Live Screenplay Readings

About Live Screenplay Readings

A script reading group to meet on a regular basis to workshop scripts with live actors.

Live Screenplay Readings Description

I am looking for Actors and Writers and potentially other producers and Filmmakers to get their arses in gear and workshop their work.

I believe this will not only raise the bar for the quality of work produced in the region but is a vital networking opportunity for writers and performers alike.

The problem is no-one has any money at the moment so what I propose to do is workshop scripts on a volunteer basis and to provide constructive criticism to those brave enough to submit their work.

AGENDA - 2 hr session

I would also like to begin each session with a physical warmup for the actors based on Improv Games - which I would very much hope the writers would join in.

This will be followed by a writing exercise which I would very much hope the actors would join in.

Followed by a bit of theory, screenplay news, whats coming up etc.

If enough people become active I intend to split the groups in to specific genres ie Drama, Horror, Comedy etc. and have small working groups.

Writers presenting work will be required to bring half a dozen photocopied scripts for the actors they want to read their parts. And a little introduction to the piece would be nice. All submitted scripts are the Intellectual Property of the submitting writer.

Then the script reading will begin. : )

Then we will have a discussion on the script, debrief, constructive criticism, punch-ups etc.

This is intended to be a safe environment but one where genuine progress can be made so please invite anyone you think it will be of interest.

Feature film scripts are obviously longer and will take up longer than the whole session so we might start off with a max reading length of 20 mins in the beginning to give everyone a fair crack.

I suggest it would be useful to video the readings as it will be a useful reference tool for the writers as it documents not only the actor's performances but also the audience reaction to your work.

To participate you will need a willingness, an open mind and a sense of adventure. Comfortable clothing and writing materials and paper or laptop (depending upon how flash you are) are optional but very useful.

I'll post a survey to get feedback on ideas but think a forum may be useful.

Nominal £1 to cover costs of room, obviously waived if you're genuinely skint so please come along and I'll give you a pauper's moral support hug for free.

Apparently we're all in this together. . . so lets fucking do something about it!
Dawn 1 Nov 2012

More about Live Screenplay Readings

Live Screenplay Readings is located at BarLoco 22 Leazes Park Road Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 4PG Newcastle upon Tyne