Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral

About Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral

Spectacular in both scale and design, the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King is an iconic symbol of Catholic life, worship and community.



To mark #BlackHistoryMonth our archive department have been looking back at the 1989 visit to South Africa by Archbishop Derek Worlock and Bishop of Liverpool, David Sheppard. The team's findings will be on display in the Cathedral archives for the whole of October. Find out more here: .php?p=1676


We're so proud to see our choristers representing the Cathedral and city this weekend in Cologne. Follow their adventures over at Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral Music Department


With all of our pilgrims now back home safe and well, we've had the final instalments of their diary. A huge congratulations to all of our lovely group. We hope you've enjoyed following their journey as much as we have! #MetCaminoDiary
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Great news! We've had word that our pilgrims reached the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela over the weekend! We'll share their words and photos from the final stretch shortly. #MetCaminoDiary


More lovely photos and an update from our pilgrims just in: #MetCaminoDairy
PALAS DE REI TO MELIDE "The accommodation in Sarria and Palas de Rei has been basic hostel accommodation, and Portomarín very pleasant with some rooms having baths and balconies (not all in the same room). The group leader touted the accommodation for the next stage of the journey in Melide at the end of Day 4 as somewhere between the two.
... After breakfast we gathered for morning prayers, followed by a new addition to the daily routine, a workout on the street outside the hostel.
Spiritual and physical needs taken care of for the day, we set off for Melide. This came as a disappointment to those who thought the workout was a substitute for the day’s walk.
The walk to Portomarín had covered 23km and the walk from there to Palas de Rei 25km, so the journey to Melide, at just over 14km, was described by the group leader as little more than a half a day.
Unfortunately, the baths at the hotel in Melide were little more than a glorified shower tray. With the exception of those of us who were also contortionists or didn’t need them anyway, these 'half-baths' were unsuitable for soaking sore knees. The design of the baths may have been linked to the massage service advertised at hotel reception, and to the limited supply of hot water, as the group leader discovered. On reflection, these wouldn’t really have been issues for the Apostle.
So far we've encountered many interesting characters on the way, some offering free hugs and old hippie wisdom. Asked where he was from, one replied: “heaven”. Met with the riposte that we are all from heaven, he pondered before adding: “ yes, but some of us have forgotten”.
By happy coincidence we also met a family group including a lady who had been a delegate attending the Eucharistic Congress in Liverpool last weekend.
Arriving in Melide in time for the late afternoon shops, some of the group went into a shop selling hand crafted leather shoes, belts and wallets. The master cobbler turned out to have a brother living in Granby Street, and had visited Liverpool several times."
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Another update from our pilgrims, and we're all getting slightly jealous here at Cathedral House. Whose signing up for next year? #MetCaminoDiary
PORTOMARIN TO PALAS DE REI "After a good night’s sleep, a good breakfast (is there a theme emerging here?) morning prayers and a reading from the letter of St James, we set off for Palas de Rei.
... The morning session was mostly up hill, with several kilometres climbed before arrival at Ventas de Naron, although the subsequent downhill sections were sometimes just as challenging. The pace was set by some of the Liverpool fans amongst the pilgrims, determined to reach Palas de Rei in good time for the match.
Sister Catherine organised Mass at the church in Palas de Rei served by the Comboni Fathers. Fr Tony said the Mass for the group and several other pilgrims who joined us, allowing an opportunity to offer up our personal petitions for the Camino, and read the individual prayers provided for each pilgrim by the church.
After Mass everyone got ready for a very enjoyable dinner at Meson A Forxa to round off the day and share their stories. Some of these might have been embroidered as the evening wore on...."
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We've had another update from our pilgrims. This just in from Beth: #MetCaminoDiary
SARRIA TO PORTOMARIN "The late arrival in Sarria left part of our group wandering around the desert in the night, if not for forty days then at least for 40 minutes, before they finally gained access to their hotel at about 2am. On the bright side this group got a full breakfast the next morning while the rest got a drink and a slice of bread.
... After morning prayers in Sarria we all set off at about 8.40 and immediately started to climb fairly steep steps out of the town, setting the scene for a day’s walking through the mountains.
We each walked at our own pace, and some stragglers were passing through Barbadelo when a local stopped them and insisted that 'if you wanted to do the Camino properly you must visit the church of St James of Barbadelo'. This detour left the groups of pilgrims even more strung out.
Approaching Portomarín some in the advance parties chose the sensible route via the main road. Others, arriving later, unwittingly chose the challenging route via what Sister Catherine described as the Devil’s steps.
An evening meal and a good night’s sleep prepared us for the lengthy walk to Palas de Rei the following day."
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We love these photos from a recent Liverpool Biennial family day. The activities centred around Ryan Gander's artwork, which was inspired by (and is located at) the Cathedral. Have you visited yet?


Our Pilgrims before they set off this morning. Give them a 'like' to send your prayers and support 👣👣👣


We've finally heard from our pilgrims, who have arrived safe and sound. Beth writes:
"About 13 hours after leaving Liverpool we arrived in Sarria for the start of the Camino.
Things had got off to a troubling start at the airport gate in Manchester when the Group Leader was told he could sit in one of the priority seats reserved for passengers requiring assistance. Perhaps it was the after effect of a very nice glass of duty free consumed earlier (in contravention of Regulat...ions but in the spirit of pilgrims).
Fortunately the group’s honorary apothecary has packed sufficient medicines and aids to take care of most physical complaints, especially if they are blister-related.
Things started well in Bilbao, where we began their arduous week by boarding the GoCo VIP PlusBus for the journey to Sarria 😂." #MetCaminoDiary
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Today a group of 30 people from our Cathedral community will set off to Spain to walk the Camino de Santiago.
Our pilgrims will be led by our very own Cathedral Dean, Canon Anthony O’Brien and will walk a total of 120km over six days.
We’ll be sharing their progress along the way, so check back on our page for regular updates!


Some more great photographs from Sunday's procession here. Thank you Sue Mannings for sharing these. #Adoremus2018


A big thank you to Con Mchugh who took some brilliant photos from #adoremus2018. Can you spot yourself in the crowd?…/137798897…/a lbums/72157695319675660


Some more photos from a beautiful day here at the Cathedral. Safe journeys to all who have travelled far and wide to be with us here today. #Adoremus2018
Photos © Mazur/ and BirminghamCatholicYouthService


Thank you to the thousands of people who joined us this morning for Mass. We felt hugely privileged to welcome so many pilgrims from across the UK and beyond #Adoremus2018


Wow. What a wonderful first day of #Adoremus2018. Thank you to everyone who joined us for Mass after such a busy day at the ACC yesterday. Visit to see a great selection of photos from the weekend. Photos ©Mazur/


Our Floral Carpet is complete! Thank you to our team of wonderful volunteers who helped to install it today. We can’t wait to share it with you all this weekend. #adoremus

More about Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral

Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral is located at Cathedral House Mount Pleasant, L3 5TQ Liverpool
0151 709 9222