
About Livepure

Michele passionately believes in the healing power of nature and nutrition, working with an integrated approach to healing that incorporates the whole person including; the physical, emotional and mental bodies.

Livepure Description

Talking all things nutrition, wellness and how we can all feel great!



I apologise for the lack of posting over the past 6 months but LivePure has changed direction a little and I'm now focussing on wellbeing in the workplace rather that one to one clients. I've teamed up with the amazing SuperWellness who are currently changing workplaces every day into healthy vibrant environments. I was planning not to post any further updates on this FB pagebut I've had many messages (lots in Christmas cards) saying how much some of my posts have helped to ...inform and educate. So I'm back posting information or tips or just my thoughts. I'm hoping to change the name of the page once I get my tech head on (that means find someone who can do it for me as I haven't got a clue).
I wish you all a very happy healthy 2018 ..... and if you still have a New Year's resolution to make ......try the one that says "2018 is the year I look after myself"
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This study isn't new and it's message is not just about sperm counts in men - please read the article. The choices we make ARE directly linked to our health and wellbeing. All the airy-fairy people in charge of our health policies haven't got the gumption (as my nan would say) to shout this message and take action. Cynical me would say it's because they don't want to upset the fat cats behind the crap offerings labelled food and the pharmaceutical giants and of course YOU - their electorate. Our economy cannot afford us to continue in this way and our bodies certainly can't. I'm pleased that at last scientists are showing up, maybe they can save us.…/western-fer tility-under-threat-…


Superfood salad in the sunshine


What's left in the fridge lunch - but still managed to be 5 of my 10 a day and was delicious


According to research by Glasgow University getting active before you tuck into your porridge may help you shed more fat. Even a brisk dog walk or to the shop to buy a newspaper can make a difference.


Fast Food and a way to get in 3 portions of vegetables


I'm sure you all heard in the media last week that new approved guidelines for optimum health now recommend 10 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. This is NOT new knowledge! For years the people in charge of our health have known that the current recommended 5 portions a day does not create the health benefits we need, but when a high percentage of the population are not achieving more that 2 portions a day telling everyone to eat 10 was not going to be a good news stor...y. I don't know why the powers that be have had a change of heart, perhaps it is the out of control NHS deficit that has prompted a reality check. A vast amount of feedback I listened to was very negative and was really stressing people, so during March I will be posting "Make Every Mouthful Count" and hopefully will give some hints and tips if you are struggling to get in 10 a day.
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We all know the amazing benefits of meditation but sometimes it's hard to get started on your own. There are great new workshops starting at Neals Yard in Tunbridge Wells with the lovely Caroline Wright see details below


I am really excited to be invited to join the wonderful Bird (champion of women and in my opinion an absolute superwoman) on Channel Radio at 1 pm tomorrow - The Conversation with Sarah Anne Lucas (Bird on a Bike). Every week she chats to the most amazing inspirational people who share their beliefs, thoughts and feelings with her and her listeners - I hope to live up to her previous guests! Please check out her show at - to listen again tion-show/ or on her website It really is a breath of soul food xx


Snow, Snow, Snow
Unfortunately the photo isn't actually the view from my garden! I just wanted to say let's celebrate the snow. Did you know how good feeling a bit cold is for your health? When we are cold the body burns up massive amounts of calories trying to keep warm. That's why centrally heated homes, offices and the heating in our cars are a massive contributing factor to the rise in obesity....nobody is ever really cold anymore. Also when you are cold your bod...y temperature increases to keep you warm and that little change can kill off nasty germs before they become full blown horrible colds, sore throats etc. And lastly it is so pretty to look at ... get on some sensible shoes (I've seen some crazy footwear sights already this morning) and go for a walk and look at the trees. Appreciating nature and being outside releases the feel good neurotransmitters. Happy Snow Day.
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Happy New Year. I wonder how you are all feeling? If like me you've eaten a bit too much, drunk more than usual during the holiday season and now are struggling to get those energy levels back and get back to healthy living - then we have an offer for you. A month long programme to give your gut a cleanse, your liver a boost and get you back on track, or maybe to start to make some changes that will make you feel great. The Detox, Cleanse and Get Back on Track Program w...ill give you a month long guided fully supported plan. Starting with a 9 day cleanse (please note this is NOT a fast), followed by 21 day clean eating plan. Also..... Access to a closed Facebook group Educational and motivational updates every day Cleanse program shopping list 3 weeks of clean eating menus Cleansing supplements 3 exercise sessions 1 to 1 Phone/skype review each week Cost of program £85
We will be starting on Monday 9th January so if you would like more information or want to join us please message me or call 07899 981992
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Did you know parabens are linked to hormonal imbalances - check what you are putting on your skin as these horrors are everywhere!


Drinking calming teas can help with sleep but brewing a cup of herbal tea with lavender, lemon balm or chamomile dried herbs then pouring into a warm bath is a great way to calm and relax the body and mind.


A few spaces remaining..... WINTER PROOF YOUR HEALTH WORKSHOP THURSDAY 24TH NOVEMBER 6.00PM -7.30 PM NEALS YARD REMEDIES, 64 MOUNT PLEASANT ROAD, TUNBRIDGE WELLS An informal, fun and interactive evening which will give you:... * Information to make the right food choices to boost your immunity * Preventative steps you can take to feel great all winter-long * Holistic first aid kit ideas in case the dreaded bugs do strike * Simple ways to incorporate the right exercises into your daily routine to keep the body systems moving in the cold months * Tips to winter-proof your skin and keep that gorgeous summer glow
Investment is £20 which will include handouts, goody bags, samples and laughter. Bring a friend and receive a £5 reduction on the second ticket. 20% all Neals Yard Products too! To book please call Michele on 07899 981992 or 01892 664596, places are limited.
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Looking forward to a great day

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