! Austin collected his new magic chair & absolutely loved it! He’s a pro already..... Reality has kicked in.......the big op is in just a few days 😬 👣💙💚💚💙👣


Hi all
A massive thanks to everybody for digging deep and supporting Austin’s Next Big Step 👣 🙏
We are truly blessed and overwhelmed with the generosity so far!
... If you are one of our amazing friends or family that have already supported us- thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
The great but very scary news is after years of waiting and fundraising we are now exactly 1 week- YES 1 WEEK away from Austins big day!
We will be going into Great Ormond Street next Tuesday and will live there as a family for just under 4 weeks.
When we leave Austin will be 100% dependent on a wheelchair & will have to learn to use every muscle in his body again. The generosity so far has meant that we have been able to do some vital work on the house to make everyday life easier & more accessible for him.
He now has his own Gym so the physio can visit Austin at home & we can build his rehabilitation into his everyday life.
We are about to embark on an incredibly tough/ emotional/ nerve wracking journey for the next few years but with our little warrior’s determination we know he will do us all proud!
If you haven’t already donated please support Austin this week before we start our new chapter.
We will keep you all posted with updates & videos as our little legend progresses through the operation & his rehab.
Please please please if you can- click on the link below & support our incredible Austin.
Thank you…/just4child r…/austinsnextbigstep
👣 💙💚💚💙 👣
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Before this video was taken....Austin smashed his own PB out of the water & STOOD, UNAIDED for well over 2 solid minutes!!!
It’s now Just 2 weeks until the big day.....
Nerves, anxiety, excitement have well & truly kicked in but this Little Legend keeps us focused on what the future holds for him & us all as a family 💚💚


2 very intense, very real days of pre-op assessments for our Austin. He gave it his all & was his amazing, happy-self as always! We are beyond proud of him - he tackles every single appointment head on with a big smile on his face.
For us, the reality of the pioneering operation has kicked in. It is going to be one of the most intense & toughest periods of all of our lives but we are so ready for it to change Austins life & give him his independence he so deserves.
7th Nove...mber....we’re ready for you-bring it on!
#littlelegends #austinsnextbigstep #twinstanleys #twinspiration #CerebralPalsy #SDRchangeslives #just4children
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DRUM ROLL- the final figure raised from Austins Black Tie Ball is in......
We raised an OVERWHELMING.....
... AND....
We have some more amazing news.....Austins surgery is booked in for....
Absolutely unbelievable! We can not thank our black tie guests & all our other supporters enough- you truly are legends yourselves. Austin (& Freddie) really are such loved & adored little men! We are beyond grateful.
Here’s to our next chapter & Austins Next Big Step 💚💚
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More about Little Legends- Austin’S Next Big Step

Little Legends- Austin’S Next Big Step is located at Thorpe Bay, SS1 3 Southend-on-Sea