Liz Mcwatt: Holistic Nutritional Therapy, Homeopathy & Aromatherapy

About Liz Mcwatt: Holistic Nutritional Therapy, Homeopathy & Aromatherapy

Nutritional Therapy, Homeopathy & Shamanic Healing consultations in Kendal, Cumbria or remotely by Skype or telephone

Liz Mcwatt: Holistic Nutritional Therapy, Homeopathy & Aromatherapy Description

With a successful private practice dating back to 1996 and a professional career spanning more than 30 years in a clinical healthcare environment, I am one of the UK's most experienced nutritional therapists and complementary therapists with a wealth of knowledge and experience in supporting clients to optimise their health.

I aim to boost your energy levels and improve your health and sense of well-being by utilising nature's many healing gifts. The treatments I can offer to you include:

Nutritional Therapy - to encourage you eat the best foods to boost your vitality and improve your physical, mental and emotional health.

Homeopathy - using remedies specially chosen for you to raise your bodies vital energy and promote holistic healing and emotional harmony.

Shamanic Healing - an ancient but effective nature based healing for mind, body and spirit.

Aromatherapy - using pure essential oils and massage to encourage relaxation and healing and to soothe away the stresses of modern life.

Working together using the power of nature we can bring about a healthier, happier more energetic you.

How can I benefit from Nutritional Therapy?
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Nutritional Therapy is more than ’healthy eating’ or impersonal ‘nutritional advice’. A Nutritional Therapy programme is specially designed to meet your body's needs. It will support your body's natural ability to maintain health by supplying the nutrients that you need to optimize your healthy emotional, mental and physical function.

What are the benefits of Nutritional Therapy?
Typical priorities in Nutritional Therapy consultations are support to achieve optimum energy levels, healthy blood sugar balance, emotional and psychological wellbeing, optimum gastrointestinal health and tolerance to a broad range of food groups.

What can I expect from my first consultation?

When you make an appointment to see me for a consultation, I will send you a questionnaire to fill in and bring with you to your first appointment. If you have had any blood tests done by your Doctor, it would be useful for you to bring the results along with you so that I can assess them from a functional medicine perspective. At your first appointment I will ask you to tell me in detail about the problems you want help with; I will also ask for details of your medical history, any treatments you may have had, your family history, and your general state of physical and emotional well being. We will also discuss your diet and look at lifestyle factors which may be affecting your health.
I may recommend laboratory tests if I feel they would be helpful.
What you get following your initial consultation:
A personalized dietary programme and supplement recommendation sheet along with detailed handouts to inform you and help you to make the changes as easily as possible. These will be sent to you within a few days of your appointment.

Interpretation of your blood tests from an functional health perspective along with comprehensive interpretation of any lab tests I recommend.
If you have indicated that you would like Homeopathic Remedies as part of your treatment plan, then these will be sent out with the above information.

It is my intention to support all aspects of your physical and emotional well being along with lifestyle advice to help you life your life to the full.

Why should I have follow up consultations?

Follow-ups are important. They give you an opportunity to discuss in detail any problems you are experiencing and allow me to assess your response to the programme I have set and make any adjustments necessary to optimise the benefits to you.

In addition you will get an updated supplement sheet and diet recommendations where appropriate along with Interpretation of any new test results and additional handouts as appropriate.
I usually recommend that the initial follow-ups are at 4-6 weekly intervals

Support In-between Consultations

I do give you comprehensive handouts to help support you through making dietary and lifestyle changes. If you are experiencing any problems you will be able to contact me in between consultations.

If you cannot carry out any recommendations because the information is unclear or missing– then you can email or call between consultations to get the information you need.

If you are experiencing problems in response to the programme, one short 15 minute phone call will be included in your initial consultation charge. Any additional time will be charged for. Full consultations are also flexible and can be moved back or forward, depending on your individual needs.

What about supplements / how much will they cost?

The cost of supplements varies. You will receive a supplement recommendation sheet with information about where you can order the supplements for yourself / alternatively if you wish I can order your supplements for you. I also prepare an invoice which details costs and pot sizes so you can budget prior to ordering.
Supplement recommendations are fully negotiable and tailored to your individual needs. I use the most effective and safe supplements I can source and all recommendations will take into account your financial and practical limitations; for example budget available per month and the ability to swallow capsules etc. . .

Can I take supplements if I am on medication?

I will check all of your medication thoroughly and advise you of any potential interactions with foods or nutrients.
Note I am unable to give you advice about prescribed medication that must continue to be monitored by your medical practitioner.

What Tests are available?

I work with a number of established laboratories and suggest functional tests if I think they will be helpful in assessing your symptoms.

Tests I commonly recommend include:
• Adrenal Stress Index Test
• Thyroid Function
• Urinary Iodine /Halides
• Comprehensive Stool Analysis /Gastro-intestinal Function
• Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Profile (includes: ATP Profile /Mitochondrial Function, Cell Free DNA, Red Cell B3, and SODase)
• Leaky Gut (Gut Permeability)
• Food & environmental Intolerances & Allergies
• Kryptopyrroles / Pyroluria and HPU
• Lymphocyte Sensitivity (Heavy Metals or chemical toxicity)

“To Eat is a necessity, to eat intelligently is an art” La Rochefoucauld

What is Homeopathy and how can it help me?
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Homeopathy emphasises the importance of working with you as an individual and of understanding you as a whole person rather than only understanding a single "diseased part". In this way it acts not by superficially supressing symptoms, but aims to bring about health and vitality by healing you from within.
It works on the principle that 'like treats like'. Your symptoms or illness are treated with a medicine which could produce similar symptoms in a healthy person.
The active ingredients are given in highly diluted form to avoid toxicity. Homeopathic remedies are virtually 100% safe.
It works in a dynamic way influencing the bodies energy
Homeopathy is successful in treating a wide range of conditions, often after conventional medicine has failed.
Prescribing is based on all aspects of a individual's condition. The individual's personality and lifestyle are important.
Homeopathy integrates well with conventional medicine.

"The highest ideal of cure is the speedy, gentle, and enduring restoration of health by the most trustworthy and least harmful way. " -
Samuel Hahnemann, founder of Homeopathy

Essences to support Mind-Body Healing?
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• Mind-body healing draws on the power of thoughts and emotions to affect physical health & well-being. This is not a new concept; it has been part of ancient indigenous healing practices such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic Medicine for thousands of years.
• The goal of mind-body techniques is to get the body and mind to relax and to reduce the levels of stress hormones in the body, so that your immune system is better able to fight off illness. The benefit of learning to work with the mind body connection is not only in its ability to help you improve your health, but to achieve more of what you want in your life and live your life to the full.
• There are many ways to work positively on emotional health and well-being to improve your health and vitality. These can include practices such as yoga, meditation, relaxation exercises, ensuring you spend more time with friends and loved ones, taking regular exercise, spending time in nature - taking time to appreciate and enjoy your life.
• The use of essences is one way to help you to work on promoting positive feelings of well-being and dissolve negative thought patterns and in this way they can act as catalysts for change helping us to regain a renewed sense of health and well-being.

What is Shamanic Healing / How can it help me?
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• Shamanism is without a doubt one of the most powerful and empowering healing modalities I have encountered and personally I have found it to be of enormous benefit in my life.
• Shamans believe that illness occurs for two main reasons: loss of power or soul loss: Power loss is caused by a loss of a sense of connection to nature and the spiritual world. Soul loss occurs because a part of us leaves as a result of traumatic physical or emotional event. Both soul loss and loss of power can leave us in a vulnerable state and open to intrusions which can further deplete us. Intrusions can take various forms, largely these are negative thought forms and beliefs, often from others, but they can also include addictions and addictive behaviours, toxins, toxic relationships etc. . .
• Shamanic healing seeks to gently remove toxins and intrusions, restore power and lost soul parts to bring about a truly holistic healing of the mind, body and spirit.

What is Soul Retrieval / How can it help me?
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Soul loss is when we lose a part of ourselves usually through some kind of trauma. Soul loss can occur for various reasons, such as physical or emotional trauma, bereavement, near death experiences. In some cases we may have sent part of ourselves away so that we could cope with our reality and in some cases we may have given a part of ourselves away in a relationship. We hear people say things like “when . . . . . . . . . . . . . died, I lost part of myself too”. It may not be a loss of a person, but a loss of a pet, or a job, business, home etc. .
Is there a time when you could say, I have never felt well since. . . . . . . . . . ?
When I first heard the term soul retrieval, it instantly resonated with me and I knew I had to have one done. I have to say it was one of the most powerful healing experiences I have had.

How can Aromatherapy Massage Benefit Me?
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Massage can benefit you in many ways, and is a perfect accompaniment to the use of Aromatherapy oils. Massage can help you by:
Stimulating the circulation and function of the lymphatic system which helps your body to detoxify
Reduce stress by causing a release of Endorphins which promote relaxation of the nervous system
Relaxing muscles and easing stiff joints
Lowering your blood pressure
Boosting your immune system by increasing white cell count

A consultation can be arranged with Liz either in Kendal or Carlisle in Cumbria or Clitheroe, Lancashire. All venues are easily accessible to Cumbria, Lancashire, North West England and Southern Scotland being in close proximity to the M6.

More about Liz Mcwatt: Holistic Nutritional Therapy, Homeopathy & Aromatherapy

Liz Mcwatt: Holistic Nutritional Therapy, Homeopathy & Aromatherapy is located at 18 West Street, LA9 5QL Kendal